October 16, 2024
Aerodrome Finance Will SKYROCKET When THIS Happens – $AERO Price Prediction and Technical Analysis

Aerodrome Finance Will SKYROCKET When THIS Happens – $AERO Price Prediction and Technical Analysis #Finance

what is happening to Aerodrome Finance this CashNews.co will be an update on Arrow as well as a prediction on what’s going to happen to Aerodrome in the shortterm and in the

long term so taking a look at the chart right now we see that we actually bounced back from that low of about 87 cents all the way up to 130 but since then we’ve actually retraced back into that $18 area and this is kind of that yellow support Zone that I highlighted in my last CashNews.co I

believe that this support Zone uh is holding up very strong right now but I definitely think that if we do see a break in the support Zone we can definitely head lower and I think the lower level that we could potentially head is going to be this red zone right here so I do believe if we get a

break of this yellow zone we are definitely heading back to this Red Zone uh which is a very strong support area for Aerodrome and that support area is from about 75 cents all the way to about 8385 um of course we did touch this when we had that massive crash we bounced back and now I believe that

we could very well be touching that again so don’t be surprised guys if we do see Aerodrome Trend lower for the next couple of days this is just a shortterm technical analysis that I’m doing for you guys but in the long term I’m still very confident on Aerodrome but we definitely

will see more short-term volatility especially looking at the price of Bitcoin right now so looking at the Bitcoin chart I always like to look at Bitcoin in every single one of my CashNews.cos because at the end of the day all of your altcoins are kind of dependent on what bit coin does in both the

short term and the long term so just looking at kind of the short term of Bitcoin we do see that this trend line uh this light blue trend line that I’ve drawn right here from the previous uh last full Cycles alltime High all the way to now uh we see this trend line we are retesting this line

and in fact if we do break this line then I believe uh we will actually head into this yellow support zone right here uh and potentially touch this uh moving average this 200 day uh EMA so once again for Bitcoin if we do break this blue trend line I believe we’re heading down into this yellow

support area which is a very strong support area for Bitcoin uh and I believe we’ll also touch this green 200 EMA so the exponential moving average for the 200 day uh I believe that once we touch that we’re going to bounce very very hard and we could potentially see the next move up for

Bitcoin and once that happens then we’re going to see altcoin season that is just my my opinion but right now we are definitely experiencing volatility right don’t be surprised if Bitcoin right now Trends much lower as you can see we are definitely trending lower currently um we still

haven’t broken out of this pattern yet I was looking for Bitcoin to break out uh of this trend but as you can see it’s actually gone down uh so that means that we rejected the uptrend and we’re actually still in a bearish trend and what does that mean for all of your altcoins

including Aerodrome right that means that there is going to be more volatility in the coming days um I think that this is going to be one of the most important periods for you as an investor because you have to stay diligent and you have to stay mentally strong during this period of time this is a

Make It or Break It time the reason some of your alt coins are going down is not necessarily due to the fundamentals of that particular coin changing right in fact something like Aerodrome the fundamentals have not changed at all right this is still the same exact coin that it was when it was at

$2.35 right uh this coin has not changed the only thing that has changed is Bitcoin and also macroeconomic factors and in this CashNews.co I’ll touch a little bit on those macroeconomic factors and predict when that allcoin season will begin and when things like Aerodrome will actually start

seeing another uptrend once again in my personal opinion you can have the best altcoin out there but if you don’t understand Bitcoin and also macroeconomics then you’re not going to be successful in the bull run so this CashNews.co I’ll touch on that and the first topic is Bitcoin

dominance I’ve touched on this many CashNews.cos before but today I broke this down even further even more detailed and uh as you can see this blue line is kind of that trend line that uh Bitcoin dominance hits whenever it hits that alltime high so whenever Bitcoin dominance hits that

all-time high it usually um basically touches this blue trend line and then uh when you whenever you see uh Bitcoin dominance fall from its alltime high all the way down that’s when all season begins right so right here this period was all season this period was all season and then right now

we still haven’t seen that massive drop in Bitcoin dominance yet so that means all season has not begun yet and I’ve actually gone and broken this chart down even further into the period of time between Bitcoin dominance all-time highs so you can see uh between the 2017 Bitcoin

dominance all-time high and the 2020 Bitcoin dominance alltime high it was 45 months right so it took 4 months for All Season to kick in and right here uh I’m predicting that let’s say it’s around 45 months right where will that land us well that will actually land us right around

October 7th right right around October is um basically when that next Bitcoin uh alltime high will hit and that’s when all when season will actually start kicking in that is based on this 45-month prediction which of course um you can’t really always use historical analysis to predict

the future but uh this is the best data that we have so that’s the data that I’m going to go with right now but let’s just say it’s 45 months right that would put us at around October and that would also put us directly basically at this blue trend line as well as um

basically in this green square right here which is kind of where I predict the Bitcoin dominance alltime high will eventually land so base on this data we assume that the Alin season will kick in somewhere around October no November maybe December because sometimes there is a little bit of a delay

the next piece of data I want to talk about is going to be Global Liquidity versus Bitcoin now of course these are some Concepts that a lot of you might not understand so I’m going to try to break it down as simply as possible so in simple terms Global

Liquidity is basically the amount of money being moved around in financial Markets and Global Liquidity also follows a cycle so this website explains kind of

that cycle of global Equity and as you can see um right here we have a very cyclical pattern that’s showing up and right now you can see the beginning of 2024 we do see that Global Liquidity is very very low but what happens when Global

Equity is very high right when Global Equity is very high what you get is you get massive spikes in a lot of your Assets right in stocks in Bonds and also in #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency so you can see right here this is Bitcoin charted with global Liquidity and you can see whenever Bitcoin uh kind of Peaks that’s when global Liquidity actually Rises as well and you can see this happened in

2018 right we had this uh Bitcoin top and then we also had a global Liquidity top same thing in 2021 we had a Bitcoin top as well as a global Liquidity top and right now in 2024 what we are seeing is we are seeing still a very low Global overall Global

Liquidity of course Bitcoin has already crossed alltime Highs but is still has not hit that 100K Mark which I definitely believe will happen in the bull run so you can see global Equity right now is low and bitcoin price right now is still relatively relatively low

to where it will eventually be and based on this chart it seems like Global Liquidity will kind of top off around early 2025 so that’s kind of going to be where that peak of Bitcoin potentially will land us and we also need to look at Interest Rates as well

whenever the FED Cuts Interest Rates Crypto goes up stocks go up and because the FED did not cut Interest Rates in may we do believe that the FED will cut

Interest Rates in the end of 2024 around maybe October November or December and that actually lines up directly with the 2024 election which historically has actually increased the price of stocks um during that time period so all of this lines up very very well um the Bitcoin

dominance lines up the global Liquidity lines up and also interest rate and elections line up so with all this lining up I definitely think October to December anywhere from that are area we we’ll likely see a Bitcoin alltime high as well as the beginnings of an ALT season

keep an eye out for these dates because I do believe all of these macroeconomic factors that I discussed in today’s CashNews.co will be catalysts for a Bitcoin all-time high and an ALT season during these dates and of course whenever altcoin season begins all of your altcoins are going to

absolutely rip uh they’re going to do probably more gains than you even expect and something like aerodrum right one of the top dexas on one of the top chains in base is going to do extremely well as well in the next couple of months of course we could see a lot of volatility for something

like aerodrone right we could see it oscillating in this channel um basically between the these two previous support areas I can definitely see that happening but once altcoin season eventually hits I do believe that for a lot of these all coins you’re going to see massive massive rips to the

upside I think aerodrum from today’s price of about a dollar I think it can easily 10x from today’s price right it was it was already at $22.50 and since then it’s dropped 50 to 60% so right now I believe especially if it hits back into this previous 80 cent support Zone I think

that would be an amazing time to pick up more Aerodrome or pick up AER Drome for the first time if you haven’t already uh these are amazing amazing opportunities whenever you see red in the market whenever you see all of your altcoins down massively in the midst of a bull run those are

opportunities to get cheap prices those are opportunities to have generational wealth not a lot of YouTubers actually cover the macroeconomic reasons behind Crypto pumping or dumping right and

I think understanding that is extremely extremely important concept and I want to be one of the channels that actually covers that so uh please give this CashNews.co a like And subscribe to my channel the last couple of days I’ve been pretty busy so I haven’t been putting out much

content and throughout the month of of May I will be pretty busy as well but I want to keep making CashNews.cos for you guys keep making informational content right I think I thrive best when I cover technical analysis as well as macroeconomic Concepts um so those are going to be the concepts that

I stick with I’ll also be covering different coins as well right different coins not only in defi but also in AI in dpin right in layer ones any CashNews.cos you want to see please leave in the comments below I’ll try to respond to some comments and I’ll see you guys in in the

next one

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on Aerodrome Finance Will SKYROCKET When THIS Happens – $AERO Price Prediction and Technical Analysis.
With over 11261 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

30 thoughts on “Aerodrome Finance Will SKYROCKET When THIS Happens – $AERO Price Prediction and Technical Analysis #Finance

  1. patton on Eth is pumping so Fkin Hard LFG!!

    Donald Trumps First Dog is the Next Billion Dollar market cap easlily

    Trending already on Dex and sitting at a Wopping 9 Million MC LFG!!

  2. Great video. The only thing I’m curious about is why you think rate cuts are still coming, if anything I think we will be looking at and increase towards the end of ‘24 as inflation is not moving back to the feds target as expected.

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