March 14, 2025
Auto Broker Explains: Should you Lease, Finance, or Buy a New Car?

Auto Broker Explains: Should you Lease, Finance, or Buy a New Car? #Finance

you’re probably wondering in 2023 what is the best way to buy a car is it buying it full on cash financing it or leasing it I feel like I’m one of the most credible people to talk about this subject because I used to be a car Broker I would help my clients make

the best decision to pick whether they need to buy a car Finance or lease so I feel like I’m one of the most educated and unbiased people to talk about this subject not

only do I have real numbers on cars in today’s market by the end of today’s You’re Gonna Know What’s the best way to do it Finance lease or buy let’s

get right into it thank you I used to be a car Broker for the ones that don’t know what a car Broker is and if you’re new I would help my clients get any new car that they want and I would educate them to helping them make the best decision whether they

want to buy Finance or lease a car so basically long story short clients call me I get them any new car that they want deliver the car brand new car to their home with paperwork and keys

without the client ever having to visit a dealership and talk to a Salesman Not only was I able to get them a better deal I give them a better experience because they’re saving time and hassle but I don’t do that anymore I just wanted to explain that to you if you did want to get

connected to a car Broker there’s an email in the description below before we do a Finance versus lease on a real car with real numbers let’s

talk about you purchasing a car full on cash a lot of people say yo that’s the best way to do it you’re buying a car full on cash you don’t have to pay monthly payments there’s no interest you own it outright now a car is a depreciating asset for a lot of you guys know maybe

some of you don’t it loses about 30 40 percent of its value within the first three four five years let’s just use a Mercedes for example you buy fifty thousand dollar Mercedes you pay full-on cash for it you don’t have to worry about monthly payments you’re good to go you

own it outright in three four five years that fifty thousand dollar car is going to be worth maybe 35 000 low 30s maybe high 20s I always believe paying the bare minimum is the best way to go about anything because you paid fifty thousand dollars for a car on a depreciating asset it would have been

better if you put a minimum down payment on that car pay the minimum monthly payments and had twenty Thirty forty thousand dollars left over where you can invest that money into appreciating Assets like some Real Estate this project that project and that would have

eventually paid for the card so but the thing is a lot of people don’t think about that they think about oh let me just pay fifty thousand dollars for a car full on cash and I’m good to go but you need to keep as much money as you can to invest in other opportunities unless you got Fu

money sure go ahead buy it but if you’re like the majority of the world you need as much money as possible to invest in other things so your money can grow and compound so now let’s get into a text-decoration: none;">Finance versus a lease okay and before we get into that I just want to let everybody know that we are building a community of successful entrepreneurs where we all get to learn from each other talk to each other we have guest speakers and live calls religiously

so if you’re all about leveling up your life you might find your next career opportunity here it’s only 9.99 click the link in the description below check it out remember your network is your Net Worth now let’s talk about this

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance versus lease this is on a real car these are real numbers and you’re going to be quite surprised of what’s better what do you think before I get into this comment below I hit

my connect up for real numbers on a 2023 BMW 228i Finance versus lease okay so let’s start with financing okay MSRP 45 000 give or take two thousand dollars down let’s figure 72

month term which is six years 6.9 interest rate competitive into in the state of today’s market payment is about eight hundred and twelve dollars per month so think about that monthly payment for now now let’s talk about the least numbers on the same car same price forty five thousand

dollars a two thousand dollar drive off which is your down payment let’s figure eight point zero zero two two nine for the money factor which is the interest rate your monthly payments are 762 a month so the first thing we want to compare is uh there’s a slightly lower monthly payment

with lease in this car versus buy there’s a 50 difference in monthly payment okay now this is where things get interesting I did an analysis a comparison of what the car will be worth in three years what is the value what is the payoff if you’re financing this car after three years the

payoff will be around 26 176 dollars for the lease after three years car will be valued and the payoff will be twenty four thousand nine hundred and eighty three dollars you see what’s going on here you leasing the car means you have a lower payoff after three years versus financing a car now

you’re probably like damn I never knew that now with everything going on around the world especially California with the recession the market collapsing electric cars coming in Inflation in the United States has hit four decades High minorities by for residents lower

Income households face the worst all the above Elise protects you on that exact value in that payoff after three years because you’re guaranteed to get out of the car after three years if you were to color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance the car in three years your payoff isn’t guaranteed you may be stuck with that car and you might be in a worse situation so if the market collapses you’re protected in the lease versus a

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and another thing to also mention is that leases are actually more competitive than it is nowadays now I know the monthly payment was only 50 difference it’s because of

the market there’s not enough cars to be sold instead of 200 cars being sold every month at one dealership there’s only 40 cars available and you can’t even order cars anymore leases will get competitive again your monthly payments can be two three four five hundred dollars lower

versus a buy if you’re the type of person that wants a new car every three years and you’re smart with your money you pay lower monthly payment and you’re probably going to pay lower when the market neutralizes again three four five hundred dollars lower because that’s where

payments are supposed to really be for example my last M4 I leased it if I were to find Finance this car payments would have been Seventeen hundred dollars but I leased it and my payments

were nine hundred dollars people don’t understand that on the lease you could put wheels on it you could tint the windows you could put a damn body kit I put a stage one tune on it and the beauty about Elise is that before the end of the term or during the term you can sell the car back to

the dealership anytime you want you could buy the car anytime that you want the more money you can keep in your pocket to invest in other things I always feel like it’s the most smartest thing to do so that’s how you got to look at it when you’re financing your lease in the car

how much money can you keep does it make sense for the long term most people don’t keep their cars that long five six years you want a new car right so why not hop on the lease yeah there’s a mile restriction you could do 12 000 miles per year 15 000 miles per year there’s a lot

of people in this world that are driving less and less nowadays everything’s done online ever since covet happened everybody’s working from home so put it together I hope you guys make the best decision for yourself whether you want to buy a car don’t don’t buy full-on cash

Finance or lease I’m not a doctor but I recommend a lease just some quick tips when you’re trying to buy a car try to find yourself a good car Broker a middleman

that has his connects to dealerships and you don’t have to worry about talking to a Salesman it saves you a lot of hassle time and trouble as we all know cars are marked up like crazy nowadays over MSRP over sticker I’m talking five ten thousand dollars over sticker and they take you to

the Finance guy in the back room and he starts telling you like yo you got to buy this that that boom boom and there’s no way around it that’s what a car

Broker saves you from is all the BS done in the Finance room you go to the dealership and the salesman tells you yo your monthly payments are going to be

this it’s gonna be 300 a month so then you go in the back room with the Finance guy and all of a sudden your payments go from 300 to 400 450 a month because you have to

buy all this extra junk paint protection gap Insurance enhanced security systems extended maintenance programs extended warranty things of that nature it’s like you don’t need that I hope I gave you all the information you guys need to figure out whether you want to buy

purchase or lease a car today’s like it if you’re new subscribe if you want to join that community of successful entrepreneurs that I am building or we all get to learn from each other talk to each other we have guest speakers live calls religiously you’re all about

leveling up your life click that link in the description below and remember guys when you want something in this life don’t you ever hesitate tomorrow and yesterday doesn’t exist focus on the now don’t wait for the opportunity create the opportunity what I’ve become

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on Auto Broker Explains: Should you Lease, Finance, or Buy a New Car?.
With over 122438 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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48 thoughts on “Auto Broker Explains: Should you Lease, Finance, or Buy a New Car? #Finance

  1. Would you rather Lease, Finance, or Buy a New Car?

    P.S if you want to Level up your life with other successful entrepreneurs!
    Join Our Private Membership Group: ►
    (Its only $9.99, the info you will learn here and the connections you will make will change your life. You'll be able to connect, talk, learn from other successful entrepreneur's. We'll have Live calls & guest speakers religiously. If you're all about growing and improving your life, join us today. Remember your Net worth is your Network!)

  2. I have 2 scenarios

    1. Lets say I leased a car for 5 years and after 3 years I lost my job and cannot afford to pay monthly lease can I cancel the lease and return the car to delearship and get out of it. ?

    2. What if I get into accident during the 5 year period or some major repairs do I have to pay from my pocket or delearship takes care of it

  3. I think it depends on your income level. A dude straight out on the starting line 19 to 25 years old, just buy a shit wagon and invest the rest of your money and build your life up cause rolling like you rich when your not is, extra, and is a busted ass way of living. Roll a shit ride for 5-10 years. Once you hit 30 you should be able to afford a lease.

  4. I never thought about leasing but i took the plunge. I had huge negative equity and the lease absorbed it. I chose a car that is reliable and wouldn’t mind keeping should I have to buy it at the end of the

  5. Hi, I've signed a deal yesterday
    Toyota Highlander Limited Edition
    Purchase price: $64, 469 (MSRP $67500)
    Residual value: $31, 312.96 (after 4 years)
    Down payment: $0

    My first proposal:
    Lease term: 36 months
    Down payment: $0
    Monthly payment: $1200

    But signed papers with below deal:
    Lease term: 48 months
    Monthly payment: $1120

    Could you please confirm if this is a good deal ?

  6. You need to BUY what I call NEW/USED. Just bought a Genesis G70 2023 with only 5k miles. Sticker was 45k, now on sale for 35k. Best way to buy today. Still get all of the warranties and so on.

  7. Wait, your lease would not be on the full 45,000, it would be on the 45K minus the resid value of $20K, so monthly pmts will be much lower than $50 diff (may even be around half). Please revisit your numbers.

  8. People always talking about invest the money. Theres no guarantee the investment is going to pay off and if the investment fails then you’re stuck with a car note. If you have finances to take care of monthly over head bills with or without an investment than a car note is fine. But you better have that payment every month my boy.

  9. go back to only interviewing the richer individuals cus holy hell the recommendations in this video are absolutely terrible man im a new listener and in your other vids you seemed intelligent, what happened? 💀

  10. Lol, a successful person would only think the car is a convenient thing to get him from A to B easy. So instead of throw monthly payment for leasing without ownership, they tend to financing it at least they still have ownership.

  11. Minimum monthly payments… it depends on how long you are paying and what your interest rate is. I sold my s550 and got a cheaper lexus rx 300 so I can save to get a model x. I give myself 24 months to pay off my vehicle if I don't buy cash. I am not a fan of car payments in general.

  12. videos has some great informations but man just get to the point, it took 1,20 min to start talking about the topic, then the advertising about all kind of stuff, its makes the videos hard to follow, especially when there's other channel getting straight to the point

  13. Hey Snewj, great video but I fell like there are alot of points way better than what you mentioned. First off is buying a used car flat out, thats the real best option. Secondly, even on flat out buying a new car, you picked the worst depreciating cars for this video. Good cars like civics and camrys hold their value extremely well. And lastly sure the monthly payment for a lease is less but the monthly payment for your insurance is much higher (and god forbid you have an accident on your record or live in a "dangerous" city). This really sounds more like a sales man pitch than what actually works best for the client

  14. 😂😂😂😂bruh people drive all over, whoever doesnt keep their car that long lol 😂 i have a 27 year old truck and its probably the best machine standing the test of time and of most new cars

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