February 12, 2025
“B.Com/ BBA – I Sem” – Financial Accounting Subject Topics With Video Links

“B.Com/ BBA – I Sem” – Financial Accounting Subject Topics With Video Links #Finance

hello dear students welcome to device commerce and management academy i know new academic years started many people are joined are going to join in become bba courses most of the people are from mpc by pc background students whether you are having commerce background or non-commerce

background it doesn’t matter but first year bba bbm or become in become also you’ll find lot of categories like general become Insurance become computers like some more categories also already included whatever may be your general course or computer course or any other

specialization become bba bbm so for all these people accounts that is first same accounts are very much important i’ll discuss today what is the syllabus related to the first year and what we have covered in our channel everything i am going to tell in detail now just focus nothing to worry

but remember that first tier accounts is the base foundation it must be strong as much as if you have strong fundamentals then in the coming uh semesters maybe second third fourth fifth sixth whatever may be the semesters everywhere it is useful the foundation base is good then you can pick up if

not if you are following any guides guides rather than test book it will be very difficult don’t buy any guide especially in the initial stage by any test book i already recommended few test books related to the financial Accounting initial stage follow our channel and follow

the test books work out more problems like illustrations are exercises that will be easy for you to understand there is nothing like a commerce student or non-commercial for everyone i thought very clearly in our channel now let us focus on the syllabus what is there in the first year first sim

syllabus so generally five chapters in general i have taken i am not following any particular university so because our channel is following by many students national international also there so that is why in general i am taking this is the syllabus first chapter will be

Accounting introduction introduction like Accounting concepts conventions what is Accounting what is bookkeeping Accounting standards like theory is there and after that theory you’ll find practical soft types of

Accounting if you know the types of Accounting then only you’ll be able to write journal entries right so types of Accounting Accounting cycle and also journal edge journal ledger and trial balance basics so this first

chapter 100 you must be thorough based on this only in the coming chapters coming semesters all accounts are based on this only that is why first unit you must with our introduction Accounting information and second one is that subsidiary books substituted books you know that

already i have covered everything in our channel all these chapters to find it in one playlist that link is given in the description box and also in the comment box please follow only that link and find out these chapters and prepare well that’s more than enough right now subsidy book second

unit substitute the book sir you know that eight books are there substitute books cash book purchases books sales books purchase returns book sales returns books and next one is that bill’s disabled bills payable book and also general proper eight books related to this eight books only we

have second unit in detail we have done in our channel all the uh all the books all the substrate books eight books we have already completed and the third one is that bank reconciliation statement very important bank reconciliation statement you must have a good understanding about cash book then

if you have knowledge proper knowledge of past book what is fast book what is cash book why the differences comes all these things if you have knowledge you feel damn easy this chapter don’t leave it whatever maybe the marks 15 marks or 20 marks or five marks whatever it may be you can score

100 so don’t leave this bank reconciliation reconciliation statement brs okay this already covered in our channel check out the playlist and also in the comment box i’m giving you the link next one rectification of errors and depreciation these are two chapters rectification of errors

for rectification of errors you need to have a good understanding about the first unit it is interlinked with the first unit journal entries how do you write journal entries how do you write how do you enter into ledgers what is trial balance if you have good understanding rectification of errors

are quite easy nothing nothing to worry this is also covered and depreciation important very much important and also easy if you understand it as for the syllabus of become first year or bbf first this is first semna first sim syllabus depreciation a few methods only covered so initially you will

find a straight line method diminishing balance method only these two methods are there and rest of the method thinking fund method anita method and the few more method that’s that comes later but it become first year or be a first year first same point of view you have only two methods

anyway in our channel you can find other methods also but you have to follow your syllabus what is asked you prepare that only right so that’s about a rectification of errors and depreciation and last unit is final accounts final accounts you cannot skip if you skip if you don’t

understand it in the coming semesters interlinked with the final accounts you will find many chapters like partnership non-trading non-Profit organizations a single entry company accounts everything many chapters are interlinked with the final account so that is why not just

seventy percent or eighty percent hundred percent you must be thorough in final accounts how to prepare trading account for how to prepare Profit and last second how to prepare Balance Sheet and what about the adjustments everything you need to be thorough i have

prepared lot more CashNews.cos related to the final accounts okay one link i am giving you in the description and also in the comment box only in that link you can find the total units prepare it well that’s not sufficient if you want to be hundred percent that’s not sufficient you

practice from our channel and also take out your test book standard test book as per my recommendation so that link is also given recommended textbook link in the description box and also in the comment box follow that buy the test book one book keep it with you it doesn’t cost much rather

than following any guides buy one test book and prepare from the test book illustrations you work out and also exercises you do it answers are given when you work out like this you get a lot of confidence are as per the recommended test book from your faculty that you can follow it revise more and

lastly i wanted to give you one good suggestion what i used to do in my student life when i was student whether first year second year finally or whatever maybe i used to buy the test books are taking from the library and returning them after using it so i used to take from maximum from library and

also i used to buy model papers old question paper model papers in those days it was available i don’t know right now the position old question papers they used to sell different uh series like vgs or vikram and some more maruti series i remembered it so that model papers are used to purchase

at least five years model previous question papers with the solution they used to give if you work out that last five years question papers definitely you’ll have a lot of confidence and you’ll come to know what kind of questions they are asking it so you can prepare accordingly follow

my suggestion take previous five years question papers and work out it and all these chapters right from the day one if you are joining in your become rbba on august 1st from august 1st only you have to start working out yeah you have to focus throughout the year throughout the semester you prepare

well before exams just revise it that is the right way please follow it anyway follow the link all these chapters link in the description and comment box recommend a test book also link is given in the description box and comment box follow it make the fundamentals more clear you should have more

command over the subject then it will be easy let me know any other chapters are included as per your university in the first year accountancy if not these five up apart from this fight mention it in the comment box i’ll definitely answer to you all stay connected and don’t forget to

share this CashNews.cos do subscribe to our channel and also always support because i’m supporting you at the rate free of cost can i expect yes okay practice well and have a bright curry good luck you

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on “B.Com/ BBA – I Sem” – Financial Accounting Subject Topics With Video Links.
With over 259522 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

48 thoughts on ““B.Com/ BBA – I Sem” – Financial Accounting Subject Topics With Video Links #Finance

  1. Mam nenu telugu mediam nenu degree lo english becom ca thisukunnanu ippudu sem 1 ki nenu yela ఈ subjects prepar avvalo koncham cheppara medam please clearga please mam

  2. Good evening mam. I just got seat in mahthma gandhi law college in Hyderabad. My group is bcom llb mam. First iam thanking you mam . Becoz ur teaching skills are very good mam. I liked it very much mam. Today I subscribed ur channel also mam. Please teach me mam. And ur english talking is super mam. I am very interested to learn ur teaching mam. Once again thank you mam.🙏

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