March 10, 2025
Best Finance Courses and Certifications in India @ZellEducation @Zell_Hindi

Best Finance Courses and Certifications in India @ZellEducation @Zell_Hindi #Finance

seven Finance certifications which you can probably aim at for your future starting in 2023. if this is the first time visiting the channel then please do click subscribe and give us

a thumbs up if you think there’s any value in this now first of all guys in this I’m not gonna talk about you know people have this this misconception that courses like ca are Accounting courses and while it’s definitely true a CA is a very broad

qualification that covers Finance and accounts and since we’re going to be talking about text-decoration: none;">Finance certifications I am including courses which might be large like a CA I’m going to be including C of course because it’s the number one of the number one programs in the world for color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance don’t by any chance get misled courses that if you want to build a career in Finance you have to find

courses which are specialized in Finance that is a way but there are also ways that you can combine these courses I’m going to talk about which have a section of

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance but is strong enough to have you not only launch your career in none;">Finance but also grow in it all right so course number one like I was saying is chartered Accounting of India it has enough subjects of none;">Finance that gives you not only the base but the expertise to decide if that’s the field you want to get into it teaches you financial management it teaches you how to look at none;">Finance from the perspective of businesses it teaches you how to understand overall Markets Equity derivatives etc etc and while it might you know at the highest

level of specialization it might fall a little short because there are you know then other courses to do this is good enough to get into it so if you’re already a CA or studying CA please remember I know actually more CS in India who specialize in the field of

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance than some of the other certifications which are Finance specialized so never

underestimate CA a second of course as an extension B to Acca ACC also are personally done and I can promise you that I’ve learned more about financial is easier than any of my other studies later including self-study color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances like I said guys it’s all about money and money management it’s not that if the course name doesn’t have the word none;">Finance it doesn’t really teach you Finance so like ca ACC also teaches you financial management it teaches you how to again look at organizations and how to

improve their financial conditions whether it’s from Cash Flow perspective whether it’s from aspects like pricing strategy and and you know working on margins overall how do you invest under corporate bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance how do you look at the financial Markets how do you look at complicated financial instruments all of this gets covered under

the Acca once again a great stepping stone for you to know whether you should get into Finance three CFA right cfae is the number one course in the world when it comes to

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and Investment Management it’s actually created only for those to specialize in text-decoration: none;">Finance now I was actually talking to one of the managing directors of the largest consulting company in India recently for his son he wanted to get this son into text-decoration: none;">Finance and even he understood that while CF is the number one course it might you know Android might give you the the launch pad again you might want to combine CFA or with something else because the chances that a CFA alone will get you your career is going to

be on performance so if you want academics to sort of you know be the reason that your career is more or less clear you can combine CFA with some of the other programs we’re going to talk about course Number Four frm Financial Risk Management is a niche of

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances only talking about Financial Risk and luckily for US Financial Risk Management is actually what is also growing tremendously across the world right from

because of Advent of digital uh currencies the boom of digital transactions and more or less every company now requires more like a risk officer who understands how to protect companies from Financial Risk so frm becomes another option course number five cfp that is a Financial

Planning and Financial Planning is something at a personal level that you should do that does not mean that it’s you do the course only for yourself a do the first person but B I have friends my personal you know the guy who I look at and Trust for Financial

Planning he himself is a cfp and he says that cfp alone has been good enough because cfp teaches you at least on an Indian context how to look at overall from simple things like Budgeting and expending and how to make sure that you have a healthy saving all the way to

Insurance Taxes where to invest retirement Real Estate everything so not only for yourself but you can also actually start your own little Consulting freelancing and even a small business by reaching out to everybody you know after this course and

telling them that if they give you that Savings a little bit of it you can actually invest in the right places to help somebody else grow that Savings so if you can help somebody else grow their saving and in charge to take a small fee you have said it can actually

become a one-man show a very thriving business where you’re actually adding a lot of value to customers in the market course number six the CMA us now CMA us has part one part two where part two is all about #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and honestly I like this the most because it teaches you how to look at becoming more like a CFO of an organization from ground zero so you learn everything about the field of bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and how do you actually help again add value to an organization by collecting information in the company financial data using your knowledge to turn it into something that the that you can actually then execute to help the company

grow Revenue or save costs and both ways you basically become more and more valuable because your overall understanding is Helping Seniors make decisions so that’s CMA us for you and finally last but not least is MBA in

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance MBA in India or overseas it’s only going to make sense over all the other qualifications I spoke about if you do it from the top 20. if it’s even the 21st MBA college in India or overseas then my

recommendation would be not to get into it because there is a vast difference between a top 20 and the rest in terms of credibility in the market the networking the faculties etc etc another point about MBA is that it’s most likely a full-time course unlike the first six which you can do

while you’re working so make sure that you wisely use your time as in your MBA so that you do get into the top where if you are investing your entire year or two into a full-time course it actually has the value because if not then definitely any of the other six scores will help you create a

better career in the field of Finance because you’re also adding work experience and real life exposure to your academics I don’t think I’ve missed any major course for the

field of Finance but if I have please leave it in the comments and if there is any other doubt you have please let us know thank you foreign

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this amazing video on Best Finance Courses and Certifications in India @ZellEducation @Zell_Hindi.
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30 thoughts on “Best Finance Courses and Certifications in India @ZellEducation @Zell_Hindi #Finance

  1. Sir the thing is all these courses are amazing and better than CA but Indians have only knowledge about CA and trust only A CA with their money to invest

  2. @ZellEducation Hey there,

    I finished my BBA in 2013 and have spent the last 9 years working in finance and accounting. I'm interested in updating my skills – do you have any course recommendations that would be helpful for me to take?


  3. I am an existing PSU banker having experience of more than 10 Years in Branch Banking only. Which course I must choose to Excel my career in Banking CFA or FRM or any other short term certificate course. I have already done MBA in Marketing and HR before joining Bank. Please guide

  4. Thank you for information. I have cleared CA IPCC in 2012 and have few attempts for CA final but couldn't clear. Right now am having 1yr kid and working in an MNC. Which course would be better for me to do along with Job

  5. hey ,
    recently i got result of nov23 cainter ,where i failed miserably .for foundation i took 2 attempts .
    now i am having second thoughts about changing to finance .i need guidance really soon . @ZellEducation

  6. Hlo sir. I'm 3rd year bcom student. I have appeared for CA inter group 1 exam but failed to clear due to tax
    Sir I'm in a fix whether to continue CA journey or not as I want to get good job after graduation. I'm more intered in accounting. Sir pls suggest me what should I do.

  7. Sir i have done my masters in accounts and finance from india and i want to immigrate to canada ….so can i get a job in canada having 2 years of work experience in this field

  8. Is it a good decision to do CFA after doing MBA ?
    Currently I'm a BBA final year student & my age is 23.
    What's your opinion in this case ?
    Best regards from Bangladesh.❤

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