February 12, 2025


how’s it going everyone it’s Sam Black Rock just made a new nine-page report on bitcoin that’s directed to the rich I want to go through it today and explain what some of their thoughts are on bitcoin why they’re pushing for it pretty hard right now some really

interesting data that they’ve collected again uh this is more directed to the rich to the wealthy I’ll explain why that is but this is not the first time that they’ve done this they set up a private fund about a year before or they offered

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs to the public they’ve had they’ve had uh investor days where they brought different analysts and that spoke to high Net Worth individuals to funds to companies and this is information now

that’s public but we don’t have a lot of transparency on what’s happened in the past there’s some transparency but not a lot but today we have access to this full nine-page report that I want to show you we also have some interesting uh uh we have something interesting

coming from Trump on bitcoin and we also have a pretty big week ahead and bitcoin’s getting more scarce I’ll show you all that if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the CashNews.co so you can see future CashNews.cos just like this as soon as I

make them also if you want to trade Crypto and get outsized returns get a better return than you would just by buying spot #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto there’s a link underneath the CashNews.co to Marx now of course make sure you understand understand what trading is make sure you understand what Leverage is before you use this but there is this link underneath the CashNews.co we’ve done

quite well with some of our trades as you can see and there’s no kyc you don’t need a VPN you can get started in just a few minutes there are tons of different ways to trade to some more risky ways some more riskof ways if you go like let’s say lower leverage a 5x on bitcoin is

less risky for example than trying to scalp trade uh Caspa right but you can do all that in one place I have some CashNews.cos going over different strategies as well as you can see Bitcoin did move above the 200 day moving average we actually moved all the way up to 64,65 last night now we got

rejected pretty much by this past Peak we were all the way up at 64,976 but this is still the most recent high that we’ve seen in nearly a month we broke this 200 day U moving average I would not be surprised to see us make another move up especially if the Market’s fairly strong today

uh to see another move up in trying to break this $65,000 Mark that would be very significant and quite bullish from a technical sense obviously uh we also see other Cryptos moving up for

example ethereum up 15% in the last 7 days I made my CashNews.co last Thursday or Friday talking about how I actually moved a little bit of my Bitcoin over to ethereum got some hate on that but right now it’s looking pretty good Bitcoin dominance is coming down a little bit from the recent

peak of 58.6 down to 57.6 so still a massive move up on bitcoin dominance and we’ve seen you know we’ve seen moves all the way down 3 4% and then more rallies so it’s impossible to know where we’re going uh just from this small move here but obviously uh there are a lot of

people that think that since we’re starting to lower rates Bitcoin dominance will come down even if bitcoin’s price goes up we have a lot of fed speakers this week look at this Atlanta fed presid uh bosk speaks Minneapolis fed presid Neil casari speaks Chicago fed president goby speaks

then later this week we have more Dron Powell opening remarks fed president Williams speaks feder Reserve Governor Lisa Cook speaks Federal Reserve Vice chair Michael parps there there’s just a lot of fed uh this week and a lot of thoughts so be ready for that kind of volatility we obviously

have pce later this week as well which is going to be a huge huge event uh just because everyone’s still watching Inflation it seems like it’s behind us but if anything comes up that’s not so good it’s obviously going to uh freak out the market and then we

have the GDP revision as well now we still have Bitcoin becoming more and more scarce I like to point this out every time we lose a a 100th of a percentage because because Bitcoin is just getting harder and harder to get your hands on so now there’s only 5.91% remaining of Bitcoin there are

19 m757 87813 Bitcoin that have been mined this is you know just a few days after 5 days after we had 94.0% so 1592 of all the Bitcoin left to be mind is gone from 5 days ago I know that seems like a small amount but keep in mind 94.0 n% of all Bitcoin have been mined and bitcoin’s gone from

a fraction of a penny up to 63,000 so what do you think happens over the next 100 years when everyone fights for 5.91% that’s going to be interesting Donald Trump says I think Crypto has

a great future maybe we will pay off the 35 trillion with it okay obviously Trump pretty bullish pretty bullish on bitcoin uh and maybe part of that is for votes maybe part of it it’s for donations maybe it’s because he really likes Bitcoin U maybe because he thinks it’s freedom

but yeah I mean we continue to hear more and more from Trump about Bitcoin okay here it is Black Rock has a nine a nine-page white paper out now on bitcoin as a diversifier better late than never but some good content worth a read now some of these charts are ones that you’ve probably seen

floating around Twitter this is the nine-page paper though they have this coming from Samara Cohen who’s the chief investment officer of ETF and index Investments at Black Rock Robert mitnik who’s the head of digital Assets uh Russell Brownback the head

of global macro positioning for fixed Income okay so they go through the forward uh but let’s get into the charts key points investors considering allocating to bitcoin are grappling with how to analyze it relative to traditional Financial Assets giving

Bitcoins unique properties and limited history okay so yeah people are having a tough time trying to fit this into their financial plan where does this fit they say Bitcoin with its high volatility is obviously a quote unquote risky asset uh on a standalone B basis however most of the risk and

potential return drivers Bitcoin faces are fundamentally different than traditional risky Assets making it unfitted uh unfitting for most traditional Finance Frameworks

including the risk on versus risk-off framework employed by some macro commenters so they’re saying hey it’s risky but in some respects it’s not risky so it’s hard to fit in same thing here like it’s hard to analyze it’s hard to fit in they say bitcoin’s

nature is a scarce non-sovereign decentralized Global asset has caused some investors to consider it as a flight uh to safety option in times of fear and around certain uh certain geopolitical disruptive events over the long-term bitcoin’s adoption trajectory is likely to be driven by the

intense uh intensity of concerns over global monetary stability geopolitical stability us fiscal sustainability and US political stability this is the inverse of the relationship that is generally attributed to traditional risk Assets with respect to such forces so they’re

saying hey Bitcoin will probably do well if there’s more Global uncertainty if there’s war if there’s uh less faith in the dollar if there’s less Faith uh just in our own Financial sustainability and fiscal responsibility which is the opposite of stocks like the

Stock Market does quite well on certainty but here Bitcoin seems to thrive on this and they have a chart to back it up now why do I say that this is given to the rich right because a lot of people that are maybe smaller investors are not looking for Bitcoin as a unique diversifier

right they’re not they’re not looking at this from a diversification standpoint when you have $10,000 no they’re seeing this and either they’re you know they believe in the cause of Bitcoin they believe in the properties of Bitcoin they’re fed up with the financial

system or they’re here for the gains they’re here for the previous results uh and they think that it’s going to continue in the future very different than hey I want a risky asset that’s got different uh risk than traditional Assets like they they go through

a correlation to the Stock Market and most smaller investors are not looking at uncorrelated Assets now of course you could be someone that’s wealthy right you could have maybe a couple hundred thousand do a couple million dollars tens of millions of dollars

and you might want that right you might want something that isn’t uh generally going up exactly with the Stock Market or going down exactly with it so that way you know if there is a dip in the Stock Market maybe you can take some Profits

from Bitcoin or the same thing with the property Market Market you can take some Profits from Bitcoin and put it into those Markets that are beaten down and vice versa a lot

of people obviously to just see the asymmetric upside right we have 5.91% left everyone’s going to be fighting over the Bitcoin that’s you know in people’s pockets right now or on their ledgers right now which is going to cause the price to go up they say why Bitcoin matters first

it’s important to ground ourselves in the fundamentals of what Bitcoin uh of what gives Bitcoin its relevance with the creation of Bitcoin in 2009 Bitcoin became the first internet native monetary instrument to gain Global popular uh Global adoption its technological innovation was the

creation of a form of currency that was digitally native Global scarce decentralized and permissionless because of these attributes it’s produced major breakthroughs to multiple centuries old problems that other forms of money have struggled with for example the hard cap of 21 million units

me meaning it’s not going to be easily uh debased its Global decentralized native nature means it can be transported anywhere in the world at near real time at near zero cost transcending the frictions long inherent and moving value across political borders people can’t move gold and

property across borders its decentralized permissionless Nature Made It the world’s first truly Open Access monetary policy and monetary system what makes Bitcoin Rel they give this a little chart they talk about the path to 1 trillion this is where things get interesting I I like the charts

here bitcoin’s long-term performance okay first cycle 592 X 93% draw down 555x 84% draw down 10 14x 83% 21x 77% obviously there are a a huge amount of returns here right Bitcoin went from a couple pennies up to $1,000 keep in mind you know it seems like this would have been a great time to

invest most people that were buying this probably either thought it had a really good chance of going to zero or they were kind of crazy right like I don’t think anyone was piling in with thousands of dollars or tens of thousands of dollars when Bitcoin was a couple pennies I think people

were mining it it was really hard to get your hands on it in general like it was hard to exchange and buy back then uh you had to be really techsavvy back then as well uh it’s probably harder to store all that kind of stuff there weren’t guides on it like there are now or at least they

weren’t you know there weren’t a lot of them also yeah people probably thought it was going to absolute zero when it went down 93% same thing here people probably thought it was going down to zero or near zero 84% I’m sure it’s the same thing as today where a lot of people

think oh well I’ll just buy it when it goes down a little bit further it’s down 84% I can buy it when it’s down 92% 93% just like last cycle and then they never buy any but we’re still getting good returns now 4X in 2014 through 2017 a 21x in 2020 and then we saw a 77% drop

we’ve already seen it return back up to all-time high so we’ve seen a 4X almost a 5x at the recent Peak 6 months ago almost a 5x from the bottom we’re at 4X now so that would you know if we continued on just like last cycle that’d be another 5x now some people don’t

think we’re going to get there because we’ve seen you know less returns each cycle some people think that’s bound to happen because there’s more money coming in there’s more Liquidity than ever uh so they think yeah we’re actually going to see

maybe the same or even more than last cycle which would put us around 300,000 i’ I’d be quite happy with that obviously um we have Bitcoin uh Bitcoin chart showing the historical correlation with us equities you know sometimes moving in log step you can see here moving down moving

sideways moving up but sometimes moving in direct opposition you can see here with Bitcoin moving up gold is moving down uh and you can see it versus actually gold so it says trailing 6mon S&P 500 correlation but you can see Bitcoin and gold on the chart here it’s also reacted

interestingly at geopolitical events around geopolitical events us Iran escalations Bitcoin performed quite well on the 10day and was up 20% in the 60 the 60 60 days after this event covid outbreak Bitcoin fell down the hardest it also rallied the hardest 60 days later the election challenges 19%

up after 10 days uh November 3 and then up 131% 60 days after Russia invasion of Ukraine fell down the most 6 6% but also rallied the most 60 days later us Regional banking crisis it went up the most and was the most up after 60 days what’s interesting here is while we see it returning the

most on the 60 days I wouldn’t say that that’s the most important thing I think you really do have to look at the 10day because if Bitcoin was falling down you know 60% after 10 days after these events happened and then it rallied the most it wouldn’t be really saying much it

would just say hey yeah it fell down a lot we either moved past those issues or they start printing a lot of money like in Co but that’s not what’s happening sure Bitcoin uh had a rough go of it during covid and the Russia Ukraine inv Invasion but there are some times where it performed

really well right after um the crisis there’s some and then no matter what 60 days later it performed the best out of you know the SPX and gold so it’s it’s an awesome asset for Global uncertainty and I think that’s where they get this because sometimes you know Bitcoin does

react poorly right when something happens because it’s the most liquid Market you can trade it any time if something happens on Sunday afternoon and there’s a bomb that goes off people look to see what they can sell and Bitcoin is something really accessible Market’s not open

Stock Market’s not open you can’t sell your beach house home uh in a few hours to get access to Liquidity also it’s more frictionless right they’re much lower fees to sell Bitcoin than something like a house right obviously everyone’s

tax situation is different but just when you look at real tur fees and that kind of thing it’s much cheaper accelerating US Debt growth this is rough us deficit uh obviously has been steadily around I don’t know five to 15% and the gross federal Debt

continues to accelerate so we’re at significant amount around 35 trillion now they’re projecting something like 40 42 trillion by 2030 which might be generous at this point honestly uh they say Bitcoin is still a risky asset none of these prior analysis negates the fact that Bitcoin on

a standalone basis is still very much a risky asset it’s an emerg it’s an emerging technology that’s still early in its adoption Journey towards potentially becoming a global payment asset and store value keep in mind keep in mind because it’s volatile that allows you to get

in at better prices that allows you to get those kinds of crazy returns if it wasn’t risky then people would probably invest more into it it would get very steady it would be more like Bonds or gold right everyone’s going crazy because Gold’s at a new all-time

high and it’s up a few dollar like a fraction of a percent on the day conclusion while Bitcoin has shown instances of short-term co- movements with equities and other risk Assets over the long term its fundamental drivers are starkly different and in many cases inverted

versus traditional investment uh Assets as the global investment Community grapples with Rising geopolitical tensions concerns over the state of the US Debt and deficits and increased political instability around the World Bitcoin may be seen as an interesting

unique diversifier against some of these fiscal monetary and geopolitical risk factors investors May face elsewhere in their Portfolios like I said this does seem to be geared towards wealthy individuals towards uh investment advisers uh towards people that are looking for not

necessarily just returns but also diversification let me know your thoughts on this underneath the CashNews.co though I I do hold a good amount of Bitcoin right I’m very bullish on bitcoin I love seeing Bitcoin being talked about in the media and being talked about among these investment

advisers I think the more research that they do the more interesting Bitcoin looks and black rock obviously is the largest asset manager on the planet so let me know Down Below in the comment sections what you think about this Bitcoin flipping back and forth between red and green on the day up at

635 obviously if you want to trade there is that link to Marx underneath the CashNews.co there’s some other links too if you want to check out like blof fin or weeks or coin W or byi like if you want to try out some other platforms we have links underneath the CashNews.co as well uh they are

doing some big giveaways as well so if you know if you trade and you just want to try out a new platform and you want some airdrops or some access to free money check out the links underneath the CashNews.co marjuk still has that big Caspa airdrop as well up to $5,000 in Caspa that you can get in

about two weeks thank you so much I’ll see you all in the next one bye

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on BITCOIN – BLACKROCK’S NEW 9 PAGE BITCOIN REPORT FOR THE RICH! (WOW).
With over 16105 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

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