March 15, 2025


how’s it going everyone it’s Sam coming at you because the market is falling down now I’m you know doing this in a different place than usual just going on a straight road here uh but we have some interesting things happening in the

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto Market we had Bitcoin falling down to 58,000 we have a bunch of liquidations we have some large selling and a lot of people seem worried with Bitcoin falling down so drastically with a lot

of alts falling down even faster the question is first of all what the heck is happening and second of all should we be worried so let’s go through that if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notifications so you can see future CashNews.cos just like this now I want to

apologize I’m not coming at you from the normal Studio but we’re safe we’re being safe and there’s just a lot going on right now I don’t actually have enough time in between a couple different things happening to make a on the studio where I’m about

now but as you can tell by the market it’s falling down now it’s starting to recover a little bit to be clear you know we are seeing a bit of a bounce Bitcoin fell down to about 58,000 now up to almost 60,000 but the fact is by the time you watch this I have no idea what you’re

what you’re seeing the fact is there’s still a lot of fear in the market now if you want to trade the market there’s a link underneath the to Marx where you can trade none;">Cryptocurrency there’s also a air drop for Casper right now that you can get uh you can become part of of that airdrop with the link underneath the there are also some air drops over on uh coin W and over on weeks where you can get free lowy Vons you can get some free

Rolexes you can get up to $155,000 in Bitcoin but let’s start with what the heck just happened well Bitcoin fell main reason for this two main things obviously we got a significant amount of selling so we had what I saw maybe a billion dollars worth of bitcoin being sold and actually I saw

100 million just from the ark ETF just from The Arc ETF we saw $100 million of outflows today we also saw some large outflows or some large selling in ethereum as well and then we saw some liquidations it’s kind of like a two- punch thing right someone sells and then we see liquidations we

saw over $100 million worth of Liquidations in one hour so that caused the market to fall down quite quickly now what are the reasons for this there could be a hand full of reasons one you know there are a lot of reasons to buy or to uh sell there’s only one reason ever to buy so who knows

right who knows why someone sold at the beginning could be to cause some liquidations maybe people were getting a little bit too aggressive in their long positions maybe maybe it was because someone wants to go buy a house somewhere who knows but the fact is there are usually some games being

played with whales with manipulators when they see see some Longs that could be liquidated they cause that to happen and then from there you know uh there are some other reasons people could be selling as well for example I’ve said this for the last few days Nvidia earnings are tomorrow okay

this is probably the most hyped up stock not necessarily saying that’s overvalued not necessarily saying that but the most hyped up stock in the market this is a $3 billion company that’s grown 20,000 30,000 % Over The Last 5 Years uh the fact is this thing has uh grown like crazy maybe

it’s 2,000 or 3,000% the fact is it’s grown hundreds of% a year for years in a row and there are high expectations the fact is people could be selling Bitcoin or Crypto either

because they think Nvidia is going to go down or they think it’s going to go up maybe they think that their earnings are coming in a little bit lower than expected and they want to buy the dip maybe they think they’re going to come in a little bit higher than expected and I don’t

know there there could be some reason maybe they want to uh buy some other stocks that are related to Nvidia or maybe uh they’re they’re selling off Bitcoin to then buy some extra Nvidia if they really do beat their earnings if it gets confirmed right there are a handful of different

reasons that people could be doing this they’re tied to Nidia 2o maybe they’re just drisking ahead of Nvidia earnings just in case the whole Market takes a dump the fact is there is a lot on the line with Nvidia earnings because they have been the darling of the Stock

Market keep in mind too we have Inflation data coming out on th uh on Friday this week we have pce Inflation which is more of a leading indicator so there are various reasons people could be maybe worried or taking a little bit of risk off the table ahead

of tomorrow or Friday which we’ve outlin that the last few days that there this um these events were happening the the fact is though does this make Bitcoin valued any less does it make it riskier to buy Bitcoin now is it smarter to sell right now the fact is Bitcoin is the same exact asset

it was yesterday it’s the same exact asset that it will be tomorrow most likely the fact is this doesn’t change anything right just a little bit of whale manipulation a little bit of Profit taking a little bit of uh whatever drisking does not change the fact that

Interest Rates are coming down does not change the fact that black Rock’s been buying what 100 million 2200 million of Bitcoin the last few trading days it does not change the fact that we are moving to a higher Global Liquidity uh number in that politicians

are now forcing uh people to pay attention to bitcoin are now accepting Bitcoin are now pushing more Pro Crypto rules and uh and are just forcing people to accept that

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto is part of uh solid Investment Portfolio right the fact is nothing is changing this is just again it’s one more little wipe out honestly if you’re getting

worried about this probably haven’t been in Crypto for many cycles I know some people are just getting sick of the back and forth action that happens in a time like this in the market

where we just go up to 70 and then back down to 50 58 then back up to 68 then back down and so on but the fact is this is a decent time to accumulate and for the longer that we stay at these levels the higher we should move during a bull run okay so the fact is this is good for the market the worst

thing if you really want a really big bull run the last thing you want is for us to go from 30,000 up to 120,000 within a couple months right if you want us to get up to higher levels you probably want a little bit more time in between you want more uh C or a higher cost basis you want more people

to get wrecked in the meantime so that way the long-term holders can stack up we can get more and more entities that are looking for the long-term micro strategy similar scientific uh maybe Black Rock clients whoever it is uh we want this to happen over time instead of just a flash in the pan now

of course it does hurt hurt you have to be able to uh weigh risk you have to know what you’re doing especially if you’re trading you know we talk about trading a decent amount on the channel we talk about uh trading on Leverage so make sure that you know what you’re doing make

sure that you’re putting in money that you are willing to lose or that you’re uh very very well versed on the risks let me know your thoughts though underneath the of course do your own due diligence right now doesn’t seem like there’s any major news right

there’s no bad news that came out so at this point it’s just one more little dump let me know your thoughts though again there’s massive aird drops underneath the thank you so much I’ll see you all in the next one bye

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  4. I heard a walker that hasn’t sold in awhile sold 2300 BTC which shouldn’t really matter because we could have someone buy 50k BTC and it goes up 2k we have someone sell 2300 it tanks 4k lol all this fuckery

  5. If I would have one fraction of a bitcoin for every time that you say this is the final crash or final warning. I’ll have more bitcoin than the bitcoin family. You don’t know. When is the last crash so stop lying to these kids saying that it’s the last crash or the final time to get in

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