October 12, 2024


how’s it going everyone it’s saying micro strategy is short squeezing as we speak it’s moving up pretty aggressively I want to show you what’s happening there explain some of the uh ways that Michael sailor is saying that micro strategy could hit a 1 trillion doll

market cap and we also have news from Bank of America that a lot of Millennials prefer Crypto to other Assets also Mount gaw’s pushing back their repayment deadline if

you don’t mind subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the CashNews.co so you can see future CashNews.cos just like this if you have been bullish like we have been on this channel even when we take dips not losing sight the fact that we’re going to have a crazy Bull Run in my

opinion hopefully you didn’t get faked out by this dump here and maybe even bought the dip you leverage long if you want to use leverage there’s a link to Marx underneath the CashNews.co you can get up in just a few minutes there’s no kyc and you don’t need a VPN you can get

this set up very quickly there’s also a link to weeks if you register and link your phone number and email you don’t even have to trade you get 100 usdt that is pretty sweet and coin W is also going to do a big event where they give away free money and free Bitcoin be on the lookout for

that I’ll explain that a little bit more in the coming days because it hasn’t started yet but look at this this is the most valuable asset in the world the endgame is to be the leading Bitcoin bank or Merchant Bank or you could call it a Bitcoin

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance company this is coming from Michael sailor just today I believe if we end up with 20 billion of converts 20 billion of preferred stock 10 billion of Debt and

say 50 billion of some kind of Debt instrument and struct and structures instrument will have 100 to 150 billion in Bitcoin keep in mind right now they have about 16 billion in Bitcoin so they’re talking about buying maybe five to 10 times more then it goes on to say the

company trades at a 50% premium and more volatility and ARR we can build a company that has 100% premium to 150 billion dollar worth of bitcoin and build a 300 to 400 billion company with the biggest options Market the biggest Equity Market he continued and then we basically start

to chew into the fixed Income Markets and we just keep buying more Bitcoin Bitcoin is going to go to millions of coin you know and then we create a trillion doll company wow

okay I mean I think what he’s talking about is actually multi-trillion because he’s talking about having you know uh $150 billion worth of bitcoin trading at 100% premium so 300 to 400 billion depending on how quickly they do that too if if you say they do that with Bitcoin at $100,000

which I I think that would be hard to get to 100 billion even or 150 billion in that time before Bitcoin hits hundred billion dollar but maybe you know or $100,000 maybe this happens during the bare Market as well and they’re able to dollar cost average down on bitcoin or something but

you’re talking about $300 billion doll company when bitcoin’s at $100,000 if it goes up to a million dollar that’s a$3 trillion company that puts it right along side of Nvidia Microsoft Apple pretty interesting so he’s laying out the case on how they could get to a

multi-trillion dollar company and right now mstr has been moving like mad right now it’s up 12% here today it’s up to $25 per share keep in mind let’s look at Bitcoin Bitcoin on the day is up maybe 3% 2% sorry let me pull this up keep in mind bitcoin’s up about 3% on the day

so it’s outperforming Bitcoin by huge amount if we look at the last 6 months micro strategy is up 32% year-to dat up 200% Bitcoin is nowhere near 200% year to dat it’s more like 50% micro strategy has vastly outperformed and you would say well how how does that happen has their

underlying business that works in software grown a lot not really it’s because they are now commanding a premium you can see they have about a$ 41.6 billion market cap they have 25200 , 220 Bitcoin at today’s price that’s worth about $15.7 billion so they’re trading at about

a 2.6 multiple okay so sometimes companies trade at a premium sometimes they trade at a discount to the Assets that they own now this is trading at a 2.6x multiple keep in mind during the bare Market it got down to like A6 multiple okay so it’s gone up 4X versus Bitcoin which

makes sense if you think it’s up 200% bitcoin’s up 50% okay that that’s a huge difference and people are just basically Accounting for the fact that they can now get more Bitcoin per share they actually show it here Bitcoin per share over time has increased for

micro strategy so if you had bought back in let’s say 2021 right at the beginning of 2021 you would have gotten about 0.8 Bitcoin per share and now it’s closer to about 0013 so you got 60% more Bitcoin which a lot of people are looking at they saying okay well if they keep on getting

more and more Yield which they can do because they can continue to get cheap Debt if they continue to get more and more Bitcoin Yield how much do we price that into the stock and now people are paying a massive premium for that while in the bare

Market people wored about them going bankrupt so even though they had billions of dollars of Bitcoin they didn’t want to touch it cuz they thought that the whole company might go bankrupt and have to sell all their Bitcoin causing a massive crash and being worth basically zero at the time so

people are uh much more bullish on micro strategy than they used to be obviously during the bare Market I wouldn’t be surprised if this premium went higher during the bull market but also just a few days ago I said that I was trimming some of my position this is trading at a huge premium

which I think they should trade at a premium but here you know Michael sailor’s talking about a 50% premium or 100% premium it’s trading at 160% premium right now so I sold some of it and put it into ibit right I put it into a Bitcoin ETF part of that is you know if you look and you

think that okay the the stock is going to trade for 100% premium on average well a 60% premium on top of that is very significant micro Str or uh ibit charges 0 uh 2% a year in cost for fees so that buys me 120 years worth of fees and ibit and yeah I think micro strategy might come down a little

bit versus ibit at some point uh that premium might be phased out a little bit I sold it when it was at 150% premium just about so micro strategy though short squeezing in my opinion I think a lot of of people were short micro strategy and long Bitcoin and now they’re getting squeezed out as

more investors come in and say well I want some of that Yield I want to have more Bitcoin per share and Bitcoin is going to do well so honestly I’m just going to buy this and yeah I’ll get a little bit more Bitcoin every time that they issue more notes keep in mind

though that premium can fall down so micro strategy can have like a negative 10% day when Bitcoin goes down maybe 3 or 4% just keep that in mind but I still think micro strategy is going to do extremely well during this SP run and when we look at the 5year this is the best this is the highest price

micro strategy has ever been even compared to where it was back in the uh beginning parts of the year when Bitcoin was at 74,000 since then micro strategy still up 16% while bitcoin’s down about 10 to 15% so pretty impressive there Mount goau trustee postpones deadline to repay

Creditors by one year to October 201 25 reducing sell pressure concerns for Bitcoin this is crazy people get so worried about this every single year I’ve been in Crypto

for four or five years every single year every single year people are worried about these kinds of repayments how much Bitcoin is going to hit the Markets and it continues to get postponed so

I just say I want it to happen just to get past it uh I’d rather just have some Bitcoin hit the market but yeah I I don’t think uh I I don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon obviously from this repayment of one year um maybe this is what causes some concern nection

maybe this is what takes us actually into the bare Market maybe I don’t know maybe it gets postponed again for another year two years 5 years 10 years who knows but I would not worry about things like this breaking Bank of America survey shows 62% of Millennials prefer

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto as 84 trillion dollar is set to transfer from older Generations now I’m not sure exactly what this means to be honest like this is this phrasing isn’t super clear they say that

they prefer Crypto prefer Crypto to what or do they prefer

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto more than their parents more than the older Generations or do they prefer Crypto

versus stocks and Real Estate I’d say that’s what they’re trying to get at and I get it you know it’s been hard to make money in other Assets for a lot of millennials over the years sure some now have Real Estate some have

stocks and have taken advantage from that but I do think the younger Generations understand Crypto a lot better and prefer #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto or like Crypto a lot especially Bitcoin ethereum some of the large caps uh and some like to you know do some more degenerate stuff with meme coins

and that kind of thing but I would not be surprised if a significant amount of money flew into the Crypto Market as people pass on their wealth let me know your thoughts on all this underneath

the CashNews.co though thank you so much for watching I appreciate it hopefully you hold some mstr cuz it’s doing quite well I still have half of my mstr positions the other half I rolled into ibit but let me know your thoughts thank you so much I appreciate I’ll see you all in the next

one bye

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