February 22, 2025
BRICS Summit Bombshell: The New World Order in Finance

BRICS Summit Bombshell: The New World Order in Finance #Finance

all right so things are getting really exciting stocks are at an all-time high Bitcoin all-time high and if you’ve been watching the news you might have noticed something big just went down it’s not another fed meeting where they lowered Interest Rates by a

quarter perc or Elon Musk or president Donald Trump winning the election I’m talking about this this could be a new world currency that we could start seeing really soon and that’s all thanks to the latest bricks Summit which was held in Kazan Russia at the end of last month and Bricks

is the alliance of countries that are challenging the United States including Brazil Russia India China South Africa and now several more countries that they’ve added to their team which combined now have a bigger GDP meaning they make more stuff than all the G7 countries combined this

meeting was so popular even the Taliban was like hey we don’t see ourselves on the bill where we at now the good news they were denied entry but now bricks is not just a buzzword it’s actually a group of countries that’s now creating their own payment system called bricks pay

which is trying to Dethrone the US dollar as the world’s main currency but on the flip side the dollar is actually getting stronger and Russia says they might not ditch the US dollar now that Donald Trump is reelected so we could see some really exciting stuff and in today’s CashNews.co

I want to help explain what was said in that bricks meeting how all of this could affect our investment how I’m investing my money and I’ll give you my Portfolio update so let’s get into it hi my name is Andre J hope you’re doing well come for the

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and stay for the bricks I’m back and I was in Japan and Thailand I then my body got sick and it just gave up so I was sick for 3 weeks but now I’m back my voice is

still gone but let me start by first breaking down what happened at the summit and then I’ll explain how I’m personally adjusting my own investment strategy but let’s start with the very basic question of how did we get to a point where brics now represents almost 34% of the

Earth’s area 36.7% of the world’s GDP 24 1.5% of all the export volume over 45% of the world’s population almost 40% of the industrial production and over 40% of the world’s wheat Harvest and for that we have to go back to the 1930s back in the 30s the US was facing the

Great Depression things were pretty bad one in four people had no jobs there was a lot of poverty and economic stagnation but World War II changed everything the US started to make stuff for the war which boosted the economy and ended the depression this shift made the US an economic Powerhouse and

the dollar became the best money for global trade then in 1944 at the brettonwoods conference the US used its economic strength to make the dollar the main Reserve currency or the world Reserve currency it’s a move that most countries around the world were in favor of because their economies

weren’t doing as well those countries started to tie their currencies to the US dollar and in the 1970s president Nixon ended the Dollar’s direct link to gold which started the fiat currency era and then eventually the decline of the US dollar from that point onward but that’s not

what caused all of this instead over the years the cause was global conflict sanctions and weaponization of the dollar and now those bricks countries view the dollar as a limitation to their growth which is why they’re now working on building their own Financial systems outside the US dollar

and that’s exactly what these bricks meetings are all about and here’s what happened at the most recent one and maybe one of the most ambitious announcements in that meeting was bricks pay an alternate payment system that doesn’t rely on the US dollar at all and the most

interesting part about it is the controversial story of how it was created because in 2019 Switzerland’s Bank of international settlements started to work on cbdcs Central Bank digital currencies a global payment system to compete with bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto so Switzerland along with a couple partner Banks started to work on one of the highest profile Payment Systems in the world called project embridge and in 2021 they reached What’s called the MVP or the minimum viable product phase

meaning they tested it it worked and they were able to transport billions of dollars across the world instantaneously for almost nothing and just a little over a week ago the bis suddenly backed out of the project now the rumor behind why they backed out after its success was because of who was

part of creating embridge it was China United Arab Emirates and Iran which just happened to become the new members of The brics Alliance so the worry is that embridge could be taken and used by people like Putin and Russia to create their own system for the bricks countries and it just so happened

that a payment system was announced at the latest bricks Summit bricks pay he’s like Apple pay but the but they pay now what’s interesting is that brics pay is based on decentralized technology except their system uses a QR based app for bdb payments and for institutions and at that

brick Summit they gave out physical cards with 500 rues on them as a symbolic gesture of what’s to come and they say that their goal is to be independent of Western payment systems by the end of 2024 and if they succeed that would ultimately reduce their dependency on the US dollar now at

that meeting they also welcomed four new member countries Egypt Ethiopia Iran and the United Arab Emirates each of these countries bring something unique with their own strengths and resources it gives them expansion into Africa the Middle East and Asia but another thing that happened at this

meeting was that they promised to strengthen the new development Bank by giving out Loans own to developing countries now their goal is to give at least 30% of their financing in the local currency of the borrowing countries as an alternative to the IMF now the IMF is a central

bank that lends money to developing countries in exchange for policies that usually help the west and countries like the us but this new development bank will offer Loans without any Western strings attached making it more appealing to countries that want nothing to do with the US

and the way they’ll do that is the NDB will give out Loans in non Us doll currencies to ease repayment for developing nations these steps are just to build the foundation for bricks to gain resilience against things like us sanctions which have been a point of tension

especially for countries like Russia the question is why does this even matter and it matters because the US dollar has been the world’s Reserve currency for decades meaning it’s the default choice for global trade and I cannot overemphasize just how much that status has helped the US

economy and consumers and investors by making everybody that held Assets denominated in US Dollars a lot richer so if brics has its way that could change now my next question is how would it exactly affect my Portfolio of stocks Bitcoin and Real

Estate and one thing we know for sure is that investors don’t like uncertainty and a rival Financial Group could create a lot of that especially with the idea of creating new trading systems outside of wall Street’s influence we’re talking about a bricks backed

Commodities exchange potentially and if it actually gets traction oil and grain prices might start to shift we could start to see a decline in US influence over global commodity prices it’s like what OPEC did with oil but on a bigger scale and across multiple

href="https://cashnews.co/industries" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Industries and with more countries joining bricks it’s becoming an attractive option for countries that feel sidelined by Western policies countries like turkey Saudi Arabia are

reportedly interested in joining and so are dozens of other countries too and why wouldn’t they for countries that want more Independence or don’t see eye to eye with US policies brics offers a solution and if this alternative takes off we might see the dollar be used less and less in

international trade transactions and if we continue to print more dollarss as a means to pay our Debt which is projected that that’s exactly what’s going to happen in the next few decades more dollars will stay in the US and more dollars at home means more dollars

chasing fewer Goods which means prices will continue to go up now let’s take a step back and think about this from an investment perspective because is there any asset class that doesn’t turn red or green for the same reasons as other Investments and ideally something

that holds its value internationally and something that tends to increase in price over time UBS actually did this amazing study showing that over 85% of high Net Worth population that surveyed felt that art was a safe investment compared to traditional Assets like

stocks not just that the Art Market is actually growing like crazy internationally right now with the ultra Rich from China having the highest expenditure on art for the last year and a half more than double that of any other region so let me show you how I became an art investor myself but without

needing m ions see Masterworks has allowed everyday investors to get in on multi-million dollar Investments like Banky bosot and Picasso I’ve worked with Masterworks for a while now and have invested along with thousands of you Masterworks isn’t just an exchange

it’s not just an app they provide a service personally I hold a stake in this bosot and even better Masterworks most recent sale was actually another bosot which sold for $8 million not to mention they’ve delivered annualized net returns like 17.6 17.8 and 21 half% to investors from

their 23 sales to date so if you’re interested you can join me at Masterworks by going to the QR code or by clicking the description below but besides a small diversification in art from today’s sponsor Masterworks here’s how I’ve divided my Net Worth keep

in mind this is just me I’m not saying you or anyone else should do what I’m doing but here it is 20% of my money is invested in Bitcoin now there’s a lot of explanations for why Bitcoin should go up in price but here is my favorite this right here is a breakdown of the global

asset values meaning the value of all the things in the world stocks Real Estate art Bonds gold everything it’s worth about $900 trillion today it’s a big world and it’s a big number so big that my tiny brain cannot comprehend that number so let

me just shrink it down to something that I can understand imagine the combined value of all this stuff is $100 this $900 trillion world is actually worth $100 right on that scale Bonds in Real Estate take up most of this with $33 in Bonds and $36

in Real Estate Stocks by comparison hold a very tiny $11 or so and gold holds a tiny $1.78 now you might look at Bitcoin right now which is in the 70,000 or whatever it’s at right now and think that’s expensive right that’s probably too late to buy now well today

on this scale Bitcoin is a fraction of a dollar today it represents 17 pennies of the $100 bill that makes up the world’s Assets so here’s what I think will happen next all that’s going to happen is just a re shuffling of a small percentage of

Assets shifting toward Bitcoin like a deck of cards being reshuffled right same deck just a different order now here’s the hypothetical scenario let’s say maybe $5 comes out of Real Estate and into Bitcoin maybe $2 comes from stocks and into Bitcoin and

maybe 50 cents comes from gold and into Bitcoin now fast forward to 2045 20 years later and I think the world would look closer to this the world’s wealth is now 4,000 trillion quadruple what it is today on that scale Bitcoin is still smaller than almost everything else just like today except

now it’s visible on this scale because out of $100 Bitcoin is now $7 what’s bitcoin’s price over $13 million a coin over 20 years that’s an annual compound growth rate or kager as the Nerds like to call it of a very reasonable roughly 28% that’s not impossible

considering what Bitcoin has done in the past since it’s been created now could all of this be a stretch yes will I look silly in 20 years maybe will this guy look worse definitely because this guy’s a lot smarter than I am and wealthier and he has more to lose since it’s his data

but hopefully you understand that bitcoin’s value going up is not dependent on some YouTuber saying so it’s not because of Crypt Bros and moon boys joining the industry all that has to happen is just a reshuffling of the world’s cents and dollars not to mention new participants

like States Black Rock Banks countries Pension funds now how do we know that dollars will be shuffled into Bitcoin I don’t know nothing is guaranteed but why I think this will happen is because of the generational wealth transfer as kids inherit money from their parents their grandparents

they will sell some of their less performing Assets like Bonds and gold or maybe Real Estate that is too expensive that they don’t want to maintain and they’ll put that somewhere that is performing something they do understand which for

my generation is Bitcoin and now that Mr Trump is reelected and anti- Crypto people are out of the picture I think banks will start to custody our Bitcoin and hold it for us and maybe even

offer us a Yield on it like a dividend more money will flow into it than has ever before and if the US adopts Bitcoin as a strategic Reserve we’re talking about a whole other level but that’s Bitcoin 20% of my money is there another 20% of my money is in the

Stock Market my Portfolio here is spread out into dividend stocks that pay me monthly and the other half is in an ETF called vti which represents the entire US Stock Market now if I had more courage in my own intelligence or lack thereof I would

probably put all this money into the NASDAQ OR tech stocks but I look at my stocks as a conservative strategy and one that I know Works based on history where my Bitcoin is extremely aggressive and it doesn’t have a lot of history and between the two I feel pretty balanced but if all I had

was tech stocks and Bitcoin then I would have a heart attack every day but that’s my fault proving once again that it’s called personal Finance for a reason

because it might be different for you now another 20 to 25% of my Portfolio is Cash in case there’s an opportunity and the world goes to a dark place and I need to pay my bills because I don’t want to sell that’s my cash and 20% is in Real Estate

across my house and one of my rentals because that’s my base of solitude if all else fails I got a place to live that makes me cope easier when Investments are on a roller coaster and then maybe another 15ish per is miscellaneous Collectibles watches

Investments in fine art with Masterworks along with a few other Assets to diversify so tying everything together if bricks succeeds in building these alternative payments systems and they continue to attract more and more countries we could see a world where the

dollar is not the only World Reserve currency and that means it’s super important to stay invested in global Assets over time because Inflation pushes up not just the price of groceries but the prices of Assets too so staying invested is what

I’m doing this strategy is not for everyone but for someone in my position who’s a bit younger and who has some time that’s as good as I can come up with but I’d love to hear hear your thoughts in the comments down below as always I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day

smash the like button subscribe if you haven’t already I’d love to see you back here next week I’ll see you soon bye-bye

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on BRICS Summit Bombshell: The New World Order in Finance.
With over 593200 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

47 thoughts on “BRICS Summit Bombshell: The New World Order in Finance #Finance

  1. Can you provide a source for the Global Wealth chart? I really like it and would love to share it, but I can't find numbers anywhere close to what is listed, except Real Estate, Equities, and Bitcoin. All the other numbers seem way off from what I've found, with Gold and Art being significantly off with values in the billions, not trillions.

  2. Let’s be honest . All these rich people in foreign countries have lots of American $. And they like the fact that they can go back to their home country and the currency be worth 5x 10x the value. They will never ditch the US $ for the foreseeable future, in my opinion

  3. Bitcoin will have a bad ending even though it's bullish at the moment, and no dressing up and pretending to be tangible will ever change that. All it takes is an ultra-black swan event like we've never seen in generations and Bitcoin breaking historic support levels.

  4. No one knows how high Bitcoin will reach, but it's ultimate price will match the price of… tulips 🌷. Effectively zero. It's a failed, slow and energy intensive currency, and like the dollar a fiat currency. But for the time being still a speculative asset only a select few will time correctly before imploding. Select few being the institutional investors like Blackrock.

  5. Iran, China, Russia and South Africa members of BRICS is so scary. They are deeply autocratic countries, itching for wars against “Western” nations (including Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan); and deeply fraudulent political leaders. The USA is also a warring nation who will find an excuse to “protect” its interests in accessing oil and now money.

  6. I'm just curious if you asked an Asians their opinion when you were there.
    I can't think of a single Asian that wants a China or Russian led BRICS.
    Most Asians dislike China and want financial independence from them.

  7. My concern on bitcoin it is man made, if it is so good, why can't someone create bitcoin II and bitcoin III, etc, which eventually leads to declining prices

  8. Hope you're fully recovered Andre!
    I haven't finished the video…but I hope you mention the hilarious headline that came out of the BRICs summit :
    Attendees were advised to bring Dollars and Euros to pay their expenses. Hahahahahhahaha!

  9. 14:15 Are anti-crypto people really out of the picture?
    I find it difficult to believe that just because Trump was elected that the WEF, WHO, BIS, Deep State are just going to throw in the towel.

  10. If you really own a house (and this is really less likely for our generation from 90') why on earth would you invest in Bitcoin? Will you sleep on Bitcoin? Will you eat Bitcoin? Will you sell your house and go to rent just because "it performs better" and you have "faith" in a ultra-speculative asset? That doesn't make any sense. Everybody is excited about that bull run. Fine. You have the right to be, but have you checked that BULL F…IN RUN of the house market and rents ALL around the world? Owning a house has become a damn luxury, especially in western world. Bitcoin was made to be used for transactions NOT as hedge. Actual usage of it today is in black market +speculators. But obviously we, humans, always will not miss a chance to speculate even on COWS if they happen to grow in price. Isn't it?

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