October 18, 2024
Can XRP ACTUALLY Change Our Financial Lives?

Can XRP ACTUALLY Change Our Financial Lives? #Finance

hello welcome back in today’s CashNews.co I want to get into the concept of actually why xrp is the is the asset that you want to be in if the whole system collapses so when I talk about the whole system collapsing what do I mean what do what do I mean well I mean cuz because

you’ve got the great reset right and then you’ve got the financial collapse I’m trying to figure out which one of those is more drastic like which one is is like end of the world we have the like water and food is the most valuable asset on the planet because all the

internet’s off all the electricities off I tend to believe that that’s probably not going to happen um but like it’s in my mind and I’ve got water at my house and stuff so like I’m prepared a little bit for that um but I I tend to think that if we have a massive change

of the financial system it’s going to be in a way that’s very subtle and overtime maybe you’ll have at maximum like 10 minutes of outage in across the globe for this new system to come in I think in reality it changes systems uh gradually over time um this obviously does kind of

remove that flick the switch moment uh that people talk about so much in this CashNews.co I’m kind of want to explain why xrp is really well suited and how just just logically speaking it’ll it’ll make it it’ll make it in whatever crash is is is bound to happen I I think the

slow crash is going to happen you know where things things just change over time with legislation um I think that the train has already left the station as as you all know already and it’s funny that I said train because it wasn’t a pun that I intended but I have a story that I want to

tell just to illustrate my point here in this CashNews.co and it’s about trains and and bridges um so what we’re going to take away from this this this CashNews.co I think is why xrp actually is the best choice of an asset to have that will survive the this switch over um so I want you

to be able to understand the unique qualities of xrp in this CashNews.co but also just logically understand why it’s bound to succeed it’s bound to bound to win even with the constraints and the control that the government has right now over the whole system and the banks have over the

whole system even with that strength and conviction that they have to keep things the way they are um it it’s still bound to change and xrp is still bound to become the asset um certainly for for these types of transactions whether it’s the asset for retailers unlikely um it just I

think we’re fortunate that we’re here right now so let’s get into it then so in the in the town I live in and this is the same for all the towns basically that have a train station the train stations were there often times way before cars were there so cars and infrastructure was

put in after these Bridges and so these bridges in the UK are very very old is there’s loads of pictures of them just type UK traditional UK train pedestrian bridge nice easy Google search for you there um and you’ll see that they’re like really nice patterns and stuff they were

hand truly handmade like these were made in factories and stuff really nice really nice and they’ve stood the test of time right and they do their job right you need to the the Train the the train barriers have gone down you need to cross to get over so you don’t have to wait for the

train to come you walk to the side you walk up you walk across you walk uh down again and then you carry on your journey it does its job somehow it’s not the most efficient way of doing it right um but it does its job but it only does its job for pedestrians like cars can’t go up that

bridge and then go down and so it’s it’s actually mostly terribly inefficient because if you actually look at the bridge certainly in my town it’ll be the same all over as soon as that train line closes for the train to go past so the cars don’t go past the traffic is

immense and in in rush hour here you you over a course a stretch of like3 of a mile you you might have to wait half an hour to to clear that so it creates this immense level of traffic people are moving house from the town that I live in to go somewhere else that doesn’t have this traffic and

it’s because of that train station it’s because the trains going through and of course you’ve got lovely things that happen you’ve got you got nice steam trains that go through and all the enthusiasts are there with the cameras and stuff that’s that’s lovely but

the whole system is inefficient now I want to propose to you something and I’m sure you’re seeing the parallels here the old the old bridges are like the old train stations the old bridges are like the old Financial system The Current financial system it does the job it might do it in

in 3 to 5 days it might process your payment in 3 to 5 days um it might cause traffic you might have inefficiencies you might not be able to let the cars through but some people can get through and that’s that’s good enough like it works it’s worked for 200 years it’ll

continue to work but I want to kind of pose another idea what if there was such a system where you have the train line right the train Line’s there is is necessary it’s part of the movement of people like to go to London and all this kind of stuff what if there was such a technology

where pedestrians would walk and they would stand in this in this like square and the square has this new fancy technology and there’s there’s a there’s a pair of those squares on the other side so you’ve got one square here one square on the other side all a person has to

do to cross to cross the rail is stand in the square wait for 3 to 5 Seconds somewhere around there and then automatically they’re just on the other side they teleport so they stand there for 3 to 5 seconds and they teleport over now the same happens to cars cars drive in massive massive

things even even like vans on 18 wheelers they drive up to their rectangle and there’s another rectangle on the other side they wait there for 3 to 5 seconds and boom they’re on the other side that’s quite compelling that that completely changes things let me explain how that

changes my town for example in in the transport side of things if people can move from one side of that track to the other in 3 to 5 seconds I don’t care how nice that bridge looks how traditional it is or how old it is people are not going to choose that option to cross the road if

you’re going to if you have the prospect of being sat in traffic for 45 minutes or 5 seconds I’m sorry but all of the all of the traditional train lovers you’re to the side right now you can take your picture somewhere else I want to get home and so I think that’s really

what we’re talking about here like just the compelling nature of the fact that xrp will do a transaction in 3 to 5 Seconds where Swift for example will take 3 to 5 days the current system takes 3 to 5 days um the transaction fees for xrp are 0.00 one xrp per transaction whereas a swift fee

can actually go as high as $1,000 for to to make a payment on Swift now I want to just take this to chat GPT here um because I this is obviously you can see none of this is scripted at all but I’m going to run this experiment because I want to know just how much xrp you would have to send to

get a $1,000 transaction fee what I’m saying here is that the the is just way cheaper it’s way quicker to do it we’re going to get that answer in a second and I think that naturally just wins out over time I think that just beats the old system naturally like it’s it’s

too compelling the the only way the only way the xrp doesn’t completely change the financial world is if the traditional system the banks and and this the whole Swift system the most important part for the financial institutions is regulatory Clarity and maturity of the thing that

they’re using if those are the only uh if that’s the only consideration like the primary consideration then you know we’re fighting a losing game but if their consideration is we want to save some money and or we want to make some money CU they can create margins with that stuff

and we want to create a faster experience with less hiccups if that’s the priority then xrp is going to win over time we will get maturity with xrp because it will have just been around for a long enough time um we’ll get regulatory Clarity over time as well so I just think it’s a

war of attrition like it might take a while but I don’t see how the better technology doesn’t just end up winning um so let’s look at the answer that that the AI came up with here okay you would have to do 200 million transactions at the price of 50x uh 50 Cent xrp to match that

$11,000 transaction fee it would take you 200 million transactions to get that that fee and you can get a $1,000 transaction fee on one I said that on one transaction using Swift um it’s too compelling like it’s it’s too it’s too compelling let me let me see um if you were

going to do one transaction and get a 1 ,000 fee using xrp what would the price of xrp have to be so I hope you’re understanding my questions here this is I’m I’m just completely curious here let’s let’s wait for it to to okay you would have to reach $100 million per

xrp to have one single transaction cost $1,000 I mean this is too it’s too compelling it’s too compelling and that that’s that’s what I wanted to it that’s what I want to say Ripple’s also got 300 financial institutions kind of that they’re partnering with

across 40 45 different countries they’ve got Partners like santande SBI remit um and these are both using xrp in international transfers of course there’s different payment channels that they’re using there that’s a whole other CashNews.co as well um but it it’s just

it’s too compelling in my opinion it’s too compelling I hope you enjoyed this CashNews.co it’s a nice little thought experiment if you like this style of CashNews.co please let me know in the comments will be lot more to come it’s going to be xrp content from now until at

least the end of January just solid we’re going to get really into the weeds with with xrp so if you’re a holder of xrp or an investor this is the place to be for it it’s casual compensation we’re talking about it I’m discovering new things all the time I’m very

excited about all of this um and the ball run is right around the corner so subscribe to the channel if you want updates all the time on xrp I’ve also reestablished the newsletter the newsletter goes out actually three times a week now it’s kind of insane um and that’s just useful

tips to help you along your Crypto Journey um think lessons that I’ve learned that you might be able to learn from as well and I’ll also share some really amazing stories from my

students and my clients as well um in there just to provide motivation that these things are possible you can do it anyway stay emotionless and I’ll see you in the next one

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on Can XRP ACTUALLY Change Our Financial Lives?.
With over 14073 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

29 thoughts on “Can XRP ACTUALLY Change Our Financial Lives? #Finance

  1. I started to gap out when you went on your train rant. However that being said the chill music and steady chill conversation was a refreshing change from the YT's that try to chew my face off through my screen. Edit: XRP🚀🖕😅

  2. NOPE- I never thought I'd sell my XRP. I sold 90% of it and I had alot ( beyond top 1%). It was my largest holding. We are currently in the Bull market. I am not going to miss any opportunities because of this freaking coin. Still holding large bags of XLM and XDC. If XRP takes off I'll still be able to earn something from its run because XLM mirrors it.
    Until the SEC is gone and adoption happens its a waste of time. I'll buy back into it during this next bear market.

  3. Please stop talking to your viewers like children. We know what we hold. We just need someone to be part of our club. Your losing us, so please get to the point. We don't care about trains and bridges. As I said, we know what we hold.

  4. Why would XRP be necessary if the banks collapse? No one would need XRP anymore for ODL because the demand would no longer exist. If the banks collapsed people would just use Stellar XLM instead as it is a much better technology for retail and peer to peer because it has true smart contracts, clawback, and will work with the unbanked as well and offline. XRP works offline too but it is falling behind unfortunately, other than cross border payments XLM can do everything else.

  5. I see XRP and most crypto in the new system like when cars got invented. People were saying all sort of negative things, now everyone owns a car. Think about it, we bought a dang StarFrit potato peeler! Don’t lie, you know you have or had one….so what is wrong in beleiving XRP and others will blow up like the cars did?

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