March 14, 2025
Collateralized debt obligation overview | Finance & Capital Markets | Khan Academy

Collateralized debt obligation overview | Finance & Capital Markets | Khan Academy #Finance

سوف نرى ان بنك استثماري يمكنه شراء مجموعة من الرهون العقاريه مما يجعله المقرض لصاحب المنزل و بذلك يلتصق الرهن بهذا البنك

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this amazing video on Collateralized debt obligation overview | Finance & Capital Markets | Khan Academy.
With over 253943 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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43 thoughts on “Collateralized debt obligation overview | Finance & Capital Markets | Khan Academy #Finance

  1. I say this all the time, but these videos are so clear they make me angry. I’ve been trying to grasp the idea of what a tranche is for hours and still didn’t get it. This made it clear in 4 min.

  2. I studied engineering in college, and very good at math, have a strong logical side to my brain, but every explanation I’ve seen of this type of financial instrument is way too fast and skips over details that make it hard to understand the very heart of the issue.

  3. There are a few things I don't get. Firstly, what does the 8% yield part mean intuitively? Secondly, are the pension fund and the hedge fund buying the mortgage-backed securities from the special purpose entity?

  4. So what you're telling me that CDOs are still being traded but under the 'tranche' name?
    Can anyone tell me what ultimately happens to wealth in a default? Does it just vanish, or is it ALWAYS recycled in some form or fashion?

  5. Yea. the big short. Most of it was right… The synthetic CDO was really what brought the banks to their knees….The govt. then bailed out the banks they wanted like Chase, Citi, Morgan S, Goldman, AIG was later. Lehman and Bear..straight to the grave. Wamu, and Wachovia gone.

  6. This isn't a CDO. CDOs are when you take the bad debt and create a layered security which is rated triple A in parts. Here Khan has just described a Tranched MBS.

  7. Here is the catch. the rating company could be involved in the CDO's like moody. they give it higher rating then it should. that way it allows the pension fund manager to invest in this unregulated S.P.E.

    I think thats why fanny and freddie have 3 trillion in real estate foreclosures still unsold on there books. they would collapse the market to its true level if they put them up for sale. so its allowing the senior to get paid first then it goes up for auction.

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