March 15, 2025
Crushing Pain and Getting Gains: The Doc and The Finance Jock

Crushing Pain and Getting Gains: The Doc and The Finance Jock #Finance

I I’m Pete and this is my wife Megan and uh we’re the owners here at starting strength Columbus I grew up right up the road so Dublin is home to me you know cornfed Midwestern guy yeah and same for me I grew up in northwest Ohio and went out to Los Angeles for my U medical

residency and then I came back to Columbus after that and that’s where I met Pete we were just looking for a bit of a change you know something else to do to kind of give back to the community but also so um to embrace some entrepreneurship so it was uh actually 2021 the pandemic had

everything closed down and I was just you know looking for something to do getting back in shape was better than putting on 15 lbs eating and drinking so I went down the rabbit hole on the internet and starting strength actually has a strong following they have a bunch of social media content that

most people can get started on their own the gains that I made I just never thought possible you know having been an athlete and a younger man trying to get to 225 on the bench press didn’t didn’t accomplish that until after I had done the novice linear progression so I was pregnant

with our second child at the time 32 weeks same as I am now ironically and I uh threw my back out and it was just worse than the labor worse than everything else just a lot of pain it took me about a week to recover and I’d always been you know an athlete and an avid Runner but I realized you

know my my back was was just getting really weak and all my other joints I just felt like I didn’t have core strength Pete encouraged me to start lifting and I thought okay I’d give this a try and so I started doing an NLP on my own and you know saw that this was really beneficial

especially postpartum you know I lost my postpartum weight really quickly I was feeling a lot better I didn’t have that back pain that I used to have I was in the um the financial industry for the better part of 20 years so so after a couple decades it’s pretty high burnout a lot of you

know time away from the family travel Etc I think it came to me at a time in which gave me an open mind to put my life on a different trajectory and I think the more and more we thought about it we wanted to do something that we could create and be a part of but we just hadn’t found that

right thing yet and and starting strength kind of it came in the back door it snuck in on us because it was something we were both doing already and the more and more we did it the more and more we like this is this is really effective and we could get behind this we didn’t even know they

were franchising at first you know that kind of came later I had talked about coaching and with the results that both of us had experienced not just physically but also emotionally and mentally and the profound impact that starting strength and training the right way with a barbell has on your life

uh we we talked about it and we were like the whole Community needs to know about this so can’t keep it a secret and I think for us we needed to do something that we believed in and we could really get behind um and that really provided a benefit to society and for myself it was important

that you know there was some health benefit something we were doing to make people’s lives better we had a lot of talks um a lot of talks with the Gillan Waters talked with some of the other gym owners definitely first learning more about coaching kind of about the method itself you know then

went down and and did our seminar in Texas and I think by then we were pretty much all in on it but um it’s a long process and of itself you know just figuring out the business end of things but we’re pretty fortunate that we found this place pretty quickly and got moving pretty quickly

so coming home and establishing a gym here you know in my community that I grew up in uh that was really cool I’m an internal medicine physician um I work in an academic hospital here in Columbus most of my patients are suffering from kind of endstage manifestations of chronic disease and the

large majority of it is preventable and so I think that’s what really attracted me to the gym into starting strength and that’s what makes me really excited when I have clients come in here and they want to start on a strength Journey because that to me shows that they’re making a

real commitment to their health and they want to be better and you know so you see over 6 months a year’s time they develop that trust with their coach and they get stronger uh both physically and mentally and as the weight on the bar increases and I think you know that physical strength

really does translate to other health benefits so they have more muscle mass they have stronger bone density they’re more metabolically efficient you know and this makes them overall more resilient to the illnesses and the injuries that they might get as they Age and and really what happens

you know over months to years is that they have a better quality of life and they live longer and that’s scientifically proven the stronger you are the longer you’re going to live and for me as a physician that’s kind of what I want for my patients I I want to make them feel

better I want them to live longer so in in that respect the barbell works as medicine and I really like that and that’s what I want for my clients when they come in to a starting strength gym I want them to reap all these benefits I want them to be better than average I think that’s

what we mean when we say stronger is better so

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