March 14, 2025
Dave Ramsey: You Only Need To Know These 5 Rules

Dave Ramsey: You Only Need To Know These 5 Rules #Finance

how many of you grew up like i did not rich now i’m not theologically or philosophically shallow enough to tell you money will make you happy money will not make you happy you get more money it will make you more of what you are right now if you are miserable and you get money you

will be lots of miserable if you’re a jerk and you get money big jerk and it’ll mess with your family too so money is not going to solve your problems it’s going to make them bigger it’s also going to make your opportunities bigger if you’re a generous person your

generosity will go into overdrive you’ll be outrageously generous and you get a lot of money we’ll call you a philanthropist cool word that means you give a lot of it away and you have a blast doing it you found the most fun you’ll ever have with money when you find that so we

live in a cause and effect world what you plant you will harvest you will reap what you sow right so if you plant stupid you will get a crop of desperate i’ve done it and you know if you plant corn don’t be looking for beans to come up don’t be shocked by because what you put into

your life is what you’re going to get out so we’ve found that there’s five things that if you do these five things with money over a period of time like 10 or 15 years you will build a level of wealth 100 of the time and now i said a level of wealth i don’t know what level

because i can’t predict car wrecks and cancer i can’t predict tragedy and i don’t know what your Income will be but if you’re working and you do these five things you will build a level of wealth 100 of the time and this is not some prosperity thing and

it’s not mystical or magical when i cover these five things they’re all common sense but common sense is so rare now it’s like having a superpower so let’s look at the five the first one is get on a budget a written plan you have to do a budget on paper on purpose before the

month begins every month if you work for a company called you incorporated and you manage money for you incorporated the way you manage money for you now would you fire you don’t answer that we misbehave with money and so we’re disorganized we don’t have a plan nothing’s

written down decide the interesting thing about each one of these principles is you can just decide today to do them i had a guy working for me and he was not doing his process right and i sat down i said this is what you need to do and he goes well that’s not the way i do it and i said

change and he said well i’m not like you and i said change you can decide today to be good at this or leave you can decide you can decide to do a budget today get out of yellowpad or go free budget online you can decide today i’m going to start managing money well today

because you’re going to keep getting what you’ve been getting if you keep doing what you’ve been doing you know this right sewing and reaping and the second one is you need to get out of Debt now we know this one you knew dave ramsey was going to talk about

getting out of Debt because you know the bible says the borrower is slave to the lender it’s real now here’s the deal think about this your most powerful Wealth Building tool is your Income let me show you what slavery looks like this

week they came out with new data that shows that the average car payment in america today according to the national auto dealers association is 499 that’s dangerously close to 500. you take 500 bucks a month and invest it from age 30 to age 70 in a decent growth stock mutual fund you’ll

have 5.6 million dollars that’s what a car payment costs you so who’d you make rich general motors ford lexus i don’t know toyota who was it you made somebody rich it wasn’t you and you’re driving along and something you can’t afford scratching your head and

wondering why your kid’s college fund isn’t funded because we’re giving it all to somebody else and they have nicer furniture in their building have you noticed something’s going on here guys you know and some people in here got a student Loan’s been

around so long you think it’s a pet you got master card in your life i mean it’s hard to be a slave if you don’t have a master so you might as well we’ve discovered bondage in american distress it just keeps going and going and i’ve done it too y’all i’m

not picking on anybody i’m just saying here’s the deal think about this what if you had no payments can’t even get my head around that well you’re always going to have a car payment you know i hear people say that little man can’t get ahead you’re always gonna

have a car payment so drive something nice yolo right which by the way is addressed in proverbs it says fool right after that see these are how we talk when we’re losing you know you can get ahead i sure hope we can elect the president it will fix my life not gonna happen neither one of them

got the goods i’ll just tell you you’re in charge of your life it’s the only one that’s gonna work and that’s what changes so how do you get out of Debt well you have to decide to not borrow any more that’s the first step isn’t it we had

plastic surgery at our house had a plasectomy decided we’re not borrowing money anymore mastercard Capital one what’s in your wallet money you’re weird dave you’re right and i’m not broke anymore either i decided i’m not living like this i

hadn’t had a Credit card in 30 years you don’t have a Credit card i don’t have a Credit card that’s my wallet it’s got green president’s faces and it’s got four pieces of plastic in here two debit cards one

on my business one on my personal account which will do everything your stupid Credit card will do i travel more than any two of you put together shut up it works okay dave you’re looking airline miles yeah i’ve met a lot of millionaires and none of them said dave you

know i made it all on my airline miles i hadn’t heard that one so so i got my driver’s license and my handgun carry permit the third thing once you’re out of Debt then you need to be careful to foster high quality relationships what’s that got to do with

money everything there’s a huge correlation for those that build wealth and who they hang around with because you become who you hang around with have you noticed that you don’t let your kids hang around with little juvenile delinquents right if a little johnny down the street’s a

weed head you don’t let your kid run with little johnny cause you know you’re gonna have a weed head in your house right we know this so they come home with that mouth on them and you’re going where’d you learn that i’ll get you knocked in the next week in this house

where’d you think you could get away with that i’ll take you out and make another one looks just like you you know i mean you know it’s cause they’re hanging out with little johnny right you know what happens we’re the same way y’all we’re the same way you

talk like the people you hang around with you read the books they talk about if you don’t read and all your friends watch the bachelor well here’s a clue okay here’s what’s going on if this is all you know about is reality tv that’s not a reality probably we need to

change our diet you know read a book and so charlie tremendous jones said five years from today you’ll be the same person you are today except for the books you read the people you meet don’t be deceived evil company corrupts good habits and you know this the studies have shown that

over a 10-year period of time that your Income will approximate will become within 10 to 20 percent of the average of your 10 closest friend’s Income because you have the same habits they’ve got you have the same diet into your self that they’ve

got you’ll have it you can’t stop yourself from doing it you will become who you hang around with and all the studies show that we have a tendency now that’s not to say i’m some kind of snob and i don’t have any friends that aren’t rich friends not that at all i

have lots of friends but my closest hangs are people i want to be like that’s my closest ones now i’ll talk to anybody but like when our daughters were growing up they’re grown and married to wonderful men now but you know they’re in high school and they’re wanting to

go on a date we didn’t do missionary dating you don’t get to date little johnny the weed head and lead him to jesus that’s not gonna work okay we’re not doing this little johnny can go to camp and get saved again you know we’ll work on this right and so uh no you come

up to our house to pick up one of our daughters honk your horn you better be delivering a pizza all right so coming in talking to the old man you know i’ll be cleaning my gun when you get home you know the song right and so uh i mean this this kind of thing and i’m teaching them dad all

the boys and the youth group are scared of you good keeps away two things you don’t want baby doll you don’t want jerks and you don’t want wusses and if i can keep both those away and then i can teach you how to keep them away you can pick good and guess what they both picked good

they both picked good they buried studs man i got some son-in-law unbelievable man my sons-in-law are awesome and it wasn’t an accident you see what i’m saying y’all you need to make these choices very very carefully the fourth thing is you need to save and invest in the house of

the wise are stores of choice food and oil wise people save money that’s what this means and so it was used in the marketplace like we used green presidents faces as a medium of exchange if you had a carafe of oil you were ready to do business it was a sign of wealth there were two classes of

people poor people and rich people most of the people were poor people this is the mediterranean we’re talking they ate hummus and olives no meat a little bit of bread maybe maybe a fish if they got some meat but that was it rich people ate what we eat every day spices good meat charleston

food scene you know what i’m saying right cooking it up right that’s fine food stores of choice food and oil choice food and oil are symbols of wealth so let’s read that again in the house of the wise are stores of money by the way the rest of that one says and a foolish man

devours all he has if you spend everything you make the bible just called you a fool again i’ve been a fool call me a fool too and i decided to change wise people save money why well start with we say for an emergency right grandma said it she said save for a rainy day it’s gonna rain

you’re gonna have a car wreck you’ll lose your job something’s gonna happen you’re gonna need some money dave you need to be positive i’m positive it’s gonna rain something’s gonna come up this one i don’t understand unexpected pregnancy say what okay

but people come up with all kinds of things that are emergencies right something’s gonna happen and then you need to save and invest so you retire with dignity you know i’m gonna spend everything i make and hope the government which is well known for its ability to handle money will

take care of me dumb idea i’m not even sure some of them have opposable thumbs up there you know what i’m saying it’s just ridiculous and we’re counting on them in some wacked out kind of way to come be they’re not coming there is no white horse there is no calvary

you’re it okay you are in charge of your destiny and that’s great news and so all worried about the election and i’m not worried about the election because i made money under both parties turns out it wasn’t up to them in either case i’ve lost money under both parties

none of them sent me a check they all just want money they’re extracting like a tick extracting blood all the time that’s all they do this is the deal the last one is all about generosity but this is all about cheerfulness generosity is not just a transfer of funds generosity is a

spirit where you decide to be a generous person generous people are more attractive they smile they’re not grouchy it’s not all about them they’re the ones that open the door they’re the ones when the grocery bag has the bottom drop out and your groceries are rolling all

over the parking lot they’re the ones out there helping you pick it up these are the people that when they go out to eat they leave a tip you cheap ridiculous well us i’m not one i leave big tips because it’s a form of generosity well they didn’t give me good service oh shut

up they’re carrying a tray that weighs more than you figure it out they parked your car in the rain and in the heat shut up give them some money they park your 130 000 car and you give them three dollars what are you a nut that’s ferris bueller park in the car there you take care of

that man i give him a 20 bill my car’s still sitting there when i come out it’s amazing sounds like that guy’s working his way through college or something right there and if he says better than i deserve that’s his code for i’m getting out of Debt if

they say that you got to give him a double tip so i give him 40. my wife’s like i’m gonna park your car and no you’re not you’re not working your way out of college you’ve already put up with me for 30 years so it’s all right generosity is a spirit it changes

everything in your life but it’s awful tough to give if you’re broke if you’re in Debt and you haven’t saved any money and you don’t have a plan and you’re not hanging out with other people who are givers and so change you get to decide today

it’ll change your life it’ll change your family tree you will change everyone with your last name that follows you if you do these things it’s that powerful it’s unbelievable the sorrows are deeper and the joys are higher it changes everything and when you move this money

piece around it gives you the tools to be that in the marketplace and to be that for your family and to get this monkey off your back and to get that elephant out of the room because he’s got to go

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this amazing video on Dave Ramsey: You Only Need To Know These 5 Rules.
With over 3135104 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

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42 thoughts on “Dave Ramsey: You Only Need To Know These 5 Rules #Finance

  1. I love the power of compounding. We've graphed our net worth since the beginning and it gives us a huge kick to see the total balance increasing exponentially over time.

  2. Credit cards and airline miles are absolutely a great way to do it. PROVIDED you use them like cash- as a means of payment only- and do NOT carry a balance.
    My wife and I have had two trips to London, one to Australia, one to Aruba and one to Hawaii. All on our miles. And we've NEVER paid a cent in interest.

  3. What type of return would you need to achieve to end up with $5.6 million by investing $500 a month for 40 years? 15%. I have trouble finding anything with that return over 40 years.

  4. Those of you that have paid off your mortgage and only have property tax, homeowners insurance, maintenance on your home, set aside now for those each month before their due for the following year that way the $ is already there, and if you say well homeowners insurance goes up each save some $ over and it still won’t be a big hit out your pocket

  5. $ is important, but so is good health ,family, friends etc GOD and JESUS has made me neither rich nor poor , Read Proverbs 30:7-9 —- I’m comp-table , but l learned the hard way before getting into this position ( being once in debt is NO FUN AT ALL) l realized the material things in this world will put you in DEBT, just like Dave mentioned the scripture in the Bible the borrower is slave to the lender- l only pay cash now for things and also l could help someone financially within reason, NO l will not co-sign for anything etc

  6. Americans and their tipping always gets me but that takes the cake. $20 tip for a valet to do their job and park your car? Park your own damn car for free! No way am i tipping for that, it's included in the hotel room cost.

  7. You seem to think this idea is UNOVERSAL to ALL PEOPLE

    I'm POOR
    because of this

    I'm Misserable EVERY DAY

    IM MISSERABLE Because of my situation….

    If I woke up next month a millionaire

    I would not be MISSERABLE!!!

    BUT I'm not stupid enough to bost about any money I might have!!!!!!
    I'm not dumb enough to let my money rule me or steer my life

    I can export 40 mll. A d still drive an older car.

    Only different would be knowledge that if it brakes down….

    I CAN FIX IT!!!!

  8. The problem we have is because Most people always taught that " you only need a good job to become rich " . These billionaires are operating on a whole other playbook that many don't even know exists.

  9. There are famously talked terminology called "value investing"….investing is not just a passive income, pick any stock and wait for return but need to work hard to find portfolio that can give at least 10% annual return consistently (capital gain & dividend).

  10. There is obviously a compounding effect in the very long term for large capital, but is not "automatic", and with the wrong strategies you can even lose more than you have. I'm still looking for companies to make additions to my $350K portfolio, to boost performance. Here for ideas…

  11. The difficulties that the current generation faces are quite depressing. I wanted to know how to use some money that I had. I used a small portion of it for online sales, but that failed. My primary concern is safeguarding my $300K stock portfolio from loss, but I'm not sure how to go about it.

  12. I was advised to diversify my portfolio among several assets such as stocks and bonds since this can protect my portfolio for retirement of about $150k. I want to know: Do I keep contributing to my portfolio in these unstable markets, or do I look into alternative sectors?

  13. I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them. We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for.

  14. With the economic difficulties the nation is currently facing in 2024, what plans can we put in place to support our income while we adjust to this time period? I'm determined not to see my $500K in savings disappear, especially after all the effort I've put into building them up.

  15. I’ve never had a budget my entire lifetime. I’m 65 now. My mortgage has been paid for a few years, have almost a million dollars 401k. Probably should be More by now!

  16. Transfer of wealth usually occur during market crash, so the more stocks drop, the more I buy, in the meanwhile I'm just focused on making better investments and earning more as recession fear increases, apparently there are strategies to 3x gains in this present market cos I read of someone that pulled a profit of $350k within 6months, and it would really help if you could make a video covering these strategies.

  17. I lost over $80k when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly. Thanks Charlotte Miller.

  18. I just sold a property in Portland and am considering investing the proceeds in stocks. I know everyone says the market is ripe, but is now a good time to buy? How long till complete recovery? How are other people in the same market making over $450,000 in just a few months? I'm truly baffled at this point.

  19. Dont agree with the zero credit card ideology. Its good to build credit, and maintain it above 750. I would agree that you should have a credit card if you're in debt, get out of debt first and use that learned discipline. Its just important to be 100% disciplined with your finances every single month to not get dinged.

  20. I struggled financially, but by being frugal and smart with money I was able to retire comfortably at 59. I'm SUPER HAPPY that I don't have to worry about money or have to go to work. It bought me happiness!

  21. As an lnvesting enthusiast, I often wonder how top level investors are able to become millionaires off investing. . I’ve been sitting on over $545K equity from a home sale and I’m not sure where to go from here, is it a good time to buy into stocks or do I wait for another opportunity?

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