March 9, 2025


my way I don’t needed I don’t need no heroin you can keep your medicine I’m a Bine juny I’m a baseline juny I’m a Bine juny and I like it fun dirty stinking B big dirty stinking B dirty dirty stinking dirty stinking B dirty stinking stinking what is up you Big

D dirty stinking bass heads in today’s we’re going to jump into arrow and DJ all right so I just got copyright claimed for that intro 100% just got copyright claimed so if you want to support me because I’m going to make no money off this please number one

like the leave me a comment number two subscribe we’re very close the base Community is one of the biggest communities on the channel right now so you want to prove it you want to show that your big dirty thinking BAS says click the Subscribe button but on my Twitter today I made

a little poll which absolutely popping I got 18 votes let’s go what base coin should I cover today and I couldn’t be a to wait for this to finish so I’m going to do Arrow we’re going to do dgen today because I know for some of you you got some concerns about d g and then

also we just haven’t done an error update in a little while what happened to Z50 K bear TDS Where’s my water Where’s My Water all right there it is what happened to the 50k bear tis guys a lot of big accounts right never going to edit that out you guys can think about that while

I’m drinking right in the bare Market there were so many big accounts that had 100K even some that had like 1 million okay saying to to you guys maybe some of you ogs not to buy specific coins and wait for it to go down to a price that never came even though alt coins are still technically

low the prices that they were calling for in 2022 not good they still haven’t come guys okay so just because someone has a big account I know I say this all the time I’m still a small account but because I have a big account doesn’t mean that you should believe everything they say

and again just because it’s me doesn’t believe doesn’t mean you should believe everything I say you should always go and do your own research guys I’m literally telling it to you straight up that’s the best way to do it and then we can go and hash it out in the

comments as well but our coins about to heat up I do think so look at altcoins this cycle guys okay bitcoin’s had its move we’ve had our reaccumulation and a lot of us are just like 100% in Al know there’s not many of you guys watching the now that even own that much

Bitcoin or ethereum okay maybe some of you but the majority of you guys are djm retards and you only own meme coins or B coins okay but don’t worry your time is soon because we could be getting to that previous top at $ 1.7 trillion market cap and then a$3 trillion market cap which is

something that I looked at many many moons ago on the channel back when I was little small fry and nobody watched my CashNews.cos I said $3 trillion market cap so it’s great to see a lot of people starting to see the same thing that I saw what do we need for our altcoins to start to pick up

what do we need for Arrow to pick up what do we need for djen to pick up what do we need for alien base to pick up what do we need for talent to pick up we need e to go guys okay so e is breaking out just as the lmac D crosses bullish lovely get into the important stuff top chain on the E pool day

in day out wrapped e/ usdc slipstream pool on Aerodrome consistently ranks as the highest volume pool on chain today is no exception according to Dex screener with nearly half a billion in volume so far 24 hours half a billy and if you missed it yesterday metad deex era has just begun because aerod

Drome had its first $1 billion volume day it’s really heating up if you want to see it from Aerodrome theirself I mean it was $985 million in volume compared to Unis swaps $229 million in volume over 24 hours and it continues to be the volume and Liquidity engine of Bas the

largest layer 2 in volume and tvl terms and remember when this thing was like sub one cents I kept showing you all showing you guys all of these updates to say we follow what the data is telling us sometimes the price lags you seeing Arrow had a really great move yesterday right and everything had

a great move yesterday but it’s really starting to pick up okay so you follow these key metrics you don’t follow Mr beard on Twitter that says Aerodrome is sucky and it’s going to zero and it’s a scam coin like they all saying at 50 cents we’ll look into our chart in

just a second guys because I think we’re about to break the second level of cre resistance we need to break it and turn it into new key support but double bottom looks like a Buy Signal has been printed here on the daily coinbase truck just before we get into that market goes up Arrow lockers

be printing Market goes down arrow lockers be printing Market goes sideways arol lockers be printing arrow goes 10x Arrow lockers be printing 10x more now we come to arrow and uh when was it September middle of September we said we got key resistance key resistance we flipped this into key support

very nice looks like we kind of nearly had a retest of it not too bad probably had a retest of this Wick High here guys so it would look something more like that now we’re coming up to the secondary key resistance and realistically if we make this a bit more to the point or to the T key

resistance is going to go all the way up to around here guys okay so right now we are tackling with this key resistance very very first OG buy up here at $135 before we did DCA all the way back down here oh my God can you believe we got these prices at like 50 cents can you believe we were buying

this that is crazy we’re nearly breaking through guys so once we can print another few weekly candles up maybe have a retest we’re going to be trying to tackle that alltime high at $199 all the way up to around $22.37 now D gen this is what you call the mother of all setups look at that

Weekly setup guys if you can’t see this right massive flag above the previous bare Market lows on the weekly I don’t know how what you’re going to see guys okay we had a 15% move yesterday yes a lot of our coins are having a big pullback today as we said with the Bitcoin dominance

it’s nearly topped out but because it still high when Bitcoin does fall our altcoins are going to fall with it a lot of you guys are saying I don’t know about dgen I heard some bad things number one it is a meme coin guys it’s a meme coin on base it doesn’t really have any

utility okay so when you get into this that’s what I said to you in the beginning first on djm it is a [ __ ] coin okay doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have potential cuz you guys see what the memes have been doing this cycle but it’s a [ __ ] coin you can see here

from base Hub dive into the top base meme coins with the highest market caps have you jumped into any of these meme coins yet I’m actually going to cover Brett later on today so if you guys want that Brett please subscribe to me and I’ll release that hopefully by this

evening right but you got Brett then you got djen Toshi Keat H miggles blah blah blah blah okay so and also let me know what you guys think of um young pey I don’t know if I should cover that but I like the name Young pey it’s a base Pepe right but you can see here $151 million market

cap for dgen remember everything on this list has pretty much no utility they’re all shitcoins okay still nearly you know billions of of of dollars invested between them you go to coin market cap and yes we had a bit of a pullback today okay it has been a super choppy one to be trading this

and we’ll look into our chart in a second but for everyone who is wondering you know is this thing a scam is it going down people just say scam because of price action they were calling Arrow a scam right right so you know do your due diligence before you do listen just because you see one

scam comment but do you really think coinbase exchange is not going to do due diligence and list a scam coin on their on their platform I highly doubt it let’s be contrarian thinkers guys and let’s just say right what is something that could be a little bit worrying for DJ well number

one it’s only 1.95% locked Liquidity okay so people can remove this Liquidity it’s not actually $5 million in Liquidity so that’s only 107k of lock Liquidity guys okay so this thing can get like violent swings

either direction so that is something that is concerning but with that being said guys nobody is really trading it on Deck screener for the wrapped Eve pair okay nobody’s really doing it so the m so the main Liquidity is going to be on the exchanges okay so again if

you’re worried about Liquidity go and trade it on an exchange but you come to our chart and and you can stick to the buy prices please stick to the buy prices it was 0.65 0.75 we’re still up from both entries we actually had like a go time we had a go time which was

like a line straight across here we broke out of this resistance but now the next big level of resistance is going to be the previous high and that’s going to be at 1 cent you can see here we got heavily rejected but came back down to our upper entry and are now trying to push again maybe we

just continue to coil up before the true breakout guys this is the coinbase chart I like to use this because it’s going to have more Liquidity locked on coinbase than it is on Deck screener but what we can expect guys when we do break that it’s go time what we’re

looking for is a 1618 Target of 1.2 Cent so from our initial buy that’s going to be a move of around 100% 95% from the second buy so the higher buy it’s going to be a 70% move guys and that’s why you got to stick to the buy so once we can break this 1 cent level again going to be

20% higher than that blowoff top Target is going to be 2.2 Cents by that time we’ll be up a good few hundred% guys but we do need to break this level which has been resistance once twice three times now four times guys but something that is looking pretty tasty to coil up all the way until

mid to the end of November before we do have our next parabolic rally up but we are now waiting for go time that’s it guys you let me know what you think of Aid Drome let me know what you think of dgen subscribe to the channel for more based content I’m see you in the next one peace


Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on DEGEN & AERODROME FINANCE – IMPORTANT UPDATE 🔥 $DEGEN $AERO $BASE.
With over 1394 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.


  1. Degen is an L3 on Base. It's a chain. Allows Frames or apps to be sent on Farcaster. Lots of ETH devs on this project. Backed by Coinbase and Jesse Pollak. Founders wallet locked for 4 years. The other wallets are for community rewards. Not a shit coin. Thanks

  2. My man i love your videos on BASE . My most coins are in BASE: AERO, WELL, BRETT. Bro, can you please make video on another excellent meme coin on BASE: “ Young PEEZY aka PEPE “ I think this one hidden gems, they have meme generator tool, AR filter, voice cover and yeah they have rap song which i love it. Please make video on it. 🙏

  3. I see Degen as one of the easiest 10X’s out there.

    Probably could get a 30X blow off top from the current level, but we’ll be dca’ing out so I’d be happy with a 10-20x

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