March 15, 2025
Discover the Top 10 Profitable Event Side Hustle Ideas

Discover the Top 10 Profitable Event Side Hustle Ideas #Finance

hi guys my name is Nik mile I am also known as the financial bunny so today I want to talk a little bit about additional Income streams but I want to be very specific and speak about Diversified additional Income streams I always say the whole concept of

additional Income streams in South Africa is really really got bad PR because people forget to put the word Diversified before additional Income streams the other thing that we are always going to be advocating for which actually is mental health month in October

is exactly that good mental health habits and making sure that you are taking care of your psyche your mental health before anything else now before I get into this please do remember that none of my CashNews.cos constitute as Financial advice if you are looking for financial advice

please do speak to somebody who is certified and registered with the fsca so on one day I came back from a shoot with um my CashNews.cographer so as we’re driving I see one of those yellow trucks you know the the the ones that are used in construction or those type of projects and I was like

oh my goodness if I can really just get one of those and I probably would be able to put it into a job and make a lot of money and he was like it is so funny how every single time you look at something you’re able to see an opportunity or you know some sort of business and I literally just

looked at this truck and I thought what is this typ of truck doing in the middle of the mall and you looked at it and saw a an investment or a business opportunity it’s actually very very commendable that you think like that and I was like look I can tell you right now it’s not a

special skill the only thing I’ve done different is that I have tuned my mindset to be able to see opportunities where some people might not be able to see opportunities right but also I am in an abundance stage in my life where everything to me seems like I could turn it into a great

abundance story so that’s probably why I think like that however it does not mean everywhere I go every time you know I’m sitting at a date and I’m seeing money everywhere or opportunities everywhere no it’s just certain spaces where I think okay no there might be something

here there is actual opportunity or there is actual um um there there’s synergies that I can see that I could potentially tap into so it’s very important one to have your mindset ready if you are going to be looking for those Diversified Income streams and the reason

why I say this is because a lot of people come to me and they say I need to make a little bit extra money but I just don’t know what to do and I’m like what do you mean the opportunities are endless they out there but I I realize that it’s because I have trained my mindset to

actually think like that so the other day I was at an open day of open learning group so there are an online institution a tary institution that offers qualifications in logistics and in procurement so very specialized that’s all they focus on Logistics and procurement and they’ve got a

great number of qualification offerings so do check them out if you are looking to to go into that space But as I was there they had an open day I was able to spot so many money-making opportunities that were just right there in front of me and I was like Wow here is an actual Gap that I really do

feel that I need to share with you guys but before I get into those opportunities that I spotted there there’s another opportunity that you can look forward or you look you can explore more and that of course is trading right however it is very very important to make it clear that trading is

a risk if you do not understand how to do it and if you do not have a trusted Broker so the top two things that you need to do whether you’re a new Trader whether you’re doing it parttime or you’re going to go into it full-time is to get as fully educated about it

as possible not only how to trade but also all of the legislation that surrounds trading it’s important to get that piece of information and then the second part is of course to partner with a great Brokerage platform or a great Broker and one of those

Brokers is of course OCTA and I’ve spoken about OCTA before they’re a great platform you really can go and trade on their platform and not feel like you have no idea what it is that you’re doing or you’re overwhelmed they’ve got a good um a very

userfriendly dashboard when it comes to trading but also what I really like about them is the investment that they’ve made into educating their potential Traders right so if you jump onto the OCTA uh website you’re going to find a beginners um beginners uh uh course on trading

you’re going to find what we call um I uh trading ideas this is for you to read it’s of course not um instructions for you to make any type of trading positions but rather information that helps you when you are going to be opening those trading positions I think it’s something

worth it and something that you can go into and then also they’ve got a great trading platform that um an app signing up on the app is very simple um you sign up you register on and then it’s going to um ask you to choose a currency in which you’re going to be trading in and then

that becomes your deposit and your withdrawal currency so it’s very very simple your deposits are very um um clear you know exactly how much you’re depositing but also at the same time if you are looking to withdraw you know exactly how much you can withdraw there are an fsp licensed

Brokerage in South Africa so you can check them out on the fsca website and if you are looking to try it out right now if you use my promo code you are able to get 100% um deposit um or 100% of your deposit as uh funds that you can use to start trading but let’s get into some

of those opportunities that are available that or the rather that I saw the first one obviously sound and take right um I mean this one goes without saying almost every event needs sound and take right the second one that I saw a marquee yes not all events are going to need a marquee or

they’re not going to need um outside equipment out outside furniture but they had a marquee they also had outside furniture so the cocktail tables with the cocktail chased right and I know for a fact that they rented those out because they don’t have their own the third thing that I saw

was of course branding they had branded pull up banners they had branded gazebos they had branded Flyers branded lanyards branded t-shirts branded caps so branding is also another opportunity that you can get into so I’ve already spoken about take right so that is now the sound that is the

microphones that is um the music and all of that stuff right then they also had catering so they were catering to the guest that they had invited they had a guy that was sitting at the corner they were giving us food vouches and you could go to the guy and get a hot dog um a drink and I think a

snack which is ice cream or something like that so they had a guy who was able to do quick catering for them on site on the day right and cool drinks and and water and all of those kind of nice things then they had a jumping castle because obviously they know it’s a Saturday people come with

their families and they need to entertain the children while the parents are listening and gathering information about these Logistics and procurement um um qualifications then the other thing they also had was a face painter again entertaining the children right so the jumping castle is for the

kids so is the face painter and we know that kids are going to want to have their faces painted so it’s really entertainment for children and keeping them busy at Friendly kid-friendly events so you can already package yourself as a a face painter you can learn how to be a face painter and

you can do this as a side hustle it doesn’t have to be something that you’re doing full-time so during the week you’re doing your job and then on weekends you’re taking some job to be at kid-friendly activities and then even the jumping castle I mean it’s it’s

it’s one investment that you make once and then basically you rent this thing out and basically the guy who owns the jumping castle came and dropped it off and left and then he came back and picked it up after the event and they paid him for the rental of this so you could have that also as

something that you can keep it’s obviously Diversified Income is not going to pay you the same as your salary but it’s going to bring you a little bit of Income into your thingy into your um um um um um into your life right my cousin also does which

they didn’t have at this specific event but my one of my cousins has those um cameras that spin what are they called you know those cameras that spin and catch you like the motion cameras and she RS this out to events basically she’s got a software she can brand your pictures so that

when they do print out if you want to print out of it or when you get the digital um it comes with your branding and you can tell her what the event is all about and she does all of that before your event when you get to your event it needs one operator or somebody to assist on the day

some people take the package where they don’t have an operator or an assistant so they pay for it to be used at their own lure of course you need to ensure it because if somebody breaks it when you’re not there then you’re sitting with a problem but basically that’s another

way of making money then the other thing that I saw um when I was at this specific event was a whole I mean they had like four or five CashNews.cographers and Camera people there right that CashNews.cographers that camera people some people were doing cam uh pictures on demand so basically capture

the pictures now within an hour they sent on a link and people can download their pictures some people are doing reals some people are doing highlights of the event so again CashNews.cography and photography is still very big for a lot of event um organizers because that’s how you Capture

Moments and and and and really settle in the memory and sometimes event organizers don’t want their guests taking pictures of their phones and posting only pictures of their phones or they want to maybe put out pictures on the social so they need two sets of camera people the one who’s

going to give them on demand pictures and then another one who’s going to capture the event as the day is unfolding so again you need that then there’s MC work right which is what I was now contracted to do which is mcing the program running of the event you know making sure the day is

exciting keeping it together you know coming up with games coming up with you know like quick little mcing ideas of how to make the program a little bit more engaging so again that another thing that you can consider you might not be an MC that does like very like serious brand work but you can do

these kind of things open days you can do um party type of mcing that doesn’t require too much reading and understanding the the um you know the more Academia stuff of it even though I mean my client was very happy with me they even sent me a feedback to say thank you for all of the research

you did about our organization so as an MC of course you’ve got to bring your own added value um and your little you know your little spice into it so yes so mcing was something else that um I realized that you could potentially do then there was also uh paramedics obviously every event that

has any sort of public liability needs to have paramedics on site so paramedics were also there and I’m sure they were also very much uh procured right the next one or the last one that they also had is popcorn a popcorn machine I even have a popcorn machine guys I have I mean I use my

popcorn machine at my kids events but you can rent out my popcorn machine you know you can buy your own popcorn machine if you buy a popcorn machine and a slashy machine you have won the battle because people are always looking to hire these things right and it’s very difficult to find so

everything that I’ve mentioned now people can say yeah but the market is already oversaturated there’s so many people that are offering these things you will be very surprised how much we struggle as event organizers to actually get some of these things because people are not listed on

Google and where’s the first place that I go as an event organizer I’m going to go to Google to look for it so if you are really good with Google analytics Google ads and you can make yourself be the first one that pops up you will get a lot of business and then last but not least which

is very important also is the digital content side of it if I were an influencer and I knew about this event I would have asked to go there for free for the first one I would create content about you know open learning group some of the qualifications that do um job opportunities within the space

of procurement and Logistics I would really put in great content and I’ll spend a whole week just pushing their content just to show them the type of partnership I can have from a digital content creation perspective but also you start positioning yourself as somebody who is an expert leader

in the space of procurement and Logistics do you get what I’m saying so there’s really really a lot of opportunities it’s really just about getting your mind to be attuned to identifying these kind of opportunities so I’m going to leave it here please remember none of my

CashNews.cos constitute as Financial advice if you are looking Financial advice please speak to somebody that is certified and registered with the fsca

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on Discover the Top 10 Profitable Event Side Hustle Ideas.
With over 19614 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

20 thoughts on “Discover the Top 10 Profitable Event Side Hustle Ideas #Finance

  1. Thank goodness you brought this up! Truly, investing has changed my perspective on how one can succeed in life; working multiple jobs isn't the optimal way to attain financial freedom and unfortunately, we discover this later in life. Currently earn as much as 50k weekly and this has improved my financial life. Great piece!

  2. I have just recently opened a company that deals with renting out point of sale system for events, I have been in the industry of Point of sale system for a while and used to do this rent out as a side hustle but have now realised how many people run their events without having a proper system in place to manage stock in employees. Last year during festive season I just over 8 events that I assisted and I am definitely doing them again this year

  3. I am personally taking this one to Heart ❤, Clear, Precise, Straightforward Presentation Thank you Coco.
    Quick Question: How do i get involved with such events, i supply Sound & Tech, however getting Corporate Events in JHB has not been easy, please Advise.

    Thanks Again.

  4. How does 1 start a business when some of us are being collected protection fee on these small business of our. I'm looking for an online thing to do as an extra income.

  5. And also having a bakkie,,, I want that to be my first car cause l realized it can generate good income in various types of events, and even when helping people individually, i.e when someone is moving or needs something picked up. Thank you for the video😊

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