October 22, 2024
Don’t Finance A Car Until You Watch This

Don’t Finance A Car Until You Watch This #Finance

what’s up YouTube listen family hey don’t Finance another car until you watch this CashNews.co but first let me know how many of you guys love your car do I have any car

enthusiasts do I have anybody that just I don’t know if you this type to just take your cars to the car wash one or two times a week or if you get a little bit of splatter on it you headed to the car wash to clean that up vacuum a car how many people are car lovers I want to know okay I got a

small word for you on today that I want you to take heed to okay but listen do me a favor please make sure you like subscribe help this CashNews.co get at least 1,000 likes and without further Ado let’s go ahead and dive into it now check it out guys we going to kick it right off with the

fact that the average car payment right now is around $726 a month for a new car how many of you have a new car let me know down in the comments below and let me know if your car payment on your new car is more or less than 700 $26 I need to hear guys I got a lesson for you guys on today now the

average car payment on a used car check this out is $533 a month let me know down the comments below if you have a used car and if your payment is higher or lower than $533 I want to set the stage for you guys because when it comes to what we do around here and Building Wealth you need to know why

we often say that a car is one of the number one wealth Killers think about a new car being $726 a month if you got a 39 Monon lease you paying almost $30,000 for something you don’t even own for something that’s not even an asset if you have a $533 a month Used Car Guys these things

get expensive they get pricey when you start adding 36 month leases 39 month leases onto the deal but check this out the new car interest rate is 7.18% think about that if you got a new car the interest rate the average interest rate on a new car is 7.18% a little over 7% but on a used car the

interest rate is almost 12% it’s nearly 12% interest on a used car think about this think about these payments $726 with a 7% interest rate $533 a month on a used car with a nearly 12% interest rate these things add up okay these things add up but check this out the the the difficulty in that

is the fact that you got these payments of 7 $26 a month on a new car but less than 28% of Americans have $11,000 in their Savings account less than 28% of Americans have $1,000 and and that’s why if you haven’t been with me from the Long Haul guys I solely started this

channel for two reasons one to share my Debt Freedom Journey with the world and two because people didn’t have $1,000 in their Savings account and most people can’t afford a $400 emergency those were two statistics that has always caught my eye on top

of my other passions around financial literacy and being Debt free and financial Independence and a Wealth Building Journey but less than 28% of Americans have $11,000 in the Savings account and on top of that nearly 4.2% of car payments are

currently delinquent by more than 90 days so that means you guys that fall in this category are in repossession territory how many of you guys have ever had a car repo okay when you are over 90 days delinquent on a car payment you are in repossession territory that mean they coming to get that

joker for those that don’t know they’re coming to get it guys you don’t need your Credit taking that kind of a hit you don’t need your Credit Tak that kind of hit but listen to this man my message is this guys don’t have more money in

your driveway than you doing your Investment Portfolio y’all ain’t listening y’all don’t hear me don’t have more money in your driveway than you do in your Investment Portfolio don’t have more money in your garage than you do in

your Savings account at your bank we got to make make sure our priorities are in order okay we got to make sure our priorities are in order guys you work too hard to give so much of your money and so much of your paycheck back to the bank in the form of car payments you work too

hard I talk to too many of you guys on a day-to-day basis via 10one coaching you guys work absolutely too hard to give the majority of your money the majority of your paycheck back to the bank in a form of a car payment share this with somebody that might need this man we cooking today you guys

need all of these wealth lessons personal Finance lessons that I can give you and I’m going down through there today check this out guys you work too hard but on top of

that student Loan Debt car Debt is catastrophic to life satisfaction if you got student Loan Debt and you got car Loan Debt guys it is catastrophic to life satisfaction it is one

of the one things that keep you down and it’s one of the one things that keep you on the corporate Plantation this is why I tell you guys my story so much this is why I share that with you guys because a lot of people are in over their heads and are scared right now how many of you know

somebody that’s scared right now because they one emergency or their one in away they’re one job lost away from losing everything they’re just one moment away from losing everything and that’s why I tell you guys so openly yep I’m Debt free yes

I’ve done these things on my financial journey to put myself in a position to be a thought leader in this space to be one of the young people that has done right by money because I seen so many people do wrong by money but guys to this day one of the highest paid content creators on YouTube I

still drive a used 2015 BMW that’s paid for a paid for used 2000 my car is nearly 10 years old and I got more money than most people and can afford any car on any lot in cash and it won’t won’t make me blink it won’t do anything okay think about that don’t have more

money in your garage don’t have more money in your driveway than you do in your Investment Portfolio and then you doing your Savings and bank account don’t do it we don’t do that around here guys I wanted to drop this message on you guys today

because you make sure you don’t Finance another car until you watch and listen to the numbers and statistics I shared with you guys on today okay too often we have money we have

resources but where we are allocating our money to reoccurring payments car notes to almost $1,000 a month guys this is this is guys it’s okay to drive used if you got a used car let me know down in the comments below if you have a used car light coach let me know down in the comments below I

don’t care what they show on Instagram it ain’t a person on Instagram that can make me feel compelled to go out and keep up with the Joneses and I probably got more money than everybody on Instagram or the majority people that’s pump faking and stunting and fronting on Instagram

but it ain’t about that I love living a stressfree life and guess what guys peace is priceless peace is priceless and so in order to make maintain my lifestyle I live by the Creed of quiet wealth I do everything under the sun to stay under the radar yeah I naturally got a little swag about

myself so if you catch it you catch it all right but what I’m trying to say is I ain’t never going over the top I ain’t never going and doing too much it ain’t going to never get to that level okay so even when it comes to cars now listen to this cuz I don’t want you

guys to be like coach you have always kept it humble and told us you had to use car check this out I haven’t drove since 2020 one I’m retired guys so outside of traveling I’m on a airplane okay I’m on a PJ outside of traveling I’m not driving okay so I haven’t

even drove since 2019 2020 that’s number one number two the this is this guys my wife car has been acting up but it’s still getting from point A to point B but the minute that it go out she is going to get a new car I am going to buy her a new car and I’m going to get her the BMW

X6 we already know what we getting I I we drive BMWs just ah heads up but M are used does that make sense but she will get a new car and I don’t want to see another car for probably another 10 15 20 years does that make sense guys so when we do get a new car I’m going show it with you

guys I’m going to say yep the car we got finally died the car we primarily used finally died so we pulled up and bought this in cash yep it’s going to be swagged out we drive fly everything we got is fly but I want you guys to know it’s used okay even if you seen my BMW you going

to be like man your stuff killing the 2024 and all these cats but that’s a 2015 okay you can make stuff look good you can you can do some modifications to it but you don’t have to have a $726 a month car payment to do it hope this makes sense man I ain’t even mean to preach at

y’all today man I just had to get my bag a little bit and share with you guys information you need to know especially if you thinking about buying a car okay it’s one of the number one wealth Killers there’s nothing wrong if you love cars but I want you to really really weigh is

giving the majority of your paycheck back to the bank in the form of a car payment is that really worth it okay my brother once told me he said man why have a brand new car that we pay $80 to $100,000 for just sitting in the parking lot at your job for 8 to 12 hours a day and you don’t even

get to enjoy it that always that was one of the things he dropped on me that always stuck with me okay now I was already driving used before he said it but it probably made me not go out and get a new car cuz I’m looking like man this this new car just going to sit in the parking structure in

the parking garage of my job anyway okay and sure enough my BMW did my 2015 used BMW sat there 8 hours a day you know what I’m saying not doing nothing just sitting there okay and so listen guys I just want to put that on you guys today guys it’s important to understand keeping the main

thing the main thing don’t have more money in your driveway than you do in your Investment Portfolio if you guys can remember that nugget and you don’t remember nothing else remember that okay listen we make CashNews.cos like this every day so if you like this one make

sure you check out the next one remember most people see the end result but if you consider the journey do me a favor don’t don’t forget like subscribe to the channel make sure you guys grab some free stocks using my link below and I’ll catch you guys in the next one peace

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on Don’t Finance A Car Until You Watch This.
With over 19289 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

24 thoughts on “Don’t Finance A Car Until You Watch This #Finance

  1. Man preach brother talk that talk because it is to help, uplift and bring people to a proper place. Peace to you and my The Most High guide, blessed and protect you. You are a hidden gem in this game of stocks, in this game of youtube space.

  2. Bought a new car in April 2024. $406 per month for 60 months at 4.75%. Replaced a 2010 Chevy that was falling apart. Last 3 USED cars we paid cash. It sucks having a note, but been paying an extra 400 per month. Should be paid off in about 2.5 years from new.

  3. Hey Chris, I know exactly what you’re talking about man, I have two use Mercedes one is a 2004 C240 and a 2015 E350 all paid, and my wife driver use GLC 300 2021 Dollars , and I am debt free and retired. I am 60 years old and building my portfolio for the last four years , I am impressed. Nobody but myself , thanks for always keeping it real my brother, that’s why you are truly blessed! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽👍🏾👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  4. Facts. That gems your brother dropped is the truth! I have a paid for 2010 maximum and wife has a paid for 2012 Tucson. We’ll drive both of them until the wheels fall off. This allows me to have more disposable income to load up on my dividend plays to keep building my passive income stream.

  5. Got police interceptor 2011 365k miles. Runs like a tank. Full size American sedan. I’m 7’, feel like expedition without the third row. Trunk could fit 6 bodies. Was going to look at a ford 150 raptor 2024 next year save some money on old model.

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