March 14, 2025
“Don’t F**k This Up: What’s Coming Is 100x Bigger Than Imagined” – Raoul Pal

“Don’t F**k This Up: What’s Coming Is 100x Bigger Than Imagined” – Raoul Pal #Finance

so last cycle I started off thinking I don’t know what I’m going to do I’m GNA buy a large basket on top of my Bitcoin Holdings so I had Bitcoin and then I had a large basket of 10 15 20 different names thinking well these will work over time my basket should work it ended

up being a wallet of Shame most of those didn’t work I got a couple right but they didn’t really pay for the losses it left me unfocused I wasn’t focusing on what really mattered try not to go too far out the risk curve into midsize and smaller caps and hold a big basket of those

saying well the AI theme’s going to play out and the meme theme’s going to play out and the real world asset themes going to play out want an allocation to all of these It generally doesn’t work honestly it is not easy so don’t try and be a genius just let the secular Market

rise the value of your wealth the banana zone is finally here the peak period in every Cryptocurrency bull market when prices Skyrocket wildly and investors get into a wild Frenzy real Vision

founder and CEO Raul pal has been predicting this moment for months and so far it’s been everything he promised and more major Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin xrp cardano and salana are

ripping higher and the Crypto fear and greed index has been on Extreme greed since November 11th as exciting as these moments are PAL cautions that they are just as risky because many people

get swept up in the Euphoria and completely forget about the big picture for pal the big picture is not a 30 50 or even a 100% rise in Crypto asset prices it’s also not the quadrupling

of the overall Crypto market cap from about $3 trillion to an expected 12 to5 trillion by late 2025 the big picture for pal is the explosive growth from $3 trillion today to between 50 and

$100 trillion by 2030 this is why pal describes the Crypto trade as the biggest opportunity in modern fin fincial history in a recent update on his R pal the journey man YouTube channel pal

stresses the importance of noing this up before this big moment so we can benefit fully from the immense opportunity we’ve been given in his pal Shares a few golden rules for everyone who does not wish to lose their coins no leverage no foro focus on your main

bags and avoid over diversification as we bring you clips from R Pal’s please take a little time to like this subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this everything you do helps with the YouTube algorithm and immensely

contributes to the Channel’s growth thanks and enjoy the I think you know by now the banana Zone has started and that’s the silly seasoning Crypto when prices start to

go mad and we have one job here and that’s not it up and I’ll explain a little bit about that but first the bigger picture you see we’re on this journey today Crypto are

three trillion dollar asset class but I think it’s going to 100 trillion by let’s say 2032 2034 So within 10 years it goes to 100 trillion which would be the largest fastest accumulation of wealth in all human history now my job here is to help you navigate that I want you to all make

it to the other side I want you to make money and un your future we see all of these things you hear me say the banan’s own un future don’t us up they’re all part of the big thing is how to navigate this Mega Trend many of you are newer to

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto I’ve been in the space since 2013 and I’ve learned many many lessons and so I want to talk a bit about lessons today how I it up maybe some some Mis misapprehension some wrong stories about me but I’m

very honest in where I’ve screwed things up and I think it’s important to knowe but first let’s look at the principles you all need to understand about don’t this up I sent this tweet out in January 202 for and I maintain that this alone will help you so this tweet says

remember no leverage so what that means is if you start borrowing money against it by using perss or other means you have a risk of losing your coins if you get something wrong in a pullback and then if you lose your coins you’re out of the market and you have this up so please don’t

use leverage Leverage is for experts and shorter term Traders and people who really know what they’re doing even then I personally never use leverage my job is not to lose my coins secondly no fomo that’s the fear of missing out you see when things get crazy in

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto somebody on Twitter or one of your friends will be making more money than you in fact it looks like everybody’s making more money than you and you don’t have the right trades

and you’re feeling terrible about yourself that is just the engagement trap that is Twitter or the boasting of your friends you don’t get to see the trades that aren’t working for those people now really what it’s about here is not doing stupid things so not suddenly foming

into a trade because something else is going up the than uh more than your coins that’s an easy way to lose money because you end up usually getting into a trend too late uh it then reverses you’ve then lost money you then try and get back into your old Trend uh your old trade that

starts outperforming and so on and so forth it’s a mess don’t do it I fomed in many times into things that I shouldn’t have fomed into often it’s been in a meme coin where I have a very low allocation we’ll talk about that in a bit but often it’s a friend calls

me up goes You’ got to get this one this is so good and for some reason my guard is down now I know I only have a very small amount of mean coin Holdings or money allocated to that so I can’t do myself that much damage but I but I suddenly get excited you know I got an email a few

months ago from a friend and client of mine said hey you’ve got to look at this thing uh it’s amazing I’m fully loaded up this is really cool and I’m like oh yeah this looks really cool now I’m at early stage stuff but here’s me thinking yeah I’m gonna

follow this guy he’s really smart obviously I lose 70% of my money in that trade I then did it again recently where somebody came on and said listen this is a really great idea I have a history of doing that I did it in the last Bull Run several times um so please don’t fomo you will

lose out if we learned any lessons from the collapses of Celsius three arrows and Voyager in 2022 it is the danger of leveraged positions especially when they are carelessly undertaken without professional experience as juicy as 50 to 100x leverage sounds it is the fastest way to this up and lose

your coins this is why pal often advises caution particularly for retail investers who may not fully understand the risks involved according to the renowned macro analyst the Cryptocurrency

market is already much too volatile making leveraged positions particularly risky for investors he advises caution and stresses the importance of understanding the risk reward Dynamics before using leverage in such text-decoration: none;">Markets this does not mean pal is completely against using calculated leverage when appropriate like every other investor pal acknowledges that leverage amplifies gains and can lead to outsized returns in favorable market conditions however he stresses the need for

robust Risk Management when using leverage appropriate focus on position sizing and a clear exit strategy to avoid being wiped out by a sudden Market reversal while pal himself uses leverage in certain trades he often states that this is based on his years of experience and deep

understanding of Market cycles for most investors he advises against High leverage unless they have the expertise and Capital to withstand potential loses his General recommendation is to focus on building a diversified Portfolio with minimal leverage to weather

both Bull and bare Markets effectively let’s get back to the the other really crucial one is only have 3 to five um of the top Assets in your main Holdings

this is to drisk you see the space is going to go up plenty you don’t need the fastest horse in the race you need just good fast horses so for most people just Bitcoin is good enough or maybe you want Bitcoin and salana because salana has been you know the blockchain with the most Network

adoption this cycle or maybe you have Bitcoin eth and salana and then maybe you want to go a little bit further out the risk curve whether it sui or Celestia or say or whatever that one is for you but remember don’t have that as your main holding because again we don’t want to this up

and the others are proven over time they have Lindy effect they survive and I Want You To Survive so don’t have this broad Portfolio now I’ve done the broad Portfolio trade as well and that one up so last cycle I started off thinking I don’t know

what I’m going to do I’m going to buy a large basket on top of my Bitcoin Holdings so I had Bitcoin and then I had a large basket of 10 15 20 different names thinking well these will work over time my basket should work it ended up being a wallet of Shame most of those didn’t work

I got a couple right but they really pay for the losses it left me unfocused I wasn’t focusing on what really mattered and it was my Bitcoin bet and then my switch into ethereum that was a big bet um but that wallet of Shame is something you’ll all go through but try not to do it try

not to go too far out the risk curve into midsize and smaller caps and hold a big basket of those saying well the AI theme’s going to play out and the meme theme’s going to play out and the real world asset theme’s going to play out I want an allocation to all of the It generally

doesn’t work honestly it is not easy so don’t try and be a genius just let the secular pool Market rise the value of your wealth the other thing here is self- custody you see exchanges can blow up now we’ve got much bigger exchanges and they’re super high quality you know

coinbase and Kraken Etc they’ve proven themselves over time but generally the magic of Crypto is it’s an asset weaken self- custody so that means nobody can take it away from you

if something goes wrong and I think that’s one of the key use cases now if you’re new to Crypto don’t worry about that yet first buy a

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto sore it an exchange and then go out and buy something like a ledger device and figure out how to use that that stores your um Pass key for your text-decoration: none;">Crypto in a safe and secure way so nobody else can get access to it but again you need to be really careful where you store your seed phrase that gives access to that um but but what what it allows you to do is it becomes portable so if you have to leave a country have

to move around you can then hide the seed phase hide the ledges of ice um and you’re in control of your own Assets that’s a really key thing having been through the European crisis where they took all your money out of the banks I think stealth custody is incredibly

important you may not think so now but one day it will be you know people lost a lot of money holding it on FTX for example um again that’s the reason I like self- custody now for those of you who have more tokens then you get into a multi- Sig world uh where you have multiple signatures so

nobody can move it without a consensus group of people agreeing to that so that’s the next stage forward whether it’s nois or a number of others that allow you to do that so those things are important don’t lose your token Bitcoin smash through records on Tuesday soaring to an

unprecedented 93,9 se5 a new all-time high the leading Cryptocurrency surged 3.3% against the US dollar over the past day and has climbed an impressive 7.5% this week with a market cap now

towering at $1.86 trillion Bitcoin continues to dominate the rapidly evolving digital Finance landscape the day’s price rally was fueled by robust trading activity with $ 84.7 n billion

worth of bitcoin Changing Hands in just 24 hours the volatile price action also caused ripples in the derivatives Market liquidating $ 44.4 million in Bitcoin short positions during the same period analysts link the latest price surge to increasing institutional interest coupled with enthusiasm

around regulated trading options associated with black Rock’s ibit exchange traded fund ETF according to Bloomberg ETF analyst James seart ibit recorded about $1.9 billion in notional exposure on its first day of options trading James strongly believes these options were almost certainly a

part of the move to the new Bitcoin alltime highs recorded on Tuesday his Bloomberg colleague Eric balchunas also talked about the Rarity of such first day figures in a tweet which reads $1.9 billion is unheard of for day one for context B did $363 million and that’s been around for 4 years

also this is with a 25,000 contract position limit that said $1.9 billion isn’t quite big dog level yet for example GLD did $5 billion today but give it a few more days or weeks several prominent investors including big Bitcoin bull Michael sailor have talked about the importance of options

trading approval for the spot Bitcoin ETFs only ibit has been approved for now but James is certain that others will follow within the week do you think this is the Catalyst that finally pushes

Bitcoin to six digits please drop your replies and comments on R Pal’s in the comment section below also ensure you like this subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this thanks for watching

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on “Don’t F**k This Up: What’s Coming Is 100x Bigger Than Imagined” – Raoul Pal.
With over 42113 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

30 thoughts on ““Don’t F**k This Up: What’s Coming Is 100x Bigger Than Imagined” – Raoul Pal #Finance

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