March 14, 2025
Easy Way to make Money – Finance for Non-Finance

Easy Way to make Money – Finance for Non-Finance #Finance

welcome back ladies and gentlemen this is your friend which alter curve on Finance tube today’s topic of discussion rule of 72 what is rule of 72 72 is a magic

number which can make you rich don’t believe me let me tell you what it does rule of 72 very quickly tells you that how fast your money will double if you invest if I were to tell you technically let me give you a formula so rule of 72 says n is equal to 72 divided by R now n here is number

of years double your money and our is the rate of return that means that means if you have invested money in let’s say a fixed deposit which gives you 8% return in that case applying rule of 72 you will get n is equal to 72 by 8 which is nothing but 9 years so if you remember in my previous I told you that in our times FD takes 9 years to double I applied rule of 72 now the idea is that if we had some instrument where we can put our money not at 9% not at 8% but at more you will see how magic happens so you see friends rule of 72 is a magic number which tells you the

number of years in which you will double your money now assume that you are able to invest money at 24 percent what will happen when I apply rule of 72 72 divided by 24 so your money will double in three years if every three years your money doubles you will be able to get rich faster now the idea

is that many a times many financial consultants will come and tell you that if you give me so much money I will double it in so many years if you are told that your money will double in so many years and if you want to find out rate of interest you can always do so again applying rule of 72 how

very easy you change positions here you will get R is equal to 72 divided by n that means if you have a consultant who comes and tells you that boss my money will double in 18 years then in that case what is your rate of return our is equal to 72 divided by 18 R is nothing but 4 so you see friends

it is very important for you to understand how money works it takes 18 years for money to double in a saving account because saving account gives you 4 percent and in every it takes 9 years but if you can find any investment which could give you 24 percent then your money will double in 3 years

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Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on Easy Way to make Money – Finance for Non-Finance.
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45 thoughts on “Easy Way to make Money – Finance for Non-Finance #Finance

  1. I found this channel when I needed it the most. Your way of teaching is very simple, informative and fun.. Will discipline myself to learn one finance concept daily from your channel 😇

  2. sir nice vedio but does this logic of rule od 72 apply for compunding interest calculations i mean if i invest in mutual funds and they approx give me that within this period your monwy will double thwn will it work?

  3. How you arrived money will double in 3 yrs if rate of return is 24% as even for compounded returns the return will be around 90% hence kindly justify your formula.

  4. what if my rate of interest is 72%…will then 72/72= 1 so my money going to be double in 1 year…??

    i feel the Simple interest and compound interest that we have learnt from our school works better while calculating the future value of money….and not this fake rule of 72..which would probably work for small range of rate of interest..say 10-15%

  5. i am a farmer of age 35years. my only profession is farming nothing else. my annual income is approx.12 lakhs per annum. kindly help as i want a home loan of around 40 lakhs. and i want it on very less downpayment as possible. i do yet pay tax of approx 20 thousand per year as i was told that will have to pay tax if i want to pass my home loan in future. kindly help

  6. Very Helpful videos. Just a technical suggestion though about video edits. Kindly lower the music track level, it is only hampering the experience of gathering such important knowledge !

  7. For practice and to understand "Double-Money concept", I did a calculation. And I found either this concept is wrong or I have made a mistake.
    Kindly check my calculation so you may understand what my confusion or mistake or what I didn't understand.
    Now here I made a little calculation. See below..

    Actual amount is Rs.15,000
    Rate of Interest is 9%.

    Here, according to formula to know " number of years"
    1) N=72/R.

    2) N=72/9 so answer is "8"

    3) now as this formula is about to know "Double-Money" , I calculate 9% of Rs.15,000 so answer came Rs. 1350. That means, each year I received interest of Rs.1350.
    But, we have also found the number of years that to know how many years it'll take to double amount/money. We got 8 years.

    Here if I calculate (for cross checking)
    8×1350= 10,800.

    I'm not getting it, the answer probably come "Rs.30,000". (double money, i.e, 15,000+15,000=30,000)

  8. For practice and to understand "Double-Money concept", I did a calculation. And I found either this concept is wrong or I have made a mistake.
    Kindly check my calculation so you may understand what my confusion or mistake or what I didn't understand.
    Now here I made a little calculation. See below..

    Actual amount is Rs.15,000
    Rate of Interest is 9%.

    Here, according to formula to know " number of years"
    1) N=72/R.

    2) N=72/9 so answer is "8"

    3) now as this formula is about to know "Double-Money" , I calculate 9% of Rs.15,000 so answer came Rs. 1350. That means, each year I received interest of Rs.1350.
    But, we have also found the number of years that to know how many years it'll take to double amount/money. We got 8 years.

    Here if I calculate (for cross checking)
    8×1350= 10,800.

    I'm not getting it, the answer probably come "Rs.30,000. (double money, i.e, 15,000+15,000=30,000)

  9. hey vishal hi there iv been watching your videos and I think ur presentation and the way u explain is really qutstanding… I never use to know abt all these shares and markets and fixed deposites and etc but aftr watching 4-5 b=videos only I'm being cleard a little better…I just want to have a chat with you regarding my savings so mai I know where to mail u or contact so that i can start being atleats lil bit sensible like you are :)i want to invest or trade but vry confused…. i earn little but i want to save more and invest so i need tips pls help

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