October 3, 2024


holy crap holy crap the market is falling bitcoin’s falling ethereum is falling stocks are falling uh currencies across the world are falling it seems like the market is collapsing and there are circuit breakers going off right now let’s talk about what’s happening is this

really cause for concern like are we just totally screwed let’s talk about that I am away from the office so I had to do a bit of an emergency CashNews.co here because the Markets are

falling down so aggressively I just just saw Bitcoin I think hit new lows by $1,000 eth is down 20% right now and a lot of other people are freaking out as well as I said so we should cover this let me just make sure this is recording okay we are good to go let’s talk about what’s

actually happening in the market um if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification if you want future CashNews.cos like this I was having a nice love family night but we had to step away because of what’s Happening I’m always going to make CashNews.cos if

there’s stuff happening if you want to trade this Market it’s not right for everyone but if you do want to trade this Market that’s probably the best way to get big gains of course there is more risk when you use leverage but there is a link to Marx underneath the CashNews.co

where you can either try to Long the bottom you can go all the way down to 5x or all the way up to 100x so if you put in a trade let’s say at $50,000 you would have liquidation points around $40,000 if you did have 5X um or you could short the market too there’s a link underneath the

CashNews.co to Marx great place to uh trade make sure you check their terms and conditions let’s start here Bitcoin is falling down I just had it here let’s scooch on over over to none;">Crypto Bitcoin bouncing back up to 55 but it fell to 523 take a look at that that the lowest point that we’ve seen since early this year a new lower low a new lower High I know the TA guys are going to hate that but we are bouncing we are bouncing a couple thousand dollar lots of

volatility right now lots of volatility but take a look at take a look at ethereum and we’ll get to why this is happening 18% down it went down to $2100 that is crazy the amount of liquidations happening right now it’s huge let’s take a look though okay 6 days ago the national

Debt hit 35 trillion since then it’s risen by 130 billion it’s took the nation 154 years in World War II to add the first 130 in Debt Biden is on Pace to shatter Obama’s record is a biggest deficit spender however Obama took eight years Biden will

do it in just four it’s coming from Peter shiff but let’s look at what’s happening actually in the market because there are circuit breakers going off people are worried about Japan okay breaking Japan absolute chaos in Japan as stocks are on track for their biggest decline in

more than 8 years after they already suffered their biggest decline in 8 years last Friday that down 6.5% the Federal Reserve was too slow to raise rates now they’re too slow to lower them coming from Bill Amman holy crap Zero Hedge everything is breaking circuit breakers triggered for Japan

government Futures that is crazy I mean they’re going off over and over uh people are talking about the carry trade people are just freaking out we have absolute blood bath uh for the 24-hour trading Market in the US Nvidia Shares are down 8% Apple

Shares down 7% Tesla Shares are down 5% and that’s after being down a lot on Friday keep in mind as I said in the last CashNews.co even though all this is happening we still have the Wales buying we have Micro strategy getting ready to buy $2 billion worth

Morgan Stanley getting ready to sell to 15,000 sorry 15,000 Brokers whales buying more than they have ever since October 2014 Bitcoin dominance is moving up it’s probably even higher now um so yeah it’s been great as a Bitcoin investor even right now you know you can

you can make it through these times if you’re in Bitcoin but if you are in some altcoins there’s a lot of blood there’s a lot of blood out there but we do have this as well we should talk about this from Peter shiff the Japanese Stock Market is crashing Dow and

Nasdaq Futures are following Bitcoin and ether are crashing from Fray days closes the Japanese Yen continues to rise gold is down as well this is serious stuff also keep in mind that well a couple things uh there might be some more Global turmoil in a few days with uh with some of

the stuff that’s happening over in the Middle East also we do have an interesting thing with Bitcoin and that it is a just a continuous Market there are lost that at this point will be down a lot tomorrow if bitcoin’s down 10% you’re looking at probably 5% on a lot of grow stocks

maybe more the ones that have flown high are probably going to fall down even more but Bitcoin is just a continuous traded market like I said so there’s more Liquidity uh on the weekends people can take some off the table where they can’t do that with stocks a lot of

the time or actually at all uh unless you’re using Robin Hood I think they have 24-hour trading now I think that’s where those numbers coming from uh from Nvidia and Tesla but is this time to panic well obviously it’s not good there’s a lot of uncertainty right now

that’s when the Markets fall that is what happened a year ago or two years ago with Ukraine this is what happens with Co this happens all the time but even now even now as you zoom out

this is still the highest we’ve ever been for Bitcoin today like August 4 this is the highest we’ve ever been for Bitcoin I would have liked to see a higher low to be clear I don’t like seeing lower lows and lower Highs but I do think we’re still in the same uh boat that we

were a day ago two days ago I’ve been making my CashNews.cos talking about how yes there’s tons of uncertainty right now with short-term things there’s tons of fear out there but nothing’s really changed long term we still have the FED cutting rates probably faster than

people expect and more aggressively at this point because of unemployment because of the Markets we also have Global Liquidity going up we also have a lot of buying

that’s probably going to happen the rest of the year from Ras from Big Pension funds Etc from companies this is still a just historically a good time for Crypto I think we’re

moving higher the rest of the year but again I’m not your financial adviser I can’t tell you what to do in times like this I like to do one of two things one I guess I like to do three things one of two things another thing I always do either buy more right if I have dry powder and

I’ve been waiting I buy more now not everything I like to dollar cost average so if I had $5,000 I might put $11,000 in or $2,000 right maybe 1,500 the other thing that you could do is just sit right if you don’t have that money or you just don’t really want to grow your

allocation add more that’s okay you can just sit on your hands and watch this unfold right it’s a pretty easy position to be in especially if you don’t have to sell anything and then three I like to pay attention to how I feel right now so that way when we move up again I’m

more likely to take Profits or I’m more likely to get rid of the Cryptos I really don’t want to hold at all it’s just I’m being a little bit greedy in

the moment so I like to shed those also right now if you are in some smaller Cryptos that haven’t fallen down just because there’s not a lot of like there not a lot of people

trading them if there’s Liquidity there you could always take some Profits or take money off the table and put in to something that you believe in long term right if you have some crap coin some meme coin that you have $5,000 in well now you can buy a tenth

of a Bitcoin with that a couple days ago maybe it was 6 or 7 Bitcoin right now you can buy more everything is still the same for Bitcoin it’s just we’ve had some liquidations we’ve had some Global fear there’s some uncertainty but generally everything leads to bitcoin Global

uncertainty leads to bitcoin so I’m not freaked out I’m not freaked out at all I’m happy it’s it’s a little bit interesting right I’d rather do this I’d rather have some volatility some up and down action than just trending sideways we did that in the bare

Market I don’t like seeing 19,600 for a month in a row right where it moves up and down $100 that’s no fun I like some volatility volatility is good volatility gives you options volatility gives you potential returns let me know your thoughts though underneath the CashNews.co if you do

want to trade Crypto there is a link to Mar Jackson coin W again again you have to be careful especially when there are a bunch of liquidations right I just had some liquidations myself right

but I never put in money that I’m not willing to lose and I know that when I time it well it’s going to pay off in the long term I’m still up significantly from some of the The Leverage plays that I’ve made right the key is don’t get too greedy and the key is to be

careful out there make sure you know what you’re doing I do have some vide on the channel too if you want to check those out now thank you so much for watching let me know what you think about the market right now are you scared are you fine and I’ll see you all in the next CashNews.co


Now that you’re fully informed, watch this amazing video on EMERGENCY NEWS – THE MARKET JUST BROKE! (BITCOIN CRASHING!).
With over 62730 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.


  1. Watching the crypto market's ups and downs shows how quickly things can change. The recent misinformation incident reminds us that external factors can shake things up. In crypto, strategic, informed trading isn't a choice; it's a must. Remember, caution is as crucial as ambition here. Stay alert, diversify, and let's ride this unpredictable market together. At the core is Whitney Eston, whose deep understanding of crypto and traditional trading is key. Her all-encompassing investment approach and staying updated on trends make her a valuable ally in this crypto era.

  2. Given recent crash there are two options. If you don't have usdt hold. Selling now is same as selling potentially life-changing lottery ticket. If you have USDT buy more. My top pick for buying are Versidium, Kaspa, Injective. I belive there is minimum 10X return on each of them.

  3. Given recent crash there are two options. If you don't have usdt hold. Selling now is same as selling potentially life-changing lottery ticket. If you have USDT buy more. My top pick for buying are Versidium, Kaspa, Injective. I belive there is minimum 10X return on each of them.

  4. And you want us to use your Leverage?!?!?! Are you crazy or just sadistic? Shame on you. You just killed how many people's dream but thats ok. Shrug your shoulders and say , "that's crypto" be ready for it to happen. Every video you sell that stuff. Dang man that's kinda evil😢

  5. The mustache gotta go bud you remind me of my gym teacher. They stealing all our money if you get in your feelings you will lose. It’s all a game that the wealthy play with the have nots hope and dreams of becoming them. It’s terrible

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