March 14, 2025
Exposing Andrew Tate’s Crypto Scam: Fact or Fiction?

Exposing Andrew Tate’s Crypto Scam: Fact or Fiction? #Finance

Andrew Tate went live recently to trade meme coins and he’s now accused of doing pump and dumps on his followers so I tracked all the transaction everything that happened everyone that made money and I’m going to show you how they made money how you could have been making money

and if Andrew Tate stole from his followers and if so how much he stole from it hi by the way welcome hands some Finance well we study what’s happening on chain because the blockchain

is an open ledger so we can see all the transaction who made money who lost money and follow the amount money but we can when someone bought if they bought before something and how much they made and if they were connected for example this wallet I can track all the transaction they had this live

Andrew T talked about r& that’s this token he mentioned as well Daddy that’s the big one he always had and G the best way to know who made money is to always click on the top Traders we can have those here but then wa it’s interesting is what about if we could know everyone

that made money in those three tokens for this I’m going to use the cabal finder from stockchain so when I’m in it I can put the three tokens and I will know who made a lot of money into those three tokens actually we only see two people that make quite a bit of money one made 66k and

one 10K so to say that there was a connection between all those tokens between the same wallets I would say not really cuz only one person would be interesting to study this one and it’s not that great what is the best for me is andate made a massive m mistake in his life and his audience

made a double massive mistake just because they’re not subscribed to handsome Finance that’s the crazy thing the first mistake that Andrew Tate made is that he did not set up

properly his trading bot and his transactions were super slow so everyone was front running him we can basically see everyone buying it before him because he probably does not know how a transaction works on the blockchain now I am not going to blame him for that I’m going to thanks him

because all doing this live is making the promotion of his course how is the best for learning about Crypto and everything but they don’t know how the transaction works on the blockchain

and probably not so much about on chain analysis and I love it because like this is people that come they join this course they don’t know how to trade you will see the big mistake they made later on and on top of that they come and joined the Investor’s boardroom after and they tell me

yeah cuz it was not enough it’s good if you want to be a big and un exit Liquidity but if you want to be professional at it you know you got to learn from people who do unchain analysis so when we here on this beautiful ticket we’re going to check the top Traders and

the top Traders that’s where it’s important and it was really funny during the live is Andre Tate was making you the promotion of this tool now I check the top traders who made the most money what kind of tool they use spoiler I let it was not this one he actually even shared it from

Neo who made 250k and he’s using bullx so I don’t know why a billionaire like Andrew Tate start to do some referral like I do I don’t know what’s going on with Andrew Tate every time I start to do something he does the same thing later I start to sell online courses he sell

online courses I start to trade m coins he start to trade m coins I start to share reflinks he start to share reflinks what’s going on next is Andrew T going to talk about stock chain I don’t know but let’s dig in because a lot of people say that he stole money from his follower

on this coin and then that everyone around him they bought it before so that’s going to be fairly easy first we want to know if Neo who posted this pnl is lying first clue is that there’s a low chance because he’s following me on Twitter you should do the same as those

takes me a lot more time to do and I post a lot more bad jokes on Twitter we know he sold for 250k so here we see the exact same amount I can click here that’s the beauty of onchain analysis and I have an overview of his wallets and that’s what we want to see if they bought it here or

they received from someone else and that will be dodgy for this I’m going to take the contract address which is this one and then in the transfer category I’m going to filter by token and filter on this one I can see that this person bought here 135 million which represent around 14% of

the whole Supply because we have only 1 billion token for this one and when I see the detail of the transaction I can know that they bought on pump fund so this was not insiders or something like that this is validated he made a really good trade now the second person 260k 9 FN he received almost

17% of the supply let’s check the detail of the transaction and it was again a pump F buy now when you add up someone owning 17% and someone else own warning 133% that means we have 30% of the supply in the hands of only two person this is crazy that’s why I always teach to check the

top holders if you use bullx you just click on holders tab here and then you will see how much everyone is owning if you see that most of the supplies is held by only few holders what it’s easy because they can sell so much on you dump dump and dump so did Andrew Tate scammed his follower on

this token from what I see no did his followers were not subscribed to handsome Finance from what I see probably yes the one who made money do they know what I do for sure yes obviously I am

laughing Neo 100x was not following me I send him some money so he would start to following me I’m obviously kidding I had to sleep with him now that we noce andw T did not scam his community on this one from what we see in the books second token was my CH I don’t even know who it is I

don’t know I’m I’m missing out on some stuff like that I don’t understand and here what we have on the pnl is few people 250k 124 the first thing I’ve run normally is the token inside us that analyze the top 100 holders and see if we have some connection if they could

be the same wallets because I would know how long they usually hold their coins and the Wallet age one person one of the top holders made 46k and it has a small balance I will take the contract address here and try to find in the transfer I will put the filter here we go we can see the dump that

happened pretty well done and here he bought on pump fun for $1,200 and dumped in a respectful way can’t lie this is beautifully done it’s not in one clip that’s again a trade that was beautifully executed when I see a thread like this that andate scams $3 million doing live

stream I’m sorry but I don’t have the information here and even if I check his token Daddy for example I do not see a strong accumulation before bu the smart money so there is no signs that anyone cared about this token and we can see it’s all trenches Warriors that may money on

the exit Liquidity that was the audience of Andrew Tate now maybe he going to improve what’s in his course and then everyone would get better there honestly Andrew Tate you can just send one of your guys in the Investor’s Ballroom they learn everything and then you sell

it I don’t care it’s not a problem you will not be the first don’t worry those wallets made from 100K to 250k each they made big first buys on purpose to push it to radium I have checked the connections between sque those wallet and I was shocked T made over $1 million on one

single coin the thing is it doesn’t show any connection I did not see any connection I saw that actually the different wallets were using different tools and then we had proof that those people for example were trenches Warriors so literally this is fake because we like to be Geeks and dogs

let’s take one more example j2r which is supposed to be one of the collected wallets if I trust this thread I’m going to check a day ago he bought it he had 10% of the supply so you see how like the supplies was held by only a few people and that’s normal if I was launching a coin

live everyone would snipe two soul to 20 Soul because they knew a lot of people are going to come next and this guy just bought 3.5 soul and he was using unibot and guess who used to talk about unibot handsome text-decoration: none;">Finance he got rebranded too to geia beautiful 8 months ago how could you have 8 months delay on this Market come on I will put of course my refls in the description because I want to buy a new matcha I don’t even have a matcha for this how is that

possible I’m running out now let’s be a really good dogs and see if we have connections between the wallets this wallet was funded by a buit 2.5 Soul 15 days ago and he started trading different type of cheaters not really making any money you see he’s First Trade he go get back

3.6 second trade he lose a bit again and he buy some nuggets he lose some money again two s lose some money again Instagram I don’t know why he would invest in that like that’s his first winning trade and then boom second winning trade that’s where they activated the jit inside

him to so oh no he lost again maybe Andrew Tate asked someone to do the trades every day but honestly I would say no I think it’s not connected I think this is just to do engagement farming and I’m not going to blame him I know if I do a on Andrew Tate I get the views but

there’s one last check we need to do if we have a cabal on the two token on fuat and the other one where we see one Trader that wi those two and that’s J2 is here he made 113k between those two tokens let’s see how much he made on Matt I copy the contract address we have it here

transfer let’s see what we have there we go filter it and we can see it here he bought $100 then $76 and sold it so that’s the reality now if you check the holders the token insiders now it’s disgusting it’s people who are just holding their bag and they’re not going

to sell is small holders it was a big PVP game congrats to the people who made money you know what you were going into now if you want to go to the next level of course subscribe to handsome none;">Finance click the notification Bell because onchain analysis is what will help you to go to the next Next Level and don’t be like Agate don’t let your trade being stuck check out this where I explain everything on how to set up properly so you front run everyone

in your trades and you can be the first understand this because it can make or break your trade don’t forget one thing before you leave put your MK go on but also stay handsome CIA

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this amazing video on Exposing Andrew Tate’s Crypto Scam: Fact or Fiction?.
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37 thoughts on “Exposing Andrew Tate’s Crypto Scam: Fact or Fiction? #Finance

  1. Hello bro i plz help me someone i will give 20 dollars plz i had purchase some coin name chillguy through bnb in bullx and i had withdrawn to my binance acount web 3 but my token got lost how can I recover

  2. Never ever listen to his call. He yesterday posted the ticker $NWO and I converted SOL to NWO and I received 18k NWO and then when NWO quantity increased where it was showing now you have 44k NWO and then I converted NWO to SOL and see that I am in loss of $100. IT'S JUST A SCAM BE AWARE.

  3. all this was a huge chaos with price going up and dump immediately.. i think only 10% of the people make money.
    i lost 1k$ on this staff… i would never again listen to all this scam influencers… they are so bad.
    he created the real world coin and its pump a little bit because he owned 50% and then nothing happen he didnt even show it on stream and after 1 day he dump all his coins and now its just dust. sad.
    overhaul: you just need to watch this mad show without trading and you would loose 0 $.

  4. Thank you bro for this! Commented on X and now here. Tate is absolute trash! Has always been and will continue same trend as we can see in this video.
    Please people, stop following and listing to that bozo!

  5. Thanks for recommending XAI21k I got some and also just got a bunch of $BFC (Black Friday Coin) I expect that coin to explode right before we get to black Friday. I have already 13x my portfolio listening to you. Thanks for everything!

  6. all this influencers are looking for IDIOT`s, who buy their worthless shit … IDOT-fishing for exit-liquidity … also handsome finance is doing this … this is his business, nothing else

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