February 12, 2025
Features of Borrowed Fund Capital – Sources of Business Finance | Class 11 B Studies Ch 8

Features of Borrowed Fund Capital – Sources of Business Finance | Class 11 B Studies Ch 8 #Finance

hello everyone welcome back to my name Prince my name is CS file and it’s CashNews.co manager a have features of ported funky bury me see my previous CashNews.co hum Laguna features of honors funky bar remember oh I’m putting a border fence kibarim a reason binky ami sorry

teases da da Silva McClure ooh so that jab Hum up need like my decision lay up my business key recording key Kwanzaa salsa met Seyi to hump body analyze calculate you can type a sorry information to available who say analysis connect a bar home to scurry to hum best option select car buying him hey

John take care features of word front facade says fix the time the bordered funds raised by business forms for a specified period but lucky I Scott he up job be borrowed funds late they hit the would specify the period Kelly a heal it in here but Lemonnier say K mu tip point Singapore sis hot

sulkily may get bang keep as many pull of socks I’ll commute alone they reach it – yeah happy man unit specified ya que mucho it to make time being Kelly deep a launcher here to a cowboy with a keyboard funds of be up later he gon break a pudding America Lena he they switched it’s

a special time period skelewu they do keep Allison mentioned ko Jota him a voltage can be short-term medium-term and long-term I hope a coup yard rookie short-term console with a medium Duncan certain long-term consume other yada to comment section have a liquid with ie Q key I’m already team

CashNews.cos fell apart okay now he ought to pay leave a CashNews.co they cure through ski Padma super tidy up cancer second it says security Jessie how many honors fine by Peralta be be honest when Lena Calleja my couch BTW is given Eric Ronnie but the yaha be a sauna here when you are taking a

Loan Casey be bank say whose time they are Co saamne Valley Bank Oh couch now couch item guru be Rockne / three hey first time with each I yep would you say a Loan business Kelly man a bull Appa can catch America remedy Nam say a be secured V rocket sure –

yaha make a third you business skill alone licking cookie with a requiring to Goddard find hamesha up co security they K he maintained hand secured front swivel eSATA mm who’s compatible they have regular payment of interest Jesse hum me honors funder Parata key op basic Kumari Jota behalf

key obligation bond TFSA distribute Carnegie Joby us also tango but just never pass a my ski on Co leggings of imported from Kiba 3 volts a may throw up six Income leakage I again I’ll grab the banks will only Oh gobo her Mohini occupy Raja yoga give me at Salonika

low-interest Monte Carlo the yeah happy I’ve kept fixed obligation when Thea quit no coach payment Carnegie then it says it is legal compulsion the business form to pay a regular amount of interest on borrowed fund Matt levy business key obligation him at the business kuipers uber does he

have burden him Cooper where it says the principal amount also has to be paid within a fixed time period agar Bank volleyball a sod Tariq similar interests Mary account may Allah not show a to SOT Eric McClure octopus Express if I’d date had to say belly-up co-payment Kearney pretty bad makea

the default choices Alexa love drawing it so yeah hop a NASA you perfect so obligation Hootie hey bulky who fixed the obligation the eighth time period kovitch me over PA key escape bad before entertain the Hickory knee up take a school variable to heck control he will pay he he up Cupid fix

burdens as a rude holding it lake in controlling Authority knee ban pangur they say ownership ones care so they’re honest 1k soothing kids you know never evil funds to you will company key owners ones out there will control there’s a tab key management go yeah a person nahi hota a good

bank up : they rat to bank up Queenie but I go yeah yeah I saw what curve basically I say North Korea currently where zapka be we dictate Nagar fighter curvy big control Nicaragua cue kooky apne Oh sick time beer it he’ll he’ll only Walker Malik Farina one year but huh agar up default

occurring in a murder burger up on key payment times any cutting it to a kosuzu rule carbanion case rule occupied La Guardia Civil stuck-up kuso rudely Kangas lakyn other than that Joaquim management may controlling authority in the human suck their ferret says sources of borrowed funds he Volquez

acorn conscious sources who paints a hostile borrowed funds are three him first it says debentures debenture Scout them up could say Q already so sugar to go loco distribute cut Rijo loca capacity a professionally through escape bad her month a cone cocaine Aperta interest payment anybody here so

this is what debentures where it says Loan from commercial banks he alone from financial banks mclubbe Elena lo Lena Lena Lena kiss a not the commercial bank CEO could kissy be financial institution say where it says public deposit yeah fair inter-corporate deposits or trade

Credits yeah talk a little public deposits Lily thank you Publix it deposits lately him yeah inter-corporate deposits month up a company douchey companies a facility or Yaphet trade Credit a schema the city up Cocker suck their borrowed funds lace-up they hair so

in short essay Johnny honors fund keep bill cool opposed to pay Amara borrowed front honest finds my ownership melt here borrowed many Hamilton I always find my basically aku security in Gila funny party happy Romani birthday waha pay up equi regular interest payment neo thing happy with here to

kind of esse money keep it will be completely depend upon UK aku kiss time duration kill hie I got showed em what a period skillet say it the better you invest in this borrowed funds they can our output time diversion bohot lumber so yeah being a company person of coroner’s fund lineage honey

to give a less obligatory who they have awakened by he consumer keep perspective say individual key perspective say kcp company cologne nina up glaiza defy the man who PCB company go depends Casey becomes naked benches cleanup kill his other five women hookah as compared to the doctor on his friend

Kukuanas fun without guarantee near column come I get bikini Agee or host attack investment become whose on to get a good features of what borrowed funds as honors from the previous we don’t my padding here I hope things are making sense to you people with that other way we’d out here

to comment section open head junkie doubt coochie you are free to you know like right everything and with that auger up for note saying the magnet range to accomplish a key up notes Lisa pain that’s our official website this car link you’ll get in the description box whose Kalibak we

request say up keeper of shake which Oracle not over be upcoming section in both sector thank you

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this amazing video on Features of Borrowed Fund Capital – Sources of Business Finance | Class 11 B Studies Ch 8.
With over 20264 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

33 thoughts on “Features of Borrowed Fund Capital – Sources of Business Finance | Class 11 B Studies Ch 8 #Finance

  1. Mam you told us that in the liability basis the owner is only liable to the extent of money that was contributed by him but in the previous video you told if the the company is incurring loss than the owner investment even reduces both the points contradicts to each other … Plzz explain it…

  2. Long term loan – this is applicable for more than 5 years
    Medium term loan. – this is applicable for more than 1 year but less than 5 year
    Short term loan – which is applicable for less than 1year
    I hope you satisfied from my answer

  3. Magnet brains is going to flourish in coming future 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💝💝💝💝💝

  4. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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