March 14, 2025
Finance Current Affairs RBI NABARD SEBI Preparation | Current Affairs MCQs | Finance 360 by EduTap

Finance Current Affairs RBI NABARD SEBI Preparation | Current Affairs MCQs | Finance 360 by EduTap #Finance

hello everyone welcome to edutap and welcome to the Finance 360° sessions in which we cover all the relevant

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs the RBI notifications the sebi circulars and all the Finance current affairs

that are important from your exam perspective so today we are going to start with the vision of RBI Grade B 2025 that is I know that many of you are preparing for the RBI Grade B 2025 so how to approach the text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs for the RBI Grade B 2025 so for any big thing that you start you always have to plan right so today we are going to see that how you have to plan ahead for the #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs for the RBI Grade B 2025 what are the big changes or what are the changes that have been seen in the RBI Grade B 2024 okay okay so give me a thumbs up if I’m clearly Audible and visible so give me a thumbs up if everything

is fine so today we are going to discuss about the plan ahead for RBI Grade B 2025 we are going to analyze and we are going to see the major changes in the RBI grade 2024 okay so that you have the clear idea and the background for the planning ahead for the

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs okay so we are going to see the changes and all so do tell me if I’m clearly Audible and visible if everything is fine okay okay so I think everything is

fine let’s move ahead so before starting with the whole changes and such do subscribe to the YouTube channel of utab so that you can continue getting these kind of important CashNews.cos and join our telegram channel so that you can get the PDFs of the session okay so now start with the

analysis always whenever you are going to plan something you have to analyze the background you have to analyze the background once you have the analysis you will be able to plan better so we are going to analyze the phase one and the phase 2 paper of the RBI Grade B 2024 so that you have a

sufficient background and you know about the changes that has happened okay so first of all in the phase one if you have seen there were questions from the sebbi from the Seb circulars okay so from the Seb circulars from the SEI news articles there were direct questions but the majority or there

were huge number of questions from from the RBI website in the phase one this these are all the questions of the phase one so you can see that the RBI website is very important the RBI notifications the RBI press releases are very very important so always for the phase one of RBI Grade B for the

phase one of RBI Grade B you have to focus on the RBI website for the G section for the ga section so RBI website is very important but with that the Finance current affairs

like the sebi circulars the SEI news articles and other Finance M and such they are also important but RBI website is having a very very huge weightage in the ga section in the phase one in

the 2020 uh2 examination in Al in the 2023 examination we have also seen that the weightage of RBI website was increasing in 2024 we have seen immense chunk or immense number of question from the RBI website and from the #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs okay so this is regarding phase one where you have to focus on the RBI website where you have to focus on the RBI notifications the RBI press releases as well as the

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs such as SE news and the Finance current affairs Other M us and such now

the big change that has been seen has been seen in the phase two if like usually the students have this perspective that for the phase two only the RBI website is important only the RBI notification RBI press releases are important and we can focus on the uh we can focus on the static for the phase

two so for the phase two usually the focus is on the static in the Finance section as well as on the RBI website usually the students have this mindset that the SE news are

not very important but in the 2024 in the 2024 uh Phase 2 we have seen and and this is like this you have to keep in mind for the 2025 also okay so for the phase 2 2024 we have seen that there were huge number of questions from the sebbi circulars also from the sebbi news articles also okay so

there were eight questions in total in Finance that were from the current affairs and out of those eight questions in

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance that were current affairs based there were six question there were six question from the SEI news so these are the four and these are the other two so in total six question were from the sebbi news articles so

for the phase two for in the 2024 there were six question there were six question from the SE news article and so this in for 2025 also the S news article become important for the phase one as well as for phase two okay other questions were from the uh like from the other

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affair this was released by npci npci has informed about the Circle so this was one news article and another one was directly from the RBI website regarding the data of the ways

and means advances so for the phase two as per the 2024 analysis we have seen for the phase two as per 204 analysis six questions were from sebbi news and the other two questions one was for from the text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs directly and one was from the RBI web website okay so this is the idea now sebbi news you do not have to go through the sebbi website you do not have to go through the all the sebbi circulars only go through the Seb circulars or the SEI

news that is quite in news at that time that is quite in many of the papers okay so sebie news that is affecting the whole of the country like you can see here like you can see here that the sebi this question came a paragraph came and from that there were four questions now why these four

questions were asked because it was for the first time that for the retail investors it was mandated that they have to use the UPI up to the limit of 5 lakh for any investment in Debt Securities so you can understand that UPI is very important from the RBI

perspective so sebbi is also focusing on UPI so this becomes a important news article so any like news that is released by The sebbi that is very important for the whole of the country for the whole of the economy so that kind of news can come in the 2025 examination also okay so here the see the

question came from small and medium Real Estate Investment Trust because small and medium Real Estate Investment Trust was released for the first time in 2024 itself so it also become important okay so this is the whole idea now what changed for 2025 I have already

told you that in the phase two there were major changes for the 2025 for the 2025 5 because For the First time there were such huge number of questions of the related to the SE circulars or SEI news in the RBI Grade B examination okay so usually for the RBI Grade B examination usually for the RBI

Grade B Examination for the phase two usually the focus in the Finance section is on the static as well as on the RBI website okay so usually the students ignore the SE news

or the other Finance current affairs but now from the 2025 perspective you have to also focus on the other text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs or the sebbi news that is important for the whole of the country that is important from the RBI perspective also I hope till now everything is clear give me a thumbs up if I’m making sense if you are able to understand give me a thumbs up

before going forward and seeing that what changed for 2025 what are the focus areas for the 2025 so now we are going to discuss the focus areas so till now everything is clear give me a thumbs up if everything is clear so now we are going to move forward with the focus areas okay so I hope

everything is clear okay thank you D for the confirmation so now let’s see the focus area so what changed for 21 2 we have already seen that in the phase two there were major changes for the 2025 so what changed for 2025 we have seen that the SE news and the

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs also you have to focus on because six questions you cannot leave so if you have not studied the SE news you would have to leave six question that doesn’t

make sense okay so now Focus areas will be your RBI website for sure in the phase one we have seen the huge chunk of RBI website in the phase one there was hug huge chunk of the RBI website so RBI website is important in the phase two also there were one question from RBI website so RBI website is

always very important for the phase one for the phase two okay and if we see 2023 there were descriptive questions also from the RBI website so we cannot ignore the RBI website okay so RBI website is important for phase one and RBI website is important from the perspective of phase two also now

there is a new edition that is SE circulars and news usually the students focused on SE circulars and news see SE circulars that are in news or the other sebi related news articles okay so SE circulars it’s not like that you have to go to sebbi website to study all the circulars that is not

required from the RBI Grade B perspective okay SE circulars that are in news that are affecting the whole of the economy or that is somehow related to RBI related to UPI related to some uh Innovation or some step taken by RBI okay so semic circulars that are in news that are affecting the whole of

the economy or other SEI news article okay so these are first of all these are important for phase one because in Phase One there were two direct questions from sebi news articles and now the sebbi circulars and news articles have also become important for the phase two if they are affecting the

whole of the economy or if they are from the perspective of rbii okay so SE circulars and news have become important for the phase two also with the phase one now Finance current affairs are

very important from the phase one perspective as well as you have to read it from the phase two perspective also so now before only RBI website was focused on from the phase two perspective but now SE circulars and the SEI news articles bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs also you have to focus on from the phase two perspective but only those news articles only those circulars that that is important from the whole country perspective okay now cominging to the sources and timeline so RBI

website to directly you can go to the like you can type RBI website on Google and you will get the RBI website there in the RBI website what you have to focus on in the RBI website you have to focus on the notification RBI notification as well as the RBI press releases and in the press releases or

in the notification usually there are some circulars that are mentioned because there are changes that have happened in the circulars OR there are some uh amendments that have been brought changes that has happened or some new circular or Direction have been released okay so in the RBI website you

have to go to the notification column in the notification itself there will be the discussion of the important circulars also so go to the RBI website go to the notification you will get the important circulars also and there are press releases also so RBI website has a column of press releases

that also you have to go through okay now sem circulars and new so any semic circular any SEI article that is in news that you have to cover okay now from where you can cover it if you have the utaps magazine so it is covered the sebi news the

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs it is covered in the current tab magazine in the ga Plus Finance section okay so the

semic circulars and news they are covered if you have the utaps gold course or silver course if you have the utaps course it the SE circulars and news will be available in current tab G+ none;">Finance okay but if you do not have any course if you do not have edutab course or if you do not have any course of any organization then you can directly go to live Min Economic Times the Hindu any of the news article which you prefer so any one or two news articles you can follow okay

for the SE news or for the Finance current affairs okay next is timeline so 6 months are must because we have seen the RBI notification SE circular SEI news

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs they were majorly from 6 months before the examination okay so 3 months are the most important 3 months are the most most important for the phase one uh then 6 months are

must okay for the uh phase one and phase two 9 months are also desirable if you are able to do the 9 months that will be like covering majority of the portion okay so uh 6 months you should be focusing on you should be able to do or you should be doing but if uh like you can go beyond that you can

do 9 months that is desirable okay so I hope this is understandable I hope this is clear any confusion anyone has till now we have completed the chunk any confusion anyone no confusion see from the coming sessions we are going to focus on the sebbi news articles we are going to focus on the RBI

website and such okay so now what we are going to do in the Finance 360 sessions in the #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance 360° sessions first of all should you start these sessions or you should see these sessions from now onwards should you be doing that I will say that yes you should be seeing the bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance 360 sessions because many of the terminologies Finance current affairs is very difficult RBI notification

RBI press releases are very difficult sem circulars are very difficult but the terminologies are very much repeating so if you start seeing the CashNews.cos like in a week in one week I only have three sessions of text-decoration: none;">Finance 360 that is on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 10:00 a.m. so if you see these sessions like if you these uh see these three sessions on the weekly basis you will get much clarity about the terminologies CR NPA net NPA gross NPA so you will get the clarity that

what are these terminologies what are the MPC meetings what is the scale based regulatory framework and this keeps on coming in the news and questions come from such kind of topics also okay the digital payment index Financial inclusion index the schem of uh RBI the reports of RBI so if you see the

sessions you do not have to do any rectification you do not have to do any cramming for now but if you see these sessions they will provide you the clarity about the terminologies okay so no reification no cramming is required for now but you have to attend the session so that you have the clarity

of the terminologies that is required that is what is here okay so we have started this session of of the Finance 360 from now onwards Tuesday Thursday and Saturday 10:00

a.m. you will be getting these Finance 360 sessions where we will be covering the RBI website where we will be covering the sem circulars and news and the

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance current affairs on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday so that you are prepared for the terminology so that you are having a proper clear background to develop your understanding for

the examination so that is why I’m taking these sessions that is why we are conducting the sessions okay so that you have a proper background to build your understanding and to be prepared for the examination because just before the examination if you start current affairs many of the

terminologies will be very new to you and you will have to focus on too many things at that time so rather than that start from now so that you have a Bigg ground and it will be very easy for you near to the examination to understand all the things okay so this is it for today if you have any

confusion I’m here for you so Tuesday Thursday and Friday I sorry Saturday I’m going to take the session for Finance 360° 10 a.m. where we will discuss the

important topics in news so that you have a big ground uh and you have a level of understanding so that near to the examination you do not have to do much of the efforts because the terminologies they are always repeated okay uh and the news articles and the topics also keep on repeating the PCA

was in news in 2021 2022 23 24 Scale based regulator framework and such okay so you will have a background no confusion okay thank you everyone thank you for joining I can see that there is no confusion so let’s meet on Saturday now okay and on Saturday I will bring the important topics from

SE and RPI okay so thank you everyone thank you for join joing everyone

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on Finance Current Affairs RBI NABARD SEBI Preparation | Current Affairs MCQs | Finance 360 by EduTap.
With over 1459 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

5 thoughts on “Finance Current Affairs RBI NABARD SEBI Preparation | Current Affairs MCQs | Finance 360 by EduTap #Finance

  1. I was following Finance 360° since April 24, your sessions are truelly helpful i experienced this after appearing phase 1.Thank u @Kirtika mam.
    Mam, I request one thing that try to cover max RBI news tap topics , even though i am covering through PDF but after leasening to you things got easier. For this if session length would be increased we don't mind.

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