March 15, 2025


hello hello welcome to another episode we’re going back to the basics we are reviewing the best of the worst of fire and stick talks here leader is here the OG Rider is here Advertiser is here today Boomers also make good teachers we can do a bit of both just like nature just like

teachers foreign Uber is succeeding in world domination then you wouldn’t see this yellow cat together you would not see this yellow side how many yellow taxi cabs do you think are in Miami right now how many yellow taxi cabs 200 yellow taxi cabs that’s 200 yellow taxi cabs in Miami

taking market share from Uber who is supposed to be dominating the world that’s not how we dominate the world are you inventure Capital hey babe can I fund you you want to go back to my house and uh do you want to fund but his case I’ll say basically if there are taxis

around in the city that means Uber is not dominating this is not necessarily true no um this is me sitting in my buddy’s Lambo and you know how he bought it Anna house cash with xrp and he swears to me xrp is going with a thousand now I wouldn’t normally listen to somebody but this is a

buddy and that is a Lambo yes his logic is basically foreign that’ll be a bill they’ll do that 100 I’ll take the bill go about three billion a billion dollars about three or four billion dollars for the Real Estate we could do 4 billion this year I don’t

understand why you’re thinking so small curious why you play so small when you have the opportunity you can you just came up with the answer in 10 seconds oh that’s easy you just need a hundred million dollars to start off with and then you buy one billion what did you say basically 100

million Real Estate Bank against eight billion code seriously real good middles the opposite of shorting wow thank you thank you all right I understand it fully now 2x yeah you borrow at a cheaper price and then you flip it where it’s at a higher price and you square it off

so you keep the Profit I just found a glitch in the Stock Market so you want to go to train if you pick any stock like AMC and choose the hike in ashy candles whenever the candles make a flat bottom like right here you want to get caught and when it makes a flat

top get put don’t believe me try it out yourself all right but when to do it is the entire game so but this is just logically [ __ ] stupid right like egg bar if if it’s a green candle somebody do you know what a green candle means yeah yeah it’s in my washroom so I’d

consider myself a bit of a Crypto Enthusiast in fact most of my time is spent learning and researching trying to position myself over the next five to ten years to take advantage of what I

think is going to be one of the biggest Financial revolutions we’ve seen in our lifetime however as the internet does they’ve made Crypto so [ __ ] cringe for instance what’s

trending in the Twitter world oh look airdrop with 222 000 tweets click rocket emoji time six new airdrop we give out half a Kong each and three winners can’t find like retweet fall shut the [ __ ] up bird is definitely going to be huge as the team has been an inspiration their Innovative

approaches towards achieve the project goes Vision I’m so glad to be [ __ ] him shut the [ __ ] up coin Wind Fire Emoji join now join this [ __ ] dick baby chicken air drop is live complete test you in right away first go first down why don’t I just buy a [ __ ] token code save the kids

that’s being promoted by all these dumb cotton influence on Twitter so they can dump their backs another [ __ ] idiot follow okay hey I have in defense of these people who do this together unlike the regular text-decoration: none;">Finance world because in the regular Finance World Venture Capitalists buy bags of companies early and the difference is Venture

Capitalists use this emoji on Twitter they go on CNBC and use this Emoji but Crypto is Community First #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto it allows retail to get in very very early so retail shield in a bag except retail is not classy so retail doesn’t do this on Twitter retail is like please yeah chicken yeah five giveaway or the end of the day everyone is just sharing their damn

bags though this happens all the time especially in Crypto Twitter right look at the end of the day people have bought tokens they if the way to make token value go up is by getting other

people to buy token so people are always sharing tokens nice project please don’t click on this [ __ ] if you’re new in the Crypto World verify the project dyor do your own

research do not pay off your student Loans Debt and here’s why give all that money back to the government when you can hold on to that money invest in Real Estate or some other asset that can double triple your money for example take that 40

to 50 G’s that you have and go buy a fixer-upper like this at a 30 discount then after you fix it up you go to the bank and do what’s called cash out refi so you can pull the 40 to 50 G’s that you have invested in the property back out and go do it again so you basically turn that

40 to 50 G’s into a couple hundred K and you never lost the 40 to 50 G’s and you have the asset that pays you every single month boom guys anybody who wears jeans as tight as this and uses the phrase 40 G’s you should not be taking advice he’s still paying his student

Loans yeah New York City Concrete Jungle where dreams are made of and I’m Tarzan and this [ __ ] which one of you JP Morgan interns wants to be my Jane I had to stop watching Wolf of Wall Street and I had to start living it nice nice hey green means good right that’s my

Portfolio my dick having common they’re both on fire right now I think me and that Goldman Sachs interns had won too many pump and dumps well we pumped and then she dumped me whatever I’m here to spread sheets not spread cheeks this is

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance Bros in the U.S Finance Bros literally had a billionaire like that I

worked for a look at me doing technical analysis one time and like slap my mouse he’s like what are you doing I’m like I’m doing technical analysis in this chart I’m like coming up with the trade ID I’m gonna go and Pitch it to you in like a few hours and he’s

like it’s very simple if the chart is going towards the upper right hand corner it continues to go towards the upper right hand if it’s going on the bottom right hand corner it continues to go to the bottom right hand corner and you sit there and you think like okay that’s the

dumbest thing I’ve ever heard but the guy that just told me that is worth 1.3 billion dollars so I guess like that’s the analysis this is like that barbell meme right 69 IQ 120 IQ 420 IQ usually 69 IQ person just has dumb thought and invest 420 IQ person is just like has deep thought

and invests all right you guys so this is safe Moon safe Moon check it out look at this current price right now all right so let’s say you invest only like thirty dollars right so you take that thirty dollars times the current value of this coin right now and you get about roughly 19 million

coins so let’s say this thing goes up to about just one cent your potential almost 200 000 unit bias at its absolute best fully diluted value that will become some like 900 billion almost as much as Bitcoin Bitcoin yeah then you get something called an FDB which means key if all the coins

that are in Supply if people bought them then what is what would its market cap be at current price games the market cap is 2.168 trillion dollars and now the mark oh oh we went to zero nightmares here’s why I just sold a lot of my Bitcoin Bitcoin shot up to almost 40 000 today most

definitely only have a hard time breaking through it if it drops I’ll buy in at a lower price but if it breaks 42 000 I’ll buy back in at a higher price if my claim works I’ll be able to increase my Bitcoin position without even spending a cent nice no that’s look

that’s a good deal too informative I sold if it go up I buy if it go down I buy it I just hate 40. so people keep asking me how are you so rich how are you so wealthy how are you affording all these cars I actually don’t even use my own money to buy all this I buy all my Real

Estate without banks money on my car so that Banks money I don’t even use my own money so what I do is called Leverage so what I do is I go over to the bank get money find the bank you send us a down payment on a house either apartment building so the money that comes back it’s

all mine if you want to learn how to be rich like me follow for more now I know that this feels scammy but there is some grain of truth to this God right like really wealthy people they usually use their own wealth as collateral and then they borrow Assets yeah and then they make

those the borrowing Assets grow further yes and they only take the part that is they lose they’re very very picky Real Estate information is a classic example but that is the moment I became his fan you know so I’ll explain okay so when an IPO is coming

out hnis have an option to borrow money from the bank and buy the IPO where it comes out suppose I will call my bank and say soon because the [ __ ] world is 281 trillion dollars in Debt to who to me I’m a businessman the [ __ ] world is too even the government prints money

it’s actually borrowing it because it has to pay back for it right balance has to make sense technically it’s considered as a borrowing company I’ll give a zero percent or one percent interest rate and then they use that money thank you so much for joining us if you enjoyed that

then please let us uh thank you friends thank you for coming go along have a nice flight Vishal uh don’t cry too much okay we’ll get you a new camera uh foreign

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on FINANCE TIKTOKS REVIEW.
With over 749393 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.


49 thoughts on “FINANCE TIKTOKS REVIEW #Finance

  1. That thing about printing money is quite fascinating.
    So we are literally using money which isnt even money unless they make some profit out of it and give back the original capital along with the interest.

  2. Heiken Ashi is a lagging trend indicator. Pick any instrument and plot 20 EMA on the chart. Once there 2 green candles above 20 EMA u buy and keep the low of the second green candle as SL and once there is red doji candle exit ur longs and follow the same for shorts where u have to take position on red candles below the 20 EMA and exit once a green doji is formed. Trust me ur trading and consistency improves a lot. Don't make ur charts more complicated by following 100 indicators. Simple chijo se paisa banta hai.

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