October 8, 2024
Gen X retirement crisis. Personal finance.

Gen X retirement crisis. Personal finance. #Finance

howdy welcome back to Deon talk the Generation X retirement crisis being Gen X I didn’t know that there would be a crisis and I think it’s because we’ve been lied to for so long right we get lied to most of our lives uh showing the American dream is owning a big house

having a nice car and working until 65 and having some kind of retirement but the crisis is the LIE right there’s all these studies done and this data that’s out there that makes us think that people are doing better than they are which would make me think that if people are doing if

you see data that says people are doing better than they really are wouldn’t you be motivated to compete with them to actually do a little better yourself but it doesn’t seem but that’s the case so it becomes the Gen X retirement crisis where we see data like uh Fidelity says the

average Gen X person has $543,000 in their account that sounds like a lot and uh then there’s the average 401K balance for Gen X right this is like 1963 to 1982 or something like that generation if you were born in there the average 401K balance being $178,000 so if people have half a million

dollars in their accounts 178,000 in their retirement account doesn’t sound too much like a crisis when most of the people that are hearing this data don’t have anything they don’t have much so when we hear the the idea is most people right now today think we need about 1.1

million saved up in order to retire comfortably and now you’re going to include so so security there you’re going to have all these other contributing things move to a lower cost of living area at some point you’re going to have Medicaid right doesn’t sound like a crisis and

the problem is the data points are I want to say wrong but they’re just Flatout lies and it’s because people get confused by using the wrong terminology we use median and we use average now listen carefully median and average mean absolutely nothing to you statistics mean nothing to you

when an event happens to you so the idea is we hear data of median and average and we think the average home price cost this the average stock value is this well when was the stock split if you’re talking average home price versus average Income are you considering remote

work and that the people in that county that you’re comparing data to you have no idea what they they make because the people might be doing a job job based in another state so when we look at retirement there’s a very specific reason why this data is just a lie and there’s a

Morning Star study that proves it so for the Baby Boomers that are in their 60s or older and the the great generation that are at or past retirement age I kind of get the pity party right you were lied to about the American dream work for a pension that all went away and uh you didn’t have

YouTube University so what we’ve got now with Gen X is yeah we didn’t grow up with YouTube University but it’s here for the last decade and the average person if you think of it the average person has five or six streaming services right if you’re into sports ball you either

pay $800 a year for your package or you have every different little streaming service so you can catch the games and then you get trapped into local if you are nerd like me and you’ve got certain Sci-Fi TV shows you like to watch some are on MGM some are on Disney some are on uh Paramount

plus right so you’ve got all these different streaming services so as a generation we’re choosing that over YouTube University where you could pick a streaming platform where you can educate yourselves on things like bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances that actually matter so in 5 to 10 years when Gen X starts hitting that actual retirement age right we’re on the cusp of it right now I will not be part of the pity party right the the Boomers didn’t really have a

choice on what to watch because this platform wasn’t here Gen X is choosing entertainment over education every day so it’s not the cost if you thought I was going to say well look at the streaming services each one costs $10 to $20 and if you add that up it’s $1,000 a year or more

no I’m talking about the time cost how many hours a day how many TV actors from different shows can you name that actually prove you’re not educating yourself and worse you might even be watching commercials where somebody with a master’s degree in education and tricking people

into wanting something and know how to use tone and light and sound to get you to buy their product that you didn’t even ever know existed but now you know you can’t live without what choices are you making because here’s the Morning Star study this is the study that to me proves

there is a crisis and it’s the data that’s setting us up for this prices it’s not average it’s not median and uh Cody I appreciate the Super Chat I will see you in about an hour and a half or so and we’ll be making some CashNews.cos at one of your uh properties maybe

two we’ll see how that goes speaking of retirement crisis I’m going to be hanging out with a what 24 year-old that uh retired 3 years ago I think so when you’re Gen X and you have a retirement crisis it’s not opportunity it’s choices cuz you could have done all the

things that Cody’s do doing Cody’s out there doing Cody things and you’re not I’m not I didn’t start until I was 40 retired at 52 but here’s the study from morning star that really gets me when when you hear so first you have to understand the data when they say

you have so much money in a Fidelity account or so much money in a retirement account we can look at Net Worth and the the the the comparison of Net Worth that I know from some Bureau of Economics or something madeup government agency that puts data together to

show what they want you to think says that the average retirement Net Worth at the age of 65 for somebody who owned a house is $221,000 well where’s the 500 uh 48 $43,000 in the Fidelity where’s the 178,000 in your 401k if the average Net Worth of a

homeowner is $221,000 the average Net Worth of somebody who rented their life didn’t own their house is $6,800 where’ the $543,000 go where’ the $178,000 go it’s because when you hear average versus median you’re hearing cooked data you’re

you’re seeing information presented the way they want you to cuz you miss little tiny things like of the people who have a Fidelity account here’s the average balance what about the gazillions of people who’ve never heard of fidelity what about the people who don’t have a

401k option at their company what about the people who work at a company but don’t contribute to the 401K does that impact average or medium do they not count the non-participants they might count some zeros but then do they count the people who aren’t in the system at all so what you

really need to pay attention to from this morning star study it’s not median it’s not average it’s mode you might want to Google what the mode is so Morning Star did a study uh talking about the Gen X retirement crisis and it didn’t talk about here’s the average

Net Worth here’s the average Fidelity here’s the average 401K here’s the average Equity in your house none of that they talked about how many Gen X how many people my age the latch key kids have zero saved for retirement and not only zero save for

retirement but have no plan for retirement right if you fail to plan you plan to fail or some other motivational thing that means nothing but makes us feel good because we’re not out there doing anything to make our retirement any better so when you look at averages and medians you might go

some people have 10,000 some people have a million so we can average this out we can take the median of this but when you look at the mode when you say what is the average netet worth at retirement age no at retirement age how much does the most people have the most don’t have 10,000 the most

don’t have a million some will have each of those but the most based on this morning star study is 48% there is no percentage anywhere in this there’s no 52% have 500,000 or 52% have 50,000 right it’s a there’s a whole spread out spectrum of people who have amount Sav to

give you your average and your media but the mode the largest number that is consistently the same across all Gen X of people who have this exact same amount saved for retirement is zero 48% of Gen X have zero save for retirement and no no plan to save for retirement yes Chester it’s zero

that’s the mode as I sit here on a Thursday with the entire pool and hot tub to myself because everyone else is trapped at work where they’re trapping themselves at work for the next decade or more of my generation when they could be doing a random thing like hey Cody said he’s

not got anything going on this week let’s go hang out with him for a couple of days and check out his Portfolio my friends and peers can’t do this people that have known me for a decade and have watched me put my money to work right in in investing there are showers and

there are Growers and I’ve got friends who have $700,000 house $100,000 truck $150,000 RV and no time right when you’re a kid you here it’d be great to be able to play all the CashNews.co games you want but you don’t have any money to buy them then you get older and you have

all the money you want but you don’t have any time to figure out a way to put your money to work so that you have the time to do the things you want and you don’t have to work for it is retirement and I like to talk about early retirement right I think retiring at 52 for me wasn’t

early it was late but how many millions of people because of their stars in Hulu and Netflix won’t have this when they’re 65 without the plan with zero save the mode not the average don’t let the outliers like Elon change what people’s Net Worth average is

how many zeros are there and how do you get out of the zero club I will not be a part of the pity party for the people who have the information now and have the choice to educate themselves and to take action to better their future but I will be at the one rental at a time event in Las Vegas and

I’ll wrap this CashNews.co up with if you leave a comment down below and you would like a free hour 1hour Zoom call conference with me for free all you have to do is be going to the one rental at a Time Event tell me in three or four sentences what your retirement plan is I will look through

those comments I’ll verify that you’re going to be coming to the one rental at a time event and I will give away free 1hour Zoom call with me which you can normally find at deont talk.com not for free but today for that person takes the time to explain their retirement plan and is

coming to the one rental at a time event in February we’ll give you that hour have a day full of awesome I’m going to go and check out Cody’s uh stuff saw some yesterday where he’s doing some amazing things and I think and I’m going to talk about this in the

CashNews.co it takes a certain amount a vision to be able to see what he did because it I know it didn’t start out the way it looks now

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on Gen X retirement crisis. Personal finance..
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36 thoughts on “Gen X retirement crisis. Personal finance. #Finance

  1. Interesting statistic. Backs up what I think about people living beyond their means. I would like a new truck and I can’t see how the hell the average person is buy them. 70k is a hard pill to swallow

  2. I will be going in Feb, bought a VIP ticket thru Old Guy REI (Frank). I made poor wife choices twice and lost my retirement twice. So I no longer have time on my side to compound my 401k or TSP. I currently have a duplex I house hack and now have a short term rental. Plans for doing an ADU at the STR. My plan is to continue with more real estate for another 6 years and retire at 62. Yes it’s late but throwing gas on the fire to push hard for a bit so retirement will hopefully be close to your level

  3. I’m going to the one rental at a time event for the second time. I am 40 and have 1.25 million invested in stocks. My goal is to grow that and possibly add real estate as I transition to semi retirement building an online community to help others and give me some thing to be engaged in when I’m no longer putting all this time effort and energy into traditional work 3 to 6 years from now. Lots of challenges along the way, but believing that better was possible and being willing to put in the work every day has certainly helped me.

  4. This is a great video. Please keep this up.
    I am moving 2000 miles across the U.S. right now. Only have time to try and watch a video when I eating.
    Plus I can not afford the time/money to go to Las Vegas.
    As so as I can, I will. Just trying to get over the hump.

  5. Investing locally with 4. W2, changed this year to increase income, keep streaming and CC to minimum have pension, have retirement account and leverage them for rentals but always looking and making disrespectful offers. Have a 5 year goal to be w2 optional.

  6. Great video! With my current situation —losing my job at age 41, having 425k saved for an early retirement, having 10k in an HSA, and maybe adding 200k to my portfolio. what significant investment opportunities should I now look into?

  7. I like investing in close-end funds that pay monthly dividends. The trick is to hold long term and reinvest the monthly dividends plus buy more shares on a monthly basis or when ever you can afford to. This can be easily done because close-end funds are bought and sold on the stock market just like regular stock. That’d be enough to create a portfolio that would pay you between $50k to $70k in dividend income

  8. I would love a free hour with you Dion. I am going to the ORAAT event. My retirement plan is to obtain 7 more houses in the next 4 years. This should bring in roughly $20k a month.

  9. My plan is to retire within the next 5 years. We have SFR rentals locally and out of state. My wife and I both will receive a pension. Waiting for our youngest child (currently in 8th grade) to graduate high school before we retire. Overall, I may retire before the 5 years if work impedes our quality of living or stops being fun.. See you in Vegas!

  10. I invest locally, I buy good value add deals in my local market, never touch the equity. Then save up to buy another rental. I'm scared to be like my grandparents that worked till they died into there 90's. I want more go go years where I can enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, touring and seeing the world, learning to scuba dive, working on my life's project. What I do for a living just infuriates me every day and there's no way I can do this for another 40 plus years.

  11. People who work can still have a great life. I just got back from my (second) Alaskan-cruise. It was awesome!!! Last year, I went to Europe…3-years before it was here and there, yada-yada. I am happily-employed and I do own (ONE) rental. See….you can do it all and still have fun!!! Yayyyy

  12. Pensions haven't (all) gone away. I do agree, we didn't have "YouTube University", but we did have PBS (or KQED which is the local equivalent). I was listening to the Ed Slott's and Adiel Gorel and Consuelo WealthTrack on those shows. Back to the pensions, a lot of government (all levels) all have pensions and are very prevalent and this doesn't include Military. There are still private companies that offer pensions, so a good sector of the labor-market still offers a pension. People wanted that "high-salary" and they wanted to job-hop instead of staying with ONE company and accrue that pension AND retirement-healthcare. I'm glad I didn't join those movements and now I will be enjoying two-pensions from both the private AND public sector.

  13. My goal is to build my portfolio until I retire from the USAF. Then, I hope to be able to get a job for two to three years to optimize my portfolio – max cashflow from the right amount of properties. In my retirement, I plan to fly my plane to visit friends, and take golfing, snow (skiing and snowboarding) and beach trips utilizing AirBnB and Turo (all from cash flow).

    Note: please select someone else for the hour – I'm still searching for my first rental (currently in a live-in-flip/house-hack – without roommates, currently). It will be a house-hack as well.

  14. Looking forward to meeting you at the ORAAT event. I'm 56. I am planning to retire when I feel like I'm ready. Haven't decided when I'm putting in my notice. I have 34 units, mostly duplexes, triplexes, and some mixed use buildings. After I retire, I plan on doing a lot of whatever I feel like doing. Travel will be high on my list. My other half is doing the day to day management of the properties, so she is already "retired".

  15. My plan to buy Non-HOA, side by side, washer and dryer, pet friendly, non-war zone, in my two zip code area. Not many 4-plexs in that area-so most likely duplex. I have four units and saving for more. goal is ten units. Probably not going to vegas (have to be honest)

  16. Here's my plan, I'm 46 and a firefighter. In 3.5 years, I'm eligible to collect a pension of about $6500 a month. Currently have 9 rentals all SFH and I owe about $240K on those rentals. The rentals cash flow after expenses is about 6-8k a month. I also have about $130k in retirement accounts. I'm planning on retiring at 50ish or "work on my terms". I have a wife and four kids, the oldest 18 (who is at MCRD SD now) and the youngest 12. My wife should have a small pension of about $1500-2000 a month. I'm planning to have about $200k a year in retirement. Also, I need to register for the one rental at a time. Which I'm doing now.

  17. I would love to retire soon. I own two single family homes. I’m likely going to need 4-10 units. I also have $700k locked behind s 401k/IRA. Feels weird to have $1.3M networth and feel broke. lol. See you in Vegas! VIP ticket bought

  18. Hey Dion! I'll see you in Vegas, my retirement plan is to retire in the next couple years with 3-4x expenses covered from rentals, need to get the time back to hang out with my kids 😊

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