October 7, 2024


hello hello I hope that you guys are having a terrific day I am not here to complain though because I am alive and well property is intact my family is safe and that’s all that matters but like I’ve been talking about here for the last few days we have had real real problems in

East Tennessee and Western North Carolina I’ve even heard Bluefield West Virginia I have heard about Rome Mountain Tennessee I mean so many places are suffering right now the people have lost everything in a lot of these places it has been an unbelievable week here in my area so I wanted to

come on and not complain at all because I am blessed to have my home have my family safe and have everything normal I mean I feel so bad even saying that because we have so many people that are in such a bad way this day and I am so sad for what’s going on that is why I have started the Gund

me as I absolutely aim to get out today look around to see what has happened see where the need is so that with your help and fantastic YouTubers you have been amazing do you know that I have had over 100 donations given since I started and I believe we started it Saturday morning I believe it was

Saturday morning that we started the fund we have had my last count was I I think 99 donations just to be exact but wow so overwhelmed with your giving I am a true Giver I am totally into giving it is a lifestyle for me I hope it becomes a lifestyle for you because according to 2 Corinthians

chapter n in the Bible when we give it is given back to us and in the same measure that we gave press down and running over that excites me every time I say that because I know what the Lord has done in my life through my giving so I thank you guys I appreciate you so much if you haven’t

given and you want to consider giving I do have the link in the CashNews.co description now moving on to more things um taking my mind off of the devastation around here and moving it towards you guys and what you have going on with your

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances that is number one priority in my home every day is because I want to make sure that you’re getting the information that you need so that you can recover financially whatever Devastation you have had in

your life because the Finances wow they can crush us suffocate Our Lives to where we’re not even living because we’re focused on what we need what we don’t

have and how we’re going to make that next payment so I am hoping that the Fantastic channel is changing your life I just got done reading a bunch of comments on YouTube and they make me so happy I can’t help it I mean even with the sadness that is going on around me right now and how

anxious I am to get out there and look at what’s going on in the neighborhood I read comments and my heart is just totally filled with this piece that I feel when I read those comments people talking about how velocity banking has changed their lives ah I love that I love that because

it’s exactly what it did for me it changed my life it gave me hope the light at the end of the tunnel got brighter and brighter and brighter to where it was all consuming in my own life and now text-decoration: none;">Finances is about this big over here instead of my whole world now so I am just so thankful when you guys leave those comments for me to read and you send me the emails because it’s so satisfying to know that the Lord has given me some wisdom that I used

in my own life and now I share with all others and it is making a difference in so many people’s lives and it’s helping helping helping I love that I love being the hands and feet of God and I feel like that getting this information out there is changing your lives for the better and

that makes me happy I wake up for that every day because I think it’s awesome so I do want everyone to know that I have opened my calendar back up I know I keep shutting it off because I have the upcoming conference and it has been overwhelming getting it ready so I just wanted you all to get

the help that you may be needing as well so I am opening the calendar up quite a bit and I’m offering the 45 minute consultations again oneon-one virtually I also have Anna my helper she has her own one-on-one coaching that she does virtually as well so if you want to check that out

I’ll go ahead and put that link here in the description so this is for one onone coaching like I said we have the upcoming conference so many of you have showed interest in that so many of you have bought your ticket already and I can’t even believe that I’m so overwhelmed with

the joy of getting to meet you guys one on-one so I do have the conference ticket information in the CashNews.co description as well so you are welcome to join me it is going to be a good time if we can get by the Hurricanes wow uh so glad I bought hurricane Insurance for the

conference center because I can’t even fathom what is going on with the weather and how in the world I told my husband I said okay the ocean is what 78900 miles from us how did the ocean’s weather come all the way up through the nation and hit Tennessee and North Carolina I’m like

how does that even happen to the devastating effects that it has had here is no war worse than what they would have on the coast and I’m like that is unbelievable to me wow I can’t even believe that okay guys I have got to run off of here but like I said I have my services open now so

you are welcome to go there if you need a push if you need accountability I also have an accountability service that is for six months it’s once per month you are welcome to join that as well just want to give you a hand up wherever I possibly can because you guys are really really working so

hard to get your Debt under control and I appreciate those beautiful comments that I am getting every single day thank you for anything you can do to help with the GoFundMe for what’s going on here in my area thank you for if you want a service and you need one please check

out the calendar that I got the link in here there’s also links in the description don’t forget fetch fetch is a great way to gain some additional points that’s going to give you free cards as you build up the points so that link is below it will not only give me some bonus points

but it will give you some bonus points as well so many ways to save money out there guys so many strategies that we’re not told every single day so keep watching CashNews.cos and see if you can’t learn something new that is really going to make a difference in how you handle your

Finances so I’m excited for the rest of this day I hope you are I hope that you guys are having a great week and I’m praying for you I pray for the YouTube

Community every single day because I want to see you not just survive I don’t want you just to exist I want you to thrive in every single thing that you do you can Thrive your best with the Lord so I hope that you’re with him regardless have a great day I hope that you guys have a great

day and I will see you in the next CashNews.co

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on GET BACK ON TRACK WITH YOUR FINANCES THROUGH VELOCITY BANKING! SERVICES BEING OFFERED AGAIN!.
With over 1755 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.


  1. I donated to Samaritan’s Purse. This thing is in their own back yard and front yard. May God’s “helpers”…every one shine some love towards all the affected areas.
    So devastating. But still…the darkness has not overcome the Light.
    Love your comments.

  2. Financial investments that doesn't depend on the government should be on every individual list, for more than 70% in the country as very few are literate on the subject. Thanks to Stacey Macken, the woman that changed my financial life

  3. So I’ve been watching these videos non stop over the course of the last few days because my wife and I about to close on our first home. The main question I have is what is the “magic number” of how large of a line of credit to take out in order to maximize the savings in total interest while minimizing the length of the loan before it starts becoming just as expensive. It seems to directly relate to your cash flow. I’ve ran multiple scenarios with different amounts from lines of credit but I’m trying to find the most optimal before we make any moves.

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