March 7, 2025
Highest Paying Finance Career Tier List (Finance Jobs Ranked)

Highest Paying Finance Career Tier List (Finance Jobs Ranked) #Finance

this is sponsored by aura the highest paying Finance career tier list that is what we’re going to be going over today we’re going to be

ranking different Finance careers from s-tier which is the best to f-tier which is the worst from a financial perspective in terms of how much money you’ll make

we’ll also be talking about other factors but primarily we’re going to focus on how much they make so it’s really difficult to find accurate numbers on how much you can expect to make in different #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance jobs because a lot of the time it doesn’t have as much to do with the job you’re in but more to do with the company you work for or the industry that you’re in so if you appreciate me doing research and doing these types of

CashNews.cos go ahead gently tap that like button and also share the with somebody else you think would want to see it and if you agree or disagree with any of these rankings let me know down below at the end of the day this is just my opinion and if you think my opinion is wrong

that’s totally fine it’s good that we all start a conversation that we can all learn something from all right so let’s get started right away with vice president of analytics so the vice president of analytics is in charge of the collection and analysis of data and specifically in

the Finance industry this is incredibly valuable so you want to be able to quickly collect data and then also decide immediately what actionable steps you should take based

off of that data glassdoor has the average salary for this position being between 127 000 to 230 000. but you can see even higher salaries in the Finance industry because

data is basically everything that’s what gives you an edge over your competition and Finance is of course incredibly competitive and i guess i should say that right

away uh this list is for people who are like a type personalities you’re very competitive probably you know you’re okay working like 60 plus hours a week not having a great work life balance but also people who are ambitious and they want to have really high paying jobs so with that

being said this one is going to go into a tier next one on the list is going to be strategy consulting so this is where you’re working for maybe one of the big four Accounting firms and i guess like consulting in general even though there’s a there’s a lot of

differences there a lot of the time they will end up working in different areas of Finance so if you’re like a second year consultant at mckinsey for instance

you’re an associate you can expect to make over 200 000 a year in total compensation and there’s honestly a lot more to it than that i could probably make like a five series just on consulting alone but yeah consulting can be phenomenal it’s also a career path that

leads to many other opportunities this one is going to go into a tier next one on the list is going to be entrepreneurship so this is basically starting up your own business and there is a ton of opportunity in the #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance industry for this now this is high risk and also high reward but there’s a lot of exciting new fintech companies starting up in the space and one of them is the sponsor of today’s which is aura do you guys know what the

fastest growing crime that’s affecting millions of people in america is well the answer is identity theft and there is a new victim every 14 seconds a few years ago my roommate had his identity stolen not once but twice and it completely turned his life upside down and that’s why

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locking the front door but leaving the back door wide open those who have their identity stolen are often shocked when it happens imagine trying to log into your email account one day to see that your password has changed hours ago and then you start getting notifications of activity from your bank

Credit cards Crypto accounts etc it’s scary and unfortunately a reality for too many people thankfully aura monitors the dark web for emails passwords and social

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family from identity theft at shane hummus and if you sign up right now at shane hummus they will give you a two-week free trial so that you can see if you or your family’s information has been exposed to the dark web as well and i’m actually curious to know how

many of you have had your information leaked to the dark web so if you do decide to use aura’s free trial let me know in the comments down below if your information has been compromised thank you again to aura for sponsoring this and let’s get back to the main content so

yeah entrepreneurship lots of opportunity really phenomenal i think everybody knows this don’t need to go into too much detail another thing is Finance is one of the

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Industries that has the most opportunity and a lot of the time you are seeing you know the combination of #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and technology technology is also a phenomenal industry as well and so if you start a business in one of these Industries you’re

going to have a much better chance of success so yeah entrepreneurship is s tier all right so i’m going to go over these really fast so i can keep this relatively short not going to explain these decisions all that much so tax director is going to be next one on the list glassdoor

has been making about 123 to 210 000 per year this one goes into a tier now if you go into banking you can expect to make somewhere between 90 to 140 000 a year right off the bat so banking can be really good but it’s also really competitive Investment Banking is next on the

list and this is something where you might do something like uh Mergers and acquisitions ipos uh Debt refinancing etc and Finance is well

known for you to work you know really crazy hours and Investment Banking is actually probably the worst one you’re going to be working somewhere between 80 to 120 hours a week easily but you can make over 200 000 a year starting off in Investment Banking if

you’re able to land a job and it’s also basically a pipeline to even better jobs down the line so Investment Banking this one has to go into s tier so one example would be an Investment Banking managing director this is definitely not an entry-level job

but you know this is one of the ones that you can look for down the line and they absolutely make bank so again these numbers are really hard to find i couldn’t find one on glassdoor but the numbers that i’m seeing are 350 to 600 000 a year and that’s just your base salary your

bonus range is somewhere between 100 to 200 of your base so that’s 750 to 1.8 million dollars a year total compensation so that’s just one example not an entry level job not even close to entry level but that one also is going to go into s tier corporate banking is another type of

banking and again i could probably make an entire just on this stuff alone maybe even an entire series of CashNews.cos but corporate banking you’re typically going to focus more on the Credit side of things and you can also expect to make pretty good money from

this you know over a hundred thousand dollars a year in your first year so this one is also going to go into a tier next one is director of Financial Planning and analysis now this is not an entry-level job but you can expect to make around a hundred and thirteen thousand to a

hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars a year and so because of the fact that it’s definitely not an entry-level job but it still has pretty decent pay i’m going to go ahead and put this one into b tier next one on the list is going to be Asset Management so

you’re going to be working in Asset Management this is another job you can get right out of school and you can expect to make somewhere around 90 to 110 000 a year so because of the fact that you can make a hundred thousand dollars right after school which is just totally

unheard of in almost any other industry this one is going to go into a tier so another route you could go is working in the field of Credit this is basically where you’re analyzing companies #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances and seeing how worthy they are of getting Credit basically the ability for them to borrow money so you can make somewhere between 75 to 95 000 a year starting off in Credit that’s pretty good uh that puts

it in the b tier range now a position you might move into is going to be Credit risk manager this is not an entry level position and a lot of the time that actually requires a master’s degree but you can make according to glassdoor 67 000 to 134 000 a year so overall because

it’s not entry level because it might require masters this one is going to go into b-tier next on the list is corporate development which is similar to Mergers and acquisitions but you are actually working for the company that’s making the acquisition this time and i

saw a lot of numbers thrown around out there but this one’s typically somewhere between 80 to 115 000 a year just starting out so this can be entry level so that’s pretty good that one is going to go into a tier all right so now we’re going to move into some of the ones that are

extremely sought after so these are very difficult to get into right out of school but it’s possible so anybody who’s familiar with Finance is going to know these

it’s basically three different categories private Equity Hedge Funds and venture Capital firms and with all three of these i’m just going to go ahead and lump them together i might make three separate ones or whatever but uh

they’re all s here essentially you can make somewhere between 125 to 250 000 a year just starting off after college which that is just i mean that’s just mind-blowing there’s a lot of people who work their entire lives you know 40-year careers and they never get to like the 125

000 a year mark and with these careers you can actually hit that in the first year a lot of people even if they start off in something else like banking for instance this is their goal is to get into venture Capital uh Hedge Funds or private Equity

next on the list is going to be Equity research and there’s actually a lot of different career paths you can go down one of them is Equity analyst so the glassdoor salary range here is 64 000 to 164 000 a year which is a pretty big range and basically

you’re analyzing company stocks and then you’re making predictions about where that stock is headed in the future so this can be a pretty good one to go into i’ll put it into a tier next on the list is going to be a financial analyst now these two things sound very similar right

but financial analysts make much much less about 49 to 89 000 a year still pretty good but for this list not amazing i’m gonna go ahead and put it into c tier another one you hear a lot about is text-decoration: none;">Finance manager this is a very common one you see on bls and basically this is the guy at the car dealership who tries to get your car none;">Financed for you and spits out a number and according to bls Finance managers make about a hundred and eight thousand dollars a year next one on the list

is going to be a software developer that works in Finance so you have the skills of text-decoration: none;">Finance and software development at the same time a lot of the time you might be working for a quant hedge fund so a hedge fund that focuses specifically on mathematics and you can make really really good money we’re talking like a hundred thousand dollars

a year starting out uh 200 000 total comp so this one is going to go into a tier next one on the list is going to be a Finance quant trader so again you would be working at a

quantitative hedge fund a lot of the time your base will be 125 to 150k and your first year working for them and with the bonus you might hit over two hundred thousand dollars so this one is going into s tier next one on the list is going to be sales and trading now this can be a very high pressure

you know stressful type job but the good thing about it is you’re typically only working during trading hours this is one that you could potentially get right out of school and you might crack six figures and so for that reason i’m gonna go ahead and put this one into a tier next one on

the list is going to be a hedge fund manager and i think this one goes without saying you know the typical hedge fund manager makes 2.4 million and that’s just like tiny Hedge Funds the highest paid hedge fund manager in the world at least last year is izzy englander he made

3.8 billion dollars so yeah obviously this one’s going to go into ester definitely not an entry level role i mean i guess you could just start your head own hedge fund but it’d be tough to get people to actually invest in it typically you’d want to get some experience first and

then move into it next one on the list is going to be an Accounting senior manager a lot of overlap between Accounting jobs and Finance jobs

this is not an entry-level job so let’s say you’re an Accounting senior manager at like a big four firm you’d expect to make probably 200 000 a year and if you’re a partner something like 10 to 20 years into your partnership you’re probably making 300

to 350 000. one thing that’s nice about this job is your base is probably going to be higher than a Finance job but the downside is your bonus probably isn’t

going to be as high next one on the list is going to be financial controller i actually interviewed somebody bill hannah he is the financial controller on this channel i interviewed him about Accounting is a really cool interview very valuable if you want to go down that pathway

but financial controllers make about 230 000 a year and basically a financial controller is kind of like a higher level accountant there’s a lot of other jobs you can move into from Accounting in the color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance industry all right so let me know down below um are there career paths that i missed out on i think this went a little bit longer than i was hoping um but yeah let me know if there’s career paths i missed out on let me

know if you disagree with my rankings let me know if you uh want to put the rankings in a different order or you know maybe there’s some of them that i shouldn’t have included or whatever let me know down below hope you enjoyed the go ahead gently tap that like button hit

the subscribe button ring the notification bell and if you enjoyed this one i think you’re really gonna love this right here as well and i’ll see you next time

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on Highest Paying Finance Career Tier List (Finance Jobs Ranked).
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38 thoughts on “Highest Paying Finance Career Tier List (Finance Jobs Ranked) #Finance

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  2. A relationship manager at Morgan Stanley for top ten percent in performance makes 200k+ and for senior relationship manager they are making 400k-450k if in the top ten percent for both bonuses in a year where the firm did good. Since performance bonuses are based on firm performance. I am pretty new in the role and its pretty much glorified customer service. Obviously for high performers that is freaking good money. I guess that would be under "sales" but you are only doing sales referrals to local FAs. Not closing anyone. So not high pressure sales.

  3. How in this world this idiot missed out on CFO's? Wall street CFO's, the best of the best, do earn tens if not hundreds of millions annually. Second only to the CEO, CFO's are the rulers of the financial world.

  4. This video has made me confirm that I want to work in finance, I suggest you make a video on how to get some of these jobs if it fits in your interests.

  5. You look so similar to two completely different people that i know. I would love to line you up with nick and Glenn because i think they are your brothers or douplegang. No offence but you look like a policy adviser and rock star I know

  6. This could all be summed up with you make how much you make them.

    Someone who doesn't know anything beneficial wont be a good strategy consultant. Youd need good qual or quant research they don't already have. If you wanted to be a strategic consultant but dont know anything exceptional you wont get much money

  7. I’m going to college this year I live in Ireland and I got a full ad Astra scholarship for cricket to UCD I’ve already decided I’m doing finance and the plan is to go into investment banking

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