March 14, 2025


holy crap Bitcoin just went on an absolute tear up to 79,000 this looks like a meme this looks like when you’re tapping Bitcoin and say someone do something do something Bitcoin and then just spikes up this is insane I literally have my retainers here I’m sitting in bed

I’m watching uh uh I’m watching a long podcast a three-hour podcast on uh Earth on planets on what happens on our universe and all of a sudden this this happens and yeah I’m literally in my boxers and t-shirt right here filming this cuz I can’t can’t sit here and just

go to sleep so let’s talk about what’s happening in the market I also have a very interesting conversation that I want to tell you about that I had today I had today with someone that’s never bought Bitcoin before and if you’re watching this you know I I’ll keep the

information um at an appropriate level but something that I thought was absolutely fascinating um and someone that’s never bought Bitcoin someone that’s conservative in their investing is now looking at Bitcoin and I think a lot of people are in this same position so if you don’t

mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the so you can see future CashNews.cos just like this check out the link underneath the to marax and to uh to btcc as well get multiple exchanges because when there’s huge amounts of volume things break uh

I’m counting the seconds before coinbase breaks right where it just won’t work uh Marx is having this little thing with the chart right now uh because there are probably so many people logging in so there are multiple accounts down there that you can sign up for Marx uh btcc this

happened on Marx one other time and you can still Place trades you can still close trades you can do all that but for some reason the charts a little bit funky uh until they fix it so probably be fixed by the time this is even up it’s really quick and on btcc they’re doing a

big deposit bonus and lowering your trading fees when you use my link let’s start here Bitcoin dominance um coming down the day of the election a lot of people thinking you know Trump’s launched different uh text-decoration: none;">Cryptos before he’s got nft project so he’ll probably replace Gary gendler so maybe we invest in some all coins right so far that’s done pretty well I mean there are ton of altcoins up huge right now let’s just look over the last 24 hours Bitcoin

up 3% ethereum up 6.6% uh salana it says 2.6% here but over the last 7 Days outperforming massively up 26% dogecoins up another 15% in the last 24 hours massive cardano up 31% uh ton coin up 10% Avalanche up 10% actually just put on on an Avalanche long on btcc which is looking nice right now uh

SOI made the last night on SOI if if you haven’t seen that go check it out uh why you need 500 suie up 27% timing pretty good on that so definitely check that out too but so many altcoins just blowing up uh Bitcoin moving up uh very quickly right now and this is obviously a bunch

of short liquidations let look up Crypto liquidations whenever you see a uh move like this and you see such an exponential jump It’s liquidations yeah you can see $60 Million worth

liquidated in the last 1 hour over the last 24 hours 280 let’s take a look at bitcoin’s chart here and it’s yeah it’s just so easy so easy to tell right now I I’ve been saying that I think we’re looking very bullish for the short term for the long-term uh I think

we look extremely bullish talked with Tyler hill yesterday he said the next point that we could see us moving up to is about 83,000 based on um technical levels so 83,000 then maybe some trending sideways maybe a little bit of a retest then continuing up uh Tom Le says 100,000 by end of the year I

point this out just uh yesterday I believe it was usdt printed a billion dollars I think this was yesterday earlier this week they printed $2 billion just now they printed another billion dollars now what does this mean well it means that people are trying to load US Dollars into apps like coinbase

then buy usdt move it somewhere else to then be able to uh you know buy altcoins to be able to get in defi to be able to do various things within Crypto this is very bullish when USD usdt is

minted that means money is flowing into the market and you know coinbase still has a premium right now usdt if you sell usdt one usdt you get more than $1 in US so people are paying extra to get usdt because they want access to the uh ecosystem now it’s not a huge Arbitrage right it’s

like I don’t know a couple thousandths more than a dollar but for a while there was a bit of a discount now it’s a premium because people are trying to get in and they’re willing to pay a little extra because they don’t want to wait take a look at this obviously so many you

know so many companies and ETFs buying Bitcoin there’s some big conversations that are being leaked a lot of people are saying you know I had a massive conversation can’t talk about

it yet but it’s big either with State Legislature or nations or companies Dylan lir says new Bitcoin alltime High meanwhile multiple nation states are currently covertly accumulating Bitcoin disbelief phase is imminent this is all extremely bullish extremely bullish I’d say just you

know make sure that you still have a solid head on your shoulders right don’t get don’t get a position where you can lose everything if there’s a bit of volatility right like I have a lot of long positions here you can see a couple of them this one up 61% the avax long 5x I just

put on I have a lot of positions over on Marx that are up uh significantly this one’s up 648 and I had salana as collateral this one is a 61x on bitcoin up 440 per and I Ed chain Len his collateral which is up 40% itself so just don’t put yourself in a position where you can lose

everything but you can you know in my opinion I I’ve said this for a long time I think this is a good time to be trading Crypto because it seems so obvious right like okay Bitcoin sets a

higher high or higher low and then a higher high like it’s pretty obvious you don’t get too greedy you go long when we’re seeing red in the Markets and then yeah

you’re up a significant amount now it seems like there’s all bullish news and that kind of brings me to a conversation I had today I had a conversation with this person that is very successful um I believe they retired in their 40s and uh now in their 70s you know we’ve talked

about Finance we’ve talked about Crypto a handful of times um and the

person’s more conservative this guy’s pretty conservative with his money lot of treasuries you know some equities as well but T bills and uh just Cash Flow right some rental properties but now with the president uh you know with Trump being elected he’s thinking

maybe I’m not maybe I’m not bullish enough maybe maybe I’m not exposed enough to the market maybe I’m going to have to start buying maybe I’m going to have to dollar cost average right like I just I know that there’s going to be growth with President Trump coming

in he’s going to deregulate lower Taxes and you know Interest Rates are coming down and he was asking me about Bitcoin someone that not really been interested and he’s not fully there yet he’s not fully there he doesn’t you know he

understands what Bitcoin is but he he’s not to the point where he feels comfortable with it um you know I don’t blame him he’s made a lot of money from not investing in something like Bitcoin before um but it is interesting to have these conversations I’ve helped my in-laws

I’ve helped my parents be able to buy Bitcoin I’ve made it easier for them easier to understand like try to drive them away from doing the you know something super risky right like don’t put in more money than you’re comfortable with but maybe put in a little bit and then

put in a little bit more I helped my parents DCA into Crypto micro strategy clean spark and Bitcoin uh text-decoration: none;">ETFs all in a way that is very simple for them to do right auto buys every week but we’re starting to get people that are thinking like this and that’s why I think we’re seeing these pumps right we’re seeing liquidations we’re seeing people

get really bullish and as that’s what we talked about earlier today as the price goes up further more people look at it and it’s not this thing that oh it’s overvalued that’s not a thing like it is with a stock that has a PE ratio it has sales projections uh it has a CEO

that can screw up and say the wrong thing no Bitcoin is just what it is right it’s its own asset class and a lot of people are starting to try to get access to it are trying to start to allocate and you know the political situation is very amenable to this too it seems like we’re going

to get a lot of good regulation on this and good Clarity and you know for once politicians might actually help the Crypto industry be able to work with them to get Pro

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto laws passed to be able to help get more people access to bitcoin more education right you can go on YouTube but some people don’t really use YouTube right so it’s going to be

interesting it’s going to be really interesting and there’s $6 trillion more than $6 trillion in Money Market funds there’s a bunch of money in Real Estate that is looking for a home right there are people that are allocating towards Real

Estate now that might start allocating a little bit towards Bitcoin it’s going to be really fascinating to see what happens over the next couple years I’m curious what you think about Bitcoin tell me down below in the comment section of course if you’re wondering whether

now is a good time to be buying Bitcoin I I have a full outlining my thoughts and kind of some goals early on to allocate towards Bitcoin like how to start off but a lot of it’s going to come down to your own risk preference right a lot of it’s going to come down to your own

Portfolio um I just start by allocating a small amount and dcing right yet you might miss out but also you weren’t comfortable buying for the last 15 years right so why are you buying now is it because the price is going up or is it because you actually understand it

I’d say for a lot of people it’s because the price is going up they don’t necessarily understand it if they haven’t been willing to buy for the last 15 years so start by dollar cost averaging so that way if you buy right now at 79,000 and we go down to 70,000 you’re

not freaking out in selling because there’s you know there are people that are now bearish there are news articles that are bearish you have to be able to keep your head on your shoulders and actually understand the asset that you’re buying and then you buy in more and more and more

over time from a number standpoint it would make sense to lump some I mean that’s just how the numbers work out Bitcoin typically moves up so it’s typically a good time to be buying Bitcoin but of course if you can’t mentally handle that volatility probably not the best thing for

you it will be very interesting too I mentioned I helped my parents bu cleanspark one of the equities that they bought to get access to bitcoin this was frozen yesterday or uh halted on Friday I believe the whole day I could be wrong on that but it was halted Thursday night because of some issue

with warrants like nothing with the company it seemed like it was just some kind of mechanical error or something but Bitcoin spiked up I actually have some clean spark call options that I bought uh one of the recent Bitcoin dips I think it was when Bitcoin fell down to like 53,000 I bought call

options on cleanspark these things are going to pump I think clean Spark’s probably going to pump this is essentially lever position on bitcoin right when Bitcoin does well this does really well when Bitcoin goes down a little bit then clean spark falls down a lot and part of it has to do

with dilution too so you can’t always get exact uh movements right sometimes Bitcoin will move up a little bit and clean spark might be down a little bit because they’re diluting to get more miners then to be able to uh scale up and mine more over time so it will be interesting

I’m sure that micro strategy will have an insane day assuming that we uh overall continue to pump up and as I said too altcoins are just pumping like mad uh it’s nice to see some Life coming back and like ethereum is looking good uh I had something saved here but ethereum starting to

get some inflows again we had I think 60 million go into 60.3 million in inflows going into black Rock’s spot ethereum ETF the highest in 94 days that’s nice ethereum now has a larger market cap than Bank of America that’s nice it’s good to see some more excitement in some

alt coins as well some life salana up at 207 that’s awesome like I said sooie just pumping like mad up 27% I mean look how bullish this is over the last 7 Days going from A180 to $284 again if you haven’t seen that where I talk about suie with Tyler hill we break down the

technicals he thinks it can move up 10x from here actually now that was uh when we’re at $2.20 so maybe like a 8X from here saying it’s a very nice risk to reward ratio if you haven’t seen that I’ll put it on the end screen thank you guys so much for watching

though let me know your thoughts on all this underneath the absolutely beautiful to see again if you want to trade Crypto there’s a link to btcc and to Marx underneath the check out both of those uh because again in times of volatility there’s going to be huge uh spikes and usage among these exchanges and you want to have your Crypto spread out

on multiple exchanges like I use I use a handful um you know so check out BCC Marx coin W blof fin weeks u byd f I have all those links underneath because I want you to be set up in a position where you’re Diversified across exchanges uh these exchanges are actually some of the most

Profitable ones too we figured out last cycle we thought all those traditional exchanges like FTX blockfi celsus like all those ones seemed like the least risky and yet they were the most risky The Leverage exchanges uh do quite well and are I think they’re safer than a lot

of people think but of course do your own research uh make sure you’re comfortable with it because it is different than having Crypton Cold Storage thank you so much for watching I

appreciate it I’ll see you all in the next one maybe it’s when bitcoin’s at 80 90,000 100,000 who knows what it’s going to be at but uh yeah scarcity is setting in really appreciate it I’ll see you all soon

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on HOLY SH*T! BITCOIN IS PUMPING LIKE MAD! SUI BLOWING UP! ETHEREUM SHOWING LIFE!.
With over 29684 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.


  1. Bullshit about BTC! Scammers! Is BTC your GOD?
    Btc is same shit coin. They play with you trying to sell their Bitcoin for high price! 😂😂😂
    Trump said something about Btc and stupid people started buying like crazy! Don't trust such things! It is not going to $100000 or 1 mil. Scammers. Be careful people! 😢😢😢

  2. Guys, I'm broke. Don't gamble. I really regret it. Whoever sees it is who's. This is my TRX mnemonic. (topic deer radar oyster patrol frog never until coil tattoo screen tree) to anyone who sees it, there's 84 USDT in there, as my gift to all of you, Thanks ♪

  3. Thanks for the good summary! Now is the perfect time to start buying stocks and crypto( BTC, ETH,) if you are just being introduced.. I really wish I started earlier. I’m learning this doesn’t have to be as complicated as some people make it out to be. Thanks to Aldona Šabanienė Program for helping me get into her trading server and investing guidelines. Investing and trading are more than just having TA skills. There is a big component of discipline and emotional maturity, that one has to work on! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm! Within some months I was making a lot more money and have continued on that same path with Aldona.

  4. If Bitcoin has pumped 4% overnight Sunday morning (and still pumping), MSTR has been moving 5x Bitcoin. This implies MSTR will be up 20% Monday morning. Add in short covering and, well, you get the picture. 16.8% short interest. There are going to be more faces ripped off than Aria Stark has in her basement.

  5. What is the catch on the BTCC deposit bonus? Is it something that can only be used on their platform, and not withdrawable ? Do you have to keep your funds there for a time?

  6. Is Cardano CRUSHING now because Charles Hoskinson is going to be a part of the Trump Administration Crypto Advisory and Bitcoin selected CARDANO to go mainstream international Network scaling ? Hmmmm… Thanks for the mention.

  7. Because of the volatile state of the market, I would prefer to invest in initial coin offerings (ICOs). XAIE23K and a few additional However, this XAIE23K token in particular appears to be a promising one.

  8. XAIE23K is absolutely going to hit 10 – 50 this year.. don’t be fooled guys, now is the time to buy XAIE23K!!! Trump has changed this market with what happened, all the whales know capital gains tax will be lowered with him in office. I am buying more today! Don’t miss this train!!

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