March 12, 2025
How Financial Education Scammed A  Million Portfolio

How Financial Education Scammed A $2 Million Portfolio #Finance

hi everyone hope you’re all doing well today I’m going to do a follow on from a that I did a couple of days ago and I’m going to talk about how Financial education managed to scam his way to a $3 million Portfolio on YouTube and

I’m going to talk about some of the grifting methods he Ed to get there and some of the things that are going on in the background hope you enjoy the let’s get started so I did this two days ago talking about big Stock Market YouTubers and their

scamming techniques they’re currently using On Their audience at the moment we talked about two YouTubers but on the comment section there was definitely a little bit of support coming in for this guy in the left corner which was a little bit worrying and I could tell a lot of the people that

were coming in with supportive comments were very new investors and the wool has been pulled over their eyes and they’re not currently aware to some of the grifting techniques that have been used and are currently been used on them now I am going to say this I do believe Financial education

is trying to improve as an investor I believe he has got a better investor since 2022 but there still definitely rooms some improvement but I do believe his priority is still to make money from his audience rather than giving good information to his audience so I think that’s a big priority

is that I think that for him he got a little bit greedy when it came to making money off his audience and that’s what we’re going to speak about today now first of all how does someone like a scammer a grifter come across as someone that you should be listening to well the first thing

is a good way to sucker in new viewers or new people into the Stock Market is that you’re talking about Stock Market content and you come on with a Ferrari at the start of the or you talk about owning a Ferrari oh well what is actually secondhand

Ferrari but we’ll skip past that one if you’re coming up with a Ferrari at the start of your you’re thinking well this guy’s got a little bit of money he’s made it from Stock Market you’re not con straight away people don’t

connect the dots is that this farar is probably paid for by his YouTube views sponsorships people paying for private courses that cost $1,000 each time lot of people that when they see this straight away are assuming that this is from the Stock Market rather than actually from the

content that he produces which is the first thing you got to realize that’s why when you see some of these grifting adverts come on YouTube about hey join my $1,000 Stock Market day trading cost when you see these Greg sucker adverts come on at the start he’s always on

his private island or his expensive holiday or his big house they do it to try and suck you in so that’s the first sales tactic that for example a lot of these grifters do use now the next thing is that a lot of people have been suckered in because people are thinking well he’s had a

good year this year well I think everybody’s had a good year this year if you not had a good year in the Stock Market this year I don’t know what you’re doing you know the S&P alone is up 22% so many individual stocks are up a lot so it’s not hard to be

up this year so a lot of people look at the gains from a 12mth period and go wow this guy is a genius but realistically a rising tide lifts all boats the big thing is to see when we start hitting a struggling Market what happens to a lot of stocks here and the other thing that someone like this

uses to try and sucker people in is that they’ll post the Portfolio and I notice every it’s either a Tesla screenshot or it’s a elf Beauty screenshot and like hey look at me I’m up so much it’s never the stocks that are down and also

you’ll notice a lot of the stocks that are down are normally sold quite a lit out in the background this is a great tactic that Financial education uses is that he promotes the stocks that he’s up any stocks that he’s down he doesn’t talk about he hides in the background and

actually might sell them out quietly in the background and hope you don’t notice an example for that is that this is a guy that had a sh on the NASDAQ this year now if you look at the nasdaq’s performance this year it’s done absolutely amazing and that’s a position that

hasn’t worked out and one you guess it’s sold out in the Portfolio you’ll also notice a lot of stocks that haven’t performed well in previous years have also been sold out the Portfolio now if you’re not a viewer that’s been here

for a while you probably look at his Portfolio absolutely amazing but this is a guy that has had a lot of losses and then what he does is that he sells the losses out the background and hope that you look at all the green stuff and go hey look at how much I’m up now this is a

guy that promotes elf Beauty at the start of his for example and goes hey look I’ve got this stock that’s up 2,000% well when you actually start digging in to this guy that promotes like hey look I’m a genius look at these stocks that I’ve PID they’re doing

really well he’s only really had two stocks that have been really majorly successful and one of them is elf beauty that he uses all the time now the problem is elf is if you look at the current value which is 164 he’s currently up 157 so realistically he had only invested $7,000 into

this position now this Portfolio is worth2 million but yet he only had $77,000 into this magic stock that did really well and that he knew was going to do really well well when we actually look at that on a cost basis that actually works out as 0.35% of the

Portfolio so it’s all well and good going hey look I’m a genius I picked a stock like elf Beauty but when you actually put that into a position size well if you were so confident that that was going to be a winner why did you only have 0.3% of your

Portfolio into that position surely if you were that confident and you were a Stock Market genius you would you would realize that would perform a lot better than that and that’s something that he uses as a sales pitch but when you realistically look at it

it’s not that great and on that that I talked about the other days I had comments like this you see talking about multi-million houses and Ferraris in the garage in a $3 million stock Portfolio and that’s how these new investors get sucked into it you know

they see this here they see the Portfolio they see the Ferrari and not actually realizing how a lot of this has been paid for now when we get into a little more detail about how this has been paid for a lot of this has done some through private groups and when you actually look

back at some of the reviews this isn’t my reviews this is on trust pilot if you look at back at some of those reviews you see what actually was going on where Jeremy made a lot of this money so if you look here this is a guy that said I was promised 30% returns this is another thing that we

talk about Jeremy is that he has done tactics quite dirty sales tactics of saying that you are potentially going to make you are going to make 30% returns a year from joining his Portfolio now you would have to be one of the best investors in the world to get 30% a year and this

guy goes on to talk about I’m actually down 95% and he had stocks like Voyager that went bankrupt ttcf that went bankrupt very good food company that went bankrupt SM direct club that went bankrupt this guy had a lot of stocks that went wrong and you know we all have stocks that go wrong if

you get seven out of 10 you’re doing really well even six out of 10 you probably do quite well but we’re talking about a guy that has a terrible track record and you can see that it talks about this guy on this review here talks about they charge the amount of dollars that you have so

you’ve got to apply for the private group they ask you how much your Portfolio is worth and then depending on what they get from you like oh my Portfolio is worth 100 Grand is how much they will charge you on your Net Worth on how much is to

join the group which once again we see about the dirty sales tactics that are used and we’re seeing that the mention here of groups costing $11,500 a year to join we’ve got another one here talking about the group once again and a common theme is that what we have here is a long-term

investor turned into a money home that is 100% what it is this is what it is with this guy is that I don’t 100% think he’s a terrible ve investor or maybe he’s not a bad person I don’t know what I would say is that he’s just a greedy person that wants to make a lot of

money I think that’s what it comes down into Financial education it doesn’t have the best interest in your favor so when we look at this 2 million Stock Market Portfolio is how did he get there because realistically only a year ago this was a guy that

had a investment in TC TCF which I’ll be honest with you I had an investment in there as well difference to me is that I sold out a lot of my position when I saw it going wrong this guy continued to keep buying it and buying it and buying it and not only did that happen he actually made it

over 50% of his Portfolio and lost $1 million on this position so when you’re supposed to be an experienced investor there’s no way you put 50% of your net value into an unProfitable business you just don’t do it a unProfitable

business should be less than 3% of your Portfolio so how did he lose a million do but then get back up to $2 million as we can see here in the Portfolio and also Jo this time frame there was other stocks that were taken for big losses where the lights of Hest stock

that we saw earlier inter review that one was absolutely got slaughtered which I actually made a talking about not to invest in Hest stock we also had smile direct club that we saw earlier that was a big bust and I actually made a three years ago saying that don’t buy

smile direct Club there was a about very good food company and he used to own that one and once again that went bankrupt which I made a on three years ago saying uh this was actually the worst stock that I have ever seen during that time frame so how did he go from losing

overall $1 million in TCF and other positions and now how is he back up to $2 million in the Portfolio well these are the tactics that this guy does use so for example FTX this is once again how dishonest some of these YouTubers are so this is a here from Chris and

it’s about 2 years old but this is one thing that was massively brushed under the carpet and in my opinion was never dealt with correctly this is how a guy gets up to a $2 million Portfolio without having many successful stop picks without having a successful business without

having a high paay job he has to milk his audience and the ways that he does that is he promotes sponsorships and people said to me in the last that I did the other day saying like well Jacob you do sponsorships in your like you’re just the same as these guys well I

said no because all the sponsorships I use in my CashNews.cos are either platforms that I use myself I pay for myself and even if I get I used to use them all before affiliate links these are platforms that I have used paid for and used myself high quality platforms but this guy takes promotion

from the liks of FTX that Chris goes on to talk about and we still to this day don’t know how much he was paid for that I think the amount is somewhere around $100,000 that he was paid to promote this and obviously FTX was a platform that went bankrupt and financial education took a big

amount of money promoted a platform that went bankrupt and never even apologize to his users this is the kind of tactics that this guy uses to get his money up the other thing that we see is that from these reviews here we have people that are paying for $1,000 courses $1,500 courses the patreon as

well so this guy here is making a lot from his money from people signing up for cses that obviously they’re not getting good information from and the YouTube channel is itself I reckon the YouTube channel itself would be around about 200 Grand so you have the sponsorships for 100 grand you

have the YouTube channel that I would say is over 200 Grand that’s probably bringing them in the other thing is the courses now just to put into example let’s say that we have a course that’s going for $1,000 if there is 500 people that sign up to this course and I reckon there

probably is 500 people I would argue the case there’s probably even more than 500 people and when you’re taking the courses the sponsorships the the patron that he has as well I’m doing quite conservative numbers here but let’s say 500 people sign up for that that’s

half a million pound so you’re looking at this guy here thinking well how’s this guy gone from losing all this money then all of a sudden he lost one at least 1 million in ttcf That’s not including the likes of SM direct Club the likes of honest the likes of Voyager for example

the likes of very good food company this guy has lost all this money be before from these top picks how does he then now have a 2 million Portfolio and the reason why he’s been able to do that is because he doesn’t make it from his stop MKE gains he doesn’t make

it because he has a high pay job he doesn’t make it because he set up his own business the way that this guy makes his money is by milking his audience and getting people to pay for these courses and that’s how a guy can lose $1 million by sticking 50% in an

unProfitable business and then somehow recover it all within a year’s time because he milks his audience by either promoting platforms that have very poor platforms like FDX for example by selling expensive courses or from his views in the YouTube channel now the thing is

with the YouTube channel is that even though this guy has historically perform so poorly and even recommended bad platforms to his viewers unfortunately because he has this many subscribers when you have 742 th000 subscribers even though you are probably not recommending good content to your

viewers he naturally comes on top of the algorithm because of the subscribers he has and that’s how he’s able to still make up his Portfolio because what you do is you have people that are like this that come onto the YouTube scene and go oh this guy’s sounds good

I’m going to start watching him I’m going to start paying for his courses and they get suckered back suckered into it and they start paying the courses because he naturally comes on top of the YouTube algorithm and the the cycle continues unfortunately and that’s what happens and

this is why you know I need to you know call this out with the platform that I do have now overall my thoughts are is that I do think this guy turned full scammer full greed mode in 21 2022 maybe even 2023 I do think he’s toned it back a little bit in the last kind of 12 months and I do think

he’s trying to improve as an investor but I still think he’s far behind where he probably should be for someone that is selling $1,000 cses in fact I don’t think anyone on the internet on YouTube should be selling $1,000 cses unless you had a good 20 year history of beating the

Stock Market with actual 30% returns a year but my problem still with this guy is the dishonesty to his subscribers he is still in my opinion still very dishonest to his you to his subscribers because he’s making it still look like he’s making a lot of money from the

Stock Market and yet this is more likely played from his audience we still have no Clarity on the FTX situation you know this is a guy that took in my opinion I would expect we never saw any money actually release and the actual figures I’d expect it was over 100k he took for

that promotion and he never gave a public apology on recommending a platform that went bankrupt and the money he was prade paid to promote that platform and I still think he’s dishonest to his audience I still believe this is a guy that is selling out stocks quietly in the background and

hoping you not notice like the sh on the NASDAQ so far this year and other stocks as well and I do believe that he’s someone that does still sell his losers out quietly in the background in the goes hey look at all my winners that I have here and then you know hope you don’t notice that

they have been sold out here and I think it’s someone that also as well sometimes even buy stocks and then sells it out and then buys again to lower his average down to make it look a lot better average than what he was in previously as well I think that’s something that has

historically happened with a position like PayPal as well for example so I do believe this guy is stting to maybe be a little bit more honest with his audience but I still believe there is a few smoking mirror that he does pull on his audience especially the new investors to try and get them to buy

his courses and then the cycle continues and I think this guy is making it seem like he is making a lot more money from the Stock Market when I believe a lot of his gains that he’s trying to show off to you guys especially attract the newer audien in is from money that

he’s gained from courses and patreon and promoting products that aren’t actually great products so I hope you enjoy the and I hope for anyone that is new out there that is maybe not aware of some of these scams that some of these big YouTubers do is uh that’s actually

what’s going on quietly in the background and uh I hope I made you aware of that one hope you enjoyed the guys I’ll see you in a bit

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on How Financial Education Scammed A $2 Million Portfolio.
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48 thoughts on “How Financial Education Scammed A $2 Million Portfolio #Finance

  1. I totally agree with you. I've watched him for 4 years and I do like him. But the portfolio is bull. He lost 1 mill on ttcf and 300,000 on voyager. So he prob back to break even tbf, with his meta. So how can he even claim he making more gains like he does. Anyways. Great work. 👍

  2. As part of showing his public account, he shares the investment returns which are calculated by Fidelity. These are for 1 year, 2, 3, 5, etc. As you would know, these returns include gains and loses, unrealized and realised. The public account is rather significantly outperforming the market for every year, including his 5+ year returns. So clearly his good picks far far far outweigh his bad picks.

  3. Jeremy is no genius. His videos never include any financial analysis they just include very tenuous reasons to invest. He’s had a string of stock picks that have been unmitigated disasters including stocks that have gone to zero.

  4. Youre right about the courses.
    But what i will say is ive seen many post comments bashing other YouTubers (everything money strong man yourself) but I've not seen Jeremy have a go at others.

    Sure might be because he has a higher subscriber count than most, but he does live rent free in many other YouTubers heads.

  5. I was genuinely interested in any evidence that this guy was about to present that will prove that he's a fraud..I'm retail and have been scammed in the past so I can tell the scammers. While he may not be the best stock picker, he ain't that bad and his opinions may be worthwhile considering given his experience – as Warren Buffett said, his returns come from a minority of his decisions. He posts his track record via screenshots of his fidelity account – if u feel he fabricated that, you may be a bit of a conspiracist, but please provide evidence that prove otherwise because I'm genuinely keen if there is any. Until then, this video just feels like a desperate person trying to ride off the fame of someone, which is pathetic.

  6. Do not listen to Jeremy or Financial Education, he does not know what he's talking about. He simply replicates other people's videos. His advice is harmful at best.

  7. This video might get to someone who ONLY watched the video of him showing off his Ferrari. But for all 740 thousand of us who watch his VERY HELPFUL videos every single day, you sound like a jealous loser. Watch his videos before talking about his videos because you don’t even sound intelligent.

  8. So much bad info here. I was very mad at Jeremy. I paid 4k for 2 years of private group. Made a ton then lost more, so i'm not biased here thinking he is a saint, but he does give tons of good advice. For example, he put much more than 7k into Elf but sold along the way. I could refute so much more of what you said.

  9. My opinion: he is an entertainer not a investor, he makes money mostly from YouTube not from investing, he has an endless money stream to invest from being a YouTuber not from market gains. My opinion: his investment theses is, buy beaten down stocks and hope for the best or buy popular retail stocks. My opinion: he promoted awful investments: TTCF, SDC, Voyager, The Very Good Food Company, Planet 13, Honest, Walgreen, etc. Now he promotes Fubo, what is his investment theses on Fubo, that it might go up?!? And he is right, it might. The way I remember: on Walgreen (WBA) he said; I am thinking it over and over, and I do not see any flaw in my investment theses. The way I remember: on Tattooed Chef he said; I will be judged by TTCF stock

  10. Great video, not talking much about your grift though are you? Nice tactic. You had stocks that went bankrupt? You were begging him to go head to head with you in a performance comparison? You’re an embarrassment.

  11. Jeremy is the one and only! He has very indepth analysis for free in his YT Videos. Cant speak for 1000X or his Curses, but his investing videos are by a mile the best out there. I watched so many, bút no one really gave me that much on a return like he did. The only scam i see here is your clickbaiting because your channel is irrelevant!

  12. I've been watching Jeremy for 3 years now, back then I watched a lot of other finance youtubers too but now I basically only watch jeremy and one other because the others lost my respect, you should focus your efforts on actual scammers/grifters like MeetKevin

  13. He is a scammer. The piece you are missing is that he uses multiple fidelity accounts. He doesn't buy in the public account. He keeps his cash in and purchases in the private account. He'll buy multiple lots and then if it goes up he will transfer those lots into the public account. Fidelity makes it really easy to transfer shares between your accounts and it allows you to set the default to transfer the lots with the best cost basis first automatically. You don't even need to select them manually. Then let's say a trade goes sour….like your public account has a bunch of red in it because you were a dunce and started buying Fubo in the 24's and kept buying it all the way down. Well you can buy more in the private account, transfer the worst lots from the public account into the private account and transfer the same qty shares from the private account back into the public account. You can then sell the bad lots in the private account. That accomplishes two things….magically even though you have been buying all the way down you can trick your audience into believing you just put in a relatively small amount and you aren't down that much. Also, it manipulates the total returns in the public account since the negative lot history moves into the private account along with those shares so when they are sold in there that private performance is abysmal but the public one looks like you are beating the market. You can do it yourself and show all the people what a great investor you are and they will fall for it guaranteed. They will worship you and when people call you out for your manipulation and lying then your followers will defend you and say the critics are just jealous.

  14. I watch both your channels and get value from them. I agreed with this sentiment if it was 3 or so years ago, he lost his head with TTCF however people change, he most certainly has changed as an investor since the clown stock era in Covid. You’re better than the hate Jacob, keep delivering great content and highlighting great stocks like hims to the masses !

  15. This is mostly very true although perhaps a bit harsh in some places. He is a good investor and the channel is engaging and informative, ….. but he makes a lot more from courses and YouTube than form stocks and he has had a number of bankruptcies. His analysis on PayPal, Meta and Tesla have been helpful as has yours JKR

  16. Don't listen to this lier, I have invested for over 40yrs and FINANCIAL EDUCATION is one of the BEST channels for investing, GREAT content and analysis, this guy is just trying to SCAM you, piece of CRAP!!!

  17. I’ve listened to plenty of his videos and the dude is fine… wtf you going on about man. He has his opinions just like everyone else. I’ve picked up a lot of great information from him when it pertains to stocks I’m interested in. Quit hating dude

  18. He cleaned up his portfolio in 2022 or so and put the majority of it into Mag 7 names (META/AMZN) and PLTR. Compared to when it was TTCF, Honest company, and others that were bankrupt risks or did go bankrupt. Now that kind of stock he keeps the position size to 1-2% to not blow up portfolio.

    I think a part of why he is so popular is he picked a good named Financial Education. So regardless of the quality of his content. If someone tries too look up Financial Education he is the first result.

  19. He was a scammer but not anymore, he does not need to scam he made good money. Now, I am seeing a guy who learned from his mistakes and playing a fair game. He was buying META and PALENTIR in front a the world in 2022 while every other clown here was selling. He is actualy one of the rare real here that I still respect

  20. Honestly I get a ton of valuable info from his channels. Appreciate all the time and energy he puts into his YouTube channels which isn’t easy to do. People have to take responsibility for what they do with their own money.

  21. So he has multiple income streams, is driven by financial success, and tries to milk every dollar out of what he sells? You mean like every other rich person or company that you come in contact with on a daily basis? Listen, if you blindly listen to ANY one person on how to deploy your finances than you're a moron and deserve to lose your money. If you're gullible enough to buy into sales tactics like these without doing your own research, learning and getting the advise of actual financial experts then you get what you deserve. However, if you have half a brain and use channels like these as only a small tool in your information arsenal, it's fine. It can be a way to bring things to your attention that you may have not noticed otherwise.

  22. I like both of you but this video is clearly biased. First of all the Elf calculation is incorrect. He sold off a lot of his position because he was up so much so calculating his initial position off of the amount he has now doesn't make any sense. Secondly you're right that his only two "major" successes have been elf and Tesla. But he has had many other successful investments that have netted 100%+

  23. I blocked his channel a while ago. You can do all the videos you want for moral reasons or whatever reasons you have, but the audience is different. Play s games, win s prizes. People who invest, are old enough to take decisions.

  24. You forgot about some of his biggest losses. WBA was a million dollar position at a cost basis around 40. Ttcf losses wipe out his 2 biggest wins…Tesla and meta. That said, Jacob is a grifter too. Not in the sense of charging people 1k dollars for info that is common sense or free but for pretending he has an edge. He was no edge. You can’t beat the market but using Robinhood and reading articles off yahoo finance. Lol

  25. In the Wild West, Jeremy would have been a snake oil salesman. My investing journey has gone full circle and I'm back to fundamental long term investing in profitable and growing companies that are well run with an attractive share price.

  26. All about the views all about the followers … all about the CASH !!!! couldn't give a f**k about helping people . That's why your discord isn't free … all about the CASH

  27. Your uk stocks video 1.8k views
    Your boohoo video 900 views
    Your uk inflation video 1.3 k views

    Etc etc etc

    Your slag other investors scammers video of 3.5k !!!!!!!!

    All about getting the views … you are no better

  28. I like him tbh. Just don’t like his 100x claims. His videos are decent. Wouldn’t buy anything off him tho. His stock picks are getting better though compared to before.

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