March 14, 2025
How Much Will 10,000 AERO Be In 2025?? (Aerodrome Finance Price Prediction) – Crypto Jon

How Much Will 10,000 AERO Be In 2025?? (Aerodrome Finance Price Prediction) – Crypto Jon #Finance

what’s up guys in today’s I want to talk about aerod drone Finance arrow and how much 10,000 coins of this

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto will be worth by the end of 2025 when allcoin season is expected to Peak for those who are not in my Discord I recently got back into Arrow at 50 Cent it ended up being a unexpected swing trade I initially bought it a

while back at 14 cents DED in that 20 Cent range I believe twice took Profits at 65 cents because of the Inflation which we’ll talk about in this and then I saw the dip down to 50 cents I was like this is a great time to accumulate my arrow bag

that I previously had and some since it was at a cheaper price so I made the move and got some more and right now aad drum if we pull up this chart is 55 so we’re already up 5 cents in our investment I want to show you guys the Inflation here right now it’s a little

above 604 million when I first got into Arrow the Inflation I believe was a little less than 400 million I believe and that was a big reason why I initially sold it was because I saw a big discount for or blocking another bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto and very bullish on the aage Drome Inflation was a little high for my liking and because of the discount ABT and the uncertainty of the Inflation for Aerodrome I swapped it I swapped it and looking back I was

like you know what what a Drome is going to run regardless of the Inflation you quick the year chart this is where people get freaked out right so a year ago the bottom was almost buy our entry at 14 cents it gets to $238 and then all this fud comes out for the

Inflation which it got me to and then it comes down to this 50 Cent range they even touch base at like 47 cents but I missed that uh entry but I’m very glad with getting back in now with my average being reduced even significantly less because that 15 C game was definitely a

a pretty clutch but Aerodrome you know this is a Crypto that’s backed by coinbase it’s a DEX a very bullish Dex at that it’s you know for Bas and base’s ecosystem has

been growing like crazy and being backed by coinbase is definitely no small fee I mean coinbase is the best exchange it’s the most popular exchange aside from binance but many can argue and say it’s even more popular in binance especially because CC stepped down so coinbase back in

Arrow is a pretty big deal and there really is no competition with Aerodrome I mean it’s the main deck for for base so it’s the Inflation is what caused the majority of this sell off because people were staking Arrow they were getting Profits in return

and because the supply is not finite it’s you know Infinity Inflationary people were getting scared off because the price action was going to be suppressed which it is that’s definitely not fun when you have an Inflationary token or coin it’s

going to suppress the price a little a little bit but Aerodrome is not the only Crypto that is Inflationary ethereum’s Inflationary salana is

Inflationary polka Dot’s Inflationary Cosmos is Inflationary there’s many coins that are Inflationary even polygon now with their migration is Inflationary it doesn’t mean it’s the end of

the world it just means it’s something you have to factor into looking back I was like you know what this is a great unexpected swing trade I think every Drome even from here is going to be around $15 to $20 this bll cycle right now it’s a 604 million Supply it is still ways away from 5

billion 10 billion the majority of tokens nowadays are in the high billions so a Drome this is going to be a controversial opinion take rather is still scarce it’s still under a billion Supply at least in circulation it has 1.25 total Supply 1.25 billion but only 604 million circling Supply

I’m going off the circling Supply here uh but even with the total supply of 1.25 billion it is still a lot less than your other tokens that are like 10 20 30 40 50 a 100 billion or more so it’s not the end of the world I will say that but it’s I mean every

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto has its con right there’s always pros and cons to every Crypto the con for

Aerodrome is the Inflation you know but uh maybe Tu is not a deal breaker maybe to is deal breaker for me it initially was and then I Revisited my statement I’m like you know what good discount the Inflation’s yeah not the greatest but it’s not

the worst ever either so I was like let me get back in but again this is a 691 fully diluted market cap and a 10xm here would be you know from 50 cents rather a little less than 7 billion at $56 and I think a 10x is the minimum for this so if you have 10,000 Aerodrome and it gets to $5 minimum

that’s going to be $50,000 and that’s Ultra conservative I think $10 is the minimum for aerod Drome so you’re talking about 10,000 coins being worth $100,000 in Profits which for a single #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto is pretty damn good if you ask me and AER Drome even though it’s not considered a blue chip yet because it has the coinbase back in because B’s ecosystem is incredibly bullish and just keeps growing I almost can categorize it as a blue chip

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto especially at this point and the chart maybe it’s not the most bullish as it used to be I still think it’s going to burn through dollars it’s recovery every time we have

a crash and the market gets better the recover is pretty fast for Arrow I’m not sure if you guys see that as well but it’s pretty damn fast so I would not rule out Aerodrome I am still very bullish on it uh but yeah the Inflation is the only thing that I really

don’t like about it but at the end of the day like I said it is still only a 1.25 billion Supply at the start of this even at the end of the cycle it’s not going to be 5 10 20 50 billion not going to see it just automatically have Cardinal Supply or xrp’s 100 billion

Supply okay we got to factor in and use our our heads here the Inflation like many old coins have can only suppress the price so much at some point these VCS back in Aerodrome and the ecosystem of Base will push this dexs to a new all-time high which will net some pretty damn good

gains my price prediction if it wasn’t clear is anywhere from $10 to $20 a cycle which could very well mean your 10,000 air drum could be worth 100 to $200,000 in Profit and that is a pretty damn good amount of money but obviously this is just my opinion not Financial advice

just an educated guess based on where I see the market going the connections they have and the overall path of where altcoin season can lead for an altcoin like a drone but I’m very curious what you think where do you see Arrows pric by the end of next year and do you hold Arrow drop your

comment down below and let me know if you enjoy this please leave a like really helps so much that being said I hope you have a great day and I’ll see you next time

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on How Much Will 10,000 AERO Be In 2025?? (Aerodrome Finance Price Prediction) – Crypto Jon.
With over 8763 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

26 thoughts on “How Much Will 10,000 AERO Be In 2025?? (Aerodrome Finance Price Prediction) – Crypto Jon #Finance

  1. Nice ! I was a bit like “noo “! when you had sold it, and really fought myself to hold on, as the inflation did was getting to me, but glad I held on. Aero is my biggest bag and have 9.4k aero ☺️

  2. In 2024, Cryptonica Liquidity Pool is the real MVP, flipping those crypto wallet L's into major gains. Dive into the alpha move of the year and let your digital dough stack up.

  3. Greetings from Cheddar UK (Where the famous cheese is made) I topped up AERO yesterday along with PNG BONK ABT SEI and JASMY. Been following you for many months rarely post but want to say thank you for your honesty and dedication. My goal. Financial freedom so I can spend my money on my kids and grandchildren making memories. ‘You can always make more money but you can’t make more time’❤️🙏

  4. If you like aero, you should check out Moonwell (WELL). It was just added to Coinbase’s roadmap, founded by Luke Youngblood (former Coinbase engineer that built their ETH staking), and is majorly building on base with some of the highest fees and revenue. I suspect this cycle will be about the base ecosystem.

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