February 12, 2025
How Much YouTube Paid Me on My Finance & Cooking Channel

How Much YouTube Paid Me on My Finance & Cooking Channel #Finance

oh hey uh my name is Ryan Maya I have two YouTube channels one being my personal brand channel that you’re watching Ryan Maya with 13.8 uh thousand subscribers and my other channel is Ryan Maya Cook’s 23.2 K subscribers now in this CashNews.co I want to show you how much each of

these channels actually makes and where the main source of Revenue comes from from both channels and what you could do to possibly make some more money from your CashNews.cos on YouTube channel if you thought about that that’s pretty interesting just like most small creators

my size who are kind of up and coming most of their Revenue comes from just one two three four five CashNews.co so I want to show you those specific CashNews.cos what they look like and potentially how you can recreate them to make some money on YouTube so first let’s dive

into my personal brand Channel this channel talks about money Finance business e-commerce right I uh my main trade is e-commerce I have a business called beyondbrae.com where we do multiple

seven figures so I try to expose that knowledge on this channel in the Finance Niche business money people and advertisers typically pay more so YouTube pays you more so

let’s dive into the analytics for this Channel and for all of 2022 you can see I made a total whopping amount of fifty four hundred dollars now I started this Channel about three years ago the lifetime Revenue of this channel is about 7 500. you can see I started May 2020 so

almost three years I’ve been doing this and you can see I posted CashNews.cos for basically two years with zero dollars made that’s what most people don’t get about YouTube is it’s a freaking marathon it’s not a Sprint if you actually want to make money you have to

lock it in in your head say hey I’m gonna do this for the next five years and commit and stay consistent in building a habit of posting CashNews.cos and you can see I finally had one CashNews.co pop off it was a CashNews.co that I made about working my previous job that I sadly had to take

down because I just wasn’t allowed to post that information and that was doing really good that was kind of the first bump of my channel and then you can see for a whole basic almost year that channel was making just a few thousand dollars and then I posted this super cool CashNews.co that

really popped off the channel and started making about a hundred something 100 154 dollars per day so let me show you what a piece of content that actually was where you saw that big spike um I actually created a course on Drop Shipping and e-commerce that I intended to sell and I did sell a few

times but I just decided I didn’t want to start an e-learning business right away and I wanted to focus my attention on somewhere else so that was this CashNews.co right here you can see it got 240 000 views it’s made five thousand dollars since posting all right so typically YouTube

shows you your CPM and RPM basically how much YouTube pays you per CashNews.co and I think on this CashNews.co I personally was getting paid thirty dollars per 1000 views we’re in a typical broad Niche like cooking or entertainment it’s like one to two dollars so if you’re in the

Finance and business space it’s much more lucrative so now that you’ve seen the analytics on this channel right right now we’re making about two thousand

dollars a month we’ve got roughly 13.8k subscribers let’s go on over to Ryan Maya Cooks my cooking channel so this channel I started way back when I was in college in 2019 my first CashNews.co was almost four years ago and this right here look at this first CashNews.co I ever made I

made with an iPhone no production quality bad editing skills and it got 2.2 million views so let’s hop into the Analytics and you can see for 2022 we did 14 755 and what if I told you I don’t upload on this channel anymore last CashNews.co I posted was five months ago so what’s

crazy is this channel is basically basically passive Income now let me show you how I actually set up this channel to get me basically 30 to 50 dollars per day without doing anything up to a hundred and fifty dollars per day again without doing much and the Revenue

mostly comes from just a couple CashNews.cos and you can see it’s doing right around a thousand dollars a month and again I haven’t uploaded in the past five months and it’s made me a thousand dollars every single month this is why I absolutely love YouTube and you can see my top

earning content are these CashNews.cos right here so all of these CashNews.cos are how to cook the best steak cooking the best steak ever in cast iron how to grow the perfect steak they’re all searched base CashNews.cos so people are always going to be searching for hey how do I cook a steak

I want to learn how to cook a steak and as you can see these CashNews.cos since they blew up in the algorithm just consistently get more views every single day every single hour of the day right and what’s crazy about this one is I posted this August 25th and it didn’t blow up till

March so like literally 10 months later it decided to blow up and it made six thousand dollars I want to show you another example of that same thing with this CashNews.co uh I posted it uh one day and many many months later it finally blew up and made five thousand dollars you can see this

one’s on a healthy incline of getting views every single day almost looks like 3 000 views a day and it makes money every single day let’s see how much it makes per day let’s see last 28 days so that CashNews.co alone makes about 15 to 20 dollars per day and currently has

let’s see since published 1.1 million views and the last one the one that I mentioned before this one has 2.2 million views literally didn’t blow up for an entire year and it’s made fourteen thousand dollars and still gets views every single day again because they’re how to

searched based CashNews.cos so total Income on YouTube for me uh for 2022 was about twenty two thousand dollars from AdSense and probably another couple thousand dollars from Affiliates and sponsorships and brand deals Etc et cetera so about twenty five thousand dollars but this is

my main channel so if you want to support me and my brand and if I brought you any value just subscribe to this channel but yeah YouTube is super lucrative if you’re gonna start a YouTube channel I suggest making how-to CashNews.cos answering specific questions at first so you have a good

Baseline of CashNews.cos that eventually could rank in Search and start paying you passive Income just like this so again hope you guys got some value like it subscribe follow me on my journey to a million subscribers in the next 12 months see in the next one peace

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this amazing video on How Much YouTube Paid Me on My Finance & Cooking Channel.
With over 40522 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

43 thoughts on “How Much YouTube Paid Me on My Finance & Cooking Channel #Finance

  1. This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 7 months ago about self development. Now I have 725 subs and > 200 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.

  2. Hi Ryan, thank you for all the information! I recently started this YouTube channel (kids channel) with a thought that I could turn it into a full time job. The only thing I didn't know is that all 'Made For Kids' channel don't set the option to get personalized adds, and RPM is LOOOW!
    So I am currently starting cooking channel and your video is very helpfull. Did you created thumbnail on your most popular videos? Or are they generated by YouTube?

    Best regaras,

  3. Hi, how are you, my friend? I watched your entire video. I'd like to ask you a question. I have a channel that I started from scratch, using synthetic voices and videos without appearing in them. It's in the meditation and motivation niche. What strategy would you recommend for me to grow this channel and monetize it? Currently, I only have 5 subscribers, and I've posted a few short videos.

  4. Ryan, thanks so much for the transparency. And you're so right about YT being a marathon. In our case, it took us close to 2 years to also be monetized. This is a real hustle, for sure. Keep doing your thing. Your numbers are impressive. We ain't getting as high RPM/CPM as you, which means we have to work harder. Thanks for the motivation. 🙂

  5. Very good video man. One of the biggest takeaways I’ve gotten from this is to be patient. Your videos didn’t take off until 10 months later. Most people get discouraged and give up before that. My most viewed video on my channel is just a screen recording that has 64k views, and it barely got any views until 10 months and then it blew up. Just keep posting and stay patient.

  6. Well done for being an action-taker and making it happen! It's always good to hear a success story about people doing well! We have a choice to take action or do nothing; you made a good choice!

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