October 13, 2024
How To Find REAL Insider’s Wallet (Secret Tool)

How To Find REAL Insider’s Wallet (Secret Tool) #Finance

did you ever wonder if the p&l cards that you see on Twitter are real and if they are real is the trader really good and like that you could just copy the trader without having to get in their paid Group Well I’m going to show you everything how you can easily find those Trader

because I have been doing it for a while I search for more than 150 wallets since I started this and now there’s the tool that make it 10 times easier with onchain hi by the way welcome handsome none;">Finance what we St what’s happening on chain the blockchain is an open ledger so we can see all of the transaction and know if someone is lying so don’t forget to put down your little matcha and let’s get to it I recommend today a little piece of dark chocolate with it

it’s delicious the old meod that I showed you on this channel is to take the top Traders and trying to find the amount that matches it and everything but this is quite tedious and you’re not even sure of How It’s Working and because you know that I’m French and I’m

lazy so I built a tool that make it 10 times easier for me this is stockchain and we’re going to see today how to use the wallet finder and the cabal finder you will see it’s a pure Alpha so let’s get log in it’s a pay tool by the way don’t try to get this for free

once I connect with my wallet I can go into the wallet finder and in the wallet finder I’m going to be able to select okay it puts a p&l card in Solana perfect now which information do I have the trading bot it’s all and then I’m just going to fill up how much he bought how

much he sold and the token CA let’s do this together bought 10.1 sold 78.3 78.3 token CA LSD so I’m checking this one LSD I paste the ca the start local date so this was posted on the 9 of October probably can see because my face is over it and honestly if you prefer to see a date that

my face you have a problem so 12:27 on the 9 of October 12 we go start local date it’s probably before the pump it could be on the 8 of October 5:30 I can put a bit earlier it’s fine I click find the wallet there you go the research finished loading and I can actually fine yeah one buy

nine cell bought 9.1 sold 6338 now let’s check what kind of wallet we have okay 15K on it with a lot of token still in it oh the great Casino I am in this coin as well that’s interesting some popcat and some SPX no that’s not SPX still some LSD now what I do next step is to see

how good this person was of a Trader and apply to see only their trade and honestly it’s pretty good we buy here we make one or two sell on the way up to get more than initials back I like that so here a pnl of 11k pretty cool and then sold even at the top sold when you came back up here and

we have a little bit of selling here pretty good Trader now the funny thing is that addict tonomy the guy behind this is part of the investors’s boardroom you saw him maybe in some of my lives and I didn’t expect it to see his p&l on my feed so I so you know what I’m going to

find his wallet and I can see that yeah it’s a co-member of the Investor’s boardroom because when you check the token pnl what do we see the guy made 11k and for your information is 19 years old and killing it in mcoins so it’s going to go well for him if you want to follow him on

Twitter that’s ad dicty but that was a real p&l you’re going to see that some people lie on their p&l but that was a real p&l now we’re going to see if everything we see online is true for example we have Jacob here with a bingos a Bing because he invested 20 soul and

got a current Profit of 150 Soul which is a p&l of plus 7 47% not bad we have the data actually on the side here where it says Friday Sasha from 200k to 25 million 80k 5K to 3.7 million 90k and 9 million okay first step is to get the contract address so I go on De screener and

I tap bingus bingus the cat I don’t know why would someone buy this one but that’s okay I copy the contract address here and I come back on stockchain then I’m going to put pnl I’m then actually what I’m going to use this time is not the p&l but it’s trading

B buy because on the card that we have here it’s current Profit I don’t know how much he sold or not he bought with Photon the amount both is 20 Soul the ca we put this one the time stamp so for the time stamp here we know that he say okay Sunday bingus at 800k to 9

million okay so 800k on bingus bingus below $1 million we are well we can take here on the 7 of October at 7:45 just to be sure I’m going to put 800 a.m. okay I’m going to give him a bit of room and then range of hours probably Max 5 hours I don’t think he B bingus uh say 800k so

that’s in wrench unless there was a wrench here um okay 5ifth of October no I don’t believe it I would put here so like 3 hours before put 3 hours search the wallet and boom I do not find anything so now either the data that I put are wrong or this person is a liar how can we do well

we’re going to check their other posts on Twitter and make our own opinion it’s going to be assumption I can’t prove anything but we see bingus this and then Sasha why suddenly the picture is a lot smaller and a lot more pixelated I don’t know and then here we have a len

where the picture is Big again this is a bit strange to me cuz sometime we have three numbers after the comma sometime we have four unless it’s a zero maybe so that’s a bit strange to me to see the different quality of it but also there’s one thing because of course I did my

researches before is when you click on that profile so on that day this guy made 1,100 1,300 sold pretty much so if we do some quick math basically he would have made around 3K on that day he made 200k on that day and then the day after he’s investing only $150 into meme coins that makes no

sense like you’re not going to make 200k know that you are the top of the game and then you catch the other one that good and you go with just $160 and again here like look at that the Profit we are at 110k it doesn’t make any sense we literally almost have half a

million dollar just in the few last post how does this make any sense well I can tell you it doesn’t so when you see a profile like that what you can do it’s either you block them you mute them or you report them you do whatever you want I’m just going to mute it because I

don’t want to see this in my feed now it’s not their problem if you start to follow someone because because of results that they post instead of the teaching they give you I would say you are the one to blame but still though doing my research on those token I found this wallet with an

okay win rate but a magical p&l of 180k and it seems quite interesting so we have a buy on bingos but it’s not the same amount of p&l that we would get so maybe someone is stealing the p&l of someone else I don’t know however this seems like a wallet that I would track for

sure cuz I see a lot of good plays even if the win rate is at 50% maybe I should do another CashNews.co of how do I track the wallets and how do I use them to copy trade let me know in the comments for that but now let’s move to another way to find the wallets for example this guy that I hate

posted this pnl card your mom on Twitter and we see the total invested the total sold and the total Profit and it’s a bulex one so what do I do I put pnl in USD then the is bulex and after filling up all that what do I find magically or wallet address and that’s the one

I used for the challenge and if I check the token p on this one we are at a win rate of 85% not bad and a realized p&l of $21,000 us and that was just in one week of trading those one were live trading and that’s why when you start to find those wallet is going to help you so much to be

able to be better at Trading because you know if those influencers are lying to you and you know if they’re true and on top of that you can copy them or at least take inspiration from them now let’s take one last one with basti that I know on Twitter po we have a p&l card here we

see the amount both 14643 and 7.58k soul okay so normally with those information we should be able to find it that’s a c pnl of 50x ain’t bad but can we find it so let’s do the same process po potita was created on the second of October at 8:00 p.m. and then I’m going to use

p&l USD we know he using bullex the token C is here we say the start date is the 2nd of October I could pass that but I just wanted to make it easier USD boat is $46 USD sold $ 7,580 and I know this is working because I used it on many different profiles and I wanted you guys to have access to

it so this one was posted on October 3rd at 4:31 a.m. October 3rd okay I’m going to leave at 8:00 a.m. find the wallets while it’s loading I’m going to show you another way which is with the cabal finder the cabal finder is going to show you the top traders that are seen in

multiple token so if you think like oh a lot of people that were promoting this mcoin also started to promot dmin coin what if I check the top traders that in both then I will have an idea of who is the cabal that’s exactly what the cabal finder is doing so for example I saw that a lot of

people that were promoting hanal were the same people that I saw promoting Billy so I just paste the two contract address of Billy and hamau then click search and here I can find some wallets right off the bat I classify by the biggest p&l this person 30k this person 10K so I have two wallets

actually that I want to study this one has about 10K on the Portfolio not bad we have some frog we have some Donald Trump okay defi activities two hours ago we are buying more frog and we are doing small buy of H not the best wallet and that one okay in this cabal we get oh Miu we

get that one as well and then we get LSD so that person is knowing something thing let me check the def activities we are buying more Miu selling them before 8 hours ago oh that’s a surprising behavior let’s check on mahu Miu The Smiling DOL definitely a good buy here after the pump we

had a bit of accumulation we had a massive sell and then we’re buying again H someone who doesn’t really know what they want to do this seems to me that is a wanted to create some volume here why would you buy sell so that cabal not good but I’m not going to be the guy that tells

you that this going to make you reach every time because sometime you’re going to find some cabal that are actually pretty bad I mean we have to realize that only 5% of the Traders can be Profitable that’s the rule so the ratio CashNews.co watch of handsome

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance compareed to the number of likes will help you to drastically increase your understandment oh wow we’re going to lose everyone on that sentence basically click subscribe and the

like button now and let’s check our result for basti well no wallet find so now there’s a chance that the screenshot basti posted is fake and if you know one person who is good at making fake stuff well it’s the one you’re watching now on the camera so I can know from what B

it publish that there is a higher chance that it’s fake because he did not export the p&l card and I know how to modify them before we export them the thing is when you click copy image and then you paste it you can’t fake it so when you make a screenshot of the card there’s a

high chance that it’s fake so everyone is saying is the goats and then there one guy we say goed edit so he found out but otherwise it’s insane animal everything now bti I know you we are in DM so if you watch this CashNews.co well you can send me the wallet address that did this trade

if you want so far on chain for me it did not happen and when I see this I would say there’s 75% chance that this is fake now I don’t know how many other screenshot are fake but I know that this one is and again I’m not blaming basti if it’s fake I’m blaming all the

people that will follow just because they see some result and I know tons of people are faking their pel card and that’s why we are putting an end to it because with stockchain you can see first the movement of the smart money so you know if they are buying or selling their coins for example

now I know there is a massive outflow into Billy into bour half of a million dollar and even you yesterday minus 300K the day before 150k the day before 400k and that’s those DCA so if you want to know what’s going to go up and what’s going to go down DCA trend is going to help

you but then here the wallet finders this is where you’re going to be able to know who is lying to you and who is good and track that wallet down so if you trade without this you can but know that someone is trading with it that’s just what I would say and of course now if you want to

know more about onchain analysis and what we do I recommend you to watch this CashNews.co because this is where you’re going to learn a lot more it was a pleasure and don’t forget one thing of course they’re handsome CIA I put a thumbs up

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on How To Find REAL Insider’s Wallet (Secret Tool).
With over 3762 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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37 thoughts on “How To Find REAL Insider’s Wallet (Secret Tool) #Finance

  1. Awesome video, In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, by investing in forex and crypto trading, you are tapping into the future of global finance with the potential for significant returns

  2. You're doing a fantastic job! Just a quick off-topic question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?

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