February 22, 2025
How to Get into Investment Banking with 0 Experience and No Finance Degree

How to Get into Investment Banking with 0 Experience and No Finance Degree #Finance

hey guys welcome back to my channel for those of you who don’t know me i’m angela i make career CashNews.cos focused on Investment Banking and the occasional lifestyle and travel CashNews.cos here on youtube a lot of you guys have been saying in the comments

that you don’t have any relevant work experience nor did you major in Finance but how can you get into Investment Banking nearly half of the people in

Investment Banking are in that same boat they didn’t have prior Investment Banking experience nor did they major in anything related like none;">Finance instead maybe they majored in engineering or philosophy or literature but somehow they’re working in Investment Banking today how do they do it first it’s important to talk about what investment banks are looking for when they’re hiring

candidates when investment banks are looking through resumes they largely care about one is this person interested in Investment Banking and would they be a good employee meaning do they have the work ethic would they fit in well with the team and do they have the technical skills

needed to do the job so these questions can be answered through four methods number one through a referral candidates that have already been vouched for by people who are working in the firm have a much better chance of getting an offer simply because they get their name out there they get their

resume in front of hr and if it’s good enough then they will progress to the interview round they networked a lot and they showed that they were really interested in Investment Banking and that’s how they were able to get their foot into the door number two gpa a bad

gpa isn’t the end all be all but a really good gpa like a 4.0 can help a lot that’s why there are so many people who for example majored in engineering or philosophy who are Investment Banking now simply because they did really well in undergrad and investment banks

think that they’re capable of being molded and trained and being a good analyst a lot of investment banks for example bulge brackets and elite boutiques often times also have gpa cutoffs that are generally about a 3.3 this is just a way to weed out a lot of candidates simply because

there’s already so many people applying for Investment Banking i know gpa isn’t the best way to gauge how good and play will be but there’s just so many people applying that there are oftentimes these cutoffs number three interest so you can show interest in a

multitude of ways two of them are one being in a club and taking relevant classes so let’s say you’re a student studying engineering but you’re incredibly interested in going into Investment Banking you can join a

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance or a business club at school and as a result it shows your interest on your resume and you’ll also get to meet a lot of like-minded people and also get to meet alumni from these clubs the second way to do

it is to take a relevant class let’s say you take a class on Valuation this gives you something to talk about during your coffee chats and during your interview processes and also gives you a foundation of knowledge even though you might be studying engineering and that was

the major you chose when you went into undergraduate you can still take up all these business and Finance courses to display your interest and lastly the most important

attribute it’s technical skills when investment banks look at resumes one of the most important things that they look for is relevant technical skills but how do you get the relevant experience that you need if you have an intern or worked in something related to Investment

Banking previously and you don’t have any classes that focus on these topics at school so one way you can get it is through financial edge they’re the company that trains all the Investment Banking analysts and associates before they actually start the job so

prior to starting my full-time Investment Banking job i had one month full of training financial edge is the company that trains jp morgan morgan stanley bank of america as well as a lot of other banks for the investment bankers going into the job full time so they’re

offering an online course now where you can get the same exact training as all of these investment bankers at home yourself at the end of this training they’ll provide you a certificate or degree that you can put on your resume and on your linkedin and this is the way to get the relevant

experience you need without actually having an Investment Banking internship prior once you complete this course put it on your resume as a line of experience write down the different types of models that you got to do merger models lbos etc that they’ll take you through

throughout the course and put that you pass all the tests and that you got the certificate for it a lot of investment banks when they’re looking at resumes really all they’re looking for is that you have the relevant experience and they’re looking for specific buzzwords like lbo

merger model and if you can speak to those during the interview you’re a step above a lot of the other applicants you’re essentially learning exactly what a full-time analyst or associate is learning on the job during their training in addition to that it shows that you’re

interested and you’re putting in the work i personally think this is a great option to allow people who didn’t have prior Investment Banking internships or didn’t have relevant coursework at school and allow them to get into Investment Banking and

if you’re someone who’s going to invest in banking as a summer analyst going into full-time or you’re already in it this is a great tool for you to use in order to brush up on those skills and learn those skills prior to starting your internship or full-time offer if you guys

check the description box below i’ll include the link to the website they offer a bunch of courses the one that i recommend is called the investment banker i’ll go through it briefly with you guys we are in my account and i have the investment banker pack the investment bankrupt pack

involves the accountant the modeler the valuer and the deal maker as the courses it offers if you want to you can buy the entire investment banker pack for 499 dollars usd or you can buy these individual ones like the accountant or the modeler if you want to focus in on something specific over here

i’ve clicked into the accountant which shows a lot of the important things that you’ll need to know for your Investment Banking interview or a job it goes over the three statements how they’re linked the ins and outs of each and you can have a certificate at the

end upon completing the course the valuer is great for someone studying for an interview and goes over really important topics like wac dcf trading comparables next the one i personally think is the most useful the deal maker you get to learn different types of models like merger malls and lbos

these are the type of buzzwords that investment bankers look for on your resume and during an interview so if you can say that you’ve done one before and you know how to do one then that’s a huge step up for you compared to other candidates and this is experience that is really

difficult to get outside of an actual Investment Banking internship in addition they also have a few smaller free courses on their website like financial Accounting excel efficiency and Equity Enterprise Value bridge which i also

recommend you can get 25 off any of the courses on the website with the code angela25 anyway guys that marks the end of this CashNews.co i hope you guys found it helpful and that you guys seriously consider this financial edge training course a lot of my friends in Investment

Banking were trained at financial edge this is the training that they provide to full-time analysts and associates going into banking and you can get that exact same training from home so that you’re prepared for your interview for your summer internship for your full-time offer let

me know if you guys have any questions down in the comment section below thank you guys so much for watching as always if you enjoyed this please give it a big thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already and hit that bell to turn on notifications so you know whenever i post a new

CashNews.co i’ll see you guys in the next one bye you

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this amazing video on How to Get into Investment Banking with 0 Experience and No Finance Degree.
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34 thoughts on “How to Get into Investment Banking with 0 Experience and No Finance Degree #Finance

  1. Do you need a degree? I'm 30 and life got in the way. I had a scholarship but lost it do to health concerns that got in the way times, and you can only get 1 freshamn forgiveness and 1 medical drop semester, and then I had to work to support myself.

    I did transfer out and finish an Assiciates while backpacking Europe for a year, because I realized it cost less than struggling to pay rent working 6 days a week. When I came back I went back to school but in 2020 gota business opportunity that was too good to turn down, and from there got into the world of trading and investment with the money.

    I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but ive been living mostly off the money from 2020 and investments since then, with occasional business forrays here and there, but I really want to get into the professional side of finance. However, I couldnt see myself taking the year or 2 it would take to finish my bachelors now (it is probably only 6-8 classes but some are sequential and some are very niche and offered only once a year)

    If its an absolute necessity for some reason maybe I could take 1 class a semester online or something but thats like 3 years and I feel in that time I could do so so so much more, like there must be a way to get in.

    Sorry for oversharing but I really want a job, im not a great self starter, Im much better in a pre-structured environment but once Im given a task and understand its purpose I give it 10000% obsession, grit and relentless hustle. But Ive never had a "job" of that nature. Ive only had short term business opportunities or sales pursuits (not formal jobs) and personal trading/investing experience.

    Is there rewlly no chance for ppl like me that didnt have life go the way they expected just in their late teens and early 20s? Does that REALLY preclude you from the rest of your life being able to enter into the professional world of finance?

  2. What are the best strategies to protect my portfolio? I've heard that a downturn will devastate the financial market, so I'm concerned about my $200k stock portfolio.

  3. I have a passion for investment banking and private equity. I am currently taking courses on financial Edge platform. Greats instructors and mentors. Thanks for the recommendation

  4. I graduated a few years ago from non-target school with a CS degree and I'm looking to pivot to IB. I have no prior finance backgrounds but I'm taking some online courses from Udemy to introduce me to basic IB topics. Thank you so much for this video. You're giving me hope ❣

    I'll also look into the Financial Edge certificate. The courses seemed very thorough and extensive.

  5. Hi Angela, does your discount code still work? I'm thinking of buying the course. You think it's possible to get a first internship in investment banking after successfully completing the Financial Edge course on IB with no prior experience in finance related? [2nd year student Bsc economics, strong gpa, no other extracurriculars or internships]

  6. I notice there is a lot of anxiety whether people get into IB or not with certain degrees. I have a master in political science (political economy) and am currently finishing a masters in behavioral economics. I got in IB without being from a target school, and my grades/diploma’s were not even requested in the end.

    They felt a great match and after 7 round of interviews (spread over 2 days), I got hired. I even got a call within 1 hour after submitting my CV on a Saturday.

    I did not have the grades or connections. Als not a financial major. Still, they hired me because they felt great potential and because felt my background was interesting.

    So please choose something you like to study, instead of forcing yourself to go through a certain path that’s not within your passion.

  7. Hi Angela,
    I’m a Cloud Engineer with 8 years of experience and interested in Finance and investment course. Can you let me know if I should do MBA first and then look out for Financial Edge course or can go straight to courses?

  8. Hi Angela, I just found out about private equity and had no idea what it was. I saw this video on youtube and you give really useful info. You said to sign up for the Financial Edge – The Investment Banker course, I was wondering why you don't tell us to sign up for The Private Equity Associate or The Private Equity Entry Bundle courses instead?

  9. Hi Angela i have a basic 4 year degree from a state school and 5 years of sales experience as a electronic manufacturers rep in silicon valley. I'm looking at switching into the finance industry…. Any path you could see that would make sense for me with the sales experience I have? Any courses or advice reccomendations would be much appreciated.. I'm checking out the financial edge courses now through your link and just subscribed to your channel. Please keep up the good work!

  10. Angela. I just wanted to ask you if we get a certificate per subsection when we purchase the investment banker course or is it a complete certificate after concluding the entire course.

  11. hey I have done my bachelors in Computer Science and gonna start doing my MBA in RIT but still unsure if I could enter IB what do you think ? Do I have to work on anything more ?

  12. Can you get into investment baking in a boutique firm maybe without a college degree? No college degree but lots of experience on internships, good network, & online courses. Or is a bachelors degree required?

  13. No degree here, working since 18. Started out in a warehouse and now in corporate working remote as a product analyst. I have strong analytical skills , and really want to get into IB. Not sure my options here, the company I work for is fairly large (Fortune 500). I am already lucky enough with my current job at 23 with no degree so not sure

  14. Angela, Im in my last year of my BBA and I have experience (internships) in FP&A. You think that if I pass the CFA L1 and I get some certificates of financial modeling I would have a good chance to get into IB?

  15. Hi Angela, I'm doing psychology undergrad. I want to go into finance but I don't have much coursework (I did a bit of micro and macro econs and basic accounting). I am keen to do continue my studies, should I redo my degree? or is there any other option

  16. Hi Angela,
    Currently I have 3.5 years of experience in IB industry. So, can I get chance to opportunity to work in outside India in same IB. If it is can you please suggest me some ways to grab the opportunities.

  17. Hi Angela, I've been trying to work my way into the IB industry. I've talked to a few people and don't have much of a network, but I've given my Series 7 and 66, and majored in philosophy and political science. If I do the financial edge course, do you reckon that will be enough to get my foot in the door and potentially make the interview process? I appreciate the content, I just came across your channel for the first time.

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