is wanting to be or desire to be a rich man’s wife but the question is are you a rich wife there’s nothing wrong with being with a partner that provides for you we all want that but here is the truth nothing is as powerful as a woman with her own money her own Financial
Independence a woman who is an asset and not a liability since there are levels even the way your man will relate with you when he knows that his money is just a bonus not like your me ticket there will be maximum respect today I’m going to show you exact exctly how to invest in yourself as a
woman both financially and Beyond whether you’re looking to build your wealth grow yourself or level up this will give you steps you need to get started so if you’re ready to become the woman you’re always meant to be the woman of your dreams watch on because the world
is about to meet a whole new version of you but first meet me I am Financial Jennifer an investment banker a accountant a CH stock Broker on this channel we all about securing the bag side hustle passive Income if that’s the kind of thing you want you want to
join the community by the Subscribe button number one way you can invest in yourself as a woman we’re going to talk about the money part first then the non Financial part number one is investment own stocks not just talk we really have to start with the money talk because if you don’t
have control over your money you don’t have control over your life when many women are out there buying the latest um wigs bags shoes those are nice but the same money could also buy you stocks in companies like Amazon Tesla Facebook name them is there anything wrong with looking good and
buying stuff of course not but there should be a balance those items might last a season but to see investment they last for a lifetime imagine instead of just spending only on things that lose value over time you are actually investing in Assets that will build wealth for you
there is this confidence that come from knowing that you have investment something growing for you somewhere trust me take it from someone that used to do rubbish with her money before if you know my story I’m a accountant I used to be a Treasury accountant in a company doing
very well with their money but my own personal Finance is a mess like I was making money but I couldn’t s for the life of me where my money is going at the end of the
year it would just feel as if I wasted my life it was crazy and I made that decision to become more intentional with my money and that’s the annoying part if you are not telling your money where to go my dare both billing and adult would be help you and sper it because in my own case I was
not buying anything I was not like lishing money I was not wearing clothes but where is the money and please don’t say you don’t have enough money or you’re going to to start investing when you earn more my there with as little as 1,000 na you can invest in Shares
a lot of Nigerian stockes for example go for below 100 naira most of the banks zenet GT most are going for like 20 something naira 30 something naira but you still complain that you don’t have the money but you and I know that they if you want to get a decent wig you need at least from 100K
and above and some of us spend way more than that in these things so if you could afford those things is it 1,000 5,000 10,000 you cannot afford to invest I do know for most of us it’s lack of information but I’m really glad you are on this channel now because here we all about securing
the bag investment business ideas if you have not subscribe to the channel I would love to be your personal money chair leader keeping you accountable so what I’m going to do is this I’m going to leave my previous on how you can start your investment Journey as a beginner
I’ll link them in the description once you’re done with this if you are L to really start investing and secure your future financially jump right to those CashNews.cos and watch them they’re going to help you remember every money spent on investment is money working
for you your money should be working for you sis number two of the seven things you need to be doing to level up your life we are still on the financial part before we now move over to the non Financial part number two is have an emergency fund your emergency fund is your cushion against all those
unexpected event that life throws at you a for like 3 to 6 months of living expenses saved up having this Fone gives you confidence and power because nothing beats knowing that you are prepared for the honest Ed be the woman who can handle anything life thrs at her having an emergency fund ensures
you maintains your SKS and composure in the face of any uncertainty so to start setting up your emergency fund first create a Savings account it could be with your bank or better still with a reliable fch platform I have a on this channel reviewing the top seven
investment and Savings app you could use I’m going to link them in the description make sure you check them out so first of all you create this account and then ask yourself how much do you need to survive in a month let’s assume that you need 00k to survive monthly
that means for 6 months you’ll be needing like 600k that is your target amount now do not overwhelm yourself you might want to start small right tell yourself how much can I save in a month maybe yes the target is 600,000 but each month I can do like 40,000 I can do like 50,000 it could take
you months or years to save this emergency fund up complete that is fine do not rush yourself just work towards this and have that sorted number three on how to level up and invest yourself is to embrace continuous learning the world is continuously changing if you’re not learning
you’re falling behind whether it’s taking online courses reading books listening to podcast you need to invest in your skills and knowledge learn something that will push you forward be digital skills personal color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance even new language sis remember the more you learn the more you earn Empower yourself through knowledge because knowledge is the ultimate currency money aside now knowing something about different things Ur you can hold your own in any
conversation anywhere anytime try to know a bit about trending National and Global issues so sometimes just let that radio play or turn to newsletter subscribe to newsletter that summarize these issues for you that way you are updated one thing I try to do personally is that every single day I
watch a YouTube on any topic of Interest I have at the moment so make a list of the different things you want to learn about it can be on anything it can be polishing your skill like knowing how to use Excel public speaking global politics make a list of these every day watch one
YouTube on this it can be 5 minutes or less or more you’ll be amazed over time at how much you’re going to be equipped in that topic that’s how I learn and it helps me a lot number four point on how to invest in yourself and level up is invest in Beauty hear me out
whether you like it or not beauty is a currency and now I’m not asking if you classically beautiful or not every woman is beautiful in their own way how do you show up how do you carry yourself be the woman that always looks put together don’t play with your grooming your hair your
nails the way your cloth look you know how tidy you are the way you smell you should never be cut on Fresh learn basic makeup learn to dress for your body type look like the woman that attracts money it doesn’t only draw others to you but you feel good yourself so lately I’ve been on
this feminity journey you know softness looking more feminine I know for first daughters like me we can’t relate like we are not used to these things but they are necessary and I’m really enjoying it and one channel that can help you on your feminity journey is the intentional woman
check it out so let’s extend to your physical and mental health how can you build an Empire if you’re constantly exhausted or overwhelmed so excise itat way priorize your mental wellbe it’s not about being perfect right but it’s about consistency showing up for yourself
consistently because right there when you are healthy you are unstoppable a healthy woman is a worthy woman but please don’t be like me I always say that I would take my Jimmy more serious every month I go there and pay them i’ go on and run away please those of you that are actually
consistent working out going to the gym how do you do it help my life like that is one area I really want to level up I told myself that before the end of this year I’m going to be more consistent at gym but then I don’t know between work everything is a bit hard please tell me in the
comments how do you remain consistent okay so something I also do I know I don’t work out as much as I want to sometimes I run in my estate but I really wanted to like go to gym live to it you know get that body though I try to as much as I can eat healthy right eat eat well avoid some things
oh my God let me tell you something how in fact I’m on a challenge I’m about to start a challenge how did this come about so recently we heard the Finance Fair
the FR Finance Fair that’s the biggest Finance fair for women in the whole
world right one of our speakers Beauty sikura if you know beauty Beauty in every sense of the word she’s on our panel so she said something that she doesn’t eat pizza she doesn’t eat shama oh my God I’m like how so I’m about to start a challenge for one good month
I’m not going to take anything that has flaw in it I don’t know how I’m going to do it but I’m going to do it now what I keep you updated who want to go to this challenge with me so the goal is that if I can do it for one month right maybe after that I can have like okay I
can maybe take meat pie bread or something but you see Pizza sh all of those High junk food that I consume all of those a lot right but I really want to see like how to cut out on it because the go is not just looking good but having a healthy body when you are older can your body still work for
you I don’t know I’m going to pull up this particular challenge but we are going to do it because you see this leveling up we must get get there number five is an extension of number four cultivate a hobby something just for you as women we are often caught up in taking care of others
our career our families that we can forget to nurture ourselves so for a very long time when someone ask for my hobby I never have any concrete answer to give because honestly I don’t even know I used to enjoy reading seeing movies but that’s it a hobby is a way to bring that spark back
into your life to reconnect with yourself outside of your daily activities and responsibilities whether it’s painting gardening musical instrument a hob can bring you balance improve your creativity and a sense of that personal fulfillment when you have a hobby you have something that is
purely yours something that brings you joy peace and the best part Hobbies can open doors to new network New Opportunities and you never can tell your love for something can even end up being a Profitable business so recently I’ve been talking to someone to coach me on tennis
yeah it’s a new hobby I’m looking to pick so I feel like it’s something I’m going to enjoy but it also has to bonuses number one is a form of exercise all that sweating from running around catching the tennis ball and secondly I feel like it’s an opportunity and Avenue
to meet high value people so which hobby are you picking next number six is also a very important step if you’re looking to invest yourself and level up is develop your network surround yourself with positive like-minded people you need a support system mentors coaches friends potential
business partners be intentional with your network because these connections can help you navigate both your personal and professional life your connections are investment so be intentional with it join organization seek out mentors learn to build this connection with others a strong Network can
open doors of opportunities and give you advice money cannot buy my deare sometimes SK alone does not cut it your next big break might be from someone in your network one task I personally have for myself is to cultivate like nurture my network oh my God I suck at networking like it’s
something I keep saying I will improving and it’s actually funny because because of what I do the clients I get the people I meet at events I’m at I meet a lot of high Network people right but we exchang contact but it’s now nuring the relationship that is a challenge for me I
know in between work life some we get busy and I’m not even like a call person but I know that I can also reach out you know through um um text messages thank God for WhatsApp even social media coning with these people on their Pages liking their Pages writing to their stories is also a way
like you know keep in touch and one ha that makes it easier for me is gifting I love gifts I love to give gift I love to receive gifts so I always Target birthdays like doing your birthday or anniversary or you are launching something you bought a car you bought a house I try to extend a gift to
that person like it’s a way of you know appreciating them but also keeping the connection alive so learn to gift people everybody loves a gift and another thing I do is that I never let an opportunity to slide not for me but for people in my network if I come across something now I’m
I’m thinking who when I can forward this things right sometimes organization reach out to me for something and it’s something I’m not able to do or even if it’s something I can do I’m always asking them please can I recommend more people right so unfolding all of those
opportunities to these people now taking note of it I don’t even have any plan of asking them for anything but should it arise trust me there will be more than willing to step forward for you so join me on this journey of building and nurturing our networks because it’s very important
so I left the best for the last number seven okay there’s another one but anyway this one is very important your mindset you need a mindset shift be the woman who believes she’s a big deal now everything I have said none of it will make sense without the right mindset to become the
woman of your dreams you have to believe that you are worth it you have to see yourself as someone who deserves Financial Independence somebody worthy of laery and someone who can create our own path let go of that belief that you need to depend on somebody s you don’t have to you don’t
need to wait for hangout you don’t need to marry into money you can make it on your own yes if a Rich Partner comes fine but knowing that on your own you can take care of yourself believe that and you can start seeing yourself as your own investment because the more you put into yourself the
more valuable you become one thing that can help you with all of this is affirmations find the affirmation that addresses any limiting belief you have the Bible has one of the best for us I am fearfully and wonderfully made oh my God I love that affirmation I say to myself all the time that this
boost of energy that comes from it repeat after me I am fearfully and wonderfully made if you worry about finan tell yourself I am a money magnet I attract money money loves me I have the capacity to create serious World say it to yourself trust me it works let me tell you something about me I used
to be the girl that feel like lery is a waste like you know back then you see somebody buying hair of how much you be like oh my God why they wasting money right even I find it hard to spend good money on myself the most expensive perfumes I have bought is not for me that gift I buy for people
that’s the Twisted part I can buy it for others when it goes to my own side I start pressing calculator ah why should I buy this slipers for this amount but if my friend is celebrating birthday or my partner is doing something I don’t mind spending all of that and it’s not good
but I have start telling myself that Jennifer this won’t work like I deserve L and the funny thing is the more I begin to spend on myself the more others see you as what of those things and they gift them to you remember you show people how they can treat you by how you see and treat yourself
baby go you are a big deal please believe that because you are and then I said there was one more because this one might be the most important thing for you as a woman the worst thing you can do in this life is to settle with the wrong man please don’t do it I beg you don’t do it it
will destroy you it’s better you wait and marry right right than to go and marry someone that will be the weapon fashion against you when it comes to the choice of a partner sis I pray you get it right because that’s like the best investment you can ever make so if this
inspired you share it with a friend a sister a colleague that needs to hear this and if you are serious about really leveling up financially go to the description now I’m going to link different CashNews.cos for you CashNews.cos on how you can start investing as a beginner invest in
Shares for Apple Amazon invest in Treasury bills Bonds let’s take this journey together because the one is about to see the richest strongest and most powerful version of you
CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Thanks for this tips. I need mentor on how to invest my money in shares locally and in foreign currencies.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made I attract Money

Thank you ma
, how do i get shares to invest in
Thanks so much ma for this knowledge.
Thanks alot my mentor, i love the part where you said the weapon fashioned against you.
Abeg where's the description box
Always eager to hear from you @FinancialJennifer.
Can you guide me on how to start this journey. I new here
Thank you so much for this, i really got value from it
My money cheerleaderrrrrr
Thank you for these tips.
I was eating bread when you were speaking on Flour
First daughters like us
I am glad to come across your pay ma can’t wait to be wealthy
I'm enjoying being in your space. You are a blessing
Good day everyone

Thanks for sharing
. I need to find a hobby. I'm always bored on weekends.
1. How do I buy Amazon, Facebook, Google shares?
2. How to set up a USD fixed deposit with $100 minimum?
Thank you ma for this video

Shsred before bit I'll shsre again still
This mentorship thing sha. I have been reaching out to people, i dont seem yo be getting any replying
This is just what a needs and to apply thank you so much sis
Thank you always Jennifer!
Im in that state, i make enough money but i cant safe, i cant invest. I need help. I need a financial mentor. This is serious please. I want to Do it different in 2025. I have tried for 10years but failed. I surrender, i need help
Thank you for touching 2 aspect of my plans 2025. Investment and looking good all the time