March 14, 2025
How To Make Faceless Youtube Videos in the Personal Finance Niche | Cash Cow YouTube Channel

How To Make Faceless Youtube Videos in the Personal Finance Niche | Cash Cow YouTube Channel #Finance

you want to make money on youtube without having to reveal your face or create any CashNews.cos then stick around since you come to the right place i’d bet you covered this will be one of the best CashNews.cos you can watch if you want to earn money on youtube without having to reveal

your identity as i’ll be breaking down one of the highest paying youtube niches personal Finance niche and teaching you how to create CashNews.cos in the same niche

without having to reveal your identity so stay tuned because you won’t miss out on learning how to monetize these types of channels and use this exact strategy to start making money from home using youtube also don’t skip ahead in the since you can miss out on some crucial

information that will assist you in accomplishing all of this please give this a thumbs up before i go on so that the youtube algorithm can continue to deliver you CashNews.cos like this also subscribe and turn on the post notification what exactly is personal

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance personal Finance refers to managing your

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances saving and investing includes Financial Planning for retirement banking Insurance mortgages Investments and

Taxes as well as estate planning the phrase is frequently used to describe the entire sector that offers financial services to people and households and provides them with financial and investment advice personal bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance is about achieving individual financial objectives such as having enough money to cover immediate expenses making retirement plans or setting aside money for your child’s college tuition everything depends on your

Income costs living standards and personal objectives and desires and creating a strategy to meet those demands within your means developing financial literacy to discern between good and bad advice and making wise decisions to maximize your earnings and Savings is

crucial financial education can help you here you serve as the viewer’s financial educator when you produce youtube CashNews.cos in the personal Finance niche you might

be wondering why we settled on this market segment over the others well the fact that this niche is among the top paying cpm niches is one of the key reasons for choosing it you want to know why this is a high paying niche compared to other niches let me explain it to you in more detail the topic

is quite crucial when it comes to your CashNews.cos your target audience’s age and demographics as well as their location and language all matter all of this is significant because advertisers do not want to pay for content that does not support them whether that means the content is

inappropriate for the audience they are marketing to or the audience does not have enough money and disposable Income to buy the product in the first place since the none;">Finance niche essentially deals with financial matters the types of ads shown will have a high cpm compared to other types the audience in this sector is also not very young given that the majority of viewers of these CashNews.cos are in the 20 to 45 age range advertisers who

know their target audience is capable of making a purchase will prefer to place financial advertisements on these types of CashNews.cos it’s pretty challenging to choose a Profitable niche to work in but money only matters in areas with fierce competition to achieve success

faster we must divide these macro niches into smaller sub-niches it pays to be able to concentrate your efforts due to the financial niches size and level of competition selecting a sub-niche may help your CashNews.cos stand out in the search results by lowering the competition stay tuned while we

talk about the top personal Finance submissions for 2022 but before we get into it i’m not sure if it’s for you but if you know someone who’s interested in

growing their channel and dominating you too then have them subscribe to this channel for more content like this you might notice the topics of the CashNews.cos are coming from conversations i have the viewers in the comments section or from polls in the community post so be sure to comment on the and participate in the polls to tell me what kind of content you’d like to see just imagine if you attend thousand dollars more in your bank account every month use my link in the description if you’d like to try an absolutely free youtube course that can grow your channel

from zero to ten thousand dollars in Profit on you too without showing your own face using your own voice or making CashNews.cos at all first is Financial Planning today everyone is looking for financial teachers that can guide them through the most effective

Financial Planning techniques this micro niche is an excellent choice if you have experience in Financial Planning and have had some success in this sub niche because you will only be covering Financial Planning related topics

Budgeting is another option it quantifies the anticipated Revenues that a person or company expects to achieve in the future people are interested in Budgeting how to control their spending and other topics you could therefore make a on

that there is also the sub-niche of reducing Debt or getting out of Debt consumer Debt affects millions of people and most of those struggling with it is looking for ways to lighten or get rid of their load one might also concentrate on student

Savings most students worldwide work part-time and are concerned about their student Savings you’ll be able to provide them with relevant advice as a result these are some sub-niches on which you can create your CashNews.cos there are numerous others

including retirement and money management please comment below if you’d like me to make a more detailed on them now allow me to present examples of personal none;">Finance related youtube channels that produce faceless CashNews.cos the first channel i’d like to introduce to you is next level life the channel offers advice on creating budgets saving money investing and other topics nearly two hundred thousand people are now

subscribers to the channel if you look at their CashNews.cos you’ll notice that they have CashNews.cos like how to legally never pay Taxes again if you watch the you’ll see that it’s just a voiceover talking about Taxes while showing

various photos and segments that weren’t theirs the voice actor for these CashNews.cos does not appear in front of the camera or reveal their face according to social blade over 100 four to four thousand views per month are recorded by the channel according to statistics a cpm of

roughly 35 dollars per 1000 views is typical for the Finance niches therefore this channel makes a respectable 5 000 every month based on math they may earn a lot more money

by using the alternative monetization strategies i’ll cover in this you must conduct extensive research and develop a script after choosing a title you don’t have to be a money expert to give financial education to others you can extensively study online to provide solutions

to your audience’s issues if you cannot write a compelling script you could hire a freelancer on or to write the entire script the structure of a script must be defined before writing can begin while some independent scriptwriters may write the whole script for you it

won’t be a blank canvas if you can provide the framework a blank canvas is challenging to work with at first especially if you’re doing it alone you’ll need in-depth research by watching numerous CashNews.cos and taking notes to get the format down and your script will come out

fantastic the reason for following their lead is that these successful channels are successful modeling success doesn’t mean you have to follow the framework or copy everything if the structure is laid out writing the script will be more straightforward after writing a script run it through

copyscape to ensure it’s entirely original and doesn’t violate any copyrights you must record the voiceover when you’ve completed composing the script if you don’t think you’ll be able to complete the voiceover to your satisfaction you may always hire someone to do it

professionally using fiverr or you’ll need a microphone if you want to record it yourself if you don’t want to spend the money on a good microphone i advise using your phone most people watching this use smartphones so all you need to do to record voiceovers is

use your phone’s built-in voice recording app you’ll need to gather footage and edit it in a editor once you finish writing your script and voiceover powerdirector which enables you to edit CashNews.cos and then post them to you too this is what i advise using if you want to

perform the editing on your phone i’d assume you were using a computer which i’d suggest since it has a lot of capabilities that a phone doesn’t you’ll be able to optimize your CashNews.cos better thanks to it if you’re using a laptop i recommend using openshot which

you can find at or camtasia which is even better because it allows you to record your audio inside of it making things much more accessible now i’ll demonstrate how to find clips for your project animation is also used in the next level live youtube channel

CashNews.cos you can pay someone to create animation for your CashNews.cos on or fiverr if you also want to use it additionally you can use CashNews.cos from websites like and you could also use services like pictory or flexclip to find clips and assemble your for you in minutes try them for free using my link in the description consider that you are making a that urges people to start saving in that situation you can always visit and search for stock footage of random individuals perhaps in a bank or a photo of a jar

full of cash remember that the CashNews.cos you use should make sense when the voice over is playing you wouldn’t want to display a picture or a of someone partying if the voiceover is about saving money check again to ensure the narrative matches the image or on the

screen now that i’ve taught you how to create CashNews.cos for the personal Finance niche let’s speak about modernization if you’re a member of the youtube

partner program which you can join after amassing 1 000 subscribers and 4 000 hours of watch time you can have advertisements play on your CashNews.cos you get paid for the views and ads people see when they see them therefore not every view is monetized on average you receive payment for every 1

000 views of your CashNews.cos a cpm rate is a term used to describe advertisers prices u2 has since introduced a new metric that illustrates how much money we keep from that there is no more excellent offer on the internet than the youtube partner program which gives us 55 percent of all ad

Revenue and u2 takes four to five percent youtube has now introduced Revenue per mil views so instead of just seeing how much the advertiser spent you’ll be able to see how much you’re paid per 1000 views but even while we can always see the total

amount of money we earned we have to calculate our earnings per 1000 views the figures are now available for our inspection i advise making your CashNews.cos at least eight minutes long for several ad breaks after you’re monetized i recommend adding an ad every two minutes in your

one at the start and one at the finish ad Revenue might be very Profitable but let’s discuss other modernization techniques that might enable you to generate even greater earnings particularly in this niche another method to Profit from the

CashNews.cos you create is through affiliate marketing because it is so straightforward i think this modernization strategy is the most popular in essence you’re a middleman who connects a customer with a service or product in return for a commission you can visit an affiliate marketplace

website like in such a situation there are thousands of different goods to sell people interested in personal Finance can be sold a wide variety of products

people who view personal Finance CashNews.cos are most interested in increasing their Income and Profit margins you can distribute and sell

different ebooks on the marketplace to your audience whenever you create a you can link to the specific product like an ebook you wish to promote in the description and pin it to the comments section the only thing left is to inform your viewers about the links you

included in the offering a course viewers must pay to view another way to generate Income courses are a well-known way to monetize your expertise in a particular industry once a problem has been identified create a course to address

it it ought to guide viewers toward finding a resolution to their issue another approach to earning a lot of money is selling brand merchandise you may start selling goods like t-shirts and mugs with brand messages and inspirational phrases when you have a considerable following they are

inexpensive services that can raise the value of your business when your members aren’t ready to make a more significant purchase you might use them as the first offer some of you may be aware that my channel is associated with matt parr he provides a variety of secret growth tactics for

making money online in 2022 using youtube cash cow channels if you’re interested you can find his 100 percent free course under the description it shows you how to make up to thirty thousand dollars each month online just like he does if you enjoyed this then check out this on your screen that i’ve selected just for you thanks for watching and i’ll see you in the next

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on How To Make Faceless Youtube Videos in the Personal Finance Niche | Cash Cow YouTube Channel.
With over 25533 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

15 thoughts on “How To Make Faceless Youtube Videos in the Personal Finance Niche | Cash Cow YouTube Channel #Finance

  1. Just started my faceless Finance nichie two week ago posting everyday, but what really disappoints me is after working on a video for more that 4hours only to get 4 views or less. How can I increase my view counts should i start posting shorts or?

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