October 7, 2024
How To Start Investing For Beginners in Nigeria (Investment Banker Explains)

How To Start Investing For Beginners in Nigeria (Investment Banker Explains) #Finance

do you know that the Nigerian investment Market will make you richer than the US market this year alone Nigerian Market has returned about 30% that’s the Stock Market and US market S&P 500 about 16% listen I’m not trying to do a comparison between the two

countries this one is better or the other one is better no I just want you to know the kind of money you can make investing in Nigerian market and in this CashNews.co I’m going to show you five different Investments we can make with as little as 100,000 naira whether you a

Nigeria living in diaspora or a Nigerian living in the country this CashNews.co is for you people are making good passive Income invested in here in Nigeria you are going to be one of them shortly and number three please watch to the third one because that is one you can start

right a week just you can do it in few minutes I am Financial Jennifer a accountant an investment banker a stock Broker when it comes to investment passive Income call me and in this community we make money moves only I bring to you the worth of knowledge and

experience I have got that advising the top 1% on their Portfolio I’m giving you all of that for free just one request could you please support this ministry by liking this CashNews.co yeah a thumbs up thank you so much it means so much to me have you done that I’m so

glad you’re part of this community and if you are new hit that subscribe button I promise you you are going to love it here our comment section is Vibes the money moves that happened here mindblowing so hit that subscribe button right away welcome to the community the first investment you can

make with 100,000 naira is fgn Savings bond what is fgn Savings bond this is like an investment initiative by the government in fact with as little as 5,000 naira you can do it if you not put 100K inside almost enjoyment will finish you right so with FJ Serv B it

happens once every month in fact I did a recent CashNews.co on the one for this month because on this channel whenever the new one comes up I notify us so if you’re not yet a member of this channel just hit the Subscribe button so you don’t miss out on any investment opportunity the

beautiful thing about this is a great way to end passive Income because with FJ Savings bond you invest once and that’s your investment you can do 2 years or three years but it should be paying you interest four times in a year right so interest are paid

quarterly let’s assume that you invest 100K and your interest is like 20,000 that means that 20,000 they will divide it into four first quarter you get 5K second quarter you get 5K just like that and it will happen like that for the first year second year third year at the end of the etal you

get back your Capital with investment you can eat your cake and have it again and that is the beautiful thing here and it is with the Nigerian government so the risk level is low C people canot see your 100,000 I run away because of it now right so this is a great investment

especially people looking for passive Income I have one of my clients she’s still she’s schooling abroad she does this what she needs to what she use it for she knows that each month it’s like paying herself salary she doesn’t even use it for herself mostly

she used it to tackle some of the bills you know her siblings that are billing her here so as the Income is going and she’s using it to settle them right so this is an amazing investment for you how do you key in so like I said before each month the subscription form comes

out the last CashNews.co I did I put the subscription link for you to follow because wherever you are you don’t need to be in Nigeria you can so why you f the form but you need a St a Broker account I have done a CashNews.co before on a Brokerage account all

you have to do is to download one of their app personally I use a investor 2.0 so once you download a invest 2.0 and sign up on it a invest automatically becomes your Broker right so whenever the offer is out they even used to send email with the link you follow the link you fill

up the subscription form you make your payment to your Brokerage account and that is that so yeah if you’re looking for a low risk investment that will pay you quarterly FG Savings bond is for you like I said just um be on the lookout on this channel put the

notification Bell on so that whenever it comes out every month I notify you oh before I forget um that if you’re not sure let’s say you have you have a particular amount you want to invest 1 million 5 million 20,000 naira you want to know how much interest it can pay you I know on the

past CashNews.co I have done on this I’m going to leave it in the description I shared my screen I showed you the calculator that a calculator we use all you have to do is just insert the amount you want to invest and then you see what is going to be but it’s so easy to calculate if the

interest rate is like 10% oh right now the interest rate is really very high I think the last one paid as high as 18% I remember when I joined Investment Bank and that times you can get like 7% 5% but now is really attractive right so all you just have to do is 18% 18% of your amount because

it’s like a full year you check it divide it into four that is what you’ll be getting the second investment you can make with $100,000 Nair is Treasury bill Treasury bill is like you lending money to the government but on the short term the previous one

I say you can do for 2 years or 3 years with Treasury bill is has to be less than one year you can do 3 months you can do do six months you can do seven months right the turn has to be less than one year and the interest rate right now is also very attractive in fact you can end as

high as 20% or even more right so with Treasury bills there are two ways you can go about it number one is for the those of you the do here that have up to 50 million right so with 50 million you can invest in the primary Market that is you are buying direct from the government you

can just reach out to any of your bank most commercial Banks run this but if you have less than um 50 million if you have $100,000 Na and above now all you have to do is go through your Brokerage and if you have a investor 2.0 app on the app you can just buy it seamlessly from the

platform right on my previous CashNews.co I shared the screen I showed you how to do it step by step I’m going to link it on the description as well listen on this channel we they talk I they show you I’m not one of those people that just tell you go and do this and I don’t tell

you how no and that’s the interesting thing about being an investment banker because these are things we do for our clients day on day right so I’ve done a tutorial CashNews.co step by step just if I’m repeating it here now it will be me repeating my myself but just go to the

description follow the um Treasury B CashNews.co and see how you can do it with your a investor app and like I tell you once to download a investor from Play Store Google Play Apple Store sign up automatically they become your Broker so yeah for um

Treasury bill when you invest it’s in bug on like s b they will split it no they’re not splitting anything if you invest 100K and they tell you your interest is 15,000 that means at the end of the T you get 115,000 money you didn’t work for okay basically your

money worked for you right that’s how was and actually there’s an interesting PA you could get the money ahead up front so you can decide to invest 100,000 today and you want the interest paid today that 15K you want to resist it today you can do that perfectly all you have to do is to

let them know that you are taking your interest up front so you just give 100k with them take your 15,000 naira and go away at the end of the 10 you come back for your invested Capital so yeah why not go get a investor or reach out to your Broker if you already

have one the third investment you can make with 100,000 naira is on a ptech platform so we have so many F platforms here in Nigeria we have Optimus we have um piggy vest we have cow wise there so many of them in fact ah God Jennifer you don’t do plenty things of this community so I have a

CashNews.co where I did a comparison like more like a review of the top seven and ftech platforms you can use to save and invest here in Nigeria I also link it in the description see if you’re on a money journey and in this community you have everything you need tell your people to pull up

okay so yeah any of the fch platform this is their rates are really competitive personally I use Optimus Optimus by aest and right now on Optimus you can get as high as 20% 20% so what it means is that money you’re living in the bank push it to your Optimus account so when you create account

on Optimus right you will get a dedicated bank account I think it used to be a womma bank so when you get this send money to it okay and automatically it will reflect on your Optimus account now on Optimus there are different ways that you can save there’s the one of lock you can lock the

funds for like one year 6 months 3 months each one has its own interest rate the longer you lock it the more interest ratees you’re going to get right so when you lock it just going to relax at the end of the 10 or you choose you come back pick your money and your interest or if you leave it

in Flex that’s also I think Flex right there is like 133% as as at the time of this CashNews.co right so you don’t have to do anything this is the one that is so easy to do as you even watching this CashNews.co you can be downloading the app Optimus by afro invest in fact I leave the

download um link so that because that think there so many optimos on the Play Store I will leave the download the Cor download link on the description download it sign up as simple as that when get your dedicated bank account move money to it in less than 5 minutes you are done and the money will

start earning interest for you passive Income in fact some months like this when they pay like because every month they would um act your interest it’s compounds monthly there sometimes I can get as high as 60,000 50,000 100,000 depending on the amount you have there and this

is money that could be in my bank I do but now you are earning an interest on top of it right so yeah I think someone has also asked me to do a tutorial CashNews.co on optimal have I think I the one I did in the past was on stock how to buy stock on a on Optimus but I’m going to do another

one to show you the different things you can do on Optimus the mutual fund the dollar Savings the N Savings all of it I’m going to do that but for the purpose of this CashNews.co just know that you can save on Optimus app and ear as high as 20% even same with

piggy I think piggy you can ear more than 12% many of them just pick the one you trose so many of them just take the one you are you have confidence in like Optimus now is owned by a invest who is one of the best investment Banks here in Nigeria investment banker typically are usually more

comfortable with platforms that are backed by Investment Bank right so that is another way you could end passive Income investing here in Nigeria with as little as 100,000 fact it’s Optimus 1,000 you can put 5,000 you can put there okay the four investment you can do with

100,000 is Money Market mutual fund please could you like the CashNews.co if you’ve not and if you if you’ve liked it already thank you so much you are the reason why we are here the channel is growing oh my God we are almost at 10,000 if not like I don’t know

what this CashNews.co is going to go live but at the time of this recording we are like 9,000 something the channel is blowing up and I know I got serious here this like one month ago thank you so much to everyone that’s been a part of this community it’s really encouraging like to see

that young people like I are really interested in Finance a lot of people don’t care about these things but here you are Financial person like you thank you for being

here and then talking of Money Market that is the number four investment you can do Money Market is a type of mutual fund right so when I say mutual fund it’s like people coming to together here in this our financial Community now we can decide okay Jenny I

have 100K you you have 20K somebody has 5 million someone have 10 million we can come together put the money together give it asset managers okay handle this money for us so with that money they will take it some can go and invest in stock so can go invest in like fix uh Income uh

instrument like Treasury bills commercial papers so money Markets is the ones that invest in Money Market instrument like Treasury BS and

you know Treasury B is a lowrisk investment why a lot of people love Money Market mutual fund is because with Money Market mutual fund your Capital can never go below right other mutual fund like Equity M fund that

invest in stock you know Stock Market moves up and down but with Treasury bill it’s like you take your you invest you come back and take your money it can never go below it right the only thing that the interest rate will just be climbing I think right now is

actually for track I know that St Bic Money Market right now is more than 20% right on on Optimus the Money Market fund there is um Pluto APF that should be at about 18% or there about right now so by the virtue of you just moving your money going to a platform

there are so many um platforms you can do mutual fund that is the Optimus of course that is cry wise you can even reach out to your bank stand b car so with Optimus if you use Optimus already you can just go and check APF that is Money Market mutual fund in fact Minon is 5,000 you

I’m even saying 100,000 but with 100,000 you can invest comfortably and be getting your Income so I think they pay every quarterly they acre the interest and pay back to you and you can terminate any time you want any day you decide you need your money back you just go and

liquidate it immediately it doesn’t take time so yes please your money is better invested in money Mar your bank you’ve left it idle for so long and the fifth investment you can do is investing in text-decoration: none;">ETFs right so I know you probably heard about investing in stock maybe Nigerian stock like the bank Zenit MTN ETF okay but talking about ETF let me say the truth I actually prefer us text-decoration: none;">ETFs to Nigerian ETFs I’m not lie because because here in Nigeria I’m not really sure what the ETS performance has been like is costly and I’m not

really sure this is I shouldn’t be saying this because I’m a CH stock Broker here in Nigeria but on this community I don’t hide anything from you personally me I don’t have any ETF in the Nigerian Market most of my ETF are you know in us um in US

href="https://cashnews.co/markets" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets like the vo vgt so what is ETF ETF is a basket of different stock you know the way you can invest in individual company maybe let’s say you want to invest in Apple Amazon Facebook

right instead of investing in individual stock you can invest combined right let me illustrate with one of the top ETFs vo so vo is an ETF that tracks the top 500 companies in the US right so if

you invest in vo that means you’re getting a tiny stake of all those top companies don’t get confus I’m here to simplify it so let me also break it down further let’s use small chops for example so small chops is made of of w the king of small chops and maybe beef and Samosa

all of those right I can de to just eat pu puff and go and sleep or I can eat Samosa and go and sleep or I can decide that no I want a bit of everything can you mix it together and that is a small chop so I’m eating here small here small puff puff small this small that right that is like ETF

instead of just buying apple and go buy Tesla and go you can decide to like all of them combined the Beautiful thing with ITF is that the risk level is low right because that is it’s hard for all those 500 companies talking of VO we go down the same time no highest if one messes up move away

now another one will replace it right that is a beautiful thing about investing in ETFs so how do you invest in ETF I use any platform you use to invest in stock I have different CashNews.cos on

how to invest in stock here on this channel I also link it on the description so any platform you can invest in stock you can also invest in ETF it’s the same way it work go there search for the so some of the top text-decoration: none;">ETFs you can check you can set for vo last year vo returned more than 20% that is vgt um the information technology VT is the companies that ETF that invest in information technology companies there is vti vti invest in all of them like it tracks all of them right so

that is ETF for you so any platform you use for stock just go don’t t for ETF you not see anything so instead of just searching ETF just search V vgt search the particular ETF you want and trust me this is an interesting way your money could make money for you because although it’s low

risk some can return more than 20% average is like 10 12% but a lot of years they do way more than that and there you have it my money buy the five Investments you can do with 100,000 what I need you to do now please this is not the channel where we listen and we go no we listen to

these CashNews.cos we watch it and we practice if you ready to start practicing immediately go on the description I’m going to list different CashNews.cos you like if there’s any particular one I mentioned now I have dedicated CashNews.co for it so check the description if you want to

Treasury view there CashNews.co on Treasury view where I Shar my screen and show you click here click here there’s one on Savings bond next month when the Savings B is available I’m going to notify you so subscribe to

the channel if you’ve not so you don’t miss it turn on the notification Channel Jennifer notification button I what do they call it turn on the notification Bell so that you don’t miss it even the one for stock and E I’m going to link it in the description so go and watch it

right way so that you get better detailed understanding download the apps you need to download I’m going to link um Optimus on the description download the one you need to download because on this channel you see this bag we must secure it

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on How To Start Investing For Beginners in Nigeria (Investment Banker Explains).
With over 112896 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

43 thoughts on “How To Start Investing For Beginners in Nigeria (Investment Banker Explains) #Finance

  1. Welcome to the financial family, here we are all about simplifying finance and securing the bag💰If that’s your kind of thing, we are happy to have you. Kindly hit the subscribe let’s win together ❤️

  2. Greetings ma
    Thank you so much for this enlightenment
    But I want to suggest you create a group or community where members, students can freely ask questions on each of the platforms and get a quick response from you.
    Your videos are okay, but there is need for communication directly with your members/students. 🙏

  3. I find it worrying that you said "since you are lending the money to the Nigeria Government, it is very safe".
    Lending money to the government in any country or state is extremely risky. If the government deems it fit, they can decide not to pay you. All they have to do is exercise theur sovereign immunity right. You should look it up when you can. Many rich people have been sent back to the trenches for doing business with government

  4. My life changed too when I started doing this and putting money in stocks. The first few years it as really great, but this year I haven't felt like my portfolio is doing well. I have lost more than $40,000 from my portfolio the past four months, and it's now very worrisome.

  5. I want to build a nest egg for when I'm older. I want to know if it's a good idea to add all my savings into a long term ETF, set and forget Come back in 20-30 years, instead of 250-300 DCA every month. i'm gonna just incest with my 200K cash savings

  6. 😂😂😂😂
    Me making 45% profit monthly with a low risk stress… No capping..
    We're wiser this days baby girl.
    I can't keep my N1 million in the bank or broker for a whole one f***king year just for 20% or 30%….nah😂

  7. The Nigeria investment market is skewed, if return on investment is 18 to 20% and inflation rate is running at 30% plus the gain is automatically eroded, and if we factor in the constant depreciation of the local currency you in negative territory.

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