October 24, 2024
How to Trade Memecoins with 10x Leverage! Long AND Short

How to Trade Memecoins with 10x Leverage! Long AND Short #Finance

if you have been in mcoins for more than 36 seconds you know that you can make a lot of money betting on them going up but also did you know that you could make money on them going down but that’s not the only thing because sometime you have some in coins that already have a big

market cap and let’s say you have a small Portfolio less than $5,000 how are you going to make money betting on something that is already at 400 million market cap well today I’m going to show you how you can trade with leverage on it because you’re going to see

that this is actually something really important to be able to bet on things going up or down and that’s why in this CashNews.co I will show you how to trade mem coins with leverage long or short so you can Profit no matter what is the direction of the market for this

I’m going to use oxun of course Link in the description because this is the only exchange that have the highest amount of M coin this basically most of the mem coins that are above $10 million market cap will be listed on it so I don’t know for example you want to trade some giga you

can trade Giga you want to trade mug you can trade mug or moodang well you can trade moodang now you may think oh yeah but those coins are already on some centralized exchange yes however Oxon is the one that have the biggest list of mem coins there just impossible to beat them at this game for now

they have the smallest one as well it’s crazy you can even have the coins on Tron sunwalk one see this one you can buy long with a leverage that go goes to 5x maximum and then a short that it goes to 5x maximum normally it’s pretty complicated to short mem codes here it’s easy and

what is the leverage it means that depending of how much I have on my account it’s going to 5x what I have on my account so 5x how much I win and 5x how much I Lose I’m going to make a trade and show you exactly and to show you for example with one of my accounts I started with $6,000

and in just few days I transform into up to 12,000 and I have to admit the trades I did last week were not that good but I’m going to show you how to trade better this is one of my sub accounts now when you see this kind of performance you might be wondering if I have been a success my whole

life the answer is yes in high school I was the most valuable player in the soccer team they could not win a game without me they could not even play a game without me because I was the water boy and you can’t survive without water trust me no one ever passed that on my watch let’s go

to our handsome AI account where here I start with $663 which is for S let’s place a trade together for example this guy is placing a long on mug let’s check mug 1,000 mug okay so he was long get at 21 3663 well he’s at the loss now I could choose to counter him let’s

counter him so this one I’m going to allocate for 50% of my Portfolio I he doing it without leverage let’s put some Leverage short per limit order uh let’s put a leverage at six okay this is high risk as they say I’m going to put 50% of my

Portfolio in it I’m going to go market order so it’s going to be easier and here the notional total we are at 1,800 let’s say there you go I plac my short order that’s it now we will see how it goes this one had a good growth now I’m terrible at doing

technical analysis but I’m going to show you how you can use onchain data to find which coin to invest in hi by the way welcome hands some Finance where we study what’s happening

on chip because the blockchain is not so we can see all the transaction who made money who L money and for those my money and this is exactly what we will do don’t forget to pull down a your little Mata and let’s get to it I can share my beautiful p&l card here minus 2.5% we are not

losing $10 on 1,000 more but actually what I will use is this kind of data normally to know which coin I’m going to long or which coin I’m going to short let let me explain you this but first I need to show you one thing that is important with oxun is that you can use any mcoin pretty

much as a collateral and this is important because if I have only Solana as a collateral means I need to sell my other Mims but maybe I don’t want to sell them because I’m like thinking no those one they’re going to continue to go up so let me take one of my

Portfolio here and let’s say I don’t want to sell some of my retardo or some of my signal Ma I would go then into deposit select a coin let’s say Sigma there you go I can send some of my Sigma say 1,000 let’s send $1,500 of Sigma here there we go send it my

Sigma will arrive here I have the amount which now means that my balance is way bigger and which means I can trade more normally you can’t do that on any other centralized exchange they’re not going to let you do this you have to it some Solana Bitcoin or sometime even just table coin

as collateral here I can use any of my meme coins as collateral I mean that’s the number of meme coins they have funny enough deposit memes to trade perss have access almost a mem coin I would say now as you can see there’s a lot we have CGR X xday xday whatever you pronounce it as you

want now you may be wondering if I am paid to talk about this exchange no they kidna my grandma and I was like okay then I’m going to make a CashNews.co so you can release my grandma but I obviously actually really enjoy to use it you can check on my Twitter I posted many times the

performance that I had for example making a long 5x on mudang or when I showed Sigma which was a hard one to be honest but this is something that for me is useful it’s important now I do enjoy talking with the team particularly the CEO even if he’s way less handsome than I am however I

do have a referral code and you would get a discount on the fees and I may get a little cut of it so the code is Handsome when you connect your phom wallet they will say what is your referral code here you type handsome then you get a discount on the fees which is around 30% quite big and you are

set up for Success now let’s do these things properly which coin do I choose to long or short well you know I love to use onchain data so for example I’m going to check it out wow this one crashed down pretty hard but what I we check is on stock chain because I’m going to see what

is the small money buying or selling and here I can see that yesterday I don’t know what happened but they were all about buying some big MIM coins we got frog we got popcat 1.5 million Giga 800k glp 1,000 $2 million basically and slop 500k that’s crazy if I check the top tokens most

bought in the last 24 hours we get this list okay bong xpx M so most of the time if I see this I will be okay that’s what I could long or that’s what I could short but it depends for example if I take popcat I will always check the net flow because a lot of people are buying it but a

lot of people are also selling it and you can see the inflow and outflow are not at the same time so when I see that all okay we had one two and then we go three and then one two three so here either it’s going to go up or either it’s going to go down oh wow incredible analysis so for

example some tokens if I check on the last three day was B okay maniki huh maniki glp popcat seems to be staying however popcat is a massive market cap glp frog slop Bon genome let’s check genome gon genon gon we had a net flow that was big here however it seems to get lower and lower

let’s see the outflow yeah that’s something maybe we could short however I saw that the coin that was going crazy up is gold and as this one is an AI coin let’s check gome but it’s not listed yet so let’s take another example otherwise it looks lame so Giga we had on

October 18 and then we had it on October 21 G could be one I will be looking yet let me check on Giga so the in the net flow of Giga is going back up we had a bit of a cool down period and now we have some big candles the outflow is been going down too so that’s typically something I’m

going to check it out okay started to go back up I’m going to along this one this is not exact science but I give me always an idea so now you can see that my collateral available is higher than me here close this position cuz I don’t need it it was just copy someone here okay

let’s put our Giga we’re going to put a market order but before I finish this I need to show you as well the strategies because you can invest directly into a V for example here BTC player Buy Low and sell High you make the most when BTC stays in plus minus 8% range you get the eth

player ax player Soul player 38 and then Banker strategy solo vots and then after there’s the battle vot so you could for example copy shutu I need to buy some ORS to be able to do it so let’s take our Solana going to convert to Solana to Oaks take there you go so now every time Shu

make a trade I would copy him here are the details of the trade that he did so you could learn from him basically like he’s a quite good Trader uh we get some pnl okay 1 million L 300K 20K 800k qu a up and down okay interesting let’s get all Giga perfect here leverage 10 okay amount

let’s go all in on Giga with a market order obviously you should not do a 10x like that this is crazy let’s put 75% of our money uh leveraging at 10x is crazy I can set up my take Profit and stop loss so for example here let’s set up a take Profit

0.06 1 and a stop loss at 0.56 all right order placed we are longing Giga so if this candle goes back up here we are good does not we are bad but that’s pretty much it like there’s no kyc when you register so there’s still a centralized Authority on it so that’s why

it’s kind of like cd5 I I quite like that you can trade most of the meme coins that you can use most of the m coins as collateral because it’s quite frustrating when you see something going so high high and you can’t be able to S it for example that’s annoying slop is going

crazy oh that’s a fake one and then we just have to wait to see how our trade will play out now of course because I’m smart I will check on stockchain here we have some giga the biggest buyer this guy bought 250k and and that’s his balance so he owns $ 1.6 million of this goat and

$1 million of this Giga chat so that’s how spider smart money is with stockchain so what I will check now is if this guy is going to sell on me cuz if he start to be selling well I’m going to be exiting imagine you following this guy and you see oh he’s buying 2,000 Soul worth of

gold what would you do so if he start selling I’m selling now you have all the links in the description for this we start to oh no I was going to say we started to make money but no we went back in the red it seems that we are in between it should be fine though now let’s see how this

trade is going to play out but what is also important is how can you transform a small Capital into a big Capital and mcoin is probably the only asset class where you can do it for example in one week I transform $20 into more than $20,000 in just one week

I’ll explain everything in this CashNews.co so you can learn and maybe do it yourself as well but don’t forget one thing before you leave of course check out this CashNews.co but also stay handsome like subscribe and everything CIA

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on How to Trade Memecoins with 10x Leverage! Long AND Short.
With over 3066 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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27 thoughts on “How to Trade Memecoins with 10x Leverage! Long AND Short #Finance

  1. For real every time i open your videos there is too much alpha i wish i was in the investors boardroom those guys must be printing if u are sharing this much info free here and ya ur jokes are funny 😅

  2. Great analysis! Got a 10% profit in one week from your last video, OMG!!! Im thinking about investing in XAI74Q, DOGE, and SOL. What’s your take on these? XAI74Q seems like a strong choice, but I’d love your feedback.

  3. Appreciate the recommendation! Bought XAI74Q, expecting 10x returns. Major exchanges confirming listings. Your insights have always been on point. Looking forward to seeing where this investment goes, thanks for the valuable advice!

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