February 22, 2025
How To Use Yahoo Finance Stock Summary | Stock Market For Complete Beginners

How To Use Yahoo Finance Stock Summary | Stock Market For Complete Beginners #Finance

hey guys and welcome back for another CashNews.co in today’s CashNews.co i’m going to be taking you through the yahoo Finance stock summary page and

basically what i’m going to be doing is going through all the different terms on that page and giving you a brief description about what they mean and what purpose they serve this CashNews.co is very much a Stock Market for beginners CashNews.co but if you are intermediate

you might pick up a few things as well so if that is something you’re interested in make sure you hit that like button down below and without saying anything else let’s get into it alright so what we have here is the yahoo

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance home page so this is what you’re going to see the first time that you navigate to none;">Finance.yahoo.com so what we’re going to do in this CashNews.co is actually search for a stock and view its summary page so for example let’s use apple as the demo stock in this CashNews.co the ticker for apple is aapl you can also just type in apple and it should

come up you will see it at the top here so we’re going to go ahead and click on that and what that is going to do is bring up apple stock summary page as you can see and this is what we’re going to be talking through in this CashNews.co and taking you through every single thing down the

bottom there and i’m just talking through each one of those and um let’s get straight into it and uh let’s start right up the top here with the actual name of the company of course it’s apple incorporated and then to the right of it you have the ticker symbol so every single

stock has a ticker symbol and in this case it is aapl which is apple below that you have the Stock Market that apple is located on in this case it is the nasdaq you may also see maybe the london Stock Exchange or the new york Stock Exchange these

are all different Markets that the different stocks are based on and then to the right you can see what currency that this stock is um based in and obviously in this case it is us dollars

below that you can actually see this changing every single second this is the current price of the apple stock right now so at the time of filming this it is 2 53 pm eastern time and the Stock Market is currently open so this stock is being actively traded throughout the day so

what you can see in the black writing is the current price of the stock what you can see in the little red writing here is how much this stock is either up or down for the day so in this case it’s hovering around 1.98 down and then to the right of that is the percentage it is either up or

down and as you can see it’s hovering between 1 54 and 153 percent down what you can see below that is the real time that we are viewing this and whether the market is open or closed in this case obviously like i just mentioned the market is currently open but when the market is closed what

you will see is something a little bit different and you will see the after hours trading prices and i’ll just throw a screenshot up on the screen just for you to see an example of the difference there but moving downwards this is where we’re getting into the meat of this CashNews.co

and all of these different terms so what i’m gonna do is go through each of these and i’m going to do this very much for beginners so i’m starting off with the first one here it is the previous close so basically this is the price that the stock closed or finished on the previous

trading day so for example i’m filming this on a monday the last time the Stock Market was open was friday and at the last second of the market open hours it finished at 127.45 pence next up is the open price so this is basically the price that the stock opened up at at 9 30

this morning in america 2 30 if you’re watching this from the uk and one thing you may be thinking is how come the stock closed at 127.00 but opened up lower this is very much because of the after hours trading that takes place which i was talking about a second ago that is very much advanced

and i don’t expect any beginner to do any after hours trading so i’ll leave that one for another CashNews.co moving down here this is the bid and ask this is very much an intermediate to advanced thing that you need to be thinking about you very much don’t need to think too much

about this if you are just a beginner looking to read these charts so i’m not going to talk about it too much in this CashNews.co next up is the day’s range so this is a really simple thing to understand this is basically the range that this stock has traded at today so as you can see

here 125.17 is the lowest that the stock has been to today and 126.92 is the highest this stock has been to today so in between it’s been trading um in between these two numbers if this number here was to go below this figure here it would then update but it hasn’t done so far so um at

least recording this CashNews.co so it’s going to stay the same the 52-week range is very much the same as the days range but it’s based over 52 weeks so one year and as you can see the lowest this stock has been in a one-year range is 77.58 cents and the highest it’s been is 145

and 9 cents so just looking at this when looking to analyze stocks one thing that you can probably look at and think about is this stock is actually a little bit way off the all-time high for the 52-week range it’s trading somewhere in between the middle of that so that is something that you

could potentially think about when analyzing a stock as a beginner next up is the volume tab and basically all this means is how many Shares have been bought and sold of this company in one day and as you can see apple is very much a popular company and there has been 53 million

390 is just changing constantly you get the point there’s been about 53 million Shares bought and sold from this company um today um obviously we’re not finished yet which is why you can see it constantly going up and what it says below it is the average volume and

basically all this is is the average amount of time Shares have been bought and sold in one day and that is sat at 104 million ish and what you can probably represent here is we’ve got about uh 40 minutes left of the trading day and we’re only half of the average volume

so this tells me that today has been quite a quiet day in the Stock Market so um that is the volume and the average volume moving up here this is the market cap and basically the market cap means the value of this company in this case it is 2.094 trillion which is quite a lot i

believe apple is the highest valued company in the world at the moment and please correct me if i’m wrong and basically the way that you work out the market cap or the value of a company is the price of the share times by how many Shares are being held in that company and

that is how you find out the market cap moving on to the beta five-year monthly this is very much an intermediate term and one that i don’t believe is very necessary for beginners just starting to work out how to read these figures and stuff like that but moving on to something that i think

is quite important is the p e ratio for the trailing 12 months and the pe part of this stands for price to earnings so price to earnings ratio and basically the price to earnings ratio is the relationship between the company’s stock price and the earnings per share this is a really really

good metric when you actually start getting into stocks to look at because this is how you can really determine a value of a company for example the lower the p e ratio there is obviously the more earnings that they make per the price of the share making it a more valuable company i’ll get

into more about p e ratios in future CashNews.cos but this is a really important metric that a lot of investors take a look at when they come to determining the value of a stock whether they think the stock is overpriced underpriced or just sitting about right next up is the eps ratio for the

trailing 12 months and this basically stands for earnings per share and basically what this means is how much net Income the company makes compared to its share price so this is another really interesting um metric that you can follow when trying to work out whether a stock is a

good buy or not this is something that i’m definitely going to talk about a lot more in the future because i look closely at this when i’m looking at my stocks but this is a number that you want to be seeing going up in the future rather than going down like the p e ratio um because

obviously the more it goes up the more earnings they actually earn per share that you have so um this is a really interesting one and i’ll definitely make some more CashNews.cos on this in the future next up is the earnings date so if you are a public company that is listed on a Stock

Market it is the legal right of yourself to actually report your earnings every single quarter so that people like investors like us can have access to that information and we can decide whether we want to invest in that stock or not and basically what apple have to provide to the public

is a rough earnings date as to when they think they’re going to be able to report their next earnings so what they have given there is their next earning date is going to be anything between the 27th of july 2021 and the 1st of august 2021 so um these are really good and interesting course

that you can tune into you can actually head to the company’s home page and scroll down to the bottom you will see the investor relations page and what that will actually give you access to is all of the previous live streams that they have done where they have reported their earnings so it

might be worth going ahead and checking that out but one thing you can do on the date of the earnings which will be confirmed near at a time you can tune in and actually watch this or listen to this live so that’s a really interesting thing to check out next up is the forward dividend and

Yield so basically all this means is how much did apple pay out in Dividends last time so in this case it’s 0.69 so if we took this share here of 120 dollars and 75 cents at the moment and the Dividends were being paid out on that share price

for every share that you hold of this company you would get 0.69 percent of that figure so it doesn’t sound like much but a lot of people hold a lot of Shares in apple and over time this can really add up so it’s a really interesting figure to work out and um just the

0.88 there that is the actual figure of the stock price that was paid out so um 0.88 cents per share next up is the x dividend date and basically all this means is this is the date that you have to be invested into that company for to be able to receive the dividend on the next dividend payout so

for example if you were to invest into apple on the 5th of may 2021 you would receive the next dividend payment but if you were to invest in it on the 7th of may you wouldn’t you’d have to wait until the next quarter so um that’s really interesting figure to know if you are

potentially looking to invest in the company around the deadline you may want to obviously do it before so you get that dividend the last thing on this page is the one year target estimate now i think and i actually recommend nobody to ever listen to this uh estimate here this is basically what

they have got from different analysts and to be frank never listened to this number it’s just a made-up number in my opinion but some people may have other opinions on that but i would very much not pay attention to this moving on from there and the last thing that we need to look at is the

chart so basically the chart you can see the stock price over a certain period of time as you can see on this one we are on the 1d which stands for one day and this basically isn’t all the way finished yet because we are currently trading and as you’re watching this you may see this

move up and down at the moment this black dot here represents where we actually are in the day and you can go all the way back to the start of the day at 9 30 when the Stock Market opened um you can also switch this to the five day chart so you can see what the stock has done over

the past five days you can change it to the one month chart so you can see what it’s done over the last month as you can see we’ve seen a little bit of a dip in apple over the last month so this is a really useful thing when it comes to deciding when the right time is to go into a stock

you can take a look at the six month chart you could take it the year to date so basically from january to now um and as you can see once again um by the way uh red basically represents that is currently down overall which you can work out anyway and green obviously means that it is up overall and

if i switch onto the year chart you can see that over the past 365 days this chart is up this stock sorry is actually currently up and we can go even further out to the five year and then if we take a look at the max you can see how well this stock has done since it has since it has been made

public so yeah that is basically the yahoo Finance summary page i hope it’s been useful for you like i said at the start of the CashNews.co i’m more than happy to

go into some of these tabs i use quite a lot of these especially the statistics and the financials page where you can if i click on it you can see the Income statement and the Balance Sheet of a company i’ll definitely be making CashNews.cos on this in the

future if you wanted to see CashNews.cos on some of the other things as well make sure you let me know in the comment section down below and i will get that sorted for you guys i hope you found this CashNews.co useful i hope it gave you a rough idea on how to start looking at the summary page of

yahoo Finance i use this every single day when checking up on my own personal stocks and potential stocks that i’m looking to invest in and it’s something that i

think could be really helpful for you guys as well if you are first getting started in your investing journey so um yeah hit a like on the CashNews.co if you found it useful and i will catch you guys in the next one take care

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on How To Use Yahoo Finance Stock Summary | Stock Market For Complete Beginners.
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25 thoughts on “How To Use Yahoo Finance Stock Summary | Stock Market For Complete Beginners #Finance

  1. For me it's not showing like "start trade" I created new portfolio then I added symbol, I entered all the details including upper and lower limit also but I don't know whether it is sold or not!!! May I know what is the correct procedure to buy and sell the product because I'm a beginner for this yahoo finance so idk how to do it….can you make one video for that???? This is my request 🙏🥺

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