February 22, 2025
I Am BROKE & Need HELP (Personal Finance WARNING)

I Am BROKE & Need HELP (Personal Finance WARNING) #Finance

so I am broke and I need help now millions and millions of Americans are struggling at this time because prices for everything for shelter for food for utilities for gas for trips everything is going through the roof chicken more expensive beef more expensive everything is just more

expensive but our Incomes are not increasing along with the expenses it’s turning into a massive problem now today I want to break down what’s going on talk about how millions of people are struggling at this time but I want to explain what I’m doing and what you

can too to actually put some more money back into your pocket so I’ll break all this down in just a moment but all I ask is one thing takes two seconds go ahead hit that like button if you enjoy these daily updates and now let’s begin I am broke and I need help that was a comment that I

received just recently but the crazy part about this is it wasn’t just one comment I receive dozens of comments dozens of emails every single day telling me the exact same thing I have no money I max out my Credit cards I need help I need help with my

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances that’s what I see all the time well guess what things are about to get worse over this holiday shopping season and for very good reasons people are trying to just stay

afloat they’re trying to pay off Debt but one of the biggest hurdles one of the biggest struggles that people have is they’re trying to maintain the exact same lifestyle that they had 2 years ago 3 years ago and it’s just not doable look at this right here this

article from The Washington Post says Credit card Debt hit a record $1.17 trillion it’s a red flag for budgets it says though Incomes are up Americans are putting more on plastic and stretching to pay on time reinforcing the precarious nature

of Cash Flow Cash Flow is in very important if you don’t have positive Cash Flow and you’re negative every single month you’re going to go deeper and deeper into a hole and there’s not much you can do about it other than

make a little bit extra money now again at the end of this CashNews.co I’ll tell you exactly what I’m doing to help out many people I’m not to say millions of people because I’m not doing that much but it’s helping out many people myself included putting more money

into my pocket but also putting money into other people’s pocket as well so again stick around watch this entire CashNews.co and I’ll explain exactly what I’m doing now I want to read you a comment right here this person wrote to me and says I am broke and need help now my rent is

coming due and I am already 1 month behind my car payment of $716 is due on the 28th I have $177,000 in medical bills and I have no idea how I will pay for any of this eventually or everything keeps getting more and more expensive but my Income hasn’t gone up in over a year

please help now I did give some assistance here I did provide some some help and I want to explain what that is in a moment but listen to this comment this is from a friend of mine he manages a bank he says and I quote I’m not saying that some of our customers are out of touch with reality

but listen to this a customer who has been coming to the bank since I started which probably been 15 years or longer recently came in uh asking for a new Loan she is close to falling behind on her $584 monthly car payment in which we uh have and she wants some spending money for

the holidays so she thought the best option is to get a personal Loan to cover the car payment and then some obviously we had to deny this Loan request but this is what we have been up against lately more people are realizing that they are broke and don’t

know how to get out of Debt now here’s where things are going to get worse experts are predicting an increase in consumer holiday spending you’re going to buy things like clothes and shoes and tools and HomeGoods maybe a new car I don’t think anyone’s going

to be buying a their dream house right now but you never know people are going to be going on vacations and living the life that they always wanted here’s the problem don’t have the money listen to this one I think this one’s interesting this person says and I quote I could really

use your help with my Finances my Income is just over $5,000 a month but my expensive has my expensive expenses have ballooned due to

Insurance costs and now having to pay my student Loans my expenses are now over $5,000 but I just can’t seem to make a decision on what to cut out of my life now here’s where it is turning into a problem look at this right here this article says holiday

spending Debt Skyrocket 66% of Americans plan to borrow this year now I want to show you this look at this right here look at these numbers this is crazy 26% expect to take on $100 to $300 of holiday Debt 133% estimate $300 to $500 in Debt 177%

plan on acre $500 to $700 in Debt 19% foresee $700 900 in Debt 15% anticipate $900 to $1,000 of Debt and 10% believe they will take on more than $1,000 of holiday Debt okay now the reason why I’m showing you that is because I

want to read this comment to you this is what I’m talking about people are falling in love with their Lifestyles their traditions and it’s turning into a massive issue listen to this comment this person wrote on a this person wrote on a uh on a CashNews.co that I did talking about

Credit card Debt this person says and I quote I know what you mean I just put an entire trip to Veil on my Credit card for Christmas and a few days later my Credit card got cancelled I’ve heard you talk about people getting

this done to them but never thought it would happen to me yeah this is exactly what’s going on these Credit card companies are trying to minimize their risk and by doing so by pretty much by cancelling cards by reducing Credit lines okay it’s it’s

hurting people because they can’t pay for for their utilities they can’t pay for uh maybe their car Insurance they can’t pay for their cell phone even some people are canceling their Netflix and Hulu accounts because it’s just too expensive it is very very

cheap to have some of these streaming services if you have one or possibly two you don’t need five or 10 of them okay you don’t need Hulu and Netflix and Amazon Prime and you don’t need uh you know fubo TV and you don’t need Paramount plus and and you know Apple TV you

don’t need every single one of Disney plus right we can go on and on we don’t need every single one just one or two is all you need and here’s the reason why I’m bringing this to your attention because people need money they need money and they will do whatever they can to

get it one of the ways that I’m seen a lot of people do it I saw this before happened back in in 20 well really 2020 we saw a lot of this in 2017 saw this in 2008 this was a game Cher this absolutely changed my life but one of the things that happened and it’s happened in all those

different instances and anytime the US is headed towards a potential recession people are looking for money and they will do anything one of the things that people do uh usually the first thing is they sell things like a cell phone a car right uh I’ve looked into uh riding lawnmowers uh

especially over the summer I’ve looked into uh different cars buying cars for and I’m not looking to buy you know a Lamborghini for you know $75,000 or anything if it’s there I’ll buy it but I’m looking at you know things that are uh good cars right they’re

they’re reliable good on gas but they’re things that I can get at a discount I can help somebody by giving them cash Cold Hard Cash that they can use to then go and pay their their car payment pay their rent put food on the table right pay their medical bills whatever they need to do

right I can help them I can give them money to go and do that okay but by me doing that I want to get a discount so I can flip that item and make some money so one of the things I’m doing especially right now I’m looking I’m looking on Facebook Marketplace looking on Craigslist

okay I look at just many different different Outlets to figure out what people are selling how much I could get it for potentially get it for a discount where that I can flip it back on fa Facebook Marketplace back onto uh you know Craigslist or eBay or even Amazon I do this all the time with

electronics uh you may see some behind me like there’s one right there a camera right there that’s a Canon M50 okay I bought those I bought several of those with a road mic on it I’ve talked about these before where I can get these items these Road mics for 2550 bucks and

they’re selling for $150 to $200 okay the the Canon m50s with I think this is a a 16 mm prime lens on it okay the prime lens can go for you know hundreds of dollars the can the Canon camera can go for hundreds of dollars and I can pick these up for two to $300 in this same shape and I can

flip it on eBay flip it on Amazon part it out right that’s what I’m doing and I bring this to your attention because it’s something everybody can do you don’t need a lot of money just $100 $100 can get you started buy a old U cell phone okay maybe you get some tires some

winter tires that somebody just doesn’t need anymore cuz they sold their car they lost their car it got repossessed okay go get those tires for a discount then flip them maybe you make an extra $10000 $300 $400 talked about my brother where I told you he would he bought some uh some shelves

from Big Lots where anybody can buy Big Lots they’re going out business he bought these shelves for like $2,000 or something like that 2500 bucks and he flipped them and made double his money back that’s an incredible flip so again people are broke the United people in the US are broke

they need help this is a great time to start making some money so if you need some help comment down in the comment section below and I’ll help you out any way that I can okay if you have any questions again ask your question down in the comment section below but as of today that is what we

know so again thank you guys for watching consider subscribing and I’ll see you guys on the next one

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on I Am BROKE & Need HELP (Personal Finance WARNING).
With over 20482 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

22 thoughts on “I Am BROKE & Need HELP (Personal Finance WARNING) #Finance

  1. Welcome to the club I cannot afford to live try to finance 30 days of living around one day thinking about moving to Canada were they legally in people suffering

  2. Credit cards caused a lot of this. Have you seen on tv Chime credit card. That card is allowing up to $500.00 of your pay check in advance. What this can do to customers.

  3. Been without for years. Solar powered off-grid shed, no running water or indoor plumbing. Wood stove keeps me warm. Hunt and fish to survive at 75 years of age.

  4. I just refinanced my car so want from a short term 5 year of a $610 car payment to a $489 payment but longer term. I needed some room it saves me. About $132 out of one check I get paid weekly from one job. Before it was only leaving me $20. Smh

  5. Great content, as always! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?

  6. Can you help me? I have a lot of new clothing and shoes and household item that I would like to part with, I give a lot to charity but i'm in need of some cash and would like your help in parting with these items. I would really appreciate your help.

  7. Interesting video this time last year I was sitting at Disneyland with about $7000 in my checking account in my trip already paid for, and as I’m sitting there I get another check for $12,000 fast-forward. I’ve changed jobs and had to change my lifestyle, the first thing to go with Hulu And to save money, I stopped buying bottles of water and use the water machines at the reverse osmosis place… I didn’t have very many habits to kick or monthly subscriptions so there wasn’t much room for me to free up.. I’ve had to use stuff like Afterpay and Zip things I’ve never had to use before. I was kind of beating myself up last night about Christmas, but then realized all the other times when I was the bread earner I walked around like I ran the show. I’m actually excited this year to sit back and just enjoy my time with my family

  8. This could have easily been avoidable. My advice to everyone is this : if you want to grow big this year especially in your finances. Be willing to make investments. Saving is great but investing puts you on a pedestal where you wouldnt have to worry about savings as you do now. Thanks to larysa Caba, my portolio is doing really great and im proud of the decisions i made last year.

  9. My van is 25 years old, I am debt free, no mortgage and no vacations. Retired, living on 2000 a month. We have no choice but to live-in poverty, and it really sucks. 😮

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