March 12, 2025
“I Got Rich When I Understood This” | Jeff Bezos

“I Got Rich When I Understood This” | Jeff Bezos #Finance

i was working at a financial firm in new york city with a bunch of very smart people and i had a brilliant boss i much admired i went to my boss and told him i was going to start a company selling books on the internet he took me on a long walk in central park listened carefully to me and

finally said that sounds like a really good idea but it would be an even better idea for someone who didn’t already have a good job you can have a job or you can have a career or you can have a calling and if you can somehow figure out how to have a calling you have hit the jackpot because

that’s the big deal i met jeff bezos 25 years ago and he told me dave i want you to invest in my company what are you doing i’m gonna start a bookstore in my garage okay i’m gonna put it online people buy buy online and i’m gonna ship out of my garage but but if you invest

in me dave someday i’m gonna be the richest man in the world i’ll do over 100 billion dollars first of all there was no such thing as a hundred billion dollars 25 years ago statistically there’s no such thing countries didn’t have a hundred our national Debt

wasn’t a hundred billion dollars and this dude’s telling me at 26 years old that he’s gonna be the richest man in the world because he has a garage in the internet that was his truth no but he did not he did not know it and neither did i but the difference between him and i is i

was laughing scoffing and jesting at him and he was already applauding himself going at the right way at the perfect time i’m gonna make as much as i can as quickly and i’m sitting there going there’s no way this is gonna be a big business do something you’re very passionate

about and don’t try to chase what is kind of the hot passion of the day seen in that light it really was a difficult choice but ultimately i decided i had to give it a shot i didn’t think i’d regret trying and failing and i suspected i would always be haunted by a decision to not

try at all after much consideration i took the less safe path to follow my passion and i’m proud of that choice as a young boy i had been a garage inventor i’d invented an automatic gate closer out of cement filled tires a solar cooker that didn’t work very well out of an umbrella

and aluminum foil baking pan alarms to entrap my siblings i’d always wanted to be an inventor and she wanted me to follow my passion it’s a military phrase that i especially love and it says slow is smooth and smooth is fast and i have seen that in every endeavor i’ve ever been in

that’s the kind of thing that really allows you to make progress you know you get certain gifts in life and you want to take advantage of those but you i guess my advice on adversity and success would be to be proud not of your gifts but of your hard work and your choices so you know you may

be the kinds of gifts you get you know you might be really good at math it might be really easy for you that’s a kind of gift but practicing that math and taking it to the next step that could be very challenging and hard and take a lot of sweat that’s a choice you can’t really be

proud of your gifts because they were given to you you can be grateful for them and thankful for them um and but your choices you choose to work hard um you choose to do hard things those are choices that you can be proud of you can choose we all get to choose our life stories and it’s the

choices that define us not our gifts everybody in this room has many gifts i have many gifts you can never be proud of your gifts because they’re gifts they were given to you you might be you know tall and or you might be really good at math or you might be extremely beautiful or handsome or

you know they’re or they’re many gifts and you can only be proud really of your choices because those are the things that you are that you’re that you are acting on and one of the most important choices that each of us has and you know this just as well as i do is you can choose a

life of ease and comfort or you can choose a life of service and adventure and when you’re 80 which one of those things you think you’re going to be more proud of you’re going to be more proud of having chosen a life of service and adventure never been a better time to be alive i

mean it’s just an incredible the amount of inspiration that the world generates for me and i think for a lot of people it’s just it’s insane the amount of change and invention and opportunity your life the life you author from scratch on your own begins how will you use your gifts

what choices will you make will inertia be your guide or will you follow your passions will you follow dogma or will you be original will you choose a life of ease or a life of service and adventure will you wilt under criticism or will you follow your convictions will you bluff it out when

you’re wrong or will you apologize will you guard your heart against rejection or will you act when you fall in love will you play it safe or will you be a little bit swashbuckling when it’s tough will you give up or will you be relentless will you be a cynic or will you be a builder

will you be clever at the expense of others or will you be kind every time you figure out some way of providing tools and services that empower other people to deploy their creativity you’re really onto something you know you’re very lucky if you have a career a lot of people end up

with a job if you don’t love your work you’re never going to be great at it jules verne mark twain galileo newton all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now as a civilization we will have so many gifts just as you as individuals have so many

individual gifts as you sit before me how you use these gifts and will you take pride in your gifts or pride in your choices you

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on “I Got Rich When I Understood This” | Jeff Bezos.
With over 11535262 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

37 thoughts on ““I Got Rich When I Understood This” | Jeff Bezos #Finance

  1. The insights on financial growth and discipline are truly inspiring. It’s a great reminder that every step, no matter how small, brings us closer to our financial goals. Let’s keep pushing forward, stay focused, and turn our dreams into reality.

  2. Hear the violins in the background? 24/7 manipulators. No one in today's world gets this kind of "success" and influence without the permission of the D S . And in return for selling his soul he gets money but his business is now CIA controlled and listening and tracking your every move just like all of the multi billion traitors. What you saw is called PR.

  3. Diversification is the secret to optimal performance. This is why I have my interests set on market sectors based on performance and projected growth, such as the EV sector, renewable energy, Tech, and Health. Keep investing regularly and you'll be blown away how much it can change in a few short years. Here's to $1 million and to FIRE

  4. I invested almost 600 dollars in binary trade. Where's my whole month budget to live in month is just around 100 dollars. Now I'm in debt and have no money to survive no saving and I have no idea what I can do. Every night I pray god to take me out of this misery. I wanna die but I can't commit suicide, I wanna live but I have nothing to live for. I even don't know why I'm writing this. If you're reading this don't do trade especially binary unless you're sure you understand the market and do well in demo.

  5. Totally unmotivated speech and just a cra.x…
    Life is something else…
    He used millions of workers around the globe and payed them low…Amazon have the highest worker fluctuation… sad…

  6. Yes easy just think out of the box and privacy matters .e.g you can't just tell everyone on the street tomorrow your going to do application for a job 😂😂😂 that is dumb. Tomorrow you will find the whole street hood the . before you even called their family , friends etc.just to fill your spot 😂😅🤣 I'm wise than people can imagine 💯🤝.does why the bible say learn to do privacy.GOD WORDS THE BIBLE HAS ALL💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🔥

  7. Zase ze me děláte milionáře, jo!? 😂😂😅🎉

    Aha….. vy nemáte nikde napsaný, kolik jste me stali peněz, o kolik jste me okradli a celkové ty vaše škody na mem životě, ze ne!? 😂😂😅🎉

    Všechny ty STATISÍCE!? Ze ne!? 😂

    Dostat se do Japonska, zbytečně, prášky proti malárii zbytečně, cestovní pojisteni zbytečně… jenom tady jsme na 100.000,- 😂😂😅🎉

    Běžem tří měsíců…. 😂😂😂😅🎉😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅🎉😅😂

    Děláte ze me milionáře…. Jooooo😂😂😂😂😅🎉

  8. I have made a pretty good size construction company. Im 36. When i first started it i was 27 and after covid i was around 32. I was completely wrecked. Literally was eventually bu myself. Then , i took a risk and moved from Michigan to Austin. I have always been a good talker, natural leader, and i learn fast. I have natural skills that helped. I also am very good at a sklled trade. Its looking good. I was born into a poor family and until last year i was broke, still am in the grand scheme of things but i seen a field of opportunity. Construction sucks as an industry but its what i know and its also something young people are not doing. So i knew if i could get a foothold somewhere, im golden and im not going to stop. I'm taking Austin and scaling up. Like i said i was naturally skilled (which i believe we all are in something) and i was learning biographies constantly and still do on sucessful people but the big break through for me was to change my frame of mind about failure. Aim for it, no longer play it safe. Do something that can result in failure. If your not failing, your playing wayyy too safe. Safe never makes money. The other thing that truly clicked was i can solve any problem that come up. I never would act because I was always thinking about the possible problems. I realized that look, even if that happens, ill solve it. Theres a solution to wvery problem

  9. My wife and I sold our house in Florida to move to Texas. I invested some of the money from the sale in the stock market. The portfolio is up 300k this month. I guess she knows the investment is making profit, but we've never really spoken openly about it. It's one of the best choices we made.


  11. Note 1 : thank you . About me the world does not need to brother thinking about me . because I my self , according to human logic and confused about the energy jump and its exitence in my body .

  12. Note 2 : the shoots given by the Lord Jesus Christ have formed their own clones or communities ( cell ) to develop.they ( the clones ) do not obey the ruler of the clones ( Lord Jesus) I don't care, let everything run
    Accortive roles .

  13. I disagree: Service is not always bringing happiness, which is always the only goal in this life. Life is an adventure, you can never avoid that. We can serve others and be happy, but if you are not happy, you are not serving youself and those others, either. Everybody is creating their OWN relity. Happiness is not a condition, it is a feeling, mental state.

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