March 12, 2025
I Hired 3 Financial Advisors on Fiverr to Rate My Finances *shocking results*

I Hired 3 Financial Advisors on Fiverr to Rate My Finances *shocking results* #Finance

I paid three financial advisers on Fiverr to review the same Portfolio this is a Portfolio that I created with intentional booby traps or some things that I would personally call out as red flags in a typical Investment Portfolio one of my

goals was to figure out if the quality of Financial Analysis followed the price in other words is more expensive advice technically better this will be highly educational as well as hopefully entertaining and the best part is is that as a former financial adviser I will

share my feedback on the recommendations that we receive today so in order to judge the quality of these Fiverr financial advisers what I did was I created a sample $100,000 Portfolio and I sent them all the same thing it turned out that actually wasn’t too hard to do I just

took an existing subscribers Portfolio from one of the Investment Portfolio roast CashNews.cos that I’ve made before and I simply beefed it up uh I just increased some of the numbers and some Holdings and I added some other Holdings of my own anyways once I

had that created it was time to message some people on Fiverr that I had found now my message simp read the following hi I would like a review of my Portfolio I’ve attached a picture of my current Holdings I am 29 years old trying to save for retirements and I make about

$60,000 a year right now living in Texas I’m moderate risk and I’m just not sure how to structure the right Portfolio I have three major questions number one what would you change about my Portfolio number two can you rate my Portfolio

on a scale of 1 to 10 10 being the best on what you think of it number three what’s your opinion on Cryptocurrency in my Portfolio I like Dogecoin and number four for

lastly how much should I invest every paycheck so funny enough I included four questions even though I said I would only include three just to see what the reaction was all right so let’s actually take a look at the Portfolio now you can see that the sample

Portfolio has upro which is a triple leveraged ETF for the S&P 500 by pro Shares that just means when the S&P is up 1% this ETF will be up 3% but on the other hand if the S&P is down 1% then U proo will be down 3% I also put in tqqq which is a triple

leverag ETF on the NASDAQ as well as tqqq calls for January 2026 there are some other more normal Holdings in there such as spy Microsoft stock normal QQQ and then I added Dogecoin in the Brokerage account as well as some cash in the Roth IRA for the 41k the

Portfolio includes vtsax entirely so all Vanguard Total Stock Market index a good solid Choice which I felt was pretty safe for a 29-year-old with a moderate risk appetite and wanting to retire by the age of around 50 or 6 years old all right so let’s talk

about our first financial adviser today the cheapest one of the list and I will blur their names but as you can see this person wants to be my virtual financial adviser for the steep steep price of $5 now I will say after I selected the package and paid for it he did message me separately and

I’m pretty sure I got upsold into spending an additional $10 on the Portfolio review as you can see in the message history now for the I just went ahead and accepted that offer and that brought the total price of this Investment Portfolio review

to $21 83 after all the service fees were included now surprisingly I didn’t have to wait too long and just 7 hours after placing my order he created a PDF for me to review so let’s actually take a look all right so he kindly gave me a three-page summary and in it he makes some

assumptions on my behalf first he assumes I saved 25% of my Income based on the cost of living in Texas according to the Bureau of economic analysis so nice and then he makes some other assumptions about our Persona today including the Inflation rate of Texas being

4% my retirement age being 55 even though he didn’t ask me what my retirement age was he just assumed that and that I was only going to live till 80 years old so right then and there how dare him I would hope that I could live longer but then again I do live hypothetically in Texas and maybe

I just have a diet full of steak and potatoes anyway so far all of these seem reasonable to me his other assumption is that I have a current return of 12% in my Portfolio and that my expenses by the time I’m retired will be $124,700 per year he then later admitted to me in

the messages that he just plugged in all of these assumptions into a retirement calculator online to get to the fact that I needed $1.84 Million by the age of 55 to retire all right so let’s just get into his recommendations so in order to achieve the goals that I need to hit he recommends

that I need a 12% average return and suggest diversifying my Portfolio into different ETFs such as S&P 500 color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs International ETFs and some sector specific none;">ETFs he does say that quote since since you about 30 years old your Equity portion inclusive of Shares mutual funds Etc should not be more than 70 to 75% of your total investment by the time you reach 40 reduce it to 60% and at the time of retirement you

can be at 50 to 55% so I think I disagree with him slightly but I still agree with him by the time I hit retirement I think that someone with the moderate risk profile could probably go closer to 80 to 90% in equities up until the ages of around 35 to 40 we’ve seen time and time again that

equities tend to return positively given a long enough time Horizon of over 20 plus years so if we’re aiming to retire at the age of 55 which is in 26 hypothetical years we could go heavier into equities with a moderate risk profile by the time this person hits 40 we could reduce our

Equity position 26040 split that seems conservative it’s overall not the worst recommendation out there now he does say for a balanced Portfolio you should go with gold and silver text-decoration: none;">ETFs and that’s questionable I think uh he he also suggested stocks that include Spotify Progressive Granite Construction and to name a few I’m really not too sure how he arrived at this I think he probably just liked these names but it

doesn’t mean that you should go and blindly just buy a few individual stocks lastly He suggests not having more than 5% of my Portfolio in Crypto that I actually do

agree with I think 5% is a healthy amount of speculation in a Portfolio and then he gives us an overall rating of seven out of 10 for our Portfolio all right so my thoughts are that for 20 bucks it was surprisingly better than what I was expecting I did like that

he created a customized report for me and drilled into some of the assumptions and while he didn’t say it like outright if you knew nothing about retirement planning whatsoever at least he educated you on reducing your risk as you age however there were a lot of things that he missed so

number one he didn’t address the riskiness of the leveraged ETFs or my call option at all in the initial Portfolio he also didn’t address the $5,000 cash position of

his recommendations he assumed that I would get a 12% return rate and as you may or may not know the S&P 500 typically returns 8 to 10% per year so 12% is hard to get and he doesn’t really lay out an exact plan to get there number three he tells us that we should diversify our

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs to diversify the risk but doesn’t tell us what currently is risky and lastly he suggested that for a balanced Portfolio gold and silver

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs were necessary and I don’t really agree with that at all I think gold and silver are optional diversifiers for your Portfolio but not necessary by any means typically

finan advisers are trying to match your Risk Tolerance and time Horizon with investment choices and he wasn’t very thorough and I think getting to know me for a more comprehensive review of my #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances but still for 20 bucks I wasn’t super disappointed all right next up is our second adviser she charges $40 and for this she gives you full charge Financial Planning so I sent her the same brief as I did with the first

adviser and she also gotten back to me within a business day and let’s look at her response so first and foremost she did give me a really nice looking cover page with a Crest on it but when we got into the document itself here’s what the document included so at a glance she actually

answered every single one of my questions that I asked her however the responses in my opinion were pretty vanilla and honestly I don’t really love it for number one what would you change about my Portfolio she didn’t get into specifics but merely gave me the same sort

of default lines about asset allocation and diversification I think for $40 off the bat the answer to number one is just kind of poor it just seems like she just used chat GPT and copy pasted the answers to me now for number two I asked her for an exact rating of my Portfolio but

she declined to give a rating and she says a good Portfolio typically balances growth with Risk Management but doesn’t cite any examples in my position for none;">Cryptocurrency not a bad response saying that a small allocation to Crypto is appropriate for me and I definitely agree and for number four how much should I invest every paycheck

again no concrete examples were given based on my situation but some general advice just regarding emergency fund telling me that I should budget and a common guideline maybe is to save 10 to 15% now this profile I thought was pretty disappointing I think if you spent $40 and you just got a cookie

cutter template on financial advice I think you would be pretty disappointed as well now I actually did hire a financial adviser on Fiverr who charged me $285 for a review of my Portfolio so this is our third adviser today and the most expensive and he’s actually a registered

investment adviser and lives in the United States for 285 bucks you can get a 1H hour online chat Skype or phone call however since I just wanted to see how he would evaluate to my Portfolio I asked him for a 1 to three page document in lie of the 1hour chat and he wholeheartedly

agreed right off the bat after I sent him our copy pasted message about our 29-year-old living in Texas he sent me a questionnaire to answer which I thought was a pretty good sign especially because a good advisor should be asking you a lot of questions about your personal situation your

Risk Tolerance and your time Horizon in order to give you the best recommendations possible while the questionnaire was rather simple it still drilled down into the basic questions that one needs to ask I’m not going to belabor you with what I responded with in every single

question but you can pause the right here if you’d like to see the questions and see my answers in blue now this adviser actually took much longer to review my none;">Finances than the first two and we actually had a lot of back and forth conversations on Fiverr we talked about how I would feel stomaching big losses of 75% my options exit strategy and most importantly if I was saving my money for anything I told him that one of my

Savings goals was possibly buying a house in about 5 years and we continued to message each other back and forth and I actually viewed this messaging back and forth as a pretty good sign because he wanted to get the full picture of my risk profile before recommending me anything

after about a week the review finally arrived and it was quite thorough so let’s actually go through some of the highlights all right so for my Brokerage account he recommends liquidating all the funds and putting them in a Money Market fund

Yielding 5% because I’m trying to save for a down payment I think that this is pretty fair he’s just saying for the Brokerage accounts only so not the 401K and the Roth IRA but based on my goals of wanting to purchase a house in let’s say 5 years

he wants some of my cash to actually be liquid and not at risk in the Market at all for my 401k he says vtsax is a good choice and I agree I think no changes are needed here so already this is off to a great start for my Roth IRA he actually pointed out that uo tqqq and QQQ are overlapping and

redundant and that these are all risky leverage plays that could lose 75% of their value during the last bare Market he actually recommends selling them and dollar cost averaging back into triple Q to complement my vtsax position in my 401k I don’t actually hate that recommendation I think

QQQ is not risk-free by any means but since it’s going to be in a Roth IRA and I have moderate Risk Tolerance I kind of like it now his stance on Cryptocurrency is very

similar to mine which is that if you are holding it just keep a small amount of it I think he recommended less than 10% of my total retirement account to be in Cryptocurrency and that’s

something I generally agree with I would probably even like actually go more towards 5% for Savings and investing rates he recommends a minimum of 10% or more of my paycheck and includes the fact that the average millionaire saves about 20% but I’m still unsure where he got

that stat still though I made a on this channel about a week or two ago that showed you that a 10% Savings rate can actually get you to financial Independence so if you’d like to watch that make sure to check it down below or maybe after this lastly with a 15% Savings rate and 6% raise every year he calculated that I could become a millionaire by the time I was 47 years old if I were able to get a 10% rate of return so overall I thought it is guidance was pretty on point and solid for about a $300 investment

again he is a registered investment adviser so I was expecting a lot of these responses but I was happy with the amount of thoroughness he actually provided he even also offered to hop on a 1-hour call with me as part of the review and the messaging back and forth even though specifically I said I

didn’t really want one ultimately I turned it down the call itself because I felt like it would be hard to keep up the facade of my pretend Portfolio and you know talk to him for an hour as I’m just a really bad Li and he would probably see right through me so the one

thing that I asked myself during this whole process was whether or not the financial advice fits my profile is it reasonable and does it match my risk profile and time Horizon and I can actually answer that the first two advisers were just not super great but for less than $50 I don’t think I

was expecting that much honestly the $20 guy gave me a lot of value for what I thought was 20 bucks at least he created a custom and personalized response for me the second advisor wasn’t great at all I think we’ve already kind of figured that out and the third and final adviser for

$285 gave me a pretty thorough response and rather quickly within a week to get all of those personalized recommendations in just a week without having a full-on 1hour consultation was well appreciated so there you have it that was my Fiverr experiment what do you think in the comments they were

all given the same Portfolio and all three had drastically different responses all the way from a $20 service all the way up to approximately $300 pretty fun if you ask me if You’ like to watch another on me roasting my my subscribers

Portfolios make sure to watch it right here I’ll link the first edition of that Series right there so you can check it out and I will see you guys in that or a future one on this channel thank you for being here peace

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on I Hired 3 Financial Advisors on Fiverr to Rate My Finances *shocking results*.
With over 168867 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

40 thoughts on “I Hired 3 Financial Advisors on Fiverr to Rate My Finances *shocking results* #Finance

  1. Hey all! This was an experimental video where I wanted to bring a popular format I saw on YouTube (trying Fiverr) to finance YouTube / analysis, I hope you enjoy. If it’s this is a type of video you’re NOT into – let me know why in the comments. And vice versa, if you enjoyed it – please let me know by dropping a comment lol. Next two weeks’ videos after this are both very heavy Personal Finance focused! So if thats more your speed we'll be back to it next week.

  2. I'm new to BTC/Crypto investment and I've been making losses trying to make profit myself in trading.. I thought trading demo account is just like trading trading the real market… Can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do?

  3. Successful investing is hard work because it means disciplining your mind to do the opposite of human nature. Buying during a panic, selling during euphoria, and holding on when you are bored and just craving a little action. Investing is 5% intellect and 95% temperament.

  4. The most popular investment portfolio strategies include diversification, where you spread investments across different asset classes to manage risk. Another is the growth strategy, focused on capital appreciation through high-risk, high-reward assets. Income-oriented strategies target regular income from dividend stocks or bonds. Finally, there's the value strategy, seeking undervalued assets for potential long-term gains.

  5. This was a great video. I would like to try this because a RIA would charge me a whole lot more because of the size of my assets. I think getting a RIA for $285 is extremely inexpensive, especially with the amount of work he did, and due to his recommendations.

  6. We Are in Unchartered Financial Waters! every day we encounter challenges that have become the new standard. Although we previously perceived it as a crisis, we now acknowledge it as the new normal and must adapt accordingly. Given the current economic difficulties that the country is experiencing in 2024, how can we enhance our earnings during this period of adjustment? I cannot let my $680,000 savings vanish after putting in so much effort to accumulate them.

  7. the first one replied "kinldy" i know that may means nothing but there's no double check. They try hard to show off but i would prefer an answer to the question. Just by seeing the portfolio, i would already see too much risk with similar stocks in different ETFs. Given your age that could be a strategy but that's just overlapping and not a long term strategy. I made that mistake just a few months ago. It seems they have a modus operandi to enter the data and then forward you the result. it doesn't mean it's bad or good as long as they results are answering your question but that's based on what i can see on internet for free so that's mostly paying them for you to spare your own time researching basic info. Dogecoin as most of cryptos, very volatile so only a small % allocated.
    The second one is to forget.
    Third one, I agree on questioning a lot as every portfolio is very personal and even too much personal where it should be really grey and factual. Unfortunately the third one, even if the best in my opinion is too expensive compare to the first one. It is the best when highlighting what to remove but always questionable when suggesting a replacement (back to personal choices)
    Overall, forgetting about this video (i know that's a foolish comment), if there was a way to make money, little money with as less risk as possible for all kind of people, then we should all rally into it to force other companies to mimic it nut the it's about personal choices again. We , common people, thin too much of of as individuals instead of a collective and we could from time to time outweigh the odds, push the boundaries, change the habits. As I like to say, it doesn't matter what is the race, the religion, he income, the job, the country, we are all in the same sh*t, we ahre the same hopes and he people @above us@ are not us.

  8. Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money. I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274,800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family

  9. I think BOTH of the first two were cookie cutter, given the first guy used a online calculator that anyone can use.
    The third one was probably not worth $285, bwdik. I'm frugal.

  10. This a great advertisement for fiver because I would not have thought to use them for something like this and now I'm contemplating looking there to get an idea if I'm working in the right direction. Love the content, thanks!

  11. A lot of times you get free advisors from your 401k provider but be careful with the sale pitches – personally, I feel they all a waste of time. I recently paid $1800 for an “EKG” and felt little value. I recommend watching a bunch of YouTube channels and 4% rule as a strong guide

  12. DO NOT subscribe to this guys mailing list. He will sell your email information and you will be SPAMMED with ai generated financial emails. RIP my inbox, i might need to delete my email

  13. I dont understand this 80-90 percent in equity thing and 10 percent in bonds. Why??? when your portfolio is going down and you have 90 percent of it in stocks, how the hell is your 10 percent investment going to save you?? Why would someone at 30 not go full in stocks instead. I am 100% invested in QQQ and i dont mind holding it until death. Live well.

  14. I scared the cats when that last advisor assumed a 6% raise every year and I laughed myself out my chair. My Fortune 500 company goes years without giving anyone raises of any kind – cost of living, merit or otherwise.

  15. we are in a bull run, and a housing and stocks super bull run that can peak in late 2024 and mid 2025, once the ath and benefits come to those markets then they are coming to btc, and that is very soon to happen, not seeing a major bearish pullback that holds prices stagnant for much time afterwards here. We are in 25- 30 rating of extreme fear for a couple weeks, but the price holds on 57k, this is probably the last bottom right before the reverse into bullish territory by the next week, and then starting the parabollic trend in late july or agust breaking previous ath of 74k, running till october or november to 90-110k. Then a major pullbac again, and if the bull still holds another ath peak in mid 2025……for me trading is generally safer, allowing investors to weather market volatility. I have managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 432k in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Kerrie Farrell, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape…

  16. Such a cool idea! I like that you threw in some leveraged ETFs, which I am a fan if you know the risks and properly manage them, and #3 correctly assessed that they are not in line with your stated risk tolerance. I also like that they pointed out your fund overlap problem. Finally, I was surprised and impressed that they did not suggest an over-diversified portfolio, one of my pet peeves.

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