March 16, 2025


almost every single year we keep seeing more and more discussions around how xrp is being replaced or is this going to replace xrp or is this going to kill xrp and even more recently we’ve been hearing discussions around how Ripple removed xrp from their crossb payment section of

their website and this sparked a whole bunch of discussions around you know how xrp is not going to be utilized how xrp is not going to be this that whatever and this actually happened when Ripple announced their cbdc platform as well people were like all right well that that’s it no use for

xrp at all um and it’s so funny because if you actually know the technology if you understand the technology and if you also understand what’s actually going on behind closed doors especially when it comes to cbdcs and also how cbdcs will work it bolsters xrp’s use case potential

even more and in this I actually want to address just how Ripple is actually utilizing xrp and why all of this doesn’t really matter so with that being said welcome to the channel everyone my name is Nick for those that are new to the channel hopefully by the end of this you do become a subscriber if we take a quick look at this article here this is exactly what I’m talking about this goes back to April of this year like I said this is not any new news around like how you know Ripple’s you know removing xrp or not using xrp back in April the

big discussion was Ripple’s legal battle with the SEC has forced them to switch from xrp to stablecoin usdt for us-based on demand Liquidity transactions now in this we could actually see this so the Strategic shift stems from the SEC lawsuit which alleges that xrps of

security and it sales uh violated us regulations while the case is ongoing the Court’s summary judgment deemed xrp sales to institutions as Securities offerings now with that according to the filing Ripple has transition us-based on demand Liquidity customers

from xrp to tether a stable coin Peg to the US dollar now as we really think about this right we have been hearing a lot of stories with almost no proof from a lot of uh you know of these sources but this one was actually an internal email from Monica long and if we actually click the source this

is the post this is from Crypto ay and we have no surprises here Navin Gupta was the first rippler I heard on YouTube Interview uh who mentioned that other digital Assets

would increasingly serve as Ripple net bridges in the future and as for those channels claiming usdt is a scam oh The Twist of life it’s all about the builders now what’s funny about this post is yes tether actually still is a scam it’s still considered a scam almost every single

document that I’ve seen almost every single um document and PDF file from institutional organizations that I’ve seen as well and even Regulators still scrutinizes tether and with regulations happening around the world specifically in the EU tether has been delisted so I don’t

believe that Ripple is actually utilizing us usdt um and I don’t think that it’s going to even continue to be used as well I also think that this is going to transition to RL USD which actually bolsters xrp and The xrp Ledger as well so this is actually nonsense but beyond this over

here this is the crossb payments section on the Ripple website we have send crossb payments in real time as you guys can see yes this did remove um xrp altogether before it did have xrp and how it works but what this does introduce is a complete new view of Ripple payments specifically how much

more utility Ripple payments does have we have send crossb payments in real time expand your reach and grow payments volume deliver real-time Global Payments where and when you need them including hard-to-reach corridors are proven technology and Global Network enable crossb payments that are

faster more reliable and more affordable for banks fintex Crypto businesses and their customers and then of course we have a quote from trango down here we have access 80 plus payout

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets 27 million lifetime transactions 50 billion total transaction value and 90% Global FX Market coverage and this is why companies choose their crossbo payment solution real-time settlement

Global expansion transparency trust and Compliance flexible payments as well and this is explore what’s possible with r uh Ripple payments we have Banks Crypto

businesses uh payment service providers and Neo Banks and digital Banks and then this is the um actually from the head of payments at Ripple where it does specifically talk about xrp by the way in this they do address xrp they address crossb payments and the opportunity then

here we have some of the global payout Markets and then down here we also have the guide Trends in Regional payments now outside of this right even though they removed xrp here back in the

end of May we have how Ripple utilizes xrp for crossb payments within this it outlines everything that they’re doing with xrp trillions of dollars in payments are send across borders every year yet the traditional mechanism supporting these transactions remain slow expensive and prone to

failure the same exact argument that we’ve been talking about since going all the way back to 2020 to 2021 new emerging Solutions are leveraging the power of blockchain to overcome the limitations of these conventional payment systems and ripple is leading the charge and then of course we got

a breakdown around how Ripple payments enables faster more reliable more affordable crossroader transactions using digital Assets such as xrp and yes they can utilize other digital Assets but xrp is one of the most efficient digital Assets for

these types of use cases a purpose built blockchain for financial applications to bridge currency still despite nearly half of financial institutions and Enterprises considering crossb payments a a top use case for text-decoration: none;">Crypto misconceptions and questions about the technology persist let’s address some of the most frequently asked questions about how Ripple uses xrp and digital Assets in its crossb payment solution now I just want to get to the point where they do

address how they utilize xrp and that is down here so what safeguards does xrp Ledger employee to ensure the accuracy of transaction data at its source blockchain transactions are immutable in nature meaning that once a transaction is recorded it cannot be altered or deleted this makes it

impossible for malicious actors to temper with transaction data recorded on The xrp Ledger the only blockchain Built for business and ensures that the information is accurately enhancing overall data security and integrity and this is also how do financial institutions perceive the uh the role of

blockchain technology in the future of global Finance well 90% of them actually say the technology will have a significant or massive impact on business

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and Society within the next 3 years so just think about that right um we are going to start to see Heavy adoption of blockchain and dldt within specific areas business is a very

big area to focus on but we look at xrp and all these other digital Assets even if they’re utilized in payment flows from Ripple they still serve as Bridge currencies to The Last Mile Fiat payouts while the underlying blockchain technology powering Ripple payments enables

faster transactions for more than a decade Ripple has worked with Partners around the world to build a network that represents more than 90% of the global FX Market given that Ripple payments can bridge two currencies in 3 seconds with one fixed FX rate Ripple actually reduces friction and

streamlines the entire process while unlocking access to hardto reach Markets again this is very important to note when it comes to xrp because xrp has been utilized as a bridge currency for

so long by Ripple a lot of the scrutiny around xrp when it comes to the SEC lawsuit definitely stifled adoption and it also stifled use of xrp at scale when we talk about the lawsuit coming to an end and everyone’s addressing this appeal what’s going to happen with the SEC you know once

we’re passed all this stuff and once regulations are actually in the space I don’t think anyone’s going to be talking about how xrp is not being utilized or this or that whatever um I think that the adoption and the use of a lot of these utility projects are going to surprise many

many people and xrp is a very significant piece of the puzzle for payments more so what Ripple is actually doing as well that’s why we do see such a big focus on xrp and The xrp Ledger from Ripple even around institutional defi we also have a lot of development happening around The xrp Ledger

we now have some more contracts being pushed and things like that so Ripple is all in on the xrp lger and xrp still today but also even more recently on September 5th we have the traditional crossroader payment system is slowing #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto businesses down making it difficult to provide customers with flexible Fiat uh payout options Ripple payments can streamline digital asset off-ramps by providing 247 365 access to crossb payments reducing the number of counterparties in the payment flow

and settling Global transactions in seconds and even over here we have power cross payments with Crypto and in this we get a nice little breakdown of you know what they’re still focused

on so new technologies often encounter friction when they run up against Legacy infrastructure especially with regards to Global uh payout or payment uh methods this is more evident now than never us traditional Financial systems are not fit for purpose when it comes to meeting the needs of

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto and blockchain powered companies exchanges OTC desk and other Crypto companies

often face challenges around Liquidity lengthy settlement times and limited off ramps options due to outdated crossb Payment Systems each of these increasingly weigh on the efficiency and affordability of the global transactions vital to their success in a recent report Ripple

explores how these Crypto businesses can deploy real-time crossb payments and tap into a global payout Market or network uh to bridge the gap between the Legacy payment system and digital

asset infrastructure to unleash growth and this is addressing crossroader payment challenges again a lot of these problems I just outlined in the previous post so I don’t need to go over that but we have Global Payments at the speed of bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto Ripple payments leverages the power of the digital asset xrp and the XP Ledger an Enterprise ready secure scalable improving blockchain to enable the speed access and cost Savings that

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto businesses need transactions settle in seconds allowing businesses to respond swiftly to Market demands and provide an exceptional customer experience and with 247365 availability Ripple payments supports transactions on

weekends holidays and outside Traditional Bank hours giving Crypto businesses a Competitive Edge Ripple payments also reduces costs by minimizing the number of counterparties in the

international payment flow and locking in quotes before initiating payments with this Bond payment method this cost efficiency allows Crypto businesses to offer competitive pricing to their

end users additionally by connecting to Ripple’s Global Payments Network through a single API or UPI businesses can streamline operations while maintaining or providing stablecoin and other digital asset off ramps to a variety of currency payments or payouts this payment method not only

enhances the customer experience but also builds long-term loyalty and strengthens a company’s reputation and then this is the power of Ripple payments but overall when we think about this right A lot of people are talking about all right the stable coin doesn’t need xrp at all remember

what Monica long told you guys this is the Ripple president literally telling you guys that the RL USD stable coin and xrp will both work in unison essentially we have longtime listener firsttime caller had a great combo with fintech Frank on the scoop around Ripple’s product Evolution and

how the soon to launch RL USD stablecoin will complement our use of xrp for most efficient crossborder flows yes these are two great initiatives to focus on the RL USD stable coin and what it means for xrp and The xrp Ledger I’ve talked about this on multiple occasions the stable coin is so

incredible to see especially considering the fact that it is going to be native to The xrp Ledger and also even ethereum I’ve talked about ethereum I’ve also addressed why I think that the xrp Ledger um when it comes to the RL USD is going to see a lot more volume than the ethereum side

of things but also it bolsters the xrp ledgers utility it provides an even greater amount of reach when it comes to Liquidity value users things like that um I think that this is going to be great especially even around crossboard payments I have been noticing a very big pattern

when it comes to xrp and it’s misinformation in a bearish sense I know that there’s a lot of misinformation out there around the bullish side of things on how xrp does this how xrp does that or xrp is you know being utilized here and there and I’ve been noticing it I’ve

talked about it on multiple occasions the misinformation um but it goes both ways right in bullish and bearish ways for the longest time we keep hearing about how xrp lacks this how xrp lacks that or xrp is not going to do this because of this and that whatever A lot of it is Miss information

it’s fud when it comes to xrp being completely cut off from the tech stack from Ripple it couldn’t be anything further from the truth xrp is still heavily focused on here xrp’s potential xrp’s value when it comes to its use case potential is also very significant when it

comes to the stable coin I’m very excited about the stable coin I’m not worried at all when it comes to xrp because it’s going to actually complement xrp and even The xrp Ledger I really think that a lot of people are going to be surprised by what the stable coin can do and what

it will unlock Around The xrp Ledger so with that being said I hope that that kind of gives you guys an Insight on what’s happening right now around xrp why a lot of the fud because even the other day I talked about how Ripple’s dumping xrp I answered a lot of questions in that as well a lot of what we are seeing gets blown out of proportion and a lot of people cling to it just to support why xrp is not doing so and so so I really do hope that that kind of answers your questions if you guys did enjoy the definitely leave a like subscribe to

Notifications more free content you guys are more than welcome to follow me on Twitter and join the free Discord down in the description below and with that being said guys it’s been Nick thanks for watching peace out

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on IF YOU HOLD XRP THIS IS CRUCIAL TO KNOW.
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39 thoughts on “IF YOU HOLD XRP THIS IS CRUCIAL TO KNOW #Finance

  1. 🚨 PLEASE BE AWARE 🚨 There are scammers in the comments pretending to be me, please avoid any offers from anyone in the comments. Stay vigilant & don't fall for any scams/phishing.

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    If you enjoyed the video don't forget to leave a LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & Turn On NOTIFICATIONS to NEVER MISS an upload! Thanks for watching ❤

  2. PPL that say XRP won't be utilized are not studying or paying attention. It has be tried, tested and proven for over 10 years. It will run in the background which is the common characteristic of a mass adopted technology.

  3. Please help Fruition Films get XRP Unleashed Documentary out into the world. We are facing challenging times and spiritual times where good and evil are very present in the world. This is a call action to be on the right side. Hollywood would not let us release this documentary. We need you to get it out worldwide. The film will be coming to social media platforms in Nov. Help us get this into the mainstream media. This film is about the change of the monetary system and how ripple and Xrp play a role in it. And talks about the corruption of the government and the SEC. ❤️

  4. Japan’s three major banks—MUFG, SMBC, and Mizuho—have announced a pilot program for a cross-border stablecoin transfer platform called “Project Pax.” This initiative aims to speed up and improve the efficiency of international business transactions. The pilot will be conducted in collaboration with blockchain firms Progmat, Datachain, and TOKI, and could see participation from more global banks in the future.

    The platform will use stablecoins issued by Progmat, a blockchain startup backed by the megabanks, SBI Holdings, and Japan Exchange Group. Project Pax aims to facilitate cross-chain transactions using SWIFT’s API framework to settle payments on blockchain networks. This will help address compliance challenges like anti-money laundering and reduce the high costs associated with traditional fiat transfers

  5. And now they built their own stable coin on the XRP so they don’t have to use somebody else’s table. Which asked to have XRP people don’t realize nobody else because they can program it to stop. I think all information from you so why would another country take their digital money?

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