March 14, 2025
Is Bitcoin Headed for  Million? The Crazy Prediction You Need to Hear – Jeff Booth

Is Bitcoin Headed for $10 Million? The Crazy Prediction You Need to Hear – Jeff Booth #Finance

what is a stable coin it’s something that’s guaranteed if Bitcoin stays decentralized and secure to lose uh lose value against Bitcoin at the same rate as the US dollar it’s guaranteed to so why would you use that right it’s a you have a guaranteed loss against

Bitcoin but if you if you think if you’re trading stability which most people will do around the world CU they think US dollar is so much better than their currency so they’ll naturally do it and you’ll have all of these people around the world believe that yes I finally can use

this other thing that is also funding the centralization of everything we’re talking about Bitcoin remains a strong contender in the risk asset race with mixed signals hinting at a potential bullish turn despite recent volatility and uncertainties bitcoin’s fundamental strength is

intact bolstered by Rising institutional interest and favorable macroeconomic Trends setting the stage for a potential surge however Jeff Booth a prominent Bitcoin expert highlights the limitations of stable coins arguing that they fail to deliver true decentralization and security with a sharp

focus on bitcoin he envisions a future where Bitcoin transcends its role as an asset measured against the US dollar to become a global currency for all 8 billion people but there’s a catch Booth cautions that valuing Bitcoin in traditional Fiat terms reinforces the old Financial system

limiting its revolutionary potential to reshape Global Finance and decentralize power away from centralized authorities however Booth hints at a breakthrough Innovative layer

2 Solutions are already being developed on bitcoin’s framework promising to shatter these limitations the question now is Will Bitcoin rise to the challenge and transform the world or will it remain just another digital asset watch clips from the interview for further insights into Jeff

Booth’s conversation with Walker please like this subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more content enjoy enjoy the If These systems are incompatible together and you’re measuring this the incompatibly through the US dollar what

you’re actually saying is I’m trading Bitcoin for a US dollar or I’m thinking in that trade and you’re making the US dollar strong or you you’re allowing this attack Vector to to become more pre prevalent because because of those actions so Bitcoin has to be used as a

as a medium of exchange to for it to to achieve now remember there’s two different versions of a world many different versions of the world I’m talking about the one that I see the one that I see in Bitcoin 8 billion people in service of 8 billion people and and all of the productive

capacity not misaligned Capital not not not made up money that influences some that monopolies that extract value not an extractive system I am talking about 8 billion people in service of 8 billion people um that we can’t even see today for that to happen Bitcoin needs to be

used as a medium of exchange and it needs to be native inide not other tokens and other things that will be captured it needs to be uh and and now if you pull on that thread we know Bitcoin on layer one can’t be used by 8 billion people and I want to just say something quickly on that um

it’s the irony in talking to people who say it’s there’s no u in Bitcoin when the utility is the entire Global wealth of of a system change it’s it’s it’s staggering there’s never been a bigger utility by having decentralized and secure you remove money

from the state and you allow the free market to work there is no bigger there has never been a bigger utility and um and and so and then what comes on top of that as a protocol you’re you’re early in a cycle of coming out uh building on top of that that turns it into a money

that’s native to the protocol and we have to remember any one of us as bitcoiners too we were once those people who didn’t understand this and so we’ve all you just it’s a journey to be able to get there and that journey goes deeper and deeper and and something that’s

this deep that touches all of humanity obviously touches everything else it has to it’s a center of like money is global trade in all businesses and all political systems and it’s a center for everything we do we trade with each other to try to get more value around the world um so so

obviously something that impacts that has to impact everything we do and and this change to this change in an operating system from one that that was extractive from us to one that was cooperative that was gave back to us would be really difficult to see especially if you’re measuring from

the system I’m just what I guess what I’m arguing is is everyone measuring US dollar Bitcoin and price of US dollar or whatever current or whatever piece of paper they want to measure Bitcoin by they’re reinforcing the trade that’s actually why this whole thing turns into an

orwan control system way faster than people realize that are that are pricing in a US dollar because because see and again this is going way back but but all of the things that are being played out today but you could easily predict all of the things that are playing out if you had to control layer

2 like what would you do you would make it you would make it a store value you would accept it you would make ETFs okay you would you would make a whole bunch of um things uh okay there and and

then you would and you would need tether or stable coins to purchase your Debt and as Bitcoin grew you would have this natural buyer of more and more treasuries so that people could interact in there so it would fund that Jeff Booth addresses the limitations of stable coins which

he believes are doomed to lose value against Bitcoin in the long run while these digital Assets May provide short-term stability Booth argues that their continued use would inadvertently fund the very banking system that promotes centralization and control he stresses that for

Bitcoin to retain its revolutionary Edge and decentralized nature it must be adopted as a medium of exchange rather than just an investment asset Booth further highlights the critical role of layer 2 and layer 3 Solutions in ensuring bitcoin’s security and true decentralization especially as

it scales to serve a global population he warns that many Bitcoin enthusiasts still measure bitcoin’s worth in US Dollars thereby reinforcing the outdated Financial system they seek to disrupt according to Booth this mindset stems from the financialization of Assets which has

created a misleading perception of wealth by valuing Assets as stores of value rather than for their true utility Bitcoin he contends is in the process of correcting this Distortion restoring Assets to their real utility value and challenging the old constructs of

wealth let’s go back to the interview and watch more Clips to gain insights from Jeff Booth what is a stable coin what it it it’s something that’s guaranteed if Bitcoin stays decentralized and secure to lose uh lose value against Bitcoin at the same rate as the US dollar

it’s guaranteed to so why would you use that right it’s a you have a guaranteed loss against Bitcoin but if you if you think if you’re trading stability which most people will do around the world because they think the US dollar is so much better than their currency so

they’ll naturally do it and you’ll have all these people around the world believing that yes I finally can use this other thing that is also funding the centralization of everything we’re talking about and it’s a it’s a total n so so what we’re talking about will

happen not might happen will happen natur naturally so if you if you realize that all of these things would happen for sure and you realize that for Bitcoin to be a um a um used has a medium of exchange natively not on not on a stable coin or or some some other instrument a VC instrument and the

rent some other token then then you had to you had to build the same type of safety into Layer Two and layer three that exists in or in different types of extending the capability of Bitcoin um out into different layers to allow it to be used as a as a transaction medium a medium of exchange around

the world and you had to know that these that the momentum from history and the momentum from most people in the world would be moving the other way because they would want Bitcoin to go up in price relative to US dollars so they would just be feeding the exact same narrative that would make the

centralization of it happen we’ve missed the medium exchange part and we’ve just focused the store value what does it look like in your view yeah that’s actually why I’m these things are compatible over the long time together so in one system Bitcoin if it stays

decentralized and secure then all prices fall relative to it to stay decentralized and secure it requires being a medium of exchange these are the tool these are the tools these are the early indication tools or protocols that are going to ensure that it remains decentralized and secure and ensure

that it moves into a medium of exchange um without them it would be highly likely that it it would get captured essentially what all you would do is you dollar to Gold US dollar to Petr dollar system US dollar to bitcoin nothing would have changed right and then um and and and and I would I would

say the vast majority of even bitcoiners um today because the Bitcoin is such a deep hole um are still measuring Bitcoin and priced in the US dollar and so I saw one of the questions that’ll help people understand what I’m talking about here and will try to to uh kind of look at it from

both systems in in the question but it had something about the financialization right um something and help them to understand pricing in Bitcoin and so over the last 30 years everything you’ve ever know known and most people have made all of their money not really made money the the entire

wealth of the world is an artificial construct of extracting from some people giving it to the other through an instrument of financialization and and through that financialization of uh lens then it would look like houses have gone way up in price um because they could they would be they would act

as a store of value because cash couldn’t act as a store of value because it was an inferior store of value so you’d have to find other stores of value those stores of value became houses those stores of value became stocks and you start getting higher and higher bid prices on all of

these stores of value that reinforce instead of a house being a utility where you raise your family it becomes a store of value and then everybody races into the store of value because if they’re not in the store of value and only in cash they’re getting destroyed so everybody goes and

makes the same trade pushing it up higher and higher and higher further away from its utility value as a store of value and then and then enter Bitcoin and and Bitcoin is repricing all of those to their utility value in related developments Robert kosaki the celebrated author of Rich Dad Poor Dad

has made headlines with his daring prediction that bitcoin’s price will increase by 16,000 and reach a whopping $10 million but what is it that makes him so confident in Cryptocurrency

the solution lies in the United States Rising Debt burden which currently stands at $35 trillion and grows by $1 trillion every 100 days this unsustainable Debt load might trigger a hyperInflationary cycle needing the Dollar’s value to drop

and forcing A desperate search for other stores of value Kiyosaki believes Bitcoin is well positioned to fill this vacuum its restricted Supply only 21 million coins will ever exist and algorithmic creation make it an appealing long-term store of value unlike traditional Fiat currencies which can

be produced at any time Bitcoin scarcity and decentralization make it resistant to manipulation and Inflation while some experts think that Bitcoin has potential others question the practicality of a $10 million price tag such EV Valuation would indicate a market

Capitalization of more than $200 trillion or twice the value of the whole Global Stock Market this raises concerns about what will happen to other Investments if Bitcoin reaches such a high price is it a sign of a robust Market or a signal of

oncoming economic collapse despite the pessimism kosaki and others remain optimist istic about bitcoin’s long-term potential some believe it will quadruple in value by 2025 making it a potentially Profitable addition to a diversified Portfolio how do you

envision layer 2 and layer 3 Solutions addressing the scalability issues that would arise if Bitcoin were to be used as a medium of exchange for the world please drop your thoughts in the comments below share this and hit your thumbs on the like button thanks for watching don’t

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