October 14, 2024
“It’s GUARANTEED! 100% BTC Price Explosion Before 2025” – Larry Lepard & Raoul Pal

“It’s GUARANTEED! 100% BTC Price Explosion Before 2025” – Larry Lepard & Raoul Pal #Finance

here’s my prediction I think by the end of this calendar year we’ll be over 100,000 bitcoin’s forming this nice declining flag top of the flag it looks like you kind of break out at 66 from the flag you break out from the all-time high at 72 or three I think when we go

through those we’re going to squirt up to 100 like you know very quickly people who Embrace Bitcoin and Save in Bitcoin terms your kids grandkids and great grandkids are going to notice the difference in a very meaningful way in a very very meaningful way and so um that’s that’s

why I do what I do in terms of advocating for this this kind of quote unquote perfect form of money despite recent price movements with Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies continuing to trade

in the same range for months prominent Cryptocurrency investors and analysts are certain of an impending breakout in the next few weeks which they say will finally see Bitcoin break the

current all-time high and continue the ascent until we hit six figures sound money Advocate Lawrence leopard has an optimistic $100,000 price prediction for Bitcoin before the end of 20124 and he is 100% convinced that there is still enough time for this to be achieved Larry and others who hold

similar bullish predictions for the leading Cryptocurrency believe the US presidential election in November would be a permanent and profound turning point for Bitcoin and

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency prices according to the popular Portfolio manager if Pro none;">Crypto former president Donald Trump wins the elections in November Bitcoin and the entire digital Assets space will immediately see a surge in demand and a significant price explosion as the regulatory uncertainty stopping investors from going all in will be permanently

resolved in his latest interview with Stefan laa leopard discusses the world’s growing Inflation problems and the urgent need for hard Assets like Bitcoin and gold as we bring you clips from the CashNews.co please take a little time to like this CashNews.co

subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this everything you do helps with the YouTube algorithm and immensely contributes to the Channel’s growth thanks and enjoy the CashNews.co from what I can see um if this is a fair election and that’s a

big if we’ll discuss it in a minute uh Trump wins this um I think that you know enough of the country is hurting badly enough um based on the economy the Inflation the economic policies of the administration that they’re going to say you know get me out of this I I you

know I want out I want I want to go to the other side um so that that’s that’s my gut you know feeling right now however um you know I I’ve read and seen and investigated you know all the shenanigans that happened with the last election and you know I recognize it’s probably

you know four or five States and within that maybe four or five counties per state so you know I think if you could you know Jam 20 you know absentee ballots into 20 counties you might be able to influence the outcome of the election so this is what Stalin said it’s not who votes it’s

who counts the votes and um yeah I mean I I hate to be that cynical but I just I don’t put anything past the other side I mean two two attempts have been made to murder you know um Trump and um and his being president again is really kind of existential for a lot of people I think from a

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto point of view um there’s no doubt Trump would be more friendly um because he’s talked about you know having a light touch in terms of Regulation maybe even making it legal

tender etc etc I wasn’t thrilled when I saw him announced that he’s going to do his own Trump ship coin which you know I mean some guys it’s just you can’t you can’t get to certain people right I mean he just he he likes to he likes to try and make money and he likes

to promote people and he just it’s in his nature so um I was disappointed when I saw that but but of course of you know the two of the choice between the two it’s for me it’s obvious because one is much more Pro business and pro pro

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto and pro Bitcoin than the other I think on the other side you know that as we were just discussing before the show I mean they took down silvergate you know Elizabeth Warren’s anti-

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto Army you know they they you know they’ve tried to block a lot of the on-ramps I’m an investor in custodian Caitlyn’s had an enormously difficult time and I mean the politics and the that you know the

Administration has pulled and the administration and the Federal Reserve have pulled to you know to try and keep you know Bitcoin and Crypto within their sphere it it’s just it’s

outrageous um and if there if we had Fair courts you know we’d be winning enormous damages but my sense is we don’t have Fair courts either so um yeah you know but I but honestly I can’t tell how it’s all going to shake out I mean the the bull case for Kamala is the abortion

issue um is is is a hot button for a certain portion of um on both sides you know and and the fact you know there there there are women who are you know irrespective of where they are on on you know the economy they’re they’re going to vote that single issue and they feel like

there’s a lot more women’s pre you know women’s choice and freedom and Reproductive Rights and so on and so forth you can call it whatever you want but they feel much more comfortable in the Democratic party so I think if the Republican Party kind of got their act together on that

particular issue and arrived at some decent compromise um you know the Democrats would be just completely dead but you know that’s that’s the one issue that I think um you know gives gives kaml a little bit of a little bit of strength so we’ll just have to wait and see I mean

it’s we’re going to know very very soon I no matter what happens the other side’s going to be very upset and probably claim fraud and you know we’ll have to see I I certainly hope that Trump wins um you know I intend to vote for him I vote in Florida and I intend to vote for

him so but we’ll see it’s it’s a it’s a tough call I mean one thing I will say on both of them though I I don’t think you know um I think I think comma spends more faster okay I think you know there’s more Ubi there’s more Debt forgiveness

there’s just you know I mean she thinks she’s got an unlimited checkbook and and you know they’re they’re going to in my view they’re going to go full you know modern monetary Theory view of of you know deficits what deficits we can just print to handle it you know

that’s that side I I think there will prob be a little bit more restraint on the Trump side I mean I but you know I I I caution that I you know he says he’s going to balance the budget he says he’s going to you know cut all these costs I mean my sense you know but he also wants to

cut Taxes my sense is it’s going to be pretty hard for him to really make a big dent I mean for decades sound money Advocates like leopard have been arguing that what the US really needs is an austerity program measures which would help reduce government spending and shrink

the deficit during elections season such as this politicians all but declare they have a lasting solution to the problem and they would affect changes as soon as they assume office but that never happens even in-house players like Fed chair Jerome Powell are beginning to openly admit that there is

a problem and Urgent Solutions are needed according to Powell politicians need to have an adult conversation about the Debt situation but we all know that will not happen instead they will chose the easy way and continue Printing and deba facing the currency until a collapse

becomes inevitable this is why leopard believes the advocacy of hard Assets like Bitcoin and gold is very crucial to our continued survival as a nation and maybe even as a species here are more clips from his interview people who Embrace Bitcoin and Save in Bitcoin terms your kids

grandkids and great grandkids are going to notice the difference in a very meaningful way in a very very meaningful way and so um that’s that’s why I do what I do in terms of advocating for this this kind of quote unquote perfect form of money um I think that’s why sailor does

what he does and it’s really it’s why we’re all doing it right Stefan I mean we’re you know if you’ve got a Libertarian bent you realize that the problem is that the state controls the money and they use it as a instrument of power to control all of us and to create

Wars and to kill people we are in a position to reain them in on on money because we don’t have to use their money we can use our own money and we’ve now got a form of money that’s totally fair widely distributed everyone plays by the same rules can’t be messed with um

that’s that’s a very very powerful thing very powerful and so you know give it enough give it give it time you another 10 years another 20 years at the most you know it’s going to it’s going to solve the problem in my opinion so we’re you know we’re going in the

right direction but I know it’s frustrating I mean I you know a lot of people say hey we’re stuck at 58,000 well yeah we are it’s annoying but I I said on I was with uh Natalie and James yesterday and I said I’m here’s my prediction I think by the end of this calendar

year we’ll be over 100,000 bitcoin’s forming this nice declining flag top of the flag it looks like you kind of break out at 66 from the flag you break out from the all-time high at 72 or three I think when we go through those we’re going to squir up to 100 like you know very

quickly so and and I think and I think the you know the the gold is a tell the gold hitting records um and the and the awareness on the on the part of a larger and larger part of the world that something’s wrong I mean the the disconnect is you know you’ve got guys like Krugman tweeting

hey we’ve we’ve done it we’ve landed the plane 2% Inflation 3% it’s all good everything’s great I’m like and I tweeted back to I said yeah okay if that’s the case then why is it gold why is gold at a record high you know if if if you

successfully landed the plan and Inflation’s under control then the price of gold should be going down not hitting new all-time records right it’s hitting new alltime records because it says you guys are debasing the currency and you’re going to have to debase it

more in the future that’s what gold is telling us right now I don’t think there’s any doubt that the governments will try to keep the system functioning and if the release valve is Inflation so be it you know the econom is going you know ticking along but

it’s Inflationary um you know I think I think there’s a there’s a possibility though that that they lose control of that Inflation on the next one and that’s that’s really the issue the issue is you know we we’re in a period here

where we’re shifting from everyone believing in the deflationary trend in the Stock Market which he had for 40 years and the the correct Choice was always to quote unquote buy the dip because really if you bought the from 2008 onward if you bought the dip in the S&P you

know you’ve been rewarded I mean it might have been painful when you did it but you’ve been very very well rewarded and um and and that’s all because the overall deflationary trend was in place Interest Rates were lower so stocks were the best alternative I think

as we turn the corner here on that issue and you see it other places too like you’ve got this potential dock worker strike and you know labor all over the world is is realizing that their purchasing power just got destroyed by 40% and guess what they want to share they’re like okay you

want to keep the economy running that’s great you know you’re going to increase our salaries a lot and you know I mean the doc workers want to 70% over 10 years well even if you take that divide it evenly and say it’s 6% a year that’s a lot more than three so we’ve

entered an Inflationary world and uh in my opinion and so that’s what’s going to you know ultimately create the problem because the you know the government has to sell Bonds in order to bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance these deficits and um and they want lower Interest Rates and so they will you know I think P’s going to continue to chop rates I think he’s going to take him down 50 at the next meeting and 50 at the

meeting after that because he know knows that with a federal Debt the way it is that you know the $1.2 trillion run rate on the interest cost is just destroying the budget and they’ve got to get that down now they’re going to get it down in the form of doing more

short-term bills um because no one wants to buy the long stuff as much as we are expecting them to happen overnight we must bear in mind that the big moves will not come when Market sentiments and Spirits are still so high and people are still able to make these predictions it is until the market

is driving everyone crazy and even the strongest analysts no longer trust their abilities that the big moves will finally begin taking Bitcoin first above $70,000 then above 80,000 and towards six digits fortunately we are beginning to see the first stages of this despondency renowned macro analyst

and former Goldman Sachs executive Raul pal seems to be the first to throw in the towel in a recent post on social media platform X pal bans himself from making more predictions and declares that bananas representing his banana Zone predictions are a shy fruit the post reads okay everyone including

myself making predictions on when this Bitcoin range breaks are banned until further notice bananas are shy fruits more posts like this and the banana Zone will finally begin but remember the moment will be fleeting ending almost as soon as it begins this is why you must do all you can to hold on

for dear life and ride the wave to the very end please share your thoughts on Larry leopard’s interview and R Pal’s tweet in the comment section below also Ure you like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this thanks for


Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on “It’s GUARANTEED! 100% BTC Price Explosion Before 2025” – Larry Lepard & Raoul Pal.
With over 18846 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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23 thoughts on ““It’s GUARANTEED! 100% BTC Price Explosion Before 2025” – Larry Lepard & Raoul Pal #Finance

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