October 3, 2024
“It’s Your LAST CHANCE to Load Up Before Everything Goes Wild” – Anthony Pompliano

“It’s Your LAST CHANCE to Load Up Before Everything Goes Wild” – Anthony Pompliano #Finance

from my perspective looking at the two uh kind of options on the table from a purely economic standpoint forget all of the other topics that are you know part of evaluating a president Etc from a pure economic standpoint Donald Trump would be much better than Joe Biden right um now when you

look at that what are the downsides you have to understand the policies right so deregulation weaker dollar um and uh uh kind of an understanding of Crypto and AI Etc with picking JD Vance uh

as vice president and some of the people we surround himself with if you look at let’s say weaker dollar right it can be Inflationary doesn’t have to be but it definitely can be on top of that if you look at things like um Trump recently came out and said he wants to

change the corporate tax rate from 21% down to 15% sounds awesome CEO of professional Capital Management Anthony Pomano had a recent interview with Phil Rosen the co-founder of opening bell daily and they discussed issues including the future outlook for Interest

Rates Cuts what Trump trade means for investors and its impact on bitcoin according to Anthony Pompano people are seeking something to be excited about and Trump’s growing chances of winning the presidency are creating a stir this is why the Trump trade is motivated by speculation

and excitement he pointed out that some are reflecting on 2016 when deregulation a declining dollar value and zero Interest Rates resulted from Trump’s initiatives Pompano claims that as a right now the market is pricing in an 80 90% possibility of an interest rate reduction

by September that is right before the election Powell’s remark that the FED might wait too long if they wait for Inflation to reach 2% and Trump’s claimed that the FED shouldn’t lower rates before the election makes him think this Dynamic is particularly

intriguing Pompano also shared his opinion that Interest Rates reflect the state of the economy and that the Trump trade is more about policy-driven deregulation he believes that the recent attempt on Trump’s life is more likely to be the cause of the spike in Bitcoin prices

than Trump’s growing odds watch clips from the interview for further insights into Anthony Pompano’s conversation with Phil Rosen please like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more content enjoy the CashNews.co the Trump trade stuff is

hilarious to me right because I think that there are uh two things one um there’s just the excitement like we’re in kind of the the sideways summer it’s really boring people are looking for something to be excited about here comes you know president Donald Trump’s odds are

skyrocketing that he’s going to be the president people go and say let’s look in the rearview mirror at 2016 what happened there was deregulation there was devaluing of the dollar there was Interest Rates at zero like all these things that occurred oh if Trump gets in

office we’re going to go right back to that and um so that excitement is actually speculation right uh at the same time he is talking about some of his policies and there is a lot of deregulation it does appear that some of the policies would be kind of weaker dollar higher

Inflation you know um Etc and so uh how do you position yourself well if the odds are increasing that means that you should be also increasing the odds at your position to benefit from that situation um now the interest rate Cuts specifically I don’t think are as much part of

kind of the overall Trump trade um you know Trump and Biden both have interfered quite often with the Federal Reserve in a soft power way so neither one of them walks into the Federal Reserve and says hey Jerome pow you’re going to do this but they sure try to influence it via soft power

right so Trump his method of influence was Twitter he would just get on Twitter and start tweeting about you know weakening the dollar and and all these kind of different things um Biden would be more kind of politically correct in that um on multiple occasions he called Dron poell to his office

when things weren’t going so hot and basically was like kind of calling the teacher to the principal’s office saying like hey what’s going on um and so this is not a partisan thing if you’re the president of the United States a huge part of how you are judged is based on the

economy and one of the biggest inputs into the economy is what is the cost of Capital and so naturally you want to influence in either direction what you think should happen although you don’t have control and so um Trump now is out in the public saying hey they

shouldn’t cut Interest Rates before the election that would be election interference that would be you know all these different things on the same side you know drone Powell had some comments where he’s like well listen if we wait till Inflation is at 2

% we waited too long and so there’s this very interesting Dynamic and if you go and you look in the market you know depending on what data point you look at whether it’s a prediction Market the the you know bond Yields Etc it’s like 80 to 90% likelihood that by

September we are going to have an interest rate cut that happens to be months before an election and so it’s just a very kind of interesting uh aspect but the Trump trade I think is more like policy driven of the deregulation Etc the Interest Rates are probably more a

reflection of like what’s going on in the economy I have a harder time believing that bitcoin’s price is going up because Trump’s odds are going up as president yes he is sympathetic to none;">Crypto uh and Bitcoin he has said hey I’m a pro Crypto candidate I will protect this uh I think he’s even got as far as to say he wants every Bitcoin to be made in

America uh great tagline not exactly how the network works but but at least uh uh you know the sentiment I think is very well received by the American population um I actually think that bitcoin’s price has been going up because somebody tried to assassinate the President right and this idea

that like that is a potentially destabilizing event it’s a very chaotic uncertain um you know kind of uh um uh you know everchanging situation that now people say like wait a second there’s political violence going on and you’ve seen this in other countries and that’s really

where I get the data point from you’ve seen places where uh there has been some sort of conflict there’s been some sort of political violence there’s been some sort of controversy chaos uncertainty Etc and in those countries you see more buying of Bitcoin and so if you go back and

you look on Saturday night of the night that um somebody shot uh Donald Trump you can see that on the news of the president uh the former president has been shot the price actually drops immed I mean it’s like the news hits you know the wire and gets on Twitter the price drops and then as

soon as everyone realizes he’s okay the price just 180s and rips higher and so to me what that is signaling is the price dropped because there was a moment of panic and fear and like did the former president just get assassinated right did he just get killed on live television the second that

people realized uh it didn’t actually work it wasn’t successful the price goes up because people realize like we’re in a new era now right like we are we haven’t had an assassination attempt on the president in terms of like actually physically hurting the president uh or

former president in decades and so when that occurs people started to say oh this is possible right there’s an uncertainty to do this and so that to me is the Catalyst of why Bitcoin has been going up Anthony Pompano discusses the Trump trade driven by excitement and speculation he notes

interest rate Cuts aren’t part of the trade and Bitcoin surge is due to the recent assassination attempt on Trump signaling a new era of uncertainty and increased interest in Bitcoin Anthony Pomano reported that from a purely economic standpoint Donald Trump’s policies would be more

beneficial than Joe Biden’s he noted that Trump’s deregulation and weaker dollar policies could lead to economic growth and his understanding of Crypto and AI could be beneficial

however he also pointed out that there are downsides such as the potential for Inflation and the impact on the national Debt regarding Bitcoin Pomano reported that it has consistently protected purchasing power over the last decade making it an attractive store of

value Asset he noted that its strong computer network growing acceptance and legal and Regulatory treatment make it a popular choice He also mentioned that the fact that hundreds of millions worldwide hold and use Bitcoin is a testament to its resilience Pomano also reported that even intelligent

individuals like Jamie Diamond and Donald Trump have changed their minds about Bitcoin he noted that diamond in particular has gone from a skeptic to a supporter and his influence could be significant Pomano emphasized that the Bitcoin Community should be open to educating and convincing others

rather than dismissing them he stated that the messenger matters and having influential individuals on board can make a big difference let’s go back to the interview and watch more Clips to gain insights from Anthony Pomano from my perspective looking at the two uh kind of options on the

table from a purely economic standpoint forget all of the other topics that are you know part of evaluating a president Etc from a pure economic standpoint Donald Trump would be much better than Joe Biden right now when you look at that what are the downsides you have to understand the policies

right so deregulation weaker dollar um and uh uh kind of an understanding of Crypto and AI Etc with picking JD Vance uh as vice president and some of the people we surround himself with if you

look at let’s say weaker dollar right it can be Inflationary doesn’t have to be but it definitely can be on top of that if you look at things like um Trump recently came out and said he wants to change the corporate tax rate from 21% down to 15% sounds awesome

there’s something called the lack laugher curve right and art laugher came up with this idea that if you actually lower the corporate tax rate that will encourage job growth R&D Innovation growth Etc which means that even though each Corporation is paying a lower percent the overall

aggregate amount of Taxes collected will go up but the beauty of Bitcoin is that Bitcoin seems to have the facts on its side right kind of the truth is on its side um and what I mean by that is there’s hundreds of millions of people around the world that hold it and use it

Bitcoin is the strongest computer network in created in the world you also now have governments around the world becoming much more sympathetic and positive towards the legal and Regulatory treatment and then also Bitcoin is the only asset I’m aware of that has consistently protected your

purchasing power over the last decade with this accelerated Inflation and so when you look at it from that perspective you say to yourself okay of the store of value Assets this is probably one of the most popular definitely probably one of the most resilient

it’s now got the same legal treatment and Regulatory treat treatment as other Commodities and and store values and it has done a better job of protecting my purchasing power than anything else well if you’re in the color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance game like you got to pay attention right so like the facts have changed now and it’s become much more obvious and so the last thing I’ll say is um Jamie Diamond is not dumb right like this guy’s incredibly intelligent

and so sure would he probably in hindsight go back 10 years and be like oh I wish that I would have bought Bitcoin and you know uh understood this and got the bank and whatever sure but it’s not actually where you start it’s all about when you are presented with new facts do you change

your mind like that is the sign of intelligence um and so jimie Diamond’s path is no different than Trump’s go back Trump was railing on bitcoin too everyone has Amnesia We we forgot about that because now he’s coming to speak of the Bitcoin conference right like you shows up at

the Bitcoin conference he’s going to say orange coin is good I’m the Bitcoin president and people literally forget all the other stuff he said Jamie Diamond comes out tomorrow and says orange coin is good number go up I’m going to be the Bitcoin Banker like let’s roll

literally you ain’t going to hear anybody complaining about Jamie Diamond anymore right and why do I know that cuz that’s what they did with Larry Fink Larry Fink is the CMO of Bitcoin he has been accepted with Wide Open Arms people are saying Larry thank you you are amazing keep going

on TV saying it’s you know a flight to Quality all these things Larry f was not a bitcoiner five years ago right he changed his mind and so I do think that maybe a word a caution the Bitcoin Community when people disagree with the Bitcoin story the Bitcoin facts um it’s okay to push

back right like part of the debate is try to educate them and and convince them but don’t kick people while they’re down because they may actually change their mind and if they change their mind we have a history now of accepting these people kind of on our team and so uh when they do

that don’t dunk on them and say oh you know I bought it before you instead say hey thank you so much like who else can you now help us go do it because one of the big stories I think in Bitcoin is uh the messenger matters now more than the message Larry thinkink is more important than

anything any Bitcoin is GNA say jimie Diamond will be even more important and if the president of the United States is running around doing press conferences talking about Bitcoin is good the world will change in a crazy crazy way with a recent spike in Capital inflows investor

interest in Bitcoin exchange traded funds ETFs is still growing investors are still confident in Bitcoin text-decoration: none;">ETFs as an investment vehicle despite the recent drop in the price of the Cryptocurrency with a net inflow of $12.67 million in a single day the net

Assets of the Black Rock ibit ETF now stand at $20.67 billion considering the present Market swings this is an impressive accomplishment some Bitcoin exchange traded funds ETFs

had inflows such as the Vanek ETF and the Fidelity fbtc Fund others like the grayscale gbtc ETF witnessed outflows a net inflow of $2.78 million was recorded every every day by the Fidelity fbtc Fund increasing its total net Assets to 9.82 billion in contrast

Capital flows of $1.8 million were drawn to the vanc ETF inflows into exchange traded funds ETFs have topped $1 billion in the last 10 days indicating a return of confidence

among investors and asset managers many analysts think that the price of Bitcoin is currently a good time to buy and some some even think it might go as high as $100,000 Bitcoin ETFs are

changing quickly some people see them as bubbles While others believe they will see a historic increase in value investors steadfast interest May Herald a new age for digital Assets whether this excitement can turn the current crisis into a longlasting revolution in

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency investing is yet to be seen though investors and professionals are closely monitoring The Happening of the Bitcoin ETF space d as the the market continues to swing as we conclude

what are your thoughts on this interview are you Pro Trump or Pro Biden and why please drop your thoughts in the comments below share this CashNews.co and hit your thumbs on the like button thanks for watching don’t forget to subscribe

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on “It’s Your LAST CHANCE to Load Up Before Everything Goes Wild” – Anthony Pompliano.
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39 thoughts on ““It’s Your LAST CHANCE to Load Up Before Everything Goes Wild” – Anthony Pompliano #Finance

  1. This guy is completely clueless. The ENTIRE financial system is under COMPLETE AND TOTAL control by the global entity that OWNS the USD, AUD, CAD, EURO, POUND AND ON AND ON. This guy is a product of lies and misdirection. He is ignorant.

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