March 1, 2025
Jeff Booth: The Big BTC Break Is Coming! It’ll Be 100% Massive”

Jeff Booth: The Big BTC Break Is Coming! It’ll Be 100% Massive” #Finance

because fear and greed Drive Markets and Bitcoin kind of the long term is is the energy into it and the mining compute against against that you can as everyone’s liquidated and

then and then Bitcoin goes way up in price because of the mining is liquidated the um then those miners that are remaining mint money right but as they’re liquid as as miners are liquidated that’s going to happen right now like we’re in that process right right now all of the

Machinery that they bought also is liquidated and and there’s prices just get keep on falling Bitcoin disrupts dysfunctional Financial systems by empowering entrepreneurs to create an abundance through decentralized Innovation altering how we think about money value and wealth Jeff

Booth’s path from Financial ignorance to financial Enlightenment demonstrates this shift in Finance and also provides significant sites into the world of Bitcoin in his

latest interview popular entrepreneur Jeff Booth spoke about bitcoin’s market dynamics Energy Efficiency and strategic positioning shedding light on the Cryptocurrency’s

transformative power and entrepreneurs roles in shaping a free market economy according to Jeff Booth bitcoin’s market dynamics are driven by fear and greed successful miners trade counter cyclically selling While others buy Booth stress understanding Market Cycles quoting Warren

Buffett’s buy when there’s blood in the streets Booth discussed Bitcoin mining’s Energy Efficiency using a baker example to demonstrate excess capacity usage Jeff Booth pointed out the tremendous boom in AI Computing which is driven by high energy demands he emphasized that miners

should double down during times of economic difficulty because gains often occur 6 to 18 months after the crash he further emphasized core scient ific novel method which uses Bitcoin mining for high performance computation and AI watch clips from the interview for further insights into Jeff

Booth’s discussion please do well to like subscribe and turn on notifications for more insightful content thanks for joining us again enjoy the because fear and greed Drive none;">Markets and Bitcoin kind of the long term is is the energy into it and the mining compute against against that you can as everyone’s liquidated and then and then Bitcoin goes way up in price because of the mining’s liquidated the um then those miners that are remaining mint

money right but as they’re liquid as as miners are liquidated that’s going to happen right now like we’re in that process right right now all of the Machinery that they bought also is liquidated and and there’s prices just get keep on falling and actually Bitcoin Bitcoin

goes through this process of having a hard time kind of accelerating because all the miners are selling everything they can the kitchen sink to try to stay in business to the time where other miners fail uh they can uh be Profitable again and the opposite side of that is true uh

true too at the top everybody’s racing in because everybody’s making money that creates the cycle again so there’s these massive whips in in the cycle and Mining and and so through that free market force of having somebody always buying your excess you create all the

Capital cost to create abund and and growth in your business create abundant bread now just insert energy for bread and that’s what a Bitcoin miner does and there’s a constant competition to be able all over the world to chase the lowest cost energy so you’re

creating abundant energy by having a price of a buyer that’s always that’s always on that’ll always take up that and it’s a free market Force for abundant energy and that free Market Force because it’s anywhere in the world at whatever wasted energy abundant energy is

always hitting this planet we have so much energy it’s the pricing mechanism for energy that’s co-opted right because it’s centralized this doesn’t care go find the best energy wherever that energy is in excess energy and and you could place your Bitcoin miners anywhere and

you’re creating abundant energy and money from from that that’s what bounds this to energy and it doesn’t care it you might if you’re pricing that energy too high because you’re going to get liquidated but Bitcoin doesn’t care and and and so um so that’s

how it creates abundant energy but because that process measured in Bitcoin is pricing energy lower and lower and lower that race for more for more energy is more and more uh it’s more people are pricing their energy and fat denominated instrument and they’re getting and and some of

them are getting killed and they’re pricing energy too high so that’s going to keep keep happening from that side and it will have abundant energy on this planet as a result of bit Bitcoin the other side because that’s such a competitive market then as you create this energy you

need to move that energy to higher uses of energy right so so what core is core scientific has done is they’ve created the Bitcoin mining in in exactly the same configuration that high performance compute AI compute needs to be able to move to to to to utilize that that high performance

compute um has to be uh to be able to run these models at least train the models is a just an energy hog and and because it to at least today the economics are there everybody’s investing in it and we’re going to talk about that too they’ll sign long-term contracts crazy long-term

contracts fully funded to be able to secure the energy for their needs so so you move your energy from high cost centers where it was Bitcoin mining to to trade it for people who pay way more and then you take that money and you take your Bitcoin Miners and you take and you chase lower cost energy

now you have a a high now you have a barbell strategy in your company on one on one side of it you’re Crea on one side of it you’re selling energy to the highest bidder of energy um and then on the other side of it you’re creating abundant energy so what will happen to AI compute

AI compute right now you have a massive bubble Jeff Booth discussed his experience which began with him being uninformed of the basic dynamics of the financial system he saw that invention had become Consolidated resulting in centralization and manipulation this fueled his desire to better

comprehend the dysfunctional monetary system Booth had an Awakening when he realized that Inflation should have been zero due to productivity increases this prompted him to write his book and research Bitcoin Bitcoin entrepreneurs differ according to Booth since they acknowledge

the system’s limitations and seek plenty they develop valuable Services motivated by a sense of purpose Jeff Booth stressed bitcoin’s revolutionary impact comparing it to a check valve once grasped there’s no going back teams involved in this movement share a vision for a free

market Market abundance creating economy let’s go back to the interview and watch more Clips to gain insights from Jeff Booth there was hype Cycles there was everything else too but what it what it actually meant what most people couldn’t see you had to be I had to be a part of it I and

and there were some incredibly brilliant people as part of it but it got Consolidated it got all of the things that you believed you were do doing got Consolidated because of broken money and they just turned into faster centralization and so we got some of the gains but it but most of the gains

were sucked from us through Mass centralization um and then used against us to create more misinformation more monopolies more Monopoly power conspiring with government to continue to to do the same thing and and so so my my path through that Journey but you didn’t know as you were Building

Technology there that that you were part of that because I didn’t know money enough and through and that’s actually why I wrote my book because I couldn’t I couldn’t Square the circle with why prices weren’t falling because everything underneath everything prices

should have been falling like exponentially as the rate of productivity increased so every year people were measuring uh Inflation from 0% but they should have been measuring infl Inflation from like minus 5% and that what what that would mean in that world is

everyone in the world got richer even if they did didn’t work because prices were falling every year for them and so I couldn’t square that pig from the which cha chased me down all of this stuff to understand how the existing Financial world was constructed on on uh on this

manipulation and it takes your breath away so what but once you know you can’t unknow something and so once you know that you you started adding your time to to create a different world a different uh different world that looks very different from an extractive economy that looks like

something that is in service of all of us and so what makes Bitcoin entrepreneurs different um is they know and once there once they know and I’m not just the entrepreneurs building Profit business but but the but the cipher punks before I knew right that then that all of

this Innovation then led to bitcoin itself it was like it’s 20 years of innovation of different trials errors and everything else that then the discovery of Bitcoin so people people kind of it’s the one person but it doesn’t look like that that’s not the way we learn

that’s not the way it’s all of the initial trials that didn’t work didn’t work didn’t work and then an Insight that connects it all that creates creat some uh something else and my own learning same thing your own learning same thing but once and and and as you

understand Bitcoin when you as you’re going down the rabbit hole and you put it all together it’s almost like a check valve you can’t go back then you go deeper and you can’t go back then you go deeper and you can’t go but once you’re once you’re now inside

this new system and measuring from this new system all of the things from the old system make perfect sense as do all the things in the new system so what attracts me to to what makes those Bitcoin entrepreneurs different and what makes kind of that not just their entrepreneurs but all the team

teams that are joining those teams they know full well that their actions matter and they know that their their time matters in creating creating abundance for everyone they can do really well they can do extraordinarily well by creating valuable services for other people but in service of that it

works in the free market and um and so they’re all so so what you what you see is just tons of shots on net and ideas that are that that by the way the thing I couldn’t see before I dedicated my time to this is I couldn’t see how many people there were and how many opportunities

there were because I wasn’t doing it right I was like very similar to people who were were talking about Bitcoin as this thing but couldn’t really see how how fast this would move and how what this would look like and all the excitement because I wasn’t in it but now being in it

it just I I actually feel sorry for people that are outside of it in related news bitcoin’s rise above $69,000 has provided relief to investors following a period of slow trading as it has broken over important technical Milestones such as the 200 day and 111 day moving averages glass nodes

analysis shows that net Capital inflows have accelerated growing by $21.8 billion plus 3.3% in 30 days resulting in a new all-time high realized cap of more than 6 $46 billion this shows increased Liquidity and considerable Capital inflows which

are supporting the price increase short-term investor Holdings show unrealized Profits in all age categories indicating increased Market confidence analysts Uka OC and Crypto

visart believe this will spark further higher price activity as investors seek additional incentives Bitcoin Futures open interest hit $32.9 billion thanks to institutional participation through the Chicago mertile Exchange CME glass nodes data shows a considerable increase in cash

and carry trading methods in which institutional Traders use CME Futures for hedging and Yield generating the annualized basis Yield of 99.6% nearly triples short-term us Treasury bond Yields indicating increased

institutional interest in Bitcoin this development highlights bitcoin’s increasing popularity as a legitimate investment alternative technical threshold breakouts higher Capital inflows greater Liquidity short-term investor Profits and

institutional participation in derivatives Markets all contribute to the rally the combination of these elements indicates a positive shift in Market mood which could pave the way for future

growth the huge increase in institutional participation particularly via CME Futures shows a maturing Market as bitcoin’s Liquidity and attractiveness continue to expand its potential as a strategic Reserve asset and hedge against Inflation

and geopolitical risks increases how do you think Jeff Booth’s experiences and perspectives on bitcoin and the financial system can influence your understanding of the Cryptocurrency

market please drop your thoughts in the comments below share this and hit your thumbs on the like button thanks for watching don’t forget to subscribe e

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on Jeff Booth: The Big BTC Break Is Coming! It’ll Be 100% Massive”.
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30 thoughts on “Jeff Booth: The Big BTC Break Is Coming! It’ll Be 100% Massive” #Finance

  1. Thank you for the insights! Got a 10% profit in just one week from your last tip, OMG!!! I'm looking into XAI23W, ETH, and SOL. What’s your advice? XAI23W seems to have potential, but your opinion matters.

  2. This guy is SO full of $hit. Hard to listen to his Harrisesque world salads. He speaks in absolutes like most maladjusted pseudo intellectuals that always seem to be wrong but cant figure out why. Complete Dillweed. He talks down to everyone in elitist tones but is really an intellectual flat tire. Total buffoon. "Could square the circle"! Really?

  3. Thank you for the insights! Got a 10% profit in just one week from your last tip, OMG!!! Im looking into XAI23W, ETH, and SOL. What’s your advice? XAI23W seems to have potential, but your opinion matters.

  4. The XAI8Y handles this year incredibly well, they outperform most others and the entry with 1 USD is better than anything else right now. Love the vision and progress in this one

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