foreign lawns and advances made by government are classified into two check whether there is adequate be in accordance with the government policy and accepted pattern of assistance secondly foreign the Income and expenditure statement of last three years of the applicant
should um should watch the recovery kenji the department officer should take necessary actions against defaultists by default foreign only permanent employees are eligible for these type of advances because permanent employees now simple interests should be charged on all departmental offices
should maintain proper registries regarding these slots another concerned departmental offices such as interest bearing or industry advances of comparatively small magnitude or a purchase only permanent employees will get this advance and a handset certificate from head in the yellow permanent
employee another certificate the house to be constructed should be within the states of kerala tamil nadu and karnataka they borderline advanced curriculum the minimum period of service required under the hba should be utilized for the purpose for which it is granted within a reasonable time not
exceeding one year from the suggested
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HBA to a non gazetted officer is sanctioned by Head of department ആണോ finance department ആണോ sir
Good class
ലിങ്ക് – കിട്ടുന്നില്ല സർ
Ref 7.57……Housing loan ന് ബാങ്കുകളിൽ simple interest ആണ് ഈടാക്കുന്നത്… Repayment due വരുത്തിയാൽ 2% penal interest charge ചെയ്യാറുണ്ട്…. No bank charges compound interest… Never heard…class is realy gud

Good classes sir… If you can arrange playlist exclusively for single exam it will be very much benificial. For eg all videos of KFC should be a playlist.
Good ക്ലാസ്സ്
ഇപ്പോഴാ ഒരു idea കിട്ടിയത്.
Good class sir
Good class
SuperSir.Hope Uupload all classes before Examination.Thanku