March 15, 2025
library tour: finance, math, and more

library tour: finance, math, and more #Finance

hello so I got some new books recently I know I haven’t uploaded in a while and that’s because I was taking a break but I should return to my normal schedule now uh the first book I got was a undergraduate text in mathematics um like I’m as some of you might know I’m

doing like a re approaching math and the foundations upwards and I’m going to make a series about it I’ve been documenting uh my progress but I have so much time in the day right so this book is uh basically kind of it starts with the foundation and then it works up to more advanced

topics but most importantly why I got this book was as like something to read on the side next to my textbooks because what this book I mean does is try to explain why math is useful so it goes over useful uh mathematical Concepts um and then applies them to everyday life and on top of that uh it

does a lot of word problems which I something I something I struggle with I actually want to buy some problem books that focus on word problems um which help which I think if you focus on word problems will help you translate math to day-to-day life um more readily so yeah as you can see I think

it’s just mostly algebra and arithmetic as nothing too difficult in the book and uh it’s really focused on exploring applying math not so much learning math so that would be a fun book to read uh this next one numbers and geometry I believe is is I’m actually not sure what the

book is supposed to be doing I only got it because it was um something I could read beside my I have a proof-based approach to Geometry it’s a huge textbook that I’m slowly going through and I wanted something to read along the side so I’m not actually sure what this book is

supposed to be doing I just know it goes over a lot of numbers that are involved in Geometry that’s all I know so uh yeah don’t know much about the book though this next book I got a few of these books um Pascal human happiness I figured it would be a fun read and uh on top of that

Pascal is one of these writers where I feel like getting his works is more difficult I think basat is also like this uh I have his book the law but I’m not sure like some people sometimes put them together and then you end up buying doubles and copies so I figured well I like the idea of

human happiness and Pascal I’ve read some of his stuff before so yeah I decided to get it Marcel PR uh this was an oer for me because it’s um a book on reading so it’s just a it’s called days of reading and I think it’s just various reflections of PR uh experiences

with reading so that’s obviously a no- burer for someone like me NE to story uh his I think this is his Reflections on faith so this this his non-fiction stuff um and he just talks about his relationship with faith and I believe he’s actually a rationalist about the nature of Faith

which is not common usually people say faith is a belief-based position not like a inferred position conspicuous consumption so I think Thorston thorstein thorstein I don’t know thorstein I don’t know how you say his name he has a larger book that you can get but this is just the

specific section that deals with the unproductive consumption of goods is Honorable that’s a thesis that I don’t agree with but um that’s why I got it so we’ll see what he has to say maybe the book is actually arguing that that is a true thesis uh I I’m hoping so but

that’s the only reason I got it because I highly disagree with it uh highly Seven Habits of Highly Effective People I think I read the other book not this one I’ve vly remembered reading this one but I guess I read the other one uh he has another one like seven something of something

people and uh I just want to expand my self out collection I I don’t include like theology books or stoic philosophy books as self-help uh like cisero for example um and as I was building a self- help stack in my library and I only have like 10 proper self- help books I didn’t really

have a lot of them and so I figured well I’ll start expanding that out and getting some of the classics not because I think these are highly like sought after books like I don’t think you should be going after self-held books you should be reading real books um but these books have

tidbits or like ideas that when you spread them throughout throughout your life can be useful uh it’s just interesting like self motivation ideas or something right um uh the med Med Hassan the art of debating uh art of debating persuading and public speaking whenever you I got this because

he did something that was really interesting in this section I mean he’s obviously a smart guy but this it’s this section here actually I think uh where he he goes over his discussion with Stephen Pinker and although I don’t think he won the discussion with Stephen Pinker it was

very interesting to see the rhetorical tools that he was using uh to counter Stephen pinker’s worldview and um I didn’t think it was I didn’t think is it didn’t make his position any more true but it did make his position a very skillful display of rhetoric so that’s

the that’s L the only reason why I got this book uh next one is black holes uh the key to understanding of the universe Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw I I want to study black holes actually at some point they’re kind of interesting um no they’re really interesting I’ve just I

still need to go through the foundations of physics and I’m currently going through the foundations of math and and trying to learn chest and so on and so forth so I I’m stretched pretty thin at the moment but I do want to go and study this stuff more thoroughly at some point give it

like a solid two years or three years of studying like two to three hours a day on physics uh the devil you know Encounters in forensic psychiatrist so I got this again I was at a bookstore and uh I thought that’s kind of interesting and I really like these these books where psychologists

write their opinions and stuff with the people they’ve had interviews with uh that stuff is pretty interesting to me so I really like analyzing human behavior was like one of the first disciplines I’ve ever studied um so I got this I think this is uh basically her interviewing people

who are criminally insane or uh maybe they’re just criminals I don’t know I have no clue I just thought it was really interesting um next one the last days of the Ottoman Empire I have a bunch of books in the Ottoman Empire and I don’t have this one and it’s the only reason

why I got it I figured it’s not a it’s not a big book by any means and it’s um a simple like it’s not math or anything it’s not physics it’s not chemistry it’s just a simple non-fiction book I could probably read this in three days and it will be a

compliment to reinforcing some of the uh ideas I already have about the Ottoman Empire from other books I’ve read I do the same thing with Roman the Roman Empire or any other Empire saving time discovering a life beyond the clock so I actually got this book because of this subheader and I

believe it’s just someone’s uh meditations or like Reflections on um how modern society has become so time aware or like time sensitive like everything has to be done by a deadline and I think that’s kind of interesting right because I’ve read other books like this where

it’s like the art of wasting time or uh the philosophy of walking or the philosophy of a passenger these kind of uh people who analyze one specific niche in Modern Life uh to Great Lengths I always find that a little bit interesting uh Daniel Gman emotional intelligence why it can matter more

than IQ I actually don’t agree with this book at all I think EQ is roughly a meme so to speak but that being said I also think IQ has issues as well by the way it’s not it’s not without its issues and there are some good arguments that actually um need to be refuted if

you’re going to argue that IQ is a measurement of intelligence it’s um what’s that guy’s name who wrote The Black Swan I forget his name but he has a book where he has an argument where if you control for the bottom 10% Like if you add a noise F to the bottom 10% of IQ

measurements it no longer correlates with things that are meaningful so like wealth uh education uh Health um these things disappear there’s no longer a correlation between them and uh he thinks that social scientists don’t add noise filters like Buist do and so they get really bad

correlations such as the one with IQ but I’m rambling uh so I’ll just read this book though because I I think it’ll be useful to see what Gman has to say about the nature of emotions I think he’s obviously an intelligent person and even if I don’t agree with his ideas

he probably has complex robust models about the nature of emotion that will be useful for my own thinking about emotion right so I’m not throwing the baby out with bath water uh grit so again I was building my self- help collection and I know this is a famous book and I actually this is a

book I really do agree with I think grit is uh Foundation to everything it’s important if you don’t have grit you’re not going to get anything and so I figured I’d finally uh read this I remember watching her Ted Talk and uh she uh she said that grit was the biggest

predictor of success even more so than IQ um so this one uh obviously the gag AR capelo I thought I had it um but I didn’t and so I had to buy it and there’s a forward by Jordan Peterson that is actually hilarious that’s really funny okay yeah I’ll read this one of someone I

know was reading it and said it was a really good book so I decided I will finally give it a read um some people don’t like this book by the way some politically active people don’t like that book The Silk Road I uh I always thought this book was a meme like a like a meme book like a

mainstream um kind of yal uh Homo sapiens kind of book it’s not really academically rigorous but a lot of you guys keep telling me to read it like a lot of you guys keep telling me to read it so I’m going to read it and I’m going to give it a shot and we’ll see where it goes

uh it’s a pretty big book actually U may contain lies how stories statistics and studies exploit our biases and what we can do about it I just want to get this to be reminded about how media can trick you because even someone like me who understands that statistics is all about framing um

it’s still uh I can get myself like caught up sometimes in headlines especially if it’s like politically Sensational headlines about like geopolitics or something I decided I would get this just as a reminder and it’s not that long right it’s maybe take you like 20 hours to

read it’s very short book it’s very thin book it’s not that wide it’s probably 70,000 words um this book The Warren Buffett way the Third Edition is a very famous book and there’s another book that goes with it called the Warren Buffett Portfolio this

one goes over how Buffett analyzes Financial Statements and then the Warren Buffett Portfolio goes over how Buffett builds his Portfolios uh I really like the Warren Buffett Portfolio and it goes against pretty much everything

you’ll learn and if you pick up a modern Portfolio textbook modern Portfolio Theory textbook that book goes against everything that that uh Portfolio uh Portfolio modern Portfolio Theory would teach you like

for example the weighted average cost of Capital um is something that modern Portfolio theory is really into and Buffett thinks it’s nonsense because it involves the volatility of price uh in your in your calculations which to Buffet is borderline meaningless

um not completely but borderline and so this is a compliment to that book I haven’t read it yet I will read it though and uh I will let you guys know how it goes um now these next ones I again I was going over so I was going over rudimentary I have I already have like an elementary algebra

textbook and I doing the Con Academy stuff um but the problem is is textbooks don’t have a lot of problems and I was looking for books that have a lot of problems and I would find some workbooks that had problems but not enough um so I decided to look at Shams because from what I’ve

seen in their marketing they always uh write problems uh that this is a problem oriented textbook and when I look through it it does look like it’s a lot of problems right this it’s all problems and there’s solution in the back although we have generative AI now but um I could

have used CHP to generate problems but in the same way that I prefer physical books over ebooks I prefer uh problem books over AI generated problems so um yeah this is a great this is a great book that I can just do if like um I don’t know sitting outside or I don’t need to be

particularly focused because nothing in here is going to be super difficult it’s going to be a lot of recalling and just practice I’m really happy that I got this because it I wanted problems this next one is um mathematics of bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance so I actually had no intention of doing this but because I saw that they had this I figured well I really like none;">Finance and uh it doesn’t hurt to practice um the the the concepts because it’s been a long time since I’ve done introductory Finance um or even the

mathematical Finance book and a lot of the concepts that I a lot of the math concepts I learned in text-decoration: none;">Finance I don’t need because I just studied 10K reports uh mostly 10K sometimes 20 or 8K right and uh you don’t you don’t even need like the the calculate Yield curves when you’re doing that right you don’t really

need to do that stuff the the most complex thing you’ll do is maybe discounted Cash Flow models and it’s very simple um so yeah this will be a great just practice right practice practice practice in the same vein I saw that they had this I already have a lot of logic

books but the logic books I have tend to be like normal book size like a carobs book or something and they tend not to have the solutions and the last time I did them it was kind of annoying because I I did it before the era of generative AI so like8 years ago and uh I really struggled to to to

sometimes to determine if I was right I’d have to assume I was right and i’ be like yeah this checks out but like there’s no um third party like third party viewer who could tell me that it was correct so this is again solved problems and uh it goes over just the basics nothing

too advanced and I think the last chapters are a little bit more advanced but you’ll be ready by then and I already have a discreet mathematics textbook as well that’s really big it’s called discreet mathematics and its applications it’s a very famous one but again more

problems uh makes you a better mathematician right math is all about solving problems not just learning theory and the last one is probability and statistics um again just problems to solve probably in the next two months or so I will get um uh the calculus one and the trigonometry and geometry one

uh and I think they have an option algebra one as well so I’ll probably buy those but these already are going to take me a couple months to go through um because I’m only doing math for like two or three hours a day right I don’t if I was doing math eight hours a day these books

would be going finished in a couple of weeks but um yeah I don’t have that kind of time yeah this is just statistics right probably statistics so those are the books I recently got and again I’m going to be back to uploading regularly I just had to take a 5-day break because I wanted a

break and uh that being said if there’s any books you want me to buy let me know and if you know any math books I’m again I’ve I’ve come across the undergraduate mathematics text series and the Sham series if you know any other series or books I know Princeton has some let

me know and I’ll look into them because I’m really looking for books that focus on problems not just teaching but with that being said bye-bye for now

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