March 14, 2025


how’s it going everyone it’s saying Bitcoin just fell really quickly and came back up very quickly as well we actually had a pretty big ShakeOut that scared some weak hands out of the market it’s actually kind of funny uh in a way um but also not too funny because some

people just have not been around long enough to understand what’s going on but we’ll go through that also go through some of the top news in the market if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn turn on the Bell notification so you can see future CashNews.cos just like this also

there’s some links underneath the one is to Marx you can trade Cryptocurrencies using leverage there you can long the market you can short the market if you think it’s

going to go down you can bet on the US elections now there too but I talked about in my last I think this is a good time to be leverage trading now as always with leverage trading there’s going to be volatility there’s always volatility in the

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto market so you have to be ready for anything and something kind interesting came out today news the US government launches an investigation into usdt

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto firm tether now right when this came out Bitcoin dropped Bitcoin dropped very quickly let’s actually go to the let’s go to the five minute here we went from 67,341 that within 20 minutes down for 15 up for 10

basically now to the untrained eye they might see this headline and get really freaked out it came out here you know tether CEO Paulo arano denies Wall Street journal’s report that the firm is under investigation by the US government don’t really know why he’d deny that if it was

true but this basically made the market jump right right back up right there wasn’t too much time there where there was a question about it within 10 or 15 minutes he denied this allegation now I think for the people that have been around this Market a while they realize that this is kind of

BS or you know just very unlikely why well a couple different reasons first of all keep in mind tether is one of the biggest buyers of us treasuries now that does not exempt them from the rules by any means but they probably want to keep them happy right they’re in the top 15 for uh

Treasury asset buyers they also work with the US government consistently like they have helped with seizures in the past uh doj and Us Secret Service sees 9 million in tether um investment fraud disputed by seizure 5 million in tether United States seizes 1.4 million in

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency linked and they help them with this um now in the past keep in mind they have come after other too they’ve been under investigation by the US Department of Justice like this

is not a new thing but it would be quite odd for this to happen so close to the election I mean they’ve done this before and it hasn’t really amounted to much so this kind of freak um drop in the price of Bitcoin is from Panic Sellers and liquidations another thing to consider is

don’t you think if there’s some investig into tether that would really cause an issue with the Crypto Market with Bitcoin don’t you think that would get around to Larry

thinkink who’s been absolutely destroying uh the market every day just smash buying smash buying Bitcoin don’t you think they’d kind of tell their clients why don’t we just hold off for elections they could blame me on something else why don’t we just hold off on

elections for a little bit and then we’ll buy a little bit more Bitcoin right they’re forcing behaviors they’ve said that before so don’t you think that would be some indication that there’s really nothing going on here or even if there is something going on it’s

not concerning don’t you think Larry fin knows a little bit before we do now of course maybe he doesn’t maybe he doesn’t maybe I’m going crazy maybe I give him a little bit too much Credit but I have a feeling he would hear about that it’s most likely

just some kind of some kind of manipulation right Wall Street Journal publishes this article someone leaked the info to them and tried to make it quick quick Buck probably maybe they misheard something maybe this they misunderstood maybe tether’s lying to us but at the end of the day this

does not change my approach to bitcoin at all right like let’s say there is some massive problem with usdt that’s going to be horrible for Bitcoin to be clear but an investigation doesn’t mean anything their companies investigated all the time if you think that the US government

already isn’t uh isn’t already paying close ption to usdt or investigating them like all the time in some State uh or form you’re probably wrong they’re probably always looking into this company because it is a massive company that prints billions and billions of dollars in

Profit so they’re probably keeping a close eye on it especially because it is an Emerging Market they’re probably you know they’re probably even working with the usdt with cbdcs and stuff like that uh so I would not be surprised um if that happened at some point

if they did investigate tether and it came out but that is not necessarily bad right an investigation isn’t necessarily bad even if they find them or something like that like I think we’re going to be just fine Bitcoin though benefits from people being greedy right even with usdt even

with usdc right we’ve seen it before where there’s some issue there’s like a dpeg and people flooded money into Bitcoin and that’s because they want to put it somewhere safe and stable and they think about Bitcoin also Bitcoin is here because of the greed in companies and

countries so I don’t think it hurts uh Bitcoin at the end of the day for these types of companies to be investigated to be looked at or anything like that it can just cause some Panic fear some liquidation some manipulation but if you’ve been around for a while you realize that this is

no big dip we are just at the same point that we were right before this um you know it would be nice to see us break out of this um level like going back up to 70,000 would be beautiful and I do think we have a very bright future watch that that I published before this uh I’ll put

on the end screen where I talk about why I think this is a really good time for Bitcoin investors and why I don’t think we’re going to have to wait that much longer for another big move now moving on from that we still have to wait for Microsoft uh they’re apparently considering

considering buying Bitcoin for their Balance Sheet that is actually going to happen the 10th I believe the 10th of December so it will be interesting to see what happens here be on the lookout for that not much news on that since yesterday okay now I was actually just editing this

I just downloaded it and look what I found I was wrong there is an update I have not seen this confirmed by anyone else but from Marty party CEO of blockstream Adam back very famous in the Bitcoin community and Samson ma also very famous met with Microsoft C CEO Sasha nadela remember the vote is

for the 10th of December for them to look at buying Bitcoin now this doesn’t mean that they would buy Bitcoin on the 10th of December but this is interesting I mean the fact is I said in my last If you think they haven’t already looked at buying Bitcoin you’re probably

crazy right they have 75 billion in cash I’m sure they have a team if not more than one team looking at the best place to put this cash for shareholders right it’s a massive amount of cash available to them and just the difference the small difference in some Bonds

could be hundreds of millions of dollars so I guarantee you they’re actively looking at Bitcoin uh micro strategy Michael sailor also said uh tweeted at Sasha Nadella that he would sit down with him if he needs to figure out how to buy a bunch of Bitcoin he will do that and keep in mind that

sounds crazy but he did the same thing with Elon Musk so I don’t think this is crazy for them to look at it I also would not be surprised if these companies whether it’s Microsoft or some other company waited a while to do that why wouldn’t they wait until the

Accounting rules change besides the fact that they’re buying at a higher price I think that’s what they’re likely to do still going to be waiting on the inflows for today because they have not been announced yet but black rocks just been buying an insane amount so

uh be ready for that micro strategy up at $236 right now I don’t know what the premium is it’s quite High I believe um but the market cap nearing $50 billion actually let’s look at this they are close to the highest point that they’ve ever been the only time that

they’ve been higher was for a small time span it looks like literally maybe two weeks or so uh back in thec Era back in 2000 when internet companies were just going insane now since then if you just take out that you know few month period they were sitting around $1 to $10 for decades it

seemed like and then all of a sudden boom 236 now so beautiful beautiful thing uh take a look at the bare Market $14 for micro strategy from the bombom of the bear they’re up 16x or so they’ve been just going on an insane rally recently as people and as Wall Street realizes that they

are able to buy more Bitcoin over time they’re also highly traded today they have huge trading volume they’re the fifth most traded stock in the Stock Market that that’s pretty crazy that this is happening week after week I know some people would say oh that was

the same thing with micros uh with uh GameStop and AMC like the haters will say that but this is different this company’s been rallying for years and yeah I think they’re going to continue to be buying Bitcoin which is going to continue to buoy the price of Bitcoin you can see here they

out trading meta uh AMD Amazon TSM Google paler only Microsoft Apple Nvidia and Tesla are trading more and Tesla is having another good day Tesla’s up at $266 this is my largest stock holding uh with the exception I guess of some Bitcoin proxies I have not said that in the past but I

hadn’t really thought about that before but as you can as you can see uh Tesla’s up 56% last 6 months year to dat up 7% last one year up 25% so much volatility there we do look to be very close to some other highs it looks like we actually hit a new high for the year but you can see 263

261 uh even back here 261 as well so this has been a difficult area for us to get past this 262 level so will be interesting to continue to watch uh let me know your thoughts on all this underneath the if you do want to trade bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto if if you want to put in some Longs or some shorts like this kind of volatility is good for trading to be clear so if you want to get in on this there is a link underneath the to Marx make sure you understand what you’re

doing make sure that if you’re getting really aggressive you have some money on the sidelines to probably double down just in case you do get liquidated um but of course do your own research I do have many CashNews.cos explaining different strategies on l average trading uh in general so

check them out on the channel thank you so much check out my last here on the end screen uh where I talk about why I think this is such a good time for Bitcoin and why we don’t have to wait much longer to see a big move thank you so much see you in the next one bye

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on MANIPULATION JUST DUMPED BITCOIN! MICROSOFT CEO JUST MET WITH BITCOINERS!.
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  1. I'm DCAing in Abel Dorsey as well. ETH heavier DCA and ALGO. I'm taking your advice and starting Google tomorrow with a 50 dollar purchase and continuing Microsoft and Apple. VTI and VOO on another app and longterm portfolio. Here we go family!

  2. I think it depends what you want to FOMO into Abel Dorsey. Some people's objective isn't to stack up on BTC, some people think we're just getting started because BTC dominance is only getting bigger mate. A greater opportunity awaits those that have different goals in mind.

  3. Thanks for the update. I advise traders, especially beginners, to research the market before entering it. I have to say that trading is more rewarding than just owning. Big thanks to Aldona Šabanienė who always keeps me updated. I am so glad I started her program.

  4. Your MargeX is contributing to these flash down days with the leverage geniuses getting liquidated. This in turn gives blackrock more bitcoin to buy otc and keeps the price stagnant.

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