October 3, 2024
“MARK MY WORDS! Central Banks Will Send BTC & Crypto Straight to the Moon” – Raoul Pal

“MARK MY WORDS! Central Banks Will Send BTC & Crypto Straight to the Moon” – Raoul Pal #Finance

we’re still in summer so basically you know if you think late summer the weather’s pretty good that’s where we are this is the acceleration that happens around the US election years and this has happened every time is is what I refer to as the banana Zone um where

everything goes bananas and in Crypto terms the charts just look like bananas standing on end because it they just go vertical because around the election period and the year afterwards they

all have to reFinance what 10 trillion of Debt that period of massive Liquidity tends to debase currency we’re seeing China coming out

with the cowbell more stimulus the US has started the rate cut cycle that’s going to come down a lot the EU have started the UK have started everybody started last week The People’s Bank of China cut a key short-term interest rate and revealed plans to reduce the amount of money Banks

must hold in reserve to the lowest level in at least 6 years the Central Bank Governor Pon gong Shang also announced plans to support the nation’s baguer property sector including lowering borrowing costs on as much as $5.3 trillion in mortgages and easing rules for second home purchases pan

announced that the pboc would also provide at least 800 billion un or $13 billion of Liquidity support for the Stock Market adding that officials were trying to develop an additional Market stabilization fund according to real Vision founder and CEO Raul Paul this

is only the first wave of the massive Liquidity pump central banks are expected to unleash on the global economy next year pal describes this Liquidity pump as more cowbell and predicts That central banks will need to unleash unprecedented

Liquidity on the global economy within the next 12 to 18 months to avoid a collapse and continue to prop up their respective economies for longer after China announced its massive stimulus packages the Shanghai index rose 3.61% on Thursday and Hong Kong’s sang index jumped

4.16% pal is certain that this performance will soon be replicated in the rest of the global Stock Market and the rest of the financial Markets when other central banks begin

to announce similar measures while pal says the entire financial Markets will benefit from the coming Liquidity pump he says tech stocks and

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrencies will be the biggest beneficiaries as the Liquidity pump will usher in what he describes as the banana Zone as we bring you clips from Pal’s latest

interview with the Julia L Ro show please take a little time to like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this everything you do helps with the YouTube algorithm and immensely contributes to the Channel’s growth thanks for tuning

in and enjoy the CashNews.co so you know I’ve talked about this at length about the everything code and how the entire economic machine is now driven by one one key thing which is Liquidity and that’s now driving the business cycle Liquidity became the

most important thing in the world after 2008 when we had a global Debt reset but not how people expected we had it by them forgiving all interest payments for a number of years so everybody reset their Debts didn’t have to pay interest and everybody reset

their Debts at a 3 to 5e time Horizon that’s all the major governments in the world from China to Japan to the US the UK to the EU to Canada everybody and since then the world has been on this cycle every time you re

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance the Debts they add Liquidity in now the the use of Liquidity to I debasement of currency to pay for the the interest payments on all the Debt is

the thing that causes Assets to go up because the debasement is actually lowering optically the value of fear currency so it’s a bit of a mind trick and people don’t see it and don’t understand it but this is why

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets go up and then you know over time I’ve looked how cyclical this is and that it repeats and we can forecast it into the future by using certain forward-looking indicators as part of the everything code and everyone

just go go to my YouTube channel see that CashNews.co so ralp the joury man see the CashNews.co the everything code it is 2 and a half hours long but it is the most important thing I’ve ever put out and and so so what we get is bizarrely it breaks down pretty much by year not perfect but so

20 uh 22 was macro winter we had Inflation we had recessionary conditions in all Markets it wasn’t called a recession in the end but regardless everything went down and

everything went to next year spring what do happens in Spring you get shoots of recovery what happened Tech stops Crypto things in secular trends did really well but the business cycle

remained low so the forward-looking things the things that are driven by Liquidity which leads the business cycle by a significant period of time had started to recover then you get into macro summer macr summer is when the economic machine starts firing up again and that Lads

lends to another acceleration in Markets and growth whilst Inflation is tends to be falling or subdued and that’s a really lovely period because you can make money in

pretty much everything Commodities go up gold goes up small caps go up Crypto goes up Tech goes up everything goes up and that’s where we are now and so that summer period the real

footprint usually accelerates around the US election and after it and that’s when most Markets have their best performance so there is a seasonality around elections which you tend to

get strong first half of the year or first part of the year then it tends to be a bit more sideways which we had in Tech and we had in Crypto and where the rest of the market started playing a

bit of catchup and then you get the acceleration that goes on for the end of summer straight into uh macro fall which is 2025 when really the best gains come of all so that’s where we are so back then we were just starting now what happened

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto went on a massive mive tear then had that sideways consolidation Tech had a massive tear had a sideways consolidation the rest of the Market’s now catching up and the next phase is the money shot during the

discussion pal explained that Liquidity comes from central banks and governments injecting money into the system and it is the main driver of the global financial Markets in

the US this Liquidity injection is measured through fed net Liquidity which has three main components the Federal Reserves Balance Sheet the the reverse repo market and the Treasury general account currently the FED is still

tightening which means it’s essentially holding on to its funds once it starts spending money floods into the system which reduces the purchasing power of the fiat currency this constant debasement of the currency is why analysts like pal insist that investing in financial

Assets particularly the Cryptocurrency industry which has been known to massively outperform the rest of the market is the only way to preserve and grow your wealth over time

let’s get back to Pal’s interview right what they’re actually doing is devaluing the purchasing power of money by 8% a year which is the increase in global Liquidity but most people don’t understand it what happens is you have a Savings

account you think you’re doing all the right things and suddenly you still can’t buy a house and you still don’t buy much you know you can’t buy as much many Shares of Tesla as you you wanted to and you still can’t buy as much gold as you wanted to and

you like why I’m saving money I’m working hard but I can never get up the ladder that’s what the basement’s about yeah so what it’s done is is cause everybody to become a risk taker and this is an important point so really of all the Assets that we U

monitor at exponential Asset Management the only two that beat the 8% debasement plus let’s say 2 or 3% Global Inflation so % is the hurdle the S&P keeps track of it roughly the NASDAQ does 17% a year return since 2011 and

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto does Bitcoin does 140 gold doesn’t meet it almost nothing else meets it so you’re really herded into two Assets only that can actually beat this thing and make

you money so your future self gets wealthier people have been incentivized to do that now you might say but this is crazy because people are taking such risk but there’s another piece of magic that happened is the Federal Reserve and the government understand that this is the case and they

understand that we have a lot of Debt and we understand that the clal of the Debt is the Savings and Investments of the population so they don’t allow it to go down much so if you saw it last time the S&P got down 30% in

2022 and Liquidity came back so they’ve stopped Markets falling 50 60 70% sure different stocks can color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto because it’s not really big part of the collateral system but they don’t allow the collateral to fall so what they’ve done what it means for all of us is they’ve taken the big risk out we’ve talked about the fed put

for years but we didn’t really understand what it meant what it is for is listen if you’ve got a lot of Debt your collateral is what you pledge against the Debt right the whole system is built on this that what blew up in 2008 because the house prices

went down and everyone’s Loans were this high but if you think of the whole system all the banks and all the Asset Management firms and all the leverage and all the private Equity and all of the stuff they don’t want the

Equity to go down because that’s the collateral they can they allowed the bond market to go down because in the end it gets repaid so it’s a mark to Market loss but in equities when you’ve got this massive retirement system you just don’t want that so this

fed put is is part of the everything code where they’ve just stopped that event so they debase currency to erode the Debt make the interest payments because if not they’d never be able to pay the interest because you’d eat up all of GDP growth just to pay this

interest because it’s 100% of GDP and they stop the big bad event so what that gives you is the greatest macro risk-taking opportunity of all time doesn’t mean the business Cycle’s gone but overall you’ve got the best risk-taking cycle in history pal believes we have been

given the greatest macro risk-taking opportunity of all time as central banks will keep printing to debase the currency prop up the Markets and stop a widespread collapse that will lead to

the loss of tens if not hundreds of trillions of dollars this is why the renowned macro analyst is certain that talks of the US economy going into recession will never be allowed to materialize because the FED has the tool to keep postponing any form of severe economic decline for as long as

possible though pal agrees that money Printing and currency debasement cannot go on forever without a more permanent solution he adds that a solution could come as early as 2030 the year he expects the AI Renaissance to begin when this Renaissance begins pal says the global economy and

href="https://cashnews.co/markets" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets will change forever and investing using today’s models will become impossible the real Vision CEO says we have a six-year window to invest in

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto C currencies and tech stocks to make as much money as possible before the world changes forever in 2030 do you agree with Raul Pal’s assertion and Analysis of the global economy and the coming Central Bank

Liquidity pump please share your thoughts and comments in the comments section below also ensure you like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this thanks for watching our CashNews.cos and see you in the next one

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on “MARK MY WORDS! Central Banks Will Send BTC & Crypto Straight to the Moon” – Raoul Pal.
With over 17910 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

20 thoughts on ““MARK MY WORDS! Central Banks Will Send BTC & Crypto Straight to the Moon” – Raoul Pal #Finance

  1. The currency is losing it's purchasing power, (because they are counterfeitting the money at a new alarming rate) and we are all becoming poorer… Raol Pal said the same, but with fancy word salads.

  2. Thank you for the insights! Got a 10% profit in just one week from your last tip, OMG!!! Im looking into AWS66T, ETH, and SOL. What’s your advice? AWS66T seems to have potential, but your opinion matters.

  3. Thank you for the insights! Got a 10% profit in just one week from your last tip, OMG!!! Im looking into AWS66T, ETH, and SOL. What’s your advice? AWS66T seems to have potential, but your opinion matters.

  4. As central banks continue to pile up precious metals, silver is positioned to outperform gold due to its affordability, making it a practical alternative for everyday investors, while its rising industrial demand and greater potential for price growth give it the edge in a market where both metals are being heavily accumulated but silver remains undervalued.

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