March 14, 2025
Master the Six Basic Rules of Investing – Robert Kiyosaki

Master the Six Basic Rules of Investing – Robert Kiyosaki #Finance

I always borrow to invest one of my favorite books that just came out with us called fake fake money fake teachers fake Assets I use Debt to invest but to be able to do that to go to here to get rich to do that you’ve really got to have a lot of

financial education I don’t recommend it but it’s the best way to get rich President Trump you know my friend we wrote two books together and now some of you guys hate him a lot of people hate the guy but he’s very smart he’s a Capitalist Obama socialist

communist LRA crook so anyway be very careful right now because I use Debt Trump uses Debt the more Debt we use the less tax we pay that is why I love Real Estate I can use Debt and pay no Taxes

make a lot of money so that’s really what I teach I don’t recommend it but for those of you who understand what’s called an infinite return it’s the best way to get rich but you have to have a lot of financial education so the reason the rich don’t pay

Taxes is because there’s three types of Income and they’ll never teach you this in school the fake teacher will never then number one type of the three types of Income okay number one type of Income is earned

Income that’s earned Income it’s when you work for money it’s earned so that earned Income shows up here so these are the guys that pay tax so when all the guys are screaming taxed are rich well you can’t tax them because

they don’t have jobs it’s kind of funny is it you’ve got a tax too rich oh yeah good luck and the second type of Income is Portfolio Income and Portfolio Income is from flipping houses or you buy

a stock for like $10 you sell it for $20 that’s Portfolio Income okay I don’t do that Trump doesn’t do that so most guys are all flipping houses and all that buying stocks and flipping them foot – you’re getting this type of

Income so this this Income is about 20% today some about here but the Income that the rich work for is called passive Income passive Income is also known as Cash Flow that’s the Neymar game

Cash Flow and that Income is Income that’s flowing from here to here it bypasses Taxes so I know it doesn’t sound fair and it isn’t fair I don’t disagree with you but what’s not fair is our schools

which are part of the problem will never explain to our school system is so fake is more fake than those fake plastic plans and these teachers bless our hearts they don’t know any of this and I really want to talk to you about the most important subject for all of us today rich young poor old

it’s called financial education and as you know our school systems teach us nothing about money nothing it’s pathetic you know they have financial literacy courses today well that’s not financial education you know it’s really pathetic and what’s happening for most

people today is you know they follow that age-old mantra go to school what do you learn about money in school nothing get a job well jobs are disappearing not only that is that with artificial intelligence and ji5 coming more jobs are gonna be wiped out plus with driverless cars more jobs again

wiped out so why would you go to school to get a job and then work hard for money but pay and pay Taxes Taxes are going to keep going up sports fans they have to somebody’s gonna pay off this massive mountain of Debt stacking up all over the

world and only where they pay off Debt is via Taxes and then they tell you to get out of Debt Oh God Debt is money please understand me in 1971 when Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard money became Debt so

the rich know how to use Debt to get rich and that’s what I do my friend Donald Trump I know so you hate the guy more power to you you know but we use Debt as money and other guys will tell you get out of Debt well you choose the rich use

Debt to get rich and the poor and middle class get wiped out because they’re in Debt that’s because the lack of financial education and that tell you invest for long term the well-diversified Portfolio stocks Bonds

mutual funds and ETFs the key word in there is invest for the long-term why would you invest for the long-term when they’re printing trillions of dollars and zerp zero interest rate policy

they’re paying you nothing for your money and you’re gonna hold for the long term and you got HFT high-frequency trading you know that they can they can trade a thousand pieces of stock in a second and you don’t have a prayer your your you’re trading against a machine a

robot so all this financial advice people are giving out there is a recipe for disaster again this is my message to anybody including Millennials is where is your head and I know most most Millennials they won the high paying job they want to be able to pay the rent and eat and all this stuff and

then you dream of the big house a nice car and all that but that’s why 99% of Americans are broke because her heads are on the wrong spot so when I asked Kim it would take an Accounting course it was just two days you know I wanted to see if showerhead could get into the

asset column that was a difference wasn’t it yeah actually it didn’t happen right at that moment but it’s love with me but this started this started the journey on investing the start of the the journey on Assets but I do remember the moment down the road where

just like everybody else I was focused on the Income column get a job get the pay raises if in an hourly rate wage work more hours or raise your hourly wage so I was always focused here and then finally after we’d actually bought some investment properties the light finally

went on and I’m like instead of focusing on acquiring Income what if we focus on just acquiring Assets that the Assets go into the Income process so that was a huge shift in my mindset and once that shift happened for me I

don’t think about the Income column anymore I just think about the asset and that’s and that’s our game called Cash Flow yeah the first way you understand risk is you look in the mirror it’s who’s looking back at you your the risk not

the investment for example I invest in a lot of Real Estate and said Oh Real Estate is so risky it’s nothing called by ETF so you play it safe but but you’ll learn more by investing in Real Estate right because you’ll make more

mistakes yeah so that’s the difference that so it’s not Real Estate that’s risky yes you’re risky yeah and and sometimes it’s how you’re on it cuz I think about it like so blindly turning your money away to someone you barely know isn’t

risky or let’s say I don’t know maybe just depending on this job where your employer can fire you any day isn’t risky either you know it just it makes you think a little what truly is risky for you yeah how do you define it and you look at all the pensions of the school teachers

firefighters all the guys with 401ks they’re all bankrupt because Wall Street stole their money from them you know and the Federal Reserve Bank they’re run by phd’s like my port head and PhD stands for poor helpless and desperate the Fed has not been right in years thereby

worships the Federal Reserve Bank the other day somebody says what I think about artificial intelligence I said oh are you talking about the Federal Reserve Bank no they’re they’re a criminal operation there that guy stealing from our pension systems there’s it’s horrible

what’s going on because we have all these PhDs poor helpless and desperate people who are risk averse but let me tell you what risk is so so when you go to your banker your banker does not ask you for your report card so here’s the Cash Flow game and this is called a

financial statement what makes the Cash Flow game different from monopoly which might help my rich dad taught me feel monopoly is my Rich Dad also taught me about Financial Statements so a Cash Flow is the only game with a financial statement so

really simply when you look at a financial statement there’s Income expense Assets Liabilities there’s one more thing in the Cash Flow game on the financial statement you’ll see it’s the most important

statement of all it’s called the statement of Cash Flows off to the side here so if you’re going to be an entrepreneur or a Capitalist you have to have one of these kind of a rich you have to have one of these but 99% of all high school students live in

school and college have no idea what this is you have FICO scores you know but you don’t know what this is no so when a banker ask you for your financial statement they want to see how smart you are here so let me tell you why school makes students poor so really simply that’s this

let’s say I have a master’s in hearts I don’t master of arts degree right yeah or a Bachelor of Arts degree yeah do I learn anything about Income what about Greek mythology oh there you go hello everybody about Income and we wonder why kids are

leaving a school or a young generation looking for that high paying job but let me ask you this if you have a adi degree in technology do you learn anything about Assets never so you could be a techie and you know nothing about it you could be a techie and know nothing about this

you see when a banker looks at your financial statement they’re looking at the mirror of you this is a reflection of you and if you got Jack here and Jack here then you’re not that smart financially so the reason the Cash Flow game is such an important game it teaches

you what is important to your banker or from a Capitalist or for an entrepreneur is it entrepreneurs gotta know how to increase their Income and an entrepreneurs gotta know how to create Assets if you don’t know those two things you should

not be an entrepreneur you should be an employee which is why so many young people coming out of school have massive student Loan Debt over here right but they don’t know anything about this and bought this here that’s risky and we always have to find

outside outside resources to like find this information learn this information you know taking courses here at Rich Dad learning through your seminars and so it’s really astonishing how something that’s supposed to prepare you for the future leaves you with just the most important

documents that we’re told that we need to have our resume and your report cards your transcripts button really wanna be an employee exactly but for Entrepreneurship which is what a lot of people come to us for this is where you can learn it here because in the school system you won’t

you see if you’re gonna increase your Income right over here you need a real teacher if you’re going to acquire Assets you need real teachers what is high risk is asking people who are fake teachers like my calculus teacher and my

Accounting account you’ll love a comment you know anything about this no nothing did your can teach you nothing about this no that’s rescue so that’s why I wrote the book fake fake money think teachers make Assets and what Wall Street is telling

you to do was just give your money to them that’s risky so the reason I say only lazy people use their own money is because it takes much more intelligence to raise Capital and so I’ve never been able ever since my rich death is a little boy my Rich Dad forbade me from

ever saying I can’t afford it he says figure out how you can’t afford it how can you do something figure out how you can do something so over my lifetime most of the projects I have started I’ve never had any man I like not having money because it forces me to think I get creative

I have to educate myself have to talk to rich guys how did you do this how did you do that how you do that and what has happened to me I mean I just turned 72 I’ve never needed money because if I need money I figure out how to raise you

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on Master the Six Basic Rules of Investing – Robert Kiyosaki.
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44 thoughts on “Master the Six Basic Rules of Investing – Robert Kiyosaki #Finance

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  2. I’ve been diligently working, saving and contributing towards early retirement and financial freedom, but since covid outbreak, the economy so far has caused my portfolio to underperform, do I keep contributing to my 401k or look at alternative sectors to meet my goals?

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  4. Buy a good cross section of an economy and you should do well over the long term. The market wil be high in 10 to 20 years, and significantly higher in 30. It's almost impossible for a company with no debt to go bankrupt. the U.S. is about 50% of the global market place, Pay yourself first. It's time in the market, not timing the market. last year I invested 100 grand with The Block-token Protocol and made 370k, but guess what? I put it back and traded with her again and now I’m rounding up close to a million.

  5. The stock market is still one of the most potential places to invest your money, if you can manage the risk then you can take advantage of the stock market to secure your financial position and earn money.

  6. Nobody can become financially successful overnight. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals. you have to contend with inflation, recession, decisions from the Feds and all. I was able to increase my portfolio by $289k in months. You have to seek for help in the right places.

  7. From my observation and historical market pattern, there might be a bit of turbulence in the market coming up, but here's the deal: Trying to guess what's going to happen next is less important than spreading your bets when trading and thinking long term. It's not about guessing the market's next move; it's about playing it smart and steady…managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 732k in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to The Block-token protocol for providing an incredible platform to help people like me enjoy the benefits of compounded investing.

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  9. TA is all well and good but I find it truly baffling that all major stock youtubers just look at pure TA and completely Ignore the bigger narrative of why stock Is pumping and why the future outlook might not be as rosy as it seems. Alot has changed in the market and there are so many other factors at play, but the truth is that I don't even care much about the bull or bear market anymore because the Block-token Protocol has me covered while I focus on my 9-5. Almost 2ETH per month

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  11. Bitcoin is on its way to down, getting closer to hitting new high prices, showing that it's loosing more value and could go even higher than we've seen before. This could mean great things for people looking to invest, suggesting now might be a good time to get involved before it jumps even higher. It's an exciting moment that could change the game in general…managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.1Blitcoin to a decent 11.4Biitcoin. At the heart of this evolution is mrs Beley Haener, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. Her holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make her an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment

  12. I’ve always been so cautious about investing into stocks, crypto or real estate. My biggest weakness is doubt, I’m so doubtful it’s becoming sickening, I had the opportunity to invest $450k into crypto in 2014, I was so scared that I could lose it all, because I took financial advice from the wrong people. considering the current bitcoin price today
    I could have had about $11,550,000 sitting in my portfolio.

  13. I am from and island of the south Pacific Papua New Guinea and currently in debt of $15,978.99 as @ today. My question is what should I invest in to be able to pay my debts before the end of this year. Or if theirs any advise from you Mr. Kiosaki

  14. 👍Great video, I'm from Australia and I must say that you inspire me because I started investing in cryptocurrencies and trading like a scared investor who doesn't want to lose money. I'm happy to say that I'm now very profitable and I'm buying my first house through cryptocurrencies. I'm really grateful for all the knowledge and information you've given me over the past few months. I started with $10K in January 2024. Today my portfolio is $458K.

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  16. The idea of investing a significant sum of money may be both thrilling and intimidating. There is potential for considerable wealth increase with the correct strategy. How can one take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings to about $1M over time?

  17. thank you for that reassurance, i wondered how risky it is what am doing being a teacher and it's a heart ache even if I like what am doing for the children. the system is a heartache that I don't want to be in they are forcing us to distract the children from ellevating theirself.

  18. you can't get financial education even if you have a master's degree in Business or Economics? i understand there's no financial education in engineering or medical field. What is the specific financial education is he talking about?

  19. A wise saying about investing according to my Friend who is a CFA is to be Patient and Think Long-Term. She said, “The stock market is a device to transfer money from the impatient to the patient.”

  20. Nothing beats the involvement of an expert in any trade or investment, selfishness and greed held many back and they ended up suffering huge losses, and the crypto market- Currencies are no exception.

  21. I lost over $80k when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be a better investor now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recover my money, at least $10k profits weekly. Thanks Charlotte Miller.

  22. I've kept most of my savings in cash for safety, but I'm unsure if it's right for retirement. Considering investing $400K in stocks since investors can profit even in tough times. Unsure about my next move.

  23. We had invested money through a financial advisor for nearly 30 years. The market had its ups and downs, but it did very well for us in the long run. With my pension, social security, and investments we can live comfortably. We are now able to fully enjoy our hobbies, travel, family, and making new acquaintances. Thank you for watching and for your comment.

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