March 7, 2025
Michael Saylor NEW Crazy Prediction – Bitcoin is Going to be Worth $xxx Soon

Michael Saylor NEW Crazy Prediction – Bitcoin is Going to be Worth $xxx Soon #Finance

if I want to send a million dollarss from me to you without a bank Satoshi solved that but inadvertently when Satoshi solved that problem Satoshi figured out not just how to send a million dollars from New York to Tokyo without an in intermediary but how to send a million dollars forward in

time 30 years without an intermediary if you can if you can uh transfer something without an intermediary then you can store something without an intermediary so the killer app of Bitcoin is the store of value in cyber space Bitcoin is reshaping the financial landscape by putting control back into

the hands of individuals as a decentralized and transparent digital currency it promotes security creativity and financial Independence in ways traditional systems can’t match this movement has drawn insights from industry leaders like Michael sailor executive chairman of micro strategy who

recently weighed in on bitcoin’s potential to redefine our economic future Michael sailor spoke with Trish Reagan co-founder of 76 research on bitcoin’s potential as a reliable store of value he also emphasized its well-designed system and gave development projections based on his

Bitcoin 24 model according to Michael sailor Satoshi nakamoto’s answer to the double spend problem allowed for trustworthy transfers without the use of middlemen bitcoin’s major application he noted is as a cyber store of wealth sailor emphasized the need of $450 trillion in global

long-term Capital Investments he pointed out that investors favor established marketplaces yet digital property in cyberspace becomes appealing when traditional possibilities are few Michael sailor said that individuals and organizations without access to the US

market should reconsider Capital storage he stressed The credibility of Bitcoin citing IRS recognition SEC approval and acceptance by publicly traded corporations sailor added that bitcoin’s long designation as a commodity strengthens its position for more expert insights

let’s watch clips from Michael sailor’s interview like subscribe and turn on notifications for updates and exclusive content enjoy the so first of all what Satoshi discovered was how I send something of value between two uh two different individuals without a trusted

intermediary so that’s known as solving the double spend problem but if I want to send a million dollars for me to you without a bank Satoshi solved that but inadvertently when Satoshi solved that problem Satoshi figured out not just how to send a million dollars from New York to Tokyo

without an intermediary but how to send a million dollars forward in time 30 years without an intermediary if you can if you you can uh transfer something without an intermediary then you can store something without an intermediary so the killer app of Bitcoin is the store of value in cyber space

and what’s that worth there’s about $900 trillion dollar worth of wealth in the world and about half of it is used uh for its utility value people buy Assets for their utility they buy houses and buildings and and boats and planes and and pieces of art because they want

to use them look at them but the other half of that wealth is is Assets that are purchased as a long-term Capital investment or as a store of value so $450 trillion do of the world is long-term Capital and so when I wanna if I take you and I drop

you in Africa and I say here take a hundred million dollar buy anything you want anywhere in Africa but you got to keep it for 30 years and uh you know then I say or you could have the same hundred million invested in the US most people would say well that’s a no-brainer I’m going to

keep the money in the US there’s nothing I want in Africa that’s as valuable as property in the US um but what if you can’t have property in the US then what if your choic is I can have a 100 million worth of bitcoin in cyberspace like I can have 100 million worth of digital

property or I can have a 100 million worth of land in any country in Africa or any building or any company or any bond or any currency in Africa and the answer when you think about it is there’s nothing you want in Africa that that’s better than having digital property and cyber space

and there’s certainly no place where you’re going to trust your money or your Assets for 30 years much less a 100 years much less a thousand years so when you start to ask the question where do the eight billion people on the planet and where do the 300 million

corporations on the planet where are they going to store their Capital if they don’t have recourse to the United States and you know property on the Upper East Side the conclusion you come to is I’m going to put my money in cyberspace and so bitcoin’s real use is

its digital property in cyberspace it is cyber Manhattan it is uh a place where you can store your Capital and give it to your great-grandchildren and you know that you’re not going to be taking risk against a bank as a counterparty or another company or country or currency

or culture so after 16 years it has been copied 10,000 times they all failed it’s the winner right it’s the network that all the smart rich people in the world chose it’s the bank and cyers space if you show up in a city and there’s 10,000 Banks and you have a bunch of money

and the question is which bank should you put your money in you go find every smart rich person that you know in the city and you say hey where do you put your money and if they all put their money in One Bank you’re probably not going to put your money in a bank that’s a million times

smaller than them that only has poor stupid people you know so so it was copied it’s the winner it’s it is the bank that’s of choice of the of the smart money in the world and uh will it be banned you couldn’t know that for 15 years but the IRS legitimized it his property in

2014 uh the SEC approved a host of Bitcoin ETFs in January of 2024 today it’s held by nearly a 100 publicly traded companies every major uh regulator has has uh certified it as a commodity

not a security that was a judgment by the the former head of the SEC under Trump and that’s the Judgment of the current head of the SEC Gary gendler so you know it’s not getting banned according to Michael sailor Bitcoin symbolizes unquestionably sound money made possible by advances in

Cryptography the internet and hashing algorithms previous initiatives such as hash cash and bit gold were unsuccessful but Bitcoin learned from these mistakes sailor focused on bitcoin’s

decentralized network absolute scarcity and optimal frequency initially its value was unknown in May 2010 it traded for $700 million in Bitcoin for two pizzas Michael sailor’s Bitcoin 24 model which is available on GitHub estimates macroeconomic developments over 21 years he predicts huge

Bitcoin growth based on a 7% annual expansion of the US dollar supply and Aid driven Innovation sailor predicts Bitcoin will outperform the S&P index rising from $65,000 to $13 million per coin and Accounting for 7% of global Assets his methodology enables

users to make assumptions and draw conclusions let’s go back to Michael sailor’s speech and watch more Clips to gain insights from him and so Bitcoin represents the engineering of perfect perfectly sound money and it it was only possible once those three Technologies Advanced and there

was a group of Cipher punks that were playing with Cryptography playing with the internet and they saw the development of uh of uh hashing algorithms like Shaw 256 and the ability to build

that into an application specific semiconductor and when and they probably tried this 40 times there were products like hash cash and digital gold and and uh bit gold and things like that and the first 30 or 40 of them failed and then after about 40 some Bitcoin came along and Bitcoin learned from

the failures of the 40 before it and it was the first truly decentralized uh Crypto monetary Network and it it it was lucky because it just had the right monetary policy which is absolute

scarcity 21 million and it had the right frequency a block every 10 minutes the right bandwidth the right protocols and you know when it was launched in January 3rd 2009 did we know it was perfect no nobody knew it was perfect in fact it tra it didn’t trade for a year and a half almost and

the first time it was used for transactions was pizza day around May of 2010 where somebody bought two pizzas with 10,000 Bitcoin so so at that point you know 10,000 Bitcoin 700 million dollars worth of bitcoin was traded for two pieces yeah and then people thought well maybe it’s something

but it’s still kind of a hobby and it took another uh you know another decade before it wasn’t a hobby well Crypto Network comes to life we created a model which we uploaded to

GitHub it’s in the open source Community it’s called Bitcoin 24 you can just Google it and go grab it it’s a Excel spreadsheet and it has macroeconomic models for the next 21 years a Bitcoin forecast for 21 years and then micro models for corporations and individuals and

institutions and even nation states and once you download that model you can plug in your own assumptions about what you think’s going to happen and you can come to your own conclusions but my assumptions are uh the US dollar supply is going to continue to expand about 7% a year and that is

the historic rate of expansion of dollars for the past hundred years that’s how I arrive at that that’s just how fast the money supply is expanding if you if you look at M2 and I think that there’ll be Innovation from AI so some things like equities will probably grow a little bit

faster because because AI is going to have a boost to equities I think over time gradually um technolog is going to demonetize gold and some of the other stores of value Assets that were used in the 20th and the 19th century but the 21st century we’re going to digitally

transform property and transform gold into digital property digital gold okay and uh when you when you look at uh uh bitcoin’s uh growth over the past 15 years you know it’s it’s been growing more than 100% a year for the first decade or so and for the last four years it’s

been appreciating about 50% a year in ARR I think um it’s 50% a year in ARR and it’s 50 50 Vol which is like three and a half three times the volatility of the S&P and three times the performance of the S&P index okay over the next 21 years I think it will grow it will grow

faster than the S&P and it’s going to to grow to the point where it’s about 7% of the world’s Assets right now it’s about 0.1% of the world’s Assets and I think that it will gradually approach but it will never be as big as the

S&P index or equities it won’t never be as big as Real Estate but in that world where it decelerates from 50% down to 20 perish uh it will appreciate from 65 or 70,000 up to 13 million a coin in my base case meanwhile bitcoin’s price Rose Amid geopolitical and

economic uncertainties particularly in light of the forthcoming us election between October 27th and 28th Bitcoin gained 3.2% briefly testing $71,500 Bulls feel that current conditions support a long-term rise fueled by sociopolitical and economic events the 5.5% drop in oil prices following

Israel’s attacks on Iran did not affect energy output has moved Traders attention as long as Regional uncertainty exists those seeking protection may consider alternative Investments the ongoing Shadow war between Israel and Iran as reported by CNBC adds to Market tension

Inflation concerns remain perhaps driving traditional investors to non-traditional Assets higher prices first boost business earnings but eventually Force consumers to cut spending the next us INF Inflation data coming October 31st and the Federal

Open Market Committee meeting on November 7th will considerably influence policy decisions analysts predict a 0.3% increase in the core personal consumption expenditure index in September the federal reserve’s decision to suspend higher Interest Rates raises concerns as

taking a cautious approach could affect Market sentiment investors are wary ahead of the US presidential election preferring cash and short-term government Bonds historically surveys have been wrong putting #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets on edge regardless of who wins less uncertainty following the election May benefit risk on Assets such as Bitcoin higher than expected Inflation demonstrates bitcoin’s consistent and predictable monetary policy a

comma Harris Victory could signal clearer Crypto regulation albeit the immediate impact on digital Assets is questionable due to these variables early 2025 appears to be a

promising time for Bitcoin price increase however Traders May postpone major bullish trades due to potential risks as we conclude what potential challenges do you think Michael sailor’s optimistic Bitcoin predictions might Overlook and how could these impact the

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency’s long-term adoption and stability please drop your thoughts in the comments below share this and hit your thumbs on the like button thanks for watching

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Now that you’re fully informed, watch this amazing video on Michael Saylor NEW Crazy Prediction – Bitcoin is Going to be Worth $xxx Soon.
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22 thoughts on “Michael Saylor NEW Crazy Prediction – Bitcoin is Going to be Worth $xxx Soon #Finance

  1. Saylor hasn't done his homework on Dogecoin yet, when he does he'll like Dogecoin also. Why is Dogecoin stored on a low GigaByte footprint if ppl think it's too inflationary. Digital = GigaBytes.

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  3. Thank you for the insights! Got a 10% profit in just one week from your last tip, OMG!!! Im looking into XAI75B, ETH, and SOL. What’s your advice? XAI75B seems to have potential, but your opinion matters.

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